View Full Version : Blind Success!

10-20-2009, 09:13 PM
Well, after a weekend of driving rain and wind finally some success. Hunted on my friends ranch all weekend and although there were deer around they were holded up in cover with all the rain. When the rain would stop for a few minutes there was lots of movement but this time of year the deer are really spooky and start moving whenever you get within 500 yds. After getting nothing but soaked for two days in a row I decided we would try the pop up blind that I had bought two years ago but had never used. We headed out to one of the fields that always holds a good amount of deer in the evening at about 2 pm and set up the blind and climbed in. Nothing showed for about the first hour but then the does and fawns started to filter in. They would notice the blind but after an cursory look just went on feeding. Then at about an hour later bucks started moving and I had a four point walk through my crosshairs at about 50 yds. that didn't even notice the blind. Because there were two of us we let him walk out into the field and held off hoping that a second shooter buck would come in. About 45 min later a nice three point came and we were starting to run out of time. We had hoped that they would stay in the center of the field which would have put them in between 100 and 150 yds but as luck would have it they moved to the far side and left us with nothing but 300 yd shots. It was either that or let them walk and since we were losing light fast and it was my last hunt for that trip/ maybe the season we went for the shot. I let the .270 loose and dropped one and my partner dropped the other. By the time we got them out of the field it was pitch black. Talk about cutting it fine. I cant say enough about the blind. It worked fantastic. Even though we couldn't set it up right where we wanted and it was the wrong camo pattern for the area it worked flawlessly. We actually had a doe come sniffing right out in front of us at about 20 ft. She didn't know what it was and was a little wary but didn't spook or run. The blind has a carbon scent blocker liner and it seemed to work. At 20 feet she should have smelled us but didn't. I know that I'm a convinced. I can't wait till next time.

10-20-2009, 09:23 PM
I have wondered about those blinds. I know a blind made of sticks and branches works well but with the addition of carbon scent blocker that sounds like a cool set up. What brand is it?

Always nice to get double headers, congrats!

10-20-2009, 09:36 PM
Pictures please

10-20-2009, 09:37 PM
Nice,love the .270.

10-20-2009, 10:14 PM
sounds like a great hunt, lets see some pics.

10-20-2009, 11:47 PM
Congrats on your success!! Great use of a blind overlooking the feed area! I'll bet you use it more often here on out.

Stone Sheep Steve
10-21-2009, 03:48 AM
Congrats on your success!! Great use of a blind overlooking the feed area! I'll bet you use it more often here on out.

Blind success for mulies!! Novel idea!!:biggrin:

Hoping to get a pop-up one day soon! Would be good to put the kids in.


5 spike
10-21-2009, 06:41 AM
i was just looking at one of those blinds last night. i think it would work very well in an area i hunt. congrats on the bucks have any pics.

10-21-2009, 06:42 AM
Congrats on a successful hunt ,blinds do work great.

10-21-2009, 07:31 AM
Congrats Wolverine,The neighbours to the south use them all the time. I bought one 2 mths ago and have never tried to set it up yet. Hopefully I'll get to use it soon for Blacktails. This one has scent blocker as well.

10-21-2009, 07:35 AM

Hoping to get a pop-up one day soon!

Try one of these


10-21-2009, 09:25 AM
"Blind Success For Mulies".......Where have I heard that before. lol. That was a good story btw.

10-21-2009, 11:08 AM
thanx wolverine. you just pushed me over the fence. wasn' sure if I should spend the money or not. but now I'm on my way to get one.

roberto mervici
10-21-2009, 11:59 AM
Congratulations wolverine, we also use the blinds in conjunction to the smell candels (urine of dominant buck or doe ) in safe lanterns near passages and trail into deep wood, I like to mention that last fall toward the end of the day my son Eric had a buck just few feet away on the back of his blind. Eric did not move from his chair since he did not want spooke the deer, he could only hear his presence since the buck grunt couple of time also he could hear him stumping the ground...but it was on the side with no window .... this wait and see went on for about 20 minute, it was getting dark and since no more noise for a while, Eric figure his gone, he unzip the door and as his head came out (the deer was still there....!) it tooke of like a bullet... Eric grunt the deer stop at about 50 yrd and look back... bang ...the .243 did her job frozen on the spot! a 4 point

10-21-2009, 01:23 PM
Hmm, have been looking at one on sale at Can tire right now. I better go get it... Been kicking it around for a long time, but I keep finding some other dodad that I need...

10-21-2009, 01:45 PM
I have used ground blinds for many years; I usually make them with sticks and pine branches. Congrats.

10-21-2009, 03:21 PM
Thanks guys. I'll try and post a couple of pics. They might be a little bloody though. It's an Eastman blind and I got it in Can Tire about two years ago but have never used it. Yeah, I'll be using it a lot more now. Now, I gotta figure out how to post the pics.
