View Full Version : Alberta anglers

09-23-2009, 01:31 PM
Just read a thread about some guy from Alberta that trailered his boat to the Charlottes,whacked 180lbs of salmon.shipped them home and then proceeded to kill another limit for a total of 400lbs of fish for 2 guys.Most of the guys responding to his thread thought that was just fine and the lone responder who said they were over their possesion limit was booed.Don't any of these guys read the regs? Gunner :mad:

09-23-2009, 01:39 PM
can you post the link?

09-23-2009, 02:32 PM
Don't know how,I'm a hunter not a computer whiz!:-P.Apparently they figured that once they shipped the fish out it was no longer part of their possesion limit,so they could have at er' again.Most people seemed to think that was OK,if you gave the fish away you could keep right on fishing.(It's an Alberta forum,one guy said I was quite welcome to do the same with 3lb walleyes if I wanted to!)I was asked to apoligise for raining on the successful anglers parade,but after double checking with DFO,I refused! Gunner

09-23-2009, 02:47 PM
good on ya for refusing. You dont need to apoligize.I have seen alot of that sort of thing go on when i was a guide in ukee. But for the most part people new they were wrong but thet did it any way. A guy was busted with a subfloor in his motor home once, full of canned salmon.He would catchem while wifie canned em.
Any way just go to the web adress when you are on the thread highlite it right click your mouse select copy then go on here and right click then paste. its handy

09-23-2009, 02:57 PM
Good on ya for standing your ground. Hurtin' Albertins' want it all. The 180 lbs. he took not good enough..:eek:...sheesh. That being said, aside from Halibut I love Wallaye...maybe take them up on their offer....:p

09-23-2009, 03:01 PM
Once the fish is back at your residence, aren't you allowed to get another possession limit? If he shipped the fish back to his home residence, once it arrives there, isn't he free to keep another possesson limit? Not the most ethical behaivour, either way.

09-23-2009, 03:08 PM
im pretty sure posession is your home freezer included

09-23-2009, 03:08 PM
Is it illegal?

09-23-2009, 03:15 PM
Those Albertans should learn how to read their own regs. From page 18 of the Alberta regs

"4. The number of fish of each species you may possess at the end of a
fishing trip, regardless of the number of days fished, is equal to a 1 day
limit for the water body fished, including fish stored at home."

Mr. Dean
09-23-2009, 03:38 PM
Is it illegal?

Saltwater fishing, No,,, as long as annual limits weren't broken (Chinooks, Lings, Red Snapper....)

Once the fish is at you're regular dwelling; ie, HOME, you're good to go and fish again. Stock-piling fish in camp or a buddy's home, is a no-no.

IMO this equalizes access to fellow inlander's that don't have the luxury of living on the beach... The fishery is a Federal Resource, not Provincial and I have high respect for the guy that takes on the challenge himself of self sustaining, instead of using Save-On and the promoting commercial interests.

MO, but it IS legit.

09-23-2009, 03:53 PM
Saltwater fishing, No,,, as long as annual limits weren't broken (Chinooks, Lings, Red Snapper....)

Once the fish is at you're regular dwelling; ie, HOME, you're good to go and fish again. Stock-piling fish in camp or a buddy's home, is a no-no.

IMO this equalizes access to fellow inlander's that don't have the luxury of living on the beach... The fishery is a Federal Resource, not Provincial and I have high respect for the guy that takes on the challenge himself of self sustaining, instead of using Save-On and the promoting commercial interests.

MO, but it IS legit.

So if you had a 'fish transporter' to haul fish to your home, you would have to ensure that the fish were in your residence prior to keeping any more.

My quote from the Alberta regs applies to their freshwater limits. You have to consume your fish before you can catch and keep any more.

09-23-2009, 04:05 PM
Saltwater fishing, No,,, as long as annual limits weren't broken (Chinooks, Lings, Red Snapper....)

Once the fish is at you're regular dwelling; ie, HOME, you're good to go and fish again. Stock-piling fish in camp or a buddy's home, is a no-no.

IMO this equalizes access to fellow inlander's that don't have the luxury of living on the beach... The fishery is a Federal Resource, not Provincial and I have high respect for the guy that takes on the challenge himself of self sustaining, instead of using Save-On and the promoting commercial interests.

MO, but it IS legit.Actually according to DFO it is not legit.Your possesion limit must be consumed for you can kill more fish,regardless of where you live in Canada.If you set up your stove on the beach and eat your catch right there you can go get more,but what is in your freezer counts against your possesion limit just like grouse or deer.If you have 4 dead springs in your freezer you better not be bringing home any more,until you consume some of them.I have no respect for people that overlimit.I did check this with DFO, they were most interested in more info. Gunner

09-23-2009, 04:54 PM
Actually according to DFO it is not legit.Your possesion limit must be consumed for you can kill more fish,regardless of where you live in Canada.If you set up your stove on the beach and eat your catch right there you can go get more,but what is in your freezer counts against your possesion limit just like grouse or deer.If you have 4 dead springs in your freezer you better not be bringing home any more,until you consume some of them.I have no respect for people that overlimit.I did check this with DFO, they were most interested in more info. Gunner

Is this written in the regs? I can't seem to find it. I'm heading for Bella Coola this weekend to do some fishing so the odds are I'll run into DFO. If I do, I'll ask the question and see if I can find out where this is spelled out.

09-23-2009, 05:58 PM
I called a buddy with DFO,and then called the Salmon Arm DFO to confirm.If my wife and I take my boat to the West Coast and are both licenced,we can bring back 4 springs each+4 coho(or pinks etc.),+ halibut and lings up to our possesion limits.We cannot legally race back and do it again next week,and throw those fish in the freezer as well,we would have EXCEEDED our possesion limits.Makes sense doesn't it,or why bother having a possesion limit.Usually for fish or fowl 2 daily limits make a possesion limit(there are exceptions!) Gunner

09-23-2009, 06:27 PM
its like a regular native in one hour of netting :)

09-23-2009, 06:29 PM
should've seen the american canners running 24/7 on the beach at renfrew in the early 80's.

Mr. Dean
09-24-2009, 09:54 AM
This from the current Federal SW Fishing Reg's. Page 9.

Fish caught by an angler that is being prepared, cooked, or consumed away from the angler’s ordinary residence is considered as part of the fisher’s possession limit.

This statement shows that only the fish that aren't home, count as possesion and is why on some stocks, there's an annual harvest limit and region specific closures and/or limits.

olharley guy
09-26-2009, 03:41 PM
Just read a thread about some guy from Alberta that trailered his boat to the Charlottes,whacked 180lbs of salmon.shipped them home and then proceeded to kill another limit for a total of 400lbs of fish for 2 guys.Most of the guys responding to his thread thought that was just fine and the lone responder who said they were over their possesion limit was booed.Don't any of these guys read the regs? Gunner :mad:

Howdy, this happens every year for the month of September + on the Stamp River!:?: And nothing is being done about it! Later

09-26-2009, 04:30 PM
The Province of B.C. should unilaterally declare the entire coast and ALL of it's resources to be PROVINCIAL and tell the "Feds" to go pound sand. I was in the Coast Guard at the time of the Elk slaughter on V.I. and have NO respect for those who did that to animals transplanted there by volunteer labour or the federal bureaucraps and politicos who allowed it.

This hawg-style grabbing of resources by Albertans and, far worse, damm Yankees, reminds me of Kootenay Lake in the '60s, when Yankees came in campers, bringing ALL their food and gas with them and caught hundreds of Kokanee and canned them right there. This was finally stopped because some of us got REAL irate and a few Yankees had "bitter" experiences with some Kootenay boys.........

The BC record on conservation aint' too great, but, the imbeciles, crooks and dorkamundos in Oddawa are FAR worse! Keep B.C. for we who live here and let the Albertans "fish in the dark".......

Mr. Dean
09-28-2009, 09:52 AM
The Province of B.C. should unilaterally declare the entire coast and ALL of it's resources to be PROVINCIAL and tell the "Feds" to go pound sand.

Trust me........ Coastal Stocks have much more to fear than the guy trying to self-sustain his family in, Alberta or anywhere else in this Nation. Canadians possess the right to access coastal fisheries; I just hope the day comes that Ottawa realizes that their management skills are choking us of this right.

IMO and from a statistical POV, excluding fellow anglers won't do SQUAT in saving our future - It just 'feels' good. :wink:

10-06-2009, 02:33 PM
a lot of bc people go to alberta for emplyment!.and lots of albertans come to bc to catch fish!. GET OVER IT. THEY DID NOTHING ILEGAL.perhaps a little bit greedy. but were all guilty of that at times!

10-06-2009, 02:34 PM
too many wingers on this site!

10-07-2009, 10:55 AM
Mr Dean is correct, according to the DFO officer I talked to in Bella Coola last week. Your possesion limit must be taken to your home, as indicated on your driver's license. After that, you are allowed to go fishing again and retain more fish. The number of fish in your freezer is irrelevant, as long as you do not exceed any yearly limits.

10-07-2009, 10:56 AM
a lot of bc people go to alberta for emplyment!.and lots of albertans come to bc to catch fish!. GET OVER IT. THEY DID NOTHING ILEGAL.perhaps a little bit greedy. but were all guilty of that at times!

That depends on where the fish were transported to.

10-07-2009, 07:01 PM
Please don't lump all us Albertans together! Mind you at over $20/day (just classified tags) it gets expensive to fish in BC. I've never sent a limit home but what I bring back is expensive.

10-08-2009, 05:35 PM
Please don't lump all us Albertans together! Mind you at over $20/day (just classified tags) it gets expensive to fish in BC. I've never sent a limit home but what I bring back is expensive.

A 1 fish walleye limit out of Lesser Slave Lake is classed as 'gourmet'. A 2000 km round trip makes the fish absolutely delicious. The cheap part of the whole trip is the fishing license, same for us non-res as you Alberta res.

10-09-2009, 10:33 AM
Actually according to DFO it is not legit.Your possesion limit must be consumed for you can kill more fish,regardless of where you live in Canada.If you set up your stove on the beach and eat your catch right there you can go get more,but what is in your freezer counts against your possesion limit just like grouse or deer.If you have 4 dead springs in your freezer you better not be bringing home any more,until you consume some of them.I have no respect for people that overlimit.I did check this with DFO, they were most interested in more info. Gunner

Gunner.....although I don't agree with the practice necessarily to an excessive point; I will admit I am guilty of it. If I have 1 spring still left in the freezer in early fall and take another possession limit giving me 5 springs to consume in my household through the winter I am legally allowed to do so. As a matter of fact according to the DFO.....if I had 26 springs in my freezer I could take 4 more to make my annual limit.

This had come up on a BC Fishing forum.....and below is a note from the horse's mouth.

The daily possession limit applies to a person who is away from their ordinary residence. That person is permitted to retain their allowable possession limit, and then ship their catch to their ordinary residence. Once the catch has arrived at that person's ordinary residence, they may then start their possession limit over again. If the fish is at that person’s ordinary residence it is not part of their possession limit, with the exception of Chinook salmon which has an annual limit.
“Fish caught by an angler that is being prepared, cooked, or consumed away from the angler’s ordinary residence is considered as part of the fisher’s possession limit”(2009-2011 British Columbia Tidal Waters Sport Fishing Guide).

John Currie
Fishery Officer
Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans
PO Box 99, 1590 Old Beach Rd.
Masset, BC, V0T 1M0

<EDIT> - Just noticed that this was addressed in later posts in this thread but figured I'd just leave the word's from the "higher level".:cool:

10-11-2009, 02:45 AM
Gunner.....although I don't agree with the practice necessarily to an excessive point; I will admit I am guilty of it. If I have 1 spring still left in the freezer in early fall and take another possession limit giving me 5 springs to consume in my household through the winter I am legally allowed to do so. As a matter of fact according to the DFO.....if I had 26 springs in my freezer I could take 4 more to make my annual limit.

This had come up on a BC Fishing forum.....and below is a note from the horse's mouth.

The daily possession limit applies to a person who is away from their ordinary residence. That person is permitted to retain their allowable possession limit, and then ship their catch to their ordinary residence. Once the catch has arrived at that person's ordinary residence, they may then start their possession limit over again. If the fish is at that person’s ordinary residence it is not part of their possession limit, with the exception of Chinook salmon which has an annual limit.
“Fish caught by an angler that is being prepared, cooked, or consumed away from the angler’s ordinary residence is considered as part of the fisher’s possession limit”(2009-2011 British Columbia Tidal Waters Sport Fishing Guide).

John Currie
Fishery Officer
Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans
PO Box 99, 1590 Old Beach Rd.
Masset, BC, V0T 1M0

<EDIT> - Just noticed that this was addressed in later posts in this thread but figured I'd just leave the word's from the "higher level".:cool:

Thank you MB boy for this post and to clarify any mis information that may have been posted in this thread.

Some folks eat alot of fish my family included. I have at least 20 salmon in my freezer and some halibut and other bottom fish to boot. I plan on heading out for crab and prawns during the hunting season and winter months to stock up. It will last my family till next years season. I do not take more than my family can eat and I am very careful with this and very calculated on the subject. I listen to conservation measures from
fellow anglers above and beyond DFO's recommendations.

10-11-2009, 10:02 PM
I'm from Alberta ,there's ******s on both sides of the border! So don't bash! I've seen B.C boys taking more than they are suppose too at the river.One of the first times I went Salmon fishing out here before I moved ,went fishing with a buddies buddy he caught a 30LBS spring we took it back to his residence he cleaned it and put it in a big deep freeze I shyte you not that was packed right to the top full of fish ,there were quit a few springs.Fishing belongs to ALL Canadians not one province.Walleye is my all time favorite fish,it sucks that can't catch them out here wouldn't bother with salmon that's for sure.

10-24-2009, 09:26 AM
I'm an Albertan as well, and yeah, that doesn't make us any more guilty than anyone else. There are fish hogs everywhere. I'm lucky enough to be able to spend a lot of time on the salt so I don't fish for limits much anymore, though I confess a weakness for eating halibut and lingcod and like to have enough to keep me thru the winter. As far as walleye go, used to be my fave too, like the 13 pounder I have on the wall, but to me there's nothing like the agressive, up yours attitude of a big lingcod or the sheer muscle power and persistence of a large halibut that'll put YOU to the test. Closest thing we have here to that is a great big cool water pike - same attitude as a lingcod, that look they give you like you owe them money. That and the amazing antics of a 20+ coho on a limber rod and barbless hook have spoiled me - don't even want to fish here anymore! If I'm guilty because of where I'm from, I apologize - but I will still continue to spend 15-20K a year in BC just to fish.