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09-16-2009, 07:31 AM
So Im up at 5 am this morning and out the door at just before 6. The last few days I have been stalking a couple of bulls only to find out last night that they were only 5 pointers:sad:. I decided to switch it up a bit and try to bag a buck, as I have been seeing tons of does in this area I have been hunting. So I start out on the trail, its gonna be about an hour hike into the spot. Its pitch black, can barely see two feet in front of me, I can only see the faint markings of a trail lit up by starlight. About 15 minutes into the hike I get hear some twigs breaking, about 100 feet ahead, I stop and listen for a minute. I tell myself that its a deer but I have this uneasy feeling that wont go away. I continue to hike, I walked about 50 more feet then, BAM, about 20 feet from me( I estimate cause I cant see shit) this super load growling, jaw popping bear comes charging at me. It was at me in about a second and a half. (I was bow hunting solo, with only a can of bear spray.) I barely had time to get the bear spray out and crop dust the area where it was. I could barely see but I did see a big black blob in front of me about 6 feet for a split second before it took off. All I could do was stand there and get my shit together because it happened so quick. Still couldnt see anything and the sun wasnt gonna start rising for about another 20 minutes, so I just stood there with the bear spray in my hand hoping he wasnt gonna come back. I honestly gotta say that the bear spray saved my ass because I just started spraying everything, I think if I had a gun I wouldnt have been able to react on time and if I did I still couldnt see anything well enough to shoot. Dont know if it was a grizz or black, but I am pretty sure from the area it was a black. In general bears dont bother me, but this time was a little different, not being able to see well and the speed it happened definatly woke me up a little better then the 4 cups of coffee I had this morning. Needless to say I think I was touching cloth a bit. Gonna go back later this morning to see if I walked into a kill site. You can bet tonight that I am gonna try to cut my bear tag though. Now time to do some laundry.

09-16-2009, 07:37 AM
wow thats all i can say i would have droped a load off in my pants for sure. nice reaction

09-16-2009, 07:37 AM
Jeez! Glad you made it outta there alright! Pretty exciting story to be able to tell, for a long time too!

09-16-2009, 07:39 AM
wow that was a close call for sure. bet you had to change your shorts after that one!

09-16-2009, 07:44 AM
WOW! glad your ok ferndogger ,thank god for the bearspray.i never pack it .think i might start...now go wash your underwear:smile:

09-16-2009, 07:45 AM
good thing you were packin some spray, I never pack the stuff myself.

09-16-2009, 07:47 AM
Very scary! Good points on the bear spray and good reaction time. I've had to reach for my bear spray in a similar situation and sadly would have been too slow. Fortunately it turned out to be an elk inadvertantly charging in the dark and not a bear.

09-16-2009, 07:48 AM
Yep, no bear spray for me... I would have been breakfast.


The Hermit
09-16-2009, 07:48 AM
I much prefer to walk in moon and starlight too BUT I've come to believe that having a small headlamp is safer for that very reason. Glad you are okay!

09-16-2009, 07:49 AM
Oh man, Im doing the laundry right now, lol. I have had a few close calls with bears over the years, but nothing like this. Its a whole different world when its pitch black and you cant see anything, nerve racking to say the least. I took a detour after the light came up and tried to stay out there and hunt for a bit after this happened but wasnt really feeling it. Theres always tonight. :)

09-16-2009, 07:52 AM
I always carry bearspray with me, mostly because I hunt with a bow, but it has saved my ass on a couple of occasions. You guys should definatly consider buying some if you dont have it already. Its better to have it and not need it then need it and not have it.

BiG Boar
09-16-2009, 08:06 AM
Yikes is all I can say. I was mulie hunting last weekend, same thing walking in, in the dark, heard some heavy breathing about 15 feet away. Put me on edge, luckily, I was carrying a magnum. Didnt have to use it though.

09-16-2009, 08:09 AM
holy chit man....your one lucky guy.

09-16-2009, 08:31 AM
WOW, Glad your okay. I guess we all wonder how we would react.My wife bought me a book, Bear attacks,The Deadly Truth at a garage sale recently an I read it cover to cover. BAD IDEA, now every time a squirrel starts up when Im walking the bush I just about drop a load.

09-16-2009, 08:37 AM
I would have had more than a 'cloth touching' experience. Nice work on the bear spray. Quick on the draw makes the difference.

09-16-2009, 08:42 AM
holy s*!t that was one scary moment for ya. I thing I'll go buy some bear spray. good luck on cuttin yer bear tag.

09-16-2009, 08:42 AM
I had a similar run in once but mine was in the daylight and 50 feet away, sure makes for an uneasy feeling in the belly.

Every time I eat McDonalds I have a "cloth touching" experience.

Stone Sheep Steve
09-16-2009, 10:25 AM
I will hike in the dark but only if there's snow on the ground...otherwise I use my headlamp.

I got charged the other day by a blackie sow with 2 cubs. Situation was "slightly" different that yours....daylight, clearcut and rifle season and not near as close:rolleyes:. Had to give her a warning shot. Did not want to shoot her so I considered spraying her if she got too close...but, luckily she thought I was trouble.

I always pack spray when bowhunting.....and sometimes while solo rifle hunting.

Glad you're okay. Definitely a drawer-filling experience.:shock:


09-16-2009, 11:27 AM
What an experience! You did well for reacting so quickly.

I was walking in the dark up in the Columbia Lake area quite a few years ago. Luckily there was just lots of snorting and growling. I didn't matter that I had a rifle with me becuase I couldn't see anything. It sure got the blood flowing though!

09-16-2009, 11:37 AM
Somebody may have dropped a bag of Granola on the trail the day before. Perhaps the bear was waiting for the owner to return.

09-16-2009, 11:42 AM
Somebody may have dropped a bag of Granola on the trail the day before. Perhaps the bear was waiting for the owner to return.

Not to sure about that, there isnt to many hippies around this part, thank god. I think the few that are around here were attending Hot Yoga Tuesdays so thats outta the question. You can bet I will be waiting for the bear to return tonight. Might taste a weeeee bit peppery though.

09-16-2009, 11:48 AM
Not to sure about that, there isnt to many hippies around this part, thank god. I think the few that are around here were attending Hot Yoga Tuesdays so thats outta the question. You can bet I will be waiting for the bear to return tonight. Might taste a weeeee bit peppery though.

Sounds like you may have a "Hot Yogie" on your hands tonight!

"Hey BooBoo, lets go steal some granola from the hippies picnic basket".

09-16-2009, 11:55 AM
thats pretty scary man. I jsut moved to BC and am kinda scared of the bears here. I have never seen a grizzly bear in my life.

09-16-2009, 12:03 PM
Dont be scared, be cautious. Its not like there out to get you, sometimes you just get caught in a shitty situation. Its part of being out in the bush. Dont let the odd bear keep you from being outside.

09-16-2009, 12:36 PM
Holy sh!t!!! That is why I always use my head light when walking in. You never know what you can stumble into. Glad to hear you are fine.

09-16-2009, 12:40 PM
Holy sh!t!!! That is why I always use my head light when walking in. You never know what you can stumble into. Glad to hear you are fine.

I will always be bringing my headlamp from now on.

Gun Babe
09-16-2009, 03:19 PM

This is a link from the province newspaper on line.....you are not the only bow hunter who had a run in with a bear in the last few days.....this guy actually had a griz on top of him.....read it to believe it.....

Glad you were fine.....and dont forget the downey in the rinse cycle....

olharley guy
09-16-2009, 06:12 PM
Howdy, you may have been even luckier than Vinny's episode. At least he had a 300 in his hands pointed in the right direction. I am glad to here that the spray worked and next time you go out in the dark you should take a slow running buddy for backup.
You never know what to expect in the woods and black bears can get pretty snotty at times. Later

Stone Sheep Steve
09-16-2009, 06:27 PM
Side note-Obviously, in situation like this it's reeeeally good to practice and know which way your pepper spray will be pointing when you go to draw it. Always carrying your bow in the same hand or on your pack is a wise thing to do.


09-16-2009, 07:24 PM
Great quick draw... glad to see your taking it in stride with being out in the bush... take care sneaking up on him when you got out tonight as it just may be a kill site and he will be pretty grumpy if your interrupting him again.

09-16-2009, 07:35 PM
Just got back looking for the old grump but no luck :(. Checked out the site and didnt see any kill. Im thinking I probably just suprised him. I will head back out in the am, this time with a headlamp, and a fresh can of spray. I did see a cow/calf moose tonight about 500m farther up the trail, got up to about 50 yards before I noticed them on the side of the trail. Watched them for about half an hour, no spiker though :(. That would have been a great way to end the day.