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09-09-2009, 06:27 PM
Has anyone put limb savers on a excalabur equinox? Do they really make limbs last longer? I tried string leeches and they lasted about ten shoots and then they where torn to to sherds. I would like my crossbow to last forever because I am still sleeping in my truck over buying it.

09-09-2009, 07:47 PM
limb savers work on dampening sound ... I dont think they help make things last any longer ... but they certainly couldnt hurt ...

Leeches are crap period ... Bowjax is a far more better product because they wrap around the string instead of being inserted into the string, String Jax are split , you wrap them around the string and cinch em in place with a small zip-tie

09-10-2009, 04:05 PM
As Bowzone_Mikey pointed out Limb-Savers only dampen sound. I use Limb-Savers on all my bows, including crossbow, in addition to the rubber cat whiskers on the strings and sometimes otter or beaver fur. These things last for ever even on the crossbow. With that combiation I can reduce the noice of a compound to barely audible and on the crossbow to about 40%.

09-10-2009, 05:21 PM
Thank you!!!

Bow Walker
09-11-2009, 09:43 PM
Limbsavers, Bo jax, and the like are vibration dampeners. They also have the added benefit of damping some of the sound - but their primary function is to dampen the vibration at the shot. Because they dampen vibration (and some sound) Limbsavers, and Bo Jaxs do help to lengthen the life of limbs, strings, and such.


09-12-2009, 09:06 AM
Limbsavers, Bo jax, and the like are vibration dampeners. They also have the added benefit of damping some of the sound - but their primary function is to dampen the vibration at the shot. Because they dampen vibration (and some sound) Limbsavers, and Bo Jaxs do help to lengthen the life of limbs, strings, and such.

YUP. What he said :p Mike

09-12-2009, 09:58 AM
... but their primary function is to dampen the vibration at the shot. Vibration equals sound. The more a bow vibrates the more noise it makes. With that Limb-Saver and other similar products are foremost manufactured to reduce sound. I was a bit involved with the creation of the Limb-Saver and all we ever talked about was to reduce sound not to prolong the life the bow limbs. The bow manufacturer makes sure that the limbs can put up with any reasonable vibration by choosing the right combination of materials in the manufacturing off the bow limbs and riser.

09-12-2009, 06:46 PM
Dan and Mike ... not that I wanna get into a P'ing match ... but the products stated dont dampen Vibes ... they absorb Vibes ...and therefore sound....

Vibe Dampeners are not correctly named ... like the grip of the bow ... you dont actually grip it (do you?)

Think about the STS and the many Versions of that product that has popped onto the market in the last few years .... Stopped the Vibe of the string,,, stop alot of noise ... I dont think anyone expects their string to last longer with a string stop do they? I dont know .. I change strings religiously

I am at work right now and cant access Facebook but when I get home I will see if I can find a pic of a friend of mine with his newest Hoyt and the string is just crazy vibes .... his Girlfriend clicked the shutter just right to get the string just after release ... He hasnt put on a stopper onto it because that is his paper bow and a paper has never jumped the string on him yet

Bow Walker
09-12-2009, 10:24 PM
Dan and Mike ... not that I wanna get into a P'ing match ... but the products stated dont dampen Vibes ... they absorb Vibes ...and therefore sound....

Vibe Dampeners are not correctly named ... like the grip of the bow ... you dont actually grip it (do you?)

Think about the STS and the many Versions of that product that has popped onto the market in the last few years .... Stopped the Vibe of the string,,, stop alot of noise ... I dont think anyone expects their string to last longer with a string stop do they? I dont know .. I change strings religiously

I am at work right now and cant access Facebook but when I get home I will see if I can find a pic of a friend of mine with his newest Hoyt and the string is just crazy vibes .... his Girlfriend clicked the shutter just right to get the string just after release ... He hasnt put on a stopper onto it because that is his paper bow and a paper has never jumped the string on him yet

BZM......at my age I'd lose any P'ing match that I was stupid enuff to enter!. :redface:

....and yeah, I do choke it. Just like the 'monkey' !:cool:

.....strings act like wet noodles if you catch them right after the shot. It's amazing how they (and the cables, and limbs) wobble and vibrate at the shot. There is a tremendous amount of energy being released and not all of it is transfered to the arrow. The balance has to go somewhere. Along with vibration and noise there is a measurable amount of heat from all that energy being released (providing you have the right measuring instruments). Ain't physics wonderful?

09-12-2009, 11:32 PM
yes ... yes Physics is wonderfull

I have always wondered if a Limbsaver was constructed of the same material it is now ... but instead of being solid it has a sponge like crossection instead of a solid one

the AR risers had holes and cut outs to better absorb the vibes and therefore quiet it down (and drop a ton of weight) ....

I wonder how well (longjectivity wise) those would stand up to the current design?

The Hermit
09-13-2009, 01:05 AM
...I can reduce the noice of a compound to barely audible and on the crossbow to about 40%.

So your crossbow only sounds like a 223 now instead of a 30.06 eh? ;-)

09-13-2009, 01:47 AM
So your crossbow only sounds like a 223 now instead of a 30.06 eh? ;-)

At the distances I shoot, 25 to max. 30 yards, sound doesn't matter much because the arrow will hit the deer before the sound reaches its ears. For hunters shooting further, like 40 to 50 yards, sound is important as at these distances sound will get to the target before the arrow does.

09-13-2009, 11:15 AM
yes ... yes Physics is wonderfull

I have always wondered if a Limbsaver was constructed of the same material it is now ... but instead of being solid it has a sponge like crossection instead of a solid one

the AR risers had holes and cut outs to better absorb the vibes and therefore quiet it down (and drop a ton of weight) ....

I wonder how well (longjectivity wise) those would stand up to the current design?

AR was PSE's R&D company, You can see a lot of the ideas in the new PSE's. I was quite upset when the shut it down a few years ago. All the AR stuff was state of the art, very fast, quiet, and straight shooting bows.

09-14-2009, 07:50 AM
here is that picture of the Vibes in a string as the shot goes ....

kinda tells ya what kind of stresss stuff goes through

Bow Walker
09-14-2009, 11:01 AM
At the distances I shoot, 25 to max. 30 yards, sound doesn't matter much because the arrow will hit the deer before the sound reaches its ears. For hunters shooting further, like 40 to 50 yards, sound is important as at these distances sound will get to the target before the arrow does.
Geez, have you got a fast bow!!

Speed of sound at sea level = ~1116.13 feet per second

09-14-2009, 07:31 PM
Wow I think I started a good debate. thanks for everyones input.

09-15-2009, 06:43 AM
Im no expert. BUT. I would have to say that what kills limbs is vibration. So you dampen the vibration and you lengthen the life of your limbs.

09-15-2009, 07:36 PM
kinda what I thought!!

09-22-2009, 10:13 PM
There are alot of gimicks out there as far as gear goes. I personally don't think limbavers and string leaches, or other tupes of string silencers fall into this category. I know if I take my leaches off my string, I can hear the difference. I also feel the same about limbsaver and the difference in feel and hand shock felt, which translates directly to a quieter bow.

I don't agree 100% with huntwriter when he says his arrow can reach a deer at 25 yards without a deer hearing it and that sound is more important at shooting deer at longer ranges.
In my experience, you can get away with a little more the further the animal is away, but that's just based on my experience in the field.

I think you should take every precaution to ensure you set up your bow to shoot as quiet as possible, and limbsavers help do this.

09-22-2009, 10:51 PM
I ordered the full bowjacks set today. I am going to record 10 shoots before and after putting them on and then run them on my wives sound mixing system and see the difference.

Bow Walker
09-23-2009, 06:12 PM
I, for one, will be awaiting the results with keen interest.

09-25-2009, 01:26 PM
you will notice a sound differance .... you will also notice a speed differance too .... you gotta give a little to gain alot ...

What i think Huntwriter is triing to say ...

with a relitivly modern bow that flings 250 fps or better ...inside 25 yards ... the deer might hear the sound of the bow ... but it wont react fast enough to matter....

My old bow ... the first bow I ever had .. an old PSE Polaris express ... sounded like a shotgun going off ... I had catwhiskers on it ... it had steel cables and teardrop string tits ... it still harvested many a deer .... I chronyed it with a 510 g hunting arrow at 230 fps @ 70 pound pull

what I did notice from 25 yards to about 40 yards ... Deer came unglued when they heard the shot go off ... and deer beyond that didnt really seem to care ... I know this because I have taken deer out of a Bach herd in south Alberta ... I dont suspect BC would act any differant ... if anything BC deer are slower from eating Mary Joe plantations ;)

10-02-2009, 12:31 PM
This is why I hate buying stuff off the net, my limbsavers came today and they are PINK!! I dont care that they are pink but I know I didnt order pink ones. I will do the sound testing saturday. PINK!!! They better work twice as well as the black ones I ordered.

10-02-2009, 03:59 PM
I'm sorry but that's funny!

Maybe SIMS knows something about animal vision that we don't lol

10-03-2009, 01:25 PM
I agree!! Bowjacks is getting told off on monday.

10-05-2009, 01:04 AM
I did the testing today, keep in mind this is in a field with a mid point mike and mixer. I shoot 10 arrows before and after installing my big pink Monsterjax by Bowjax. Over all sound with reduced 39% while viberation lasted 72% shorter time. It was noticeably less twacky and felt very good. As for arrow speed I don't have the tools to test that but the package says it will be 1-3 fps faster. FASTER?? REALLY???!!! I don't seehow it could be faster, adding mass and area to the string means it should be slower. Maybe shortening the string by inserting the slipjax brings put the psi and makes it faster but I dont think so. So in closing Big PINK spidery things make quiter!! Little black butterfly things, do something.

10-06-2009, 09:19 AM
whwre are you Mike .... if you are in PG I would loan you my Chrony

when i put the bow jax kit on my bow ...it slowed it down about 5fps ... I gained some back when i put on a string stop ..... I gained more back when i took the bow jax kit off and just left the stopper on ... and didnt gain much noise back

granted i was using a hand held analog decameter ... But i am happy

10-07-2009, 04:28 AM
thanks bowzone but I am in surrey. The slip jack are all read gone they shredded in 30-40 shots. Dam crossbow will kill anything even its own parts.

10-07-2009, 05:10 PM
are those the ones that tie into your string?

what about the ones that wrap around the string and are zippy striped into place?

I think I have a pair of those floating around ... If I can find em they are yours if you want em

10-08-2009, 02:08 AM
I would love to try them. PM me and we can work something out. thanks!