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View Full Version : Youth Season 2009

09-09-2009, 08:49 AM
Fellow HuntingBC members;
We had a slow start to the season and even though I took September 1st off, we weren’t able to come home with anything that day and in fact didn’t see much at all.

On the evening of the 4th, our eldest daughter and I were out and spotted what we took to be a pretty good black bear, but we couldn’t make it all come together.

On the morning of the 5th, our eldest couldn’t make it out however her younger sister and I went for a look see. We spotted this fellow poking his head out at about 150yds so only a neck shot was possible. She planted a 100gr. Hornady out of her .250AI exactly there and we had our first deer of the season.


We went up the evening of the 5th and after church on the 6th as well, but conditions weren’t great so we only burned enough diesel to likely get a thank you card from the local Husky.

Nobody wanted to get up with me on the morning of the 7th, but by the afternoon we headed out to check a few spots we’d seen bears last year.

Along the way this fellow showed up with a small band of does and since it was our eldest daughter’s turn, she said it would do nicely. She carefully placed a 130gr. TSX into his shoulder, as per my wishes and very shortly thereafter she asked if she could gut this one herself.


It wasn’t her first deer, but it was the first time she’d tackled that chore on her own which I thought was pretty cool.

We’d loaded the buck into the Cummins ( I can’t bring myself to say the “D” word ) and made it maybe another couple km up the road when we spotted another small bunch of mule deer. This buck made the mistake of standing away from the group to give a clear shot when I called them to a stop. It was about 150yds or so and the little 100gr Hornady out of the .250AI broke both of his shoulders.

In the 2nd photo our eldest is holding the shooting sticks we make lots of use of and they have been a real help in the girls being able to very precisely place their shots over the last couple years.

As you can imagine, as a hunting father I am ecstatic having 2 daughters who love to hunt and share time with me in the mountains. I know that I'm indeed blessed.

Thanks for looking in. Good luck to you all in the upcoming season.


09-09-2009, 09:02 AM
AWESOME!! congrats to the young ladies.

09-09-2009, 09:02 AM
Wow Dwayne the girls are off to a great start, any room left in the freezer for dad's deer?? Well done gang.

09-09-2009, 09:06 AM
hey dwayne i met you at the range the other day. I made some of those shooting sticks and they should work out great for the sheep hunt. Thanks for tellin me about them.


09-09-2009, 09:10 AM
Wow, go team go! Great bucks.

09-09-2009, 09:13 AM
keep it going, i remember thoes years! They were the best

09-09-2009, 09:30 AM
Good job to the gals.

09-09-2009, 09:39 AM
Congrats to your two sharpshootin girls Dwayne..

09-09-2009, 09:39 AM
WOW 3 bucks already.

Good for you for taking the time to take the kids out. Great to see.....

09-09-2009, 09:49 AM
Congrats on a successful opening week.

09-09-2009, 09:50 AM
Great job girls!! And congrats to the ecstatic dad!!:-D

09-09-2009, 11:11 AM
Congratulations on some nice Bucks, and a great start to the season. Now its time for dad to go out and get his deer if there is enough room left in the freezer!!!

09-09-2009, 12:40 PM
nothing beats the smile on a kids face with their animal...

09-09-2009, 02:30 PM
That is awesome, those are great bucks. Congratulations to both your girls.As for being a proud father hunting with his daughters, I know all about it, I have 3 and they all love hunting.8-)

09-10-2009, 12:05 AM
perfect 3 nice bucks in a very short period of time, im happy i can still hunt in the youth hunt for about another month :)

09-10-2009, 12:08 AM
Those girls are stacking them up, nice job :cool:

5 spike
09-10-2009, 06:32 AM
wow good going girls, congrats to all of you.

09-10-2009, 07:22 AM
what a slaughter house! congrats to all of you.

09-10-2009, 07:38 AM
Great job to both girls and yourself! I can't wait till my daughter is old enough.

If you don't mind sharing i wouldn't mind to hear a bit more about those homemade shootin stix?

09-10-2009, 08:33 AM
Thank you to you and to all the rest of the members for the comments.

While I’m certainly proud of our girl’s accomplishments, hopefully by posting I am able to inspire a few other folks to take the time and energy to take their kids out to learn what we all love.

Because of that, I’m willing to share pretty much all we’ve learned about hunting with anyone who asks - excepting of course where we hunt! That would be Clearwater wouldn’t it?

These sticks are the last in a long line of experiments for a better way to help new shooters place their shots correctly and in a timely fashion.

These are made from 3 dowel rods, ½” round by 4’ long and sharpened at the dirt end. I may try some 5/8” dowels, but smaller than ½” didn’t work as well.

They are held together by a ¼” leather thong wrapped a couple times around all three snugly but not too tight as it needs to slide quickly.

To use for another shooter, one slides the leather keeper up or down where you think it should be and plant the sticks as a tripod. Sitting isn’t always an option because of vegetation, but it is the preferred position for steady shooting. Kneeling is 2nd best and crouching a distant 3rd.

I choke up on the sticks with my hand placed under the leather keeper to help the rifle stay in place. Thus positioned, I am able to watch how much the muzzle is or is not waving around, I am safely behind the muzzle and I am able to watch the reaction of the animal about to receive the shot.

All of these are key elements of success in my view and the sticks put it all together in a handy $3 package.

Hopefully that made sense. By all means give me a shout if you think I can help in any other way.

Good luck on your upcoming hunts with your children.


09-10-2009, 08:49 AM
way to put the thought into it.
i dont have kids to teach but my wife could use that.
i bet they double as a good walking stick for thoes people who are "ballance challenged" like my wife!

09-10-2009, 01:47 PM
Well done girls, BIG CONGRATS! You must be a very proud papa. I've got two young girls myself and can't wait til they are old enough to hunt.