View Full Version : EK elk hunt

09-07-2009, 03:44 PM
Well was out in region 4 for some elk with the bow , got to the mountain august 29th so had a couple days scouting befour season started. first night scouting the burn we usually focus hunting (spot/stock/call in morning , tree stand in the night) we had spotted several elk and to our surprise they where very vocal so it was looking up, on the third morning of the hunt when I got to the end of my usual walk I herd a bugle coming from down the hill so after i took a good look around the slash to see no elk i started bugling with cow calls in between. Eminently I had the attention of several bulls down the hill even though I figured the chances of bringing one of them out into the open to be very unlikely .As I turn to take a quick look at the top of the burn (approx 800yards uphill) I see a young bull come out of the timber and start jogging down , at the same time about 200 yards to the side of me a cow comes crashing out and headed for me. The cow ended up coming to me first and spooked when she got too close but luckily all she did was circle around and stand by the bull who was now 150yards away in a small patch of timber. After the bulls attempt to mount the cow was florted i gave a cow call and he came running in .Mabee he was coming at me a bit fast because i had little time to set up (belly crawling on the steep side of the road in the grass) by the time he got in he was 20 yards and about to get too close so I stood up aimed and let off and arrow and seen i had completely missed:(. after that he was still oblivious for a few seconds where i had no chanse at another shot untill the cow barked and he was outa there ... From what I can tell I musta hit a small branch infront of me and never even seen it..I went back to camp and flung a few arrows into the bag and seen that my sights where on . At the end of the hunt I ended up breaking down a arrowing a nice dry whitetail doe , my broadheads must not be shooting like they do with the practice blades because i hit way forward when i repeat bullseyes in camp. It ended up being a neck shot and she was down in 50 yards . As i was skinning her out I seen that she had a wound that had healed up from being hit with a bow probobly last year that just grazed the neck 6" from my arrow, 3blade broadhead visible on the wound .

09-07-2009, 03:50 PM
Every day we seen elk but not to within bow range . On our last day a 2x2 moose couldn't stay away from camp , our m-u wasn't open for spikeforks even though all of the surrounding m-u's are .

09-07-2009, 10:58 PM
great story, sounds like a great trip

09-08-2009, 06:53 AM
bet you learned to shoot your broadheads a little before the season....

09-11-2009, 09:50 PM
I did shoot the broadheads alot befour I went out just with the practice blades in my muzzy mx3's. the practice blades they provide shoot different than the real thing .. why even make them then ??