View Full Version : terrace mountain pics

09-05-2009, 08:17 AM
took the young fella for a drive after work friday to try and get him his first buck.i decided to drive through terrace to see exactly where the fire was up there.i have driven through there a number of times over the years and couldn't believe the devastation from the fire.i've driven through stuff like that before but it still kinda gives me the "willies".in one sense,it's ugly to see what is left behind from the fire but on the good end of things(if there is any),it will grow back in time.
here are a few pics.

http://http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v478/valleycowboy/PICT0121.jpg (http://http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v478/valleycowboy/PICT0121.jpg[/IMG)

Stone Sheep Steve
09-05-2009, 08:30 AM
Give it a couple of yrs and there will be some great wildlife habitat.
Lots of green already sprouting from the Glenrosa fire.

Fires are good:cool:....as long as they don't burn down your house.:roll:


09-05-2009, 08:35 AM
Yes fires are a part of natures way to clear the way for change. I've never been back in that area, coming from Kelowna, what is the best route to take and see the area?

Stone Sheep Steve
09-05-2009, 08:36 AM
Yes fires are a part of natures way to clear the way for change. I've never been back in that area, coming from Kelowna, what is the best route to take and see the area?

Westside Rd>>>Bear Main>>>>>Esperon.


09-05-2009, 09:35 AM
Looks like the fire went through there fast and hot. Give it a couple of years and ungalates will call it home..

09-05-2009, 09:56 AM
was surprised to see a little green growing already.in one area,all the 3' evergreens were bent over from the winds,i'm guessing from the fire.
it did look like it went through there pretty fast,the tops of some of the trees were still green but 10' up from the ground was charred.

09-05-2009, 10:10 AM
don't wait a couple years...if there is good fall rains the aspen shoots will be up quikly and the deer will be on that like flies on shit...there will be good hunting right away.

09-05-2009, 11:17 AM
Wow, I usually recognize pics from that area, but the change is drastic. I had a couple of little grown-over grouse roads that I'm sure are barren now.

Too bad it missed most of the area we wanted to burn for the sheep on the north side of Shorts. :neutral:

09-05-2009, 11:45 AM
I am so happy that we did loose many house,finally the smoke is gone.

09-05-2009, 12:37 PM
Altho one problem with some of the fires we are getting now is that we have become so good at fighting the fires that it doesnt get a chance to burn of the dry and dead wood more frequently, so in large parts of our forests the dry underbrush and dead fuel is able to build up.Also with all the beetle kill in our province is providing so much fuel for the fires today that they are burning much hotter and is why the fires are getting bigger and are starting to get so hard to get under control.With the fires burning much hotter in some areas they can sterilise the soil making it useless for yrs to come for new plants to grow back. We are facing a pretty bad situation here in B.C. for the yrs to come because of it.

09-06-2009, 07:36 AM
Wow, I usually recognize pics from that area, but the change is drastic. I had a couple of little grown-over grouse roads that I'm sure are barren now.

Too bad it missed most of the area we wanted to burn for the sheep on the north side of Shorts. :neutral:

when we drove through there,you can now see what the "lay of the land" is like.i think i know the little roads you are talking about,the roads are still there just no cover,lol.
i thought the fire had started on the north side of the canyon,was surprised to see it wasn't burnt.

09-06-2009, 07:45 AM
From what I heard, the fire started at the intersection of Doug and Stuart, then blew across to the White Elephant. It's a pretty vast area! Damn, I'm gonna have to find some new chicken roads. :frown: