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09-02-2009, 09:49 AM
Well here i am sitting on the computer looking at some other hunters succsess thinking about my sheep draw. Not sure if i'm nervous, worried or just plain excited. I know this hunt is a very special one and the chance of success is good. Never hunted a sheep before and not real sure where to start lookin but hey i'm sure i'll figure it out. Pretty much a once in a lifetime draw for the infamous Kamloops lake sheep. Am i excited or just plain nervous of not filling the tag, not sure myself. With work and a busy schedule i haven't had any time to go and scout it out. Well enough of that, i'll sit and stew a little longer. Only 13 days and i'm off to try my luck. Good luck to all out there, and stay safe.

09-02-2009, 09:52 AM
Pretty much a giv'in.
No need to stress
Good luck and take lots of pictures.

09-02-2009, 09:53 AM
I'm sure if you asked for help you end up with a ton of people requesting to help you. This is a once in a lifetime hunt....I would myself would jump at the opportunity to help but I do a live a fair ways away unfortunatley....

09-02-2009, 12:08 PM
Its always a little nerve racking waiting to go sheep hunting,or any extended trip.Sounds like there's lots of good rams in your area,and it is the draw of a life time.Take your time and enjoy sheep watching for a while.You should get a great ram.Take lots of photos for us.
Good luck.

09-02-2009, 12:08 PM
Most of us would give are left nut for that draw:biggrin: you neednt stess out ,you shouldnt have a problem getting a nice Ram.

09-02-2009, 12:33 PM
Thanks for the vote of confidence guys. I appreciate it. Just a lump in my throat or butterflies. It'll happen.

09-02-2009, 12:42 PM
The rams have been pretty easy to spot the last couple of weeks. I take my nephew out there every other week or so to look for sheep. he cant get enough of it.

i would say good luck but you dont need it. it will be a walk in the park!


09-02-2009, 12:47 PM
The rams have been pretty easy to spot the last couple of weeks. I take my nephew out there every other week or so to look for sheep. he cant get enough of it.

i would say good luck but you dont need it. it will be a walk in the park!

cheersSo should i go from the savona end or rosseau end? Go sit at the look out across the lake or come froma above. Ride a quad into some area from savona end or walk the tracks? Drive in from tronquile past the dewdrop? So many questions.

09-02-2009, 12:50 PM
Im not going to spoon feed you the info. It has to be the easiest hunt in BC right now. All I will say is spend a few hours on the hwy and glass accross the lake. It wont take you too long to find some rams......

just watch out for the rattlers. there are a few around the north side of the lake....

09-02-2009, 12:55 PM
It's all good, don't excpect a pinpoint. Wouldn't be much fun that way. It'll be a hoot anyway. How about a suggestion as to where a good quiet camping spot is? 19 ft trailer. Up the rd before savona coming from cachecreek? Used to be the criss creek rd i believe, when we logged up there yrs ago.

09-02-2009, 07:46 PM
Good luck to you Moose72. Just remember, sheep huntings 90% glassing. study em well then plan your move..:-D