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View Full Version : not asking for a hand out

08-17-2009, 07:59 PM
i have hunted 4-24 last year and was successfull in a elk hunt.. we are planning on returning to the area this year in hopes of another elk or two and we have also drawn goats. i have gone through all the regs and backroad maps and tried some searchs on google, etc, but was wondering where else would be a good source of info on the area, more detailed maps,what to expect weather wise, population of G bears in particular areas, areas in which will produce animals. Im not lookin for anyone to give up all their info just a little help on where to gather the info to be prepaired for an undoutedly incredible hunt

08-18-2009, 05:24 AM
You say you got an elk last year and your headed back to the same spot to try and get a second one ,that sounds good to me.

It sounds like your on the right track http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon7.gif ,there are griz and black in that area as for goats.
In order to find out what land mark is the best place to hunt the area you got a goat draw in I would call up the goat management that manage the goats in that area and ask them where is a land mark for a goat hunt in the area you got picked for ,good luck..

08-18-2009, 06:11 AM
Expect to see grizz while hunting goat in 2-24. INothing wrong with the north white river. Or if you want to go where I am going which I wish you wouldn't:p go up the restricted access White River. I'll be hunting the border of the height of the rockies provincial park. good luck.