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View Full Version : Barkley Valley Haylemore Drainage

08-12-2009, 05:03 PM
I've been looking at this place on google earth. Looks nice. Have any of you hunted or hiked this spot. How did you make out. Any animals

08-12-2009, 05:36 PM
Used to be a nice place to hunt, now it's treaded all over, up and down, by more hikers and granola munchers, tree huggers etc. then game in the area. They have posted on several web sites several trails in the area and even a few companies work the area extensively on tours of several people, saw 14 in one group alone at a time.

I am so glad the local Natives have succeeded along with other groups in keeping out the purposed ski resort that was going to develope in the Cayoosh area.

That said the eco groups that frequent the area have pushed local goat and high country deer up and out of the area compared to years gone by, the odd hunter or hiker frequenting the high alpine slopes is one thing but group after group is another.

In my opinion, the area is beautiful, some goats, deer, bears, the odd moose, coyote and even wolf ... the Grizz, matter fact 1 with a collar resides back there.
Just way to much pressure now, to close to easy access.

Not my first choice, for hunting these days, good late season Mule deer, lots of Avalanche area's, steep.

Been there done it.

Wish it were what it used to be.

Basically .... a nice place to take a chick hiking, .... and don't end up doing much hiking if you know what I mean ..... nice views though....don't expect to see much game any more.


08-12-2009, 05:46 PM
hunt up that area every year. towards the drainage the deer are blacktails, if you move more towards wade creek above anderson lake they are mule deer. hybyirds all over the place with even a little fallow deer mixed in. they are some strange deer. hunt 3-33 across anderson lake and above blackwater lake. the deer have been moving over to that side for the past few years and ive been in on over a dozen four point and better bucks

08-12-2009, 05:52 PM
The area 3-33 is not Barkley Valley, Haylemore Drainage ....

08-12-2009, 05:54 PM
i know hunting is better over there. barkley valley like curly top said has to many tree huggers.

08-12-2009, 10:13 PM
I've been looking at this place on google earth. Looks nice. Have any of you hunted or hiked this spot. How did you make out. Any animals
dont always believe what you read bud. There are some crankers still there. Hit it early. http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee306/heydino/googlemapbarkly.jpg