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08-11-2009, 08:09 PM
JUST in from our 13 day stone sheep hunt...YES I did in fact get my first STONE sheep....:biggrin:

as usual no photos..:eek:...

story will follow once I make one up...:tongue: and anyone cares to hear it..

just trying to stretch the horns so the ridicule isnt so bad..

cheers and good night..


08-11-2009, 08:11 PM
Congrats, I guess this ends your quest.

08-11-2009, 08:11 PM
Congratulations! look forward to hearing about it. :)

08-11-2009, 08:11 PM
congrats to the end of a long hard fought battle

08-11-2009, 08:15 PM
WE NEED PICTURES -- lol -- congratulations hunter of the stone -- stone cold --
Jel - you really did it this time srupp -- pictures required -- lol -- +++

08-11-2009, 08:22 PM
Good job srupp! Let's hear the story and pic soon :D

08-11-2009, 08:27 PM
That is great!
Look forward to the story and pictures.

Kitimat Killer
08-11-2009, 08:30 PM
hey way to go i was wonderiing if your hunt was good and by the sounds of it it's awesome way too go


08-11-2009, 08:34 PM
Thanks all, yes Dirty..its the end of the stone sheep quest..one ram is enough and its not "that" bad of a ram..its enough for me..


08-11-2009, 08:36 PM
Way to go Steven! Looking forward to your story and photos.

08-11-2009, 08:48 PM
Steve I can't even say how Happy and proud I am for you. Such a grueling trek with bad knees and you got the One Big game animal you wanted more than anything else and you earned it Buddy.I cant wait to see your smiley face holding that Big awesome Ram !!
Obviously we all know its going to be some torment waiting for photo's,but should be worth it in the end.

Way to Git er Done Bro.

olharley guy
08-11-2009, 08:49 PM
Thanks all, yes Dirty..its the end of the stone sheep quest..one ram is enough and its not "that" bad of a ram..its enough for me..

Howdy, that is what we all say after the hunt. Wait a week or two and you will be thinking about- where shall we go next year-it gets in your blood! Later And congratulations.

08-11-2009, 08:49 PM
Sruppster, any legal first ram is a good ram. I guess now we can tell everybody you are a "stoner"8).

08-11-2009, 08:50 PM
Been following the SRUPP Stone Sheep saga for a couple years now and it finally closes on a happy and successful note, congrats Steve, way to go.

08-11-2009, 08:51 PM
Congrats Steven8)

08-11-2009, 08:56 PM
Dirty it IS legal..lol...hmm right now Im not a stoner just very very tired and 22 pounds lighter..


08-11-2009, 09:13 PM
22 lbs lighter? Send that man beer, STAT!

Congrats Steve, lookign forward to hearing the story!:grin:

full curl
08-11-2009, 09:14 PM
Steven just got in and see you couldn't hold it if you would like i could possibly post 1 pic?

08-11-2009, 09:16 PM
Good news, can't wait till you can post some pics and the story. Congratulations

08-11-2009, 09:20 PM
Please don't make us wait too long for the story and pics. Gratz on finally ending that quest.

08-11-2009, 09:20 PM
Thanks Scott, I am gla you also made it home safetly..I would rather post THE story AND THEN post a photo so please get your lovely wife to put down her hand cuffs and send the photos..lol..


08-11-2009, 09:23 PM
Steven just got in and see you couldn't hold it if you would like i could possibly post 1 pic?

If you don't post a pic, I am going to ban your ass so fast it will make your head spin....:mrgreen:

08-11-2009, 09:24 PM
Thanks Scott, I am gla you also made it home safetly..I would rather post THE story AND THEN post a photo so please get your lovely wife to put down her hand cuffs and send the photos..lol..


Take your own camera next time you freeloader:biggrin:

08-11-2009, 09:25 PM
Congrads Steve! cant wait for the pics!

full curl
08-11-2009, 09:27 PM
no problem steven i will get her to work on those tomorow as i am goin to bed after that 16 hour drive

08-11-2009, 09:30 PM
Congrats Steve on ending your quest on a positive note.:grin:

08-11-2009, 09:30 PM
Congrats on the stone sheep. Writing on the bathroom walls between Toad and Williams Lake, say its a monster:grin:


08-11-2009, 09:31 PM
Congrats on getting your ram Steve!! You did really well!!

08-11-2009, 09:37 PM
Congats! Looking forward to the pics and story. 22 lbs! That is impressive, was it from lack of food or the hiking?

08-11-2009, 09:42 PM
I want to congratulate you Steve on fulfilling your quest...you made a fantastic shot and anchored a tremendous ram!! The effort you and your partner put in was very admirable. Way to go.

AND a big congrats to you to Scott! Unselfish qualities like that are hard to find these days....very proud of you too.

08-11-2009, 09:47 PM
nothing like the smell of sheep fat on your gear while your getting the trophy home...love it.
you know the rules!!!!!!

08-11-2009, 09:49 PM
Congrats but lets see them pics I am stuck on the road staying in hotel rooms for another 5 days before I head north so I need some motivation

08-11-2009, 09:50 PM
Way to Go Steven,
The country Riverjet Adventures (Kevin ) can access is fantastic !

I bet you and your partner worked very hard to deserve your Ram, Can't wait for the story and Pic's .
Congrats to you both!


08-11-2009, 09:51 PM
Congrats! can't wait to see the pictures.

08-11-2009, 09:54 PM
Awesome to hear cant wait to have a look.

08-11-2009, 09:57 PM
Congrats Steve! She's been a haul for ya.....good job!

08-11-2009, 09:57 PM

Huge congrats...I know you have been working on the Stone for many years and finally your persistence paid off. You deserved it and to do it on those legs of yours...well that takes serious determination and guts.


08-11-2009, 10:01 PM
Good deal...............congrats

Stone Sheep Steve
08-11-2009, 10:36 PM
Huge congrats Steven!!8)8)

Too bad I missed you by about an hour today. Would have loved to remember what it's like to hold sheep horns in my hands:roll:.

Looking forward to story and pics!!

Great to see persistance paying great dividends.


08-12-2009, 05:27 AM
Congrats Steven, any legal stone sheep is a trophy to most of us for sure.


08-12-2009, 05:36 AM
YeeHaaa! Way to go!

Wild Images
08-12-2009, 05:47 AM
Congrats Steve, good to hear you left the velcro at home and got your first stone :)

08-12-2009, 06:39 AM
Good to hear your voice last night buddy! We were a tad concerned about you on this trip....... Nick asked a few times if you were back yet as he wants to get you out on the water again!

Good story.......but I expected something bigger from you.....;-).... once you are settled in and the "important" stuff looked after, shout me again and we can see if you have time for the coast this fall!


08-12-2009, 06:40 AM
Congrats steven, and after looking at those horns yesterday I am sure there will be lots of drooling going on when the pics are posted, congrats on a great ram!

08-12-2009, 06:55 AM
Congrats Steven! That is awesome getting your ram! Looking forward to pictures.

08-12-2009, 07:09 AM
Enough of the foreplay already!!!!!!:-D:-D PICTURES!

325 wsm
08-12-2009, 08:21 AM
Can't wait to see the pic's and read the story. Congrats.
Hope your not pulling a Jelvis over on us.

08-12-2009, 08:24 AM
Well Srupp,

Well brother you have FINALLY joined the Sheep hunters Cool Pool:-D!!!!
Persistance has finally paid off and a big congratulations to you!!!!!. It may be your first but I certainly know it will not be your last.
Also feel for you, had knee surgery recently but this will never stop the Sheep hunting bug.
Look forward to the pics.

08-12-2009, 08:31 AM
congrats on your success. can't wait ot see pics & read the story. sure wish I could hunt sheep this year also. yer 1 lucky guy.

Rock Doctor
08-12-2009, 08:49 AM
Good on ya, Steve.
Sorry to have missed you, but I do have to work sometimes:-?. lol


08-12-2009, 08:51 AM
Congrats buddy! Good to hear everyone came out in one piece (cept the sheep)
Now get on the story and pictures damit!

08-12-2009, 09:06 AM
Congrats on you stone sheep http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon14.gif.

08-12-2009, 09:15 AM
Congrats Steve! That's one well earned Ram!!!

08-12-2009, 09:25 AM
Congratualtions! A Stone sheep is a great accomplishment! However, not posting pictures is cruel and unusual punishment for those of us sitting at work, wishing we had the smell of sheep blood under our fingernails.

08-12-2009, 10:17 AM
Thanks ALL. it is very humbling to look at the ram and to realize the end to such a lengthy quest..

I WILL post the story completely tonite..:mrgreen:...right now I must go get the sheep compulsary inspected and the horn plugged...and have the local taxidermist check the cape ....I have gotten HARLEY WHITE in Kelowna to agree to do the ram mount..and have made an appointment with Harley for the 18th....such a ram needs a great taxidermist...and most everyone agrees Harley does great work..

I MUST thank Scott for being such a great hunting Sasquatch/partner/beast....without Scotts tremendous strength and physical conditioning this quest may have taken another month in them their mountains.

With both legs in bad medical condition I was pretty damn slow..however like a glacier..slow and steady..I did do it with Scotts constant encouragement...I did the entire trip..maybe 10x slower than Scott but I walked , climbed, and carried...oh ya shot...the important part is we got er done...

I WILL say this....the story is INCREDIBLE and well worth the time to read..IMHO...and the outcome..satisfying.....



PS. I must aslo take this time to THANK RIVERJET ADVENTURES..Kevin..

gentleman, man of his word, great outfit, and I cant speak highly enoughj of him and RIVERJET ADVENTURES...


08-12-2009, 10:20 AM
Congrats Srupp!!

08-12-2009, 10:35 AM
Congrats Srupp, and welcome to the world of sheep hunting. Now you know what its like..eh?, and well worth it!.:-D:-D

08-12-2009, 11:39 AM
Congratulations on the ram. Good to hear that you made it home safely. Dying to hear "The Rest of The Story".......WOW, 6 pages later and still no pics!

08-12-2009, 11:39 AM
Well talked with Steve this morning, sounds like the ram is barely legal something about milk on its nose but I guess we'll have to see if thats true or not. :twisted:
Here's to Steven and his determination and dedication!
Another big congratulations!

08-12-2009, 11:43 AM
I bet you it's a pisscutter. Come on and post a few teasers Sruppster, we are beggin' for it.

Buck Skin
08-12-2009, 11:46 AM
great job! cant wait to see the photos.

08-12-2009, 12:21 PM
The suspense is killing me!

08-12-2009, 12:22 PM
Congrats, glad to hear you succeeded!!! Good on ya!!!

08-12-2009, 02:58 PM
Took a break from work today and went up to srupp's place. Come to think of it he did mention something about a sheep...:wink:

08-12-2009, 03:11 PM
Good on ya, glad you connected. Looking forward to the story :cool:

08-12-2009, 04:26 PM
Okay i just read thru 7 pages and still no picture.........Lookin forward to your story and PICTURE.Congrats Srupp.

08-12-2009, 04:44 PM
would hate to see a good man BANNED.

08-12-2009, 05:00 PM
Enter...."Jeopardy" game show theme.....

08-12-2009, 05:14 PM
7 pages and no pic....complete and total bannation!!!!

Congrats Steven looking forward to the story and PICTURES.

08-12-2009, 05:21 PM
SRUPP has helped me out lots of times, and I consider him a friend.

However, I cannot in good faith condone his actions regarding this sheep hunt. His behavior is contrary to all sportsmanlike conduct and ethics, and I will regrettably have to ban SRUPP form HBC.

Unless he POSTS PICS ASAP!!!:mrgreen:

08-12-2009, 05:50 PM
Is There Really A Sheep??????????????

08-12-2009, 05:52 PM

I just lost 22 pounds eating Mountainhouse 'food" and am eating my supper before I post the story....and then the photos..if I can find them...


hmmmm if I may say so..IT WILL BE WORTH THE WAIT...IMHO...its no MONSTER like the hawg shot in the other stone sheep post however IF you look carefully it IS a stone sheep...:eek:

cleaning, laundry, knifes, tents,optics,inspections, etc etc etc lots to get done and its only been 24hours since I got back..

now back to dinner.....

rifleman...I am not sure there IS a Santa Claus..HOWEVER there is indeed a sheep....lol


08-12-2009, 06:09 PM
congrats Steven glad to hear it all payed off,can't wait for the story and pics.

08-12-2009, 06:54 PM
.................................................. .................................................. .....

So this year with the changes in my knees and my health I knew it would be my last chance for stone sheep. I booked with River Jet Adventures, Kevin Willis and Scott agreed to come along as my hunting partner - as neither one of us had ever been in this area before.

I tried to prepare my equipment and list of stuff I would be needing and yet minimizing the weight that I would be required to carry. I contacted individuals I felt were knowlegeable and would give good advice regarding gear. I lost 35 pounds prior to the hunt, however, in retrospect I would have done much better by just going for a hike with a loaded pack, rather than use the treadmill...they are two completely training regimes. However, I did lose the weight. I had all my equipment packed, tags bought, and gear ready one week in advance of my leaving date.

With everything as prepared as I could I left Williams Lake on July 29th...headed towards Fort Nelson. I met up with Scott and Kevin on July 30th and filled out the paperwork and paid the fees for River Jet Adventures. Early on July 30th four vehicles pulled out headed for the Muskwa River. At the Muskwa there were Kevin Willis and his brand new 23 foot river jet boat. Scott, myself and two other stone sheep hunters headed to a different camp. The boat was loaded, trucks were locked and we found ourselves swiftly moving upstream in Kevin's powerful, beautiful new jet boat.

Along the route we encountered several wolves, elk and caribou and miles and miles of beautiful scenery. After many hours of travel we arrived at a spot on the Muskwa and Kevin dropped us off - promising to return on August 10th at 11 am. sharp to pick us up. Shaking our hands, Kevin disappeared down the Muskwa and around the corner...we were on our own.

08-12-2009, 07:01 PM
Type faster :)

08-12-2009, 07:14 PM
Scott and I arranged our packs and left extra gear: tents, sleeping bags, food, etc. and donning our 65 pound packs we slowly turned from the Muskwa and headed towards the mountains.

For the first hour we busted brush and headed up valley trying to encounter a good game trail to making the going easier. After 4 hours we hadn't made much progress...it was late in the afternoon so we made camp, had supper and crashed. The next morning Scott found a good game trail; only 75 yards up the hill from our camp. And so we hit the trail literally and slowly started trudging up the valley, all the time gaining elevation. Because of the weight of the pack and sore knees, the going was slow and we would hike and then rest as my knees would allow. I found myself gulping back water in the 35 degree heat while millions of mosquitoes and black flies appeared to take great glee in tormenting me!! Scott, however, cheerily marched on, seemingly oblivious to the heat, bugs and effort. The result of twelve gruelling hours found us at a small, inoccuous spot, far up the valley beside a little pond deep in the forests of northern B.C. Again, sleep seemed to come easily. Early the next morning found us trudging on a somewhat steeper incline up the mountain. It was kind of funny that I had no clue where I was! I had neither GPS, map, compass nor any history in this area. Scott had never been here before, but he did know which mountain he wanted us to get to. At each stream, creek and rivlet I took the opportunity to fill my hydration bag, add iodine tablets and drink a couple of litres.

From time to time, Scott would take a sip of water. And if I remember correctly, I think Scott even rested. Once even with his pack off! After about 6 hours of climbing, Scott decided to go on ahead and set up camp...I was to keep plodding on. I continued climbing steeper and steeper terrain, spotting my second grizzly, a 6X7 bull elk and numerous other wild creatures. At around 9 pm. I staggered over the top to the flat of the mountain top pass to find no Scott! And no tent in sight. Totally exhausted I set up my tent, sipped some water and collapsed into restful sleep.

08-12-2009, 07:18 PM
I think you have taken stringing something out to a whole new level here... lol

08-12-2009, 07:25 PM
The next thing I remember was Scott peering into the open tent flap, saying "good morning...you made it to within 500 yards of camp, why did you stop?" I smiled, thought about explaining the concept of sheer exhaustion, but merely said "I dunno." We loaded up the pack and were about to head off when we spotted a band of 11 stone sheep rams withing 400 yards, feeding up a northern hanging valley. We dropped the pack, grabbed binoculars, range finder, rifle and off we ran. I don't know if you've ever tried to chase down feeding stone sheep; but it's not an easy chore folks. We got a good chance of examining the group and found 3 good rams - but rather than spook them, we let them feed on while we returned to my pack and went to set up at camp.

08-12-2009, 07:26 PM

08-12-2009, 07:45 PM
If you put your beer down you can type faster!!!!

08-12-2009, 07:45 PM
Once back at "the camp" Scott headed off to one of the other valleys while I set up my tent and organized my gear, and once done I grabbed my Swarovski bino's and spotting scope, found a comfortable location and started glassing. Over the next 4 hours I spotted 40 sheep, one of which was a contender to be brought home. I also spotted elk and numerous goats. Scott returned sometime later that evening and we planned the next day's events. He wanted to head back to the hanging valley to see if the band of 11 rams had returned. Sometime in the night it started to rain, and the fog rolled in. So by the next day there was no visibility. It was a camp day.

The morning of August 4th found my up and enjoying a delicious package of cold cereal and water, cold water. By 5 am. we had headed off towards the hanging valley. Sometime later on before 8 am. we peered over a small rise to look at the band of 11 rams feeding some 780 yards up near a cliff. Scott and I hatched a plan and he moved off to the north while I broke out the spotting scope and studied the group of 11 for the next 3 hours. Some of the antics were quite amusing - one huge old monarch walked up to a bush and swung his hind leg over the bush until his hind was situated directly over the brush - he then moved his hips forward and backward with the most amused look on his face as the brush scratched his crotch. There were 3 shooter rams...one ram's horns flared out widely, but didn't drop down very much...the second ram was absolutely a HAWG!!!! He was massive; absolutely tremendous bases that retained their weight, however they were broomed back below the bridge of the nose, and it was very difficult to ascertain if he maintained 8 annuli...the third ram was absolutely beautiful! He sported a gorgeous chocolate cape with the typical salt and pepper colouring to the forehead, face and neck. His horns were a wonderful lemon colour with tremedous bases that retained their weight well into the third quarter, he flared wide and dropped down deep below the jaw, coming up to just above the bridge of the nose. I aged him at 9 years, so I knew he was at least 8 years old.


08-12-2009, 08:01 PM
Suddenly, from below and south of the ram I noticed movement. I swung the binoculars to find 2 other hunters headed into this valley. A mere 700 yards from MY ram, and moving towards him. I grabbed my range finder, rifle and binoculars, scrambled to my feet and headed off towards Scott...I ran...now the concept of Steve Rupp running should bring howls of laughter, but I was not about to let this opportunity get away to anyone for any reason...not with the effort I had already put in. Some 600 yards later I explained to Scott what was happening and that I was going to try to get to the knob that was 300 yards from the rams. I ran another 200 yards, then dropped down 40 yards and up the backside of a 60 yard high knob. En route up the knob I spooked a ewe and lamb, which fortunately ran off towards Scott and did not spook them. At the top of the knob, my lungs bursting from exertion, I slumped down and tried to find the rams. After a few minutes my breathing had slowed and the rams fed into view some 318 yards from my location. There was a large vehicle-sized rock that I placed my sweater and hat on top of and slowly chambered a round; turned the scope to 10 power and again, ranged the distance...318 yards.

These bullets were Hornady 140 grain BTSSP...loaded to 2950' FPS and had been carefully hand-loaded by my good friend Gary Deane...I had them loaded and the rifle sighted to be 3" high at 100 yards.

Because I had spent 3 hours, I knew which ram was the one I wanted. So when the ram appeared to be feeding away I centred the crosshairs immediately behind his front leg and again verified the distance with the range finder at 318 yards. I centred the crosshairs and slowly squeezed the trigger. At the explosion sheep ran in every direction...all busting straight up the cliff...I counted 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10....and I counted again and again and one ram was missing. I closed my eyes and replayed the sequence of the shot and realized that I had heard a thump. YES!!! I knew I had hit my ram and he had disappeared!! I grabbed my sweater and hat and headed down the knob over towards my ram.

Now the questions came...was he legal? Was I right? Was he dead? And most importantly, what about ground shrinkage? As I walked up to where I should have shot my ram I could not find him. No blood, no tracks, nothing.

08-12-2009, 08:28 PM
Suddenly, a little bit further north than I had been searching I noticed a lemon colour curve shape...I FOUND MY RAM!! I had done it!! As I walked towards the ram there was no ground shrinkage. He was big, he was magnificent. I quickly checked the horns and both were over the bridge of the nose - the ram was 9 years old. I let out a WHOOP! Then I sat with my ram and cried. I thought back to all the years, all the trips, all the effort, all the miles and finally, I had through sheer determination (my wife thinks stubborness) I had succeeded. I had harvested a stone ram.

Scott came up and was ecstatic with everything about this ram. We sat for a bit and talked about the effort and the years. We took some photos and caped out the ram and headed for camp. As it turned out, the other hunters had given up on the hunting once they realized that we had set up on a sheep. So our effort was successful but the running was unnecessary!

At camp I started the caping process with my new Piranta knife (scalpel) and it was amazing at caping and made the process much faster and cleaner. Scott returned for a second load of meat.

The next day was spent turning ears, splitting the lips, more work fleshing and salting the cape. Also a day of well deserved rest. That night the northern lights lit up the entire sky with a light show of unbelievable opalescent beauty. The following morning found Scott and I with 100 plus pound packs slowly heading out of the valley of the rams and down the mountainside. We had seen 50 or so goats - some of them world record quality. We had also seen over 70 rams - and left the biggest still on the mountain. As well as many elk.

We repeated the gruelling march in reverse...hiking for 12 hours...and collapsing with exhaustion to fitful sleep. The second day found us putting an extra special effort in and arriving back at the Muskwa River to a king's feast of cold pork and beans from the can followed by a jar of peaches each! Yippee!! Over the next three days we tended to our sore muscles, scrapes, cuts and bee stings.

Another set of sheep hunters stopped by and even supplied a coupld of cold beers each!

Now I don't know what it is about me...however I always seem to be able to make an opportunity to pull someone's leg. Enter Kevin Willis.

The morning of August 10th Kevin Willis arrived to pick us up. As he approached camp I forced a neutral expression on my face and prepared to have some fun.

Kevin asked "how did it go?" For the next 5 minutes I proceeded to string him along about not seeing any sheep at all; too many hunters; too many wolves; too many grizzlies and that although it was beautiful country there were no sheep. I have no idea how Scott kept his face straight, but between the two of us we had him convinced that we had struck out. Kevin looked like he had lost his best friend. Some 10 minutes later I stopped beside a log and said "oh Kevin" and held up the magnificent ram's head. Needless to say the reaction was instant, positive and there was absolute relief.

I want to thank Kevin Willis, owner and operator of River Jet Adventures for being a man of his word, skilled boat operator, reliable and honest - he got us back to where the animals were. I can highly recommend his services and Company.

As for Scott, he is a man of untold generosity. He took time from his business to help me get my stone ram. No, he had never been in here before but to him this was one big, exciting challenge that he thoroughly enjoyed. Yes, I was much older, much heavier, out of shape, with bad knees but he never once complained. He would always smile and say "so it takes us an extra day." He did more than his fair share of hauling water, packing gear and "getting 'er done." Thank you Scott!! You are a gentleman, a hell of a hunter, an unbeatable partner to have back in the mountains of British Columbia. And I will never forget what you have both done on my behalf.

En route home I stopped in Prince George and visited with Greg Blackburn and Jim Glaicar. They both enjoyed seeing our ram and Greg agreed the ram was 9 years old and was legal by age and both horn tips went over the bridge of the nose.

The ram's measurements are 39" X 39" by 15" and should score somewhere between 168 and 172.

Photos may follow...

Respectfully Submitted,

08-12-2009, 08:34 PM
wow.what a story steve.congrats to u and everyone involved.hurry up the old lady wants to go on facebook.lol

08-12-2009, 08:38 PM
wow. ggrrreeeeaaaaatttttt story. I'm still excited about the whole trip you guys had. thanx for sharing your story....... a 1000 words that are worth a picture. while waiting I think i'll read it again!!!!!!

08-12-2009, 08:38 PM
Congrats on a hell of a ram. You should be proud of yourself for sticking with it...

08-12-2009, 08:39 PM
Wow, great ram and great story. I guess waiting all these years for the big one was worth it. I can't wait to see pictures of that squeaker 8)

08-12-2009, 08:39 PM

Well done.


08-12-2009, 08:40 PM
congrads but need pics

08-12-2009, 08:42 PM
Once again I read a story that keeps me coming back to this website.
That was a terrific tale!
Look forward to the pictures.

Duk Dog
08-12-2009, 08:45 PM
Wow what a great story! Congrats!! Looking forward to the pictures.

08-12-2009, 08:45 PM
Well done!!!We're waiting....

08-12-2009, 08:47 PM
Whow...Well done Srupp. Excellent story!. I felt like I was there. Congratulations on getting a Stone Ram. Now if we could just see some pics...:smile:

08-12-2009, 08:49 PM
Congratulations, great story! I could visualize the whole hunt.

08-12-2009, 08:50 PM

08-12-2009, 08:50 PM
What REALLY surprises me is that no -one has asked for photos..it is indeed refreshing to tell a tale..and no one requires any proof of the existence of this ram...what a touching tribute to the friends here..


08-12-2009, 08:51 PM
What REALLY surprises me is that no -one has asked for photos..it is indeed refreshing to tell a tale..and no one requires any proof of the existence of this ram...what a touching tribute to the friends here..

As I said,we're waiting..

08-12-2009, 08:53 PM
Great tale srupp. Hell of a feat.

08-12-2009, 08:57 PM
Superb story telling. You had me speed reading in that middle section to get the results. Congratulations on an successful, well deserved hunt.

08-12-2009, 08:59 PM
Congrats, good story even if it is fiction.

08-12-2009, 09:03 PM
Alright Steven,
It's obvious BS, not pic's, no proof, you still dreaming of how a hunt should go or prove us all wrong on calling you out.

Congrats on writing a good story that seems real any ways.


08-12-2009, 09:10 PM
this is bull shit, no pic. Congrats and how was the jet boating?

08-12-2009, 09:14 PM
jet boating was fun..the "log jam" was a bit dicey..sort of like pin ball but with a BRAND NEW jet boat..sure showed Kevins skill...

Thanks for asking.


08-12-2009, 09:17 PM
Great story Steven.I can't wait to see your photos.Sounds like a tough hunt and an Awesome Ram!By the way did I read that you didn't take your GPS?

08-12-2009, 09:25 PM
Awesome story Steven and great trip, congrats to you and Scott!

08-12-2009, 09:38 PM
Congratulations............Great story, great ram! I hope you have a good taxidermist!

08-12-2009, 09:43 PM
The ram's measurements are 39" X 39" by 15" and should score somewhere between 168 and 172.
wow that's quit a claim, wish I could believe it...
only one way to put this doubt to rest ...

08-12-2009, 09:48 PM
The ram's measurements are 39" X 39" by 15" and should score somewhere between 168 and 172.

Geez Hurley killed a booner, can't wait to see pictures.

Did the hunters that were going after your ram stop in or find out you shot one of them?

08-12-2009, 09:57 PM
awesome story

08-12-2009, 09:57 PM
Congrats on a smasher ram

08-12-2009, 10:28 PM
Steve's sheep is a thing of beauty! I had the pleasure of viewing the horns on Monday night and it wetted my appetite for sheep hunting for sure. He was sure excited. I admire the fact that he persevered that many years and then to have it culminate the way it did is one for the hunting journals.

08-12-2009, 11:03 PM
hmmmm Porcupine...yes I have a GREAT taxidermist doing this ram..Harley White in Kelowna..actually Westbank...one of THE best...will be interesting to compare the work with Jack Gibsons who did my 167 Cali ram...and still remains one of the best taxi jobs I have ever seen..

Brambles???? HURLEY??? who is Hurley???

Yes the hunters stopped in camp the following day and we chatted..nice guys one was from Fort St John??They were then going after the BIG GUY...

Thunderstix..hmmmm you have me at a complete disadvantage..:mrgreen:your from Fort Neslon and you saw the ram????Hmmm I drove into Fort Nelly..dieseled up the truck..hmmm gas jockey was a girl....then I got a appetizing dinner..hmmm waitress was a oriental gal...then I drove out of Fort Nelson and headed home....no other stops...

The only other person who saw the ram was a gentleman at the gas station who looked at the ram..I showed him..was THAT you??

Excited..???me????HELL YA...still am...just opened the freezer to ensure I wasnt dreaming....GREAT dream but even more COOL is its real...

Nimrod..its no claim..and I have nothing to prove..lol now Im off to bed..as work in the morning comes early after a month off fishing and hunting..BUT I get to go to sleep counting sheep...one......yes ONE..my one....Thank you Lord...



08-12-2009, 11:19 PM
seems fishy hope to see pics if there is any pics?

08-12-2009, 11:26 PM
Ahhh the highs and lows of sheep hunting...I love it!

great job SRUPP.

sounds like you fellas had a great trip.

08-12-2009, 11:34 PM
I cannot hold back Gates from the ban button any longer......Sorry Steven.

Clarke......DO IT

Ps...nice job on the sheep. Glad you were successful

08-13-2009, 05:07 AM
its no claim..and I have nothing to prove

just giving ya a hard time
I love the story it's an excellent read, you definitely earned your Ram.

your killin me...... need some sheep porn!!!

Wild Images
08-13-2009, 06:01 AM
Great story Steve, Harley will do you right, but if you don't put up some pics we are going to pay him to put the horns on backwards :eek:

08-13-2009, 06:34 AM
Great story,congrats,It's nice to see the hard work and determenation pay off in them northern rockies!

08-13-2009, 06:39 AM
Great story Steve and I cannot wait to see the pictures!!

08-13-2009, 06:49 AM
Brambles???? HURLEY??? who is Hurley???

Yes the hunters stopped in camp the following day and we chatted..nice guys one was from Fort St John??They were then going after the BIG GUY...

Ever watch the TV series "LOST", google it, you'll see who Hurley was:-P

Here I did it for ya, just razzin yah. Dont go get all girly about it. Congrats on your ram, can't wait to see it, sounds like a HOG


Stone Sheep Steve
08-13-2009, 07:17 AM
BUT I get to go to sleep counting sheep...one......yes ONE..my one....Thank you Lord...



Hope your wife didn't mind sharing her pillow with your ram:smile:.

Congrats again and a well written account of your hunt. What a way to culminate your sheep hunting career.

I'll be away next week or I would have arranged to meet you up at Harley's on the 18th....but I'll be fondling your horns at some point down the road;).


08-13-2009, 08:24 AM
Great job Srupp!. One hell of a well written story. Glad you were able to finally connect!

08-13-2009, 08:44 AM
Well it couldn't have happened to a nicer man. You and Susan deserve the respect and admiration from all of us out here for your dedication towards this ultimate goal. Lord knows I would have gave up years ago. Congratulations!

Now enough with the tantric teasing and get on with the photos!!

08-13-2009, 09:12 AM
That was a great read steve! Like a book you can't put down! Harley is THE man for your area!
Congrats again

Buck Skin
08-13-2009, 09:12 AM
great job!:mrgreen: you deserved it. but show us photos

08-13-2009, 09:58 AM
Thanks all.....I am at work today:frown:, STILL on strike but working...

I will 'try" and get the computer 'fixed" tonite and post some photos of the ram....Susan had some work to do in regards to selling my Moms home in Kelkowna and in the process our computer had some "issues" hence the reason for posting the story in sections...

I will get some photos up ASAP...sheesh over 8,000 hits in just a couple days....:eek:

Please remember it was Riverjet Adventures and Kevin Willis and SCOTT who helped make this possible..it sure helped having a great hunting partner...no complaints about my age, weight, slowness...just a big grin and a get it done attitude....

When I shot the ram Scott sat back on the hill behind me some 300 yards and enjoyed the culmination of so many years..and when I cried ..in happiness..it was OK...



08-13-2009, 10:33 AM
Awesome!! After some of your last attempts I had my doubts, but you put your head down, and gotter done... (I think they'd call that heart in any other sport. ;) ) Regardless of size or score, THAT ram is a trophy of a lifetime! You finished your quest and your wife hasn't left you... Congrats. :biggrin:

08-13-2009, 10:39 AM
Great read Steve and a huge congratulations to you! The pictures will be icing on the cake.

Doe Eyes
08-13-2009, 10:40 AM
Great story...well written.

08-13-2009, 10:59 AM
Great story Steven....It nice to here a story like that.....Dreams not given up on. Good on ya!!!

Now if he does not post some photo's tonight.....Some one Ban Him!!! LMAO!!!

08-13-2009, 11:59 AM
I have had the moderator Mr. Gatehouse call me and politely inform me that pictures MUST accompany claims of such a wonderful ram..and that I should comply PDQ.....


08-13-2009, 12:06 PM
I have had the moderator Mr. Gatehouse call me and politely inform me that pictures MUST accompany claims of such a wonderful ram..and that I should comply PDQ.....


And we must obey the heirarchy within.....................

08-13-2009, 12:21 PM
Srupp, if no pix he'll ban you and this post will be locked, giddy-up.

08-13-2009, 12:51 PM
I rarely take the step of personally calling a person to demand pics, but in this case it was necessary....;-)

08-13-2009, 12:53 PM
When I came back last year with my bull elk ,it only took me two days to get them up on the site ,whats the hold up srupp :?.

There should be rules implemented ,no story before pic are posted .

BiG Boar
08-13-2009, 01:13 PM
Don't post the pics. It will be the peoples penance for all the flak you've taken over the years! haha. I really think you shouldnt. I'll come up for coffee and take a look though. Congradulations man, sounds like an awsome hunt! Can't wait to see it on your wall! dAVe

08-13-2009, 01:26 PM
Attention whore :biggrin:

At least post some scenary pics.

08-13-2009, 01:34 PM

Hi Dave wondered when you'd wade in on this..lol

Dave PLEASE call me @ work ..I sent you a PM a few moments ago its kinda important..



08-13-2009, 01:44 PM
Srupp thats one of the best storys if read off hear congrats on your quest just how long have you been trying for

08-13-2009, 01:46 PM
since BEFORE I was overweight and old...and STILL had good legs..



08-13-2009, 02:00 PM
and how long is that kind of finishes off the story oh ya & of coarse some PICTURES

08-13-2009, 02:21 PM
srupp how bad was the river ive never ran the muskwa before thought of trying but i have no teflon on the bottom of my boat how mutch does it cost to get dropped off & picked up

08-13-2009, 03:12 PM
OK 10,000 views and 2 days with no pictures this horseshit has to end. I'm sure along with HBC ettiquite we are also breaking a few interprovoncial laws and maybe even a few foreign affair policys not to mention trade embargos...lock 'er up!

08-13-2009, 03:36 PM
The Muskwa was fine..cept for a bad log jam...The costs are posted on Riverjet Adventures website..and Kevins new boat doesnt have teflon on it either..but with anything experience is key to doing anything including jetting the river....

Sorry Gilmore..I do have to work..and I cant expect my sweet , beautiful young wife..did I mention intelligent?? to do ALL the clean up from the hunt...so there are other interests in my life...:eek:..lol...

I promise as soon as I can I will post some photos.....I was going to hold off on the story untill I got my computer figured out.....I hope that is going to happen before I need to go to Kelowna to sign the papers to sell my Moms house...and I cant do anything from work here about posting photos...


08-13-2009, 04:26 PM
Congrats man!

I got the unedited story from my buddy Dave (he and Darren were on the boat with you both ways).

Your partner sounds like one hell of a guy!

08-13-2009, 06:00 PM

08-13-2009, 06:17 PM
hahahaha..too funny

08-13-2009, 06:24 PM
First off, congrats on the sheep Steven, even if we don't know what it looks like..........grin

Since I haven't seen it asked yet, wasn't your hunting partner looking for a sheep as well? Curious why he didn't go after the bigger one, after you tagged out.

08-13-2009, 06:30 PM
I thought we had rules about posting pictures on this site........15 pages and still no picture......Congrats Steven, excellent story.

I think its time for some new rule about posting your story and pics..................we can call it the SRUPP rule

08-13-2009, 06:47 PM
Could turn it into an acronym.

Show the pictures
Read about the hunt
Upm coordinates/MU optional....:-P

skyliner 270
08-13-2009, 06:50 PM
ya its getting out of hand i wona see pictures. congratz thought

08-13-2009, 06:51 PM
Thanks Stonechaser..good to hear from you again..

Yes Dave and Darren got a ram also..hmmm unedited..lol same story....facts dont change:tongue:

Riverotter..Scott already has a stone sheep and he is off to the Kootenays for bighorns..


Stone Sheep Steve
08-13-2009, 07:23 PM
So while we're waiting........Steven..... I couldn't help but think about you when I was heading north. The hwy at Lac La Hache was closed for a couple of hours due to a nasty, nasty head-on collision. Fatalities for sure:-(.

I believe you were headed north the previous day but I'm sure you heard about that one.


08-13-2009, 08:01 PM
Times up Rupp. No more pretending the computers broke. It doesn't take this long to Photoshop a Stone Sheep in....:eek:
People are losing sleep over your Sheep..

08-13-2009, 08:13 PM
http://www.clipartof.com/images/thumbnail/290.gif http://images.paraorkut.com/img/emoticons/images/s/sheep-93.gif (http://graphicshunt.com/emoticons/images/sheep-93.htm)

08-13-2009, 08:35 PM

Benthos..NOW THAT IS THE FUNNIST THING I have seen...:eek:

regarding the accident..havnt heard a thing about that one..


Stone Sheep Steve
08-13-2009, 08:35 PM
Well, since we're all tired of waiting for Steven to post his pics, I'll post one of the leaked photos from Whitetailsheds.

Worth the wait if you ask me!!!:smile:

http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/data/500/Artist_s_renditiion_of_Srupp_s_ram.JPG (http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/showphoto.php?photo=14993)


08-13-2009, 08:37 PM
Isn't that Scott in the background behind the rock about 300 yards away?

08-13-2009, 08:38 PM
how old is that sheep? I thought he said it was 9:-P

08-13-2009, 08:47 PM
Must be a UNION camera...since you through that out there...please move on with this god alful thread.

08-13-2009, 09:32 PM
If you squint a bit S S S 's picture comes in with perfectly clear detail and you will see it is a magnificent ram .

08-13-2009, 09:44 PM
Thunderstix..hmmmm you have me at a complete disadvantage..:mrgreen:your from Fort Neslon and you saw the ram????Hmmm I drove into Fort Nelly..dieseled up the truck..hmmm gas jockey was a girl....then I got a appetizing dinner..hmmm waitress was a oriental gal...then I drove out of Fort Nelson and headed home....no other stops...

The only other person who saw the ram was a gentleman at the gas station who looked at the ram..I showed him..was THAT you??

Yessiree Steve! That was indeed me. Quite a handsome guy with a shaved head?! :lol: I thought that comment about me seeing it might throw you for a bit of a loop. I am actually quite honored that I got the first preview, and I can attest to the fact that it is a beauty, although the gas jockey girl said, "ewww"...only took 17 long years as I recall you telling me. I wish I had realized who you were, as normally I would have introduced myself but had pile on my mind that day. I do have a huntingBC.ca sticker on my windshield but hard to see if not face on. I t was good to chat with you.

08-13-2009, 09:47 PM

08-13-2009, 10:12 PM
WOW! What are the chances..:eek: lmao....it was good to meet you, yes I was pumped...darn wish I knew who you were...at the time I was tired and hungry and just wanted to make some tracks towards home...so MUCH had happened..

It was indeed my pleasure to meet you..

As for the photos..its coming its coming...the photos have to be shared in such a way that each and every photo shows the ram and Scott and a "bit" of scenery but not enough to in any way compromise the area in which I harvested this ram...this ram has generated lots of interest all the details are true however I dont want to jeapodize Kevins area or over run any area with hunters...this is Kevins livlihood...

The rivers where quite tame but either higher water or lower water can make it challenging and DANGEROUS...


08-14-2009, 12:04 AM
information found.....regarding compulsary inspectors


08-14-2009, 04:54 AM
12,920 views, and no photo, I'm done.

08-14-2009, 06:17 AM
Yessiree Steve! That was indeed me. Quite a handsome guy with a shaved head?! :lol: I thought that comment about me seeing it might throw you for a bit of a loop. I am actually quite honored that I got the first preview, and I can attest to the fact that it is a beauty, although the gas jockey girl said, "ewww"...only took 17 long years as I recall you telling me. I wish I had realized who you were, as normally I would have introduced myself but had pile on my mind that day. I do have a huntingBC.ca sticker on my windshield but hard to see if not face on. I t was good to chat with you.

You are quite a handsome brute aren't you.!!!

08-14-2009, 06:18 AM
I was thinking the same thing about the odds of accidently meeting.

08-14-2009, 06:19 AM
You know it fester!!!

08-14-2009, 08:03 AM
Hey Steve congratulations on the ram!

I am thinking of heading up to Fort Nelson myself, since my son lives there now. You have whetted my appetite, although I more interested in moose and elk. Just reading the story, I can't wait to get out in the bush!

Well done!


08-14-2009, 08:11 AM
Hi John...lots of big game up near Fort Nelson..

I will pull the horns out of the freezer and take some photos tonite and post them for the time being...



08-14-2009, 08:37 AM
12,920 views, and no photo, I'm done.

Same here.

Congratulations on the sheep.

08-14-2009, 08:44 AM
This is starting to sound like dirtys bear hunting story.......

08-14-2009, 09:11 AM
This is starting to sound like dirtys bear hunting story.......

Its reminding me of srupp's 1000lb. black bear thread! :roll:
When you do get pics please start a new thread as Im tired of sifting through this one to see if pics have showed up!

08-14-2009, 09:22 AM
Swarovski spotter, ford diesel pickup, new sako rifle, but too friggen cheap to buy a camera.

****newsflash****BUY YOUR OWN DAMN CAMERA

08-14-2009, 09:56 AM
This is starting to sound like dirtys bear hunting story.......

At least his bs story had pics!!!! :wink:

08-14-2009, 10:12 AM

I think your friends wanted to see a pic of your face just after you killed that sheep.....alright, maybe not your face, but you know what I mean.

I'm pretty sure the backlash will be epic if all you do is post a pic of horns out of the freezer......way too much build-up ;)

by the sounds of it...you met other hunters in that area....plus who knows how many others that saw you but you didn't see......if there is a rock in the background someone might recognize, so be it.

easy for me to say I guess......I respect what you are trying to do.

08-14-2009, 10:27 AM
I'm right annoyed with this thread :neutral:

Marketing strategy for river jet adventures ? Its probably working!

I think I'll book with them, tell em "I want to go where srupp went"
Being a business how could they refuse to drop a guy off there.
Surely not all the pictures reveal gps co ordinates?

Never seen a hunt recap not accompanied by a pictorial by you.
Theres about a dozen guys that come to mind who have always had good ones and you're one of them.
Build the hype before the hunt, have all contributing best wishes, luck, inspiration and what not and dissapoint us in return :'(

Freezer pictures are a kick in the teeth.

08-14-2009, 10:31 AM
The ram is either questionable or Srupp was deprived of attention as a child. This thread is absolutly sickening.

08-14-2009, 10:43 AM
I'm right annoyed with this thread :neutral:

Marketing strategy for river jet adventures ? Its probably working!

I think I'll book with them, tell em "I want to go where srupp went"
Being a business how could they refuse to drop a guy off there.
Surely not all the pictures reveal gps co ordinates?

Never seen a hunt recap not accompanied by a pictorial by you.
Theres about a dozen guys that come to mind who have always had good ones and you're one of them.
Build the hype before the hunt, have all contributing best wishes, luck, inspiration and what not and dissapoint us in return :'(

Freezer pictures are a kick in the teeth.

the strange part of the whole PACKER/GUIDE debate is that you can't tell him to " Take me to where I can shoot a ram".

But you can tell him to " Take me to where you dropped SRUPP off".

That is a whole other thread.....

08-14-2009, 10:44 AM
It's so sad the "instant gratification" culture alive and well in the hunting community.:-(


08-14-2009, 10:48 AM
bud; thats what I meant.
And no I wouldnt do that.
Im saying that pics wont reveal anything as unless somebody has been there, than they wont know where it is. If somebody wanted to go there then, just get dropped off there. Hike up = wha-laaaa! No reason not to post pics :)
Except computer problems :lol:
Technology just isnt what it should be I guess. Wonder if the military has problems, likely not. Thats it, all hunters need military quality equipment so there is no delay of picture posting on HBC.

08-14-2009, 10:49 AM
this thread is one huge dry hump

08-14-2009, 10:53 AM
bud; thats what I meant.
And no I wouldnt do that.
Im saying that pics wont reveal anything as unless somebody has been there, than they wont know where it is. If somebody wanted to go there then, just get dropped off there. Hike up = wha-laaaa! No reason not to post pics :)
Except computer problems :lol:
Technology just isnt what it should be I guess. Wonder if the military has problems, likely not. Thats it, all hunters need military quality equipment so there is no delay of picture posting on HBC.

Yeah, I just meant you COULD do that ........which is why its ironic he is stressing out as much as he is.....

you and I wouldn't....but some would

Stone Sheep Steve
08-14-2009, 10:55 AM
Patience is a vital trait for sheep hunters. Just think of this as a training session:lol:.


08-14-2009, 10:56 AM
The ram is either questionable or Srupp was deprived of attention as a child. This thread is absolutly sickening.

Probably deprived as a child, Needs all the attention he can get to make up what he did'nt get as a child.:-(

08-14-2009, 10:58 AM
This was not meant to PISS anyone off..sorry???I am not going to say anymore..the photos will be posted..

Thanks WILLY442 good of you to join in ..lol and as usual just negative suppositions..and conjecture the ram is being Inspected @ 1:00 today..the size is as I have reported, and I was not deprived of attention..I wondered how you would make this a negative..wonderful ram finally accomplished my goal..and it makes you sick..I was wrong you COULD find a way...

I was not aware that there was a absolute mandatory requirement that I post any photos in any set time limit..I have been trying to do so as quickly as possible...its no marketing stratagy..just the way things turned out for me this week..

I am unable to fully coment or explain it has NOTHING to do with Riverjet..but completely with me..so yes blame me..

Do you for one second think I dont want to post a photo??
oh well, being busy at work, and having to take time off work to even get a CI done..

08-14-2009, 11:31 AM
In the strike agreement, I'd ask for picture posting priorities as well ;)

Stone Sheep Steve
08-14-2009, 11:52 AM
After waiting this looooooooong to finally get your Stone's ,Steven, and over 14,000 views without any pics.......enjoy this moment.....enjoy this moment:cool:.


08-14-2009, 12:31 PM
Wow, some of you are taking this picture thing really seriously eh?

I met up with Steve when he got off work yesterday (after about and hr overtime at the end of the day). We went to pick up the cape that had some salting done to it before going down to Kelowna. Got back into town about 8:30 in the evening. I would imagine cleaning gear and spending time with his wife would come before posting pictures. It would for me anyways.

I can attest that the ram IS real and pictures not posted are not through lack of effort on Steve's part. Yes pictures would be nice but are they worth personal attacks?

Probably not.


Toad Hunter
08-14-2009, 12:38 PM
I shot something really big too ....

Pictures to follow ....

More attention than the death of Micheal Jackson!!

08-14-2009, 12:54 PM
I say ban anybody that wants to continue the beratement of someone who has been out of town for 2 weeks, is on STRIKE, dealing with his mother's estate, has $10,000 worth of gear to clean, has to answer countless emails and PM's from individuals wanting secret coordinates to the"Promised Lands" and oh yeah and has to dedicate some special time to a little lady that allows him the time and finances to do the things that most of us can only dream about! The way I look at it we have waited 13yrs for this story (Sorry Steve) I can wait a few more days.

08-14-2009, 12:55 PM
:frown: Im sorry 'folks" but I have been slagged, attacked personally, called a liar, and basically been called far too many names that I dont deserve..my personal e-mails today were the last straw..:frown:

I have had LOTS to do..I have some serious issues @ work to deal with..I worked 11 hours yesterday...and I love my wife and want to spend time with her too..I have resposibilities in regards to being the executor for my Moms estate and her home recently sold and I must deal with that.., there are responsibilities around our home that I must deal with..like any and all of you..

I made the time to write up the story, it is true each and every word...but soem just have to keep pushing the bounds of what is acceptable..and I do not deserve some of the shit that has been directed my way..I have also had to try and get the ram inspected and the cape taken care of..and arrange a trip for Tuesday to the Taxidermists in Kelowna..

I am sorry but I draw the line at being dishonest or having my reputation being attacked..

I tried to post photos and it didnt work for me...I have contacted Scott and he has sent up a disc with his photos...they havnt arrived..yet..

I have contacted a computer specialist to help me post Scotts photos..

I posted the story in anticipation that my "friends " would rejoice with me and what Scott and I accomplished..it has degraded into a name calling and basically calling me down and a liar...:mad:I dont need that nor do I deserve that..I have done no one on this site anything but good and been as helpful as I can...sorry the photos wernt posted in your timing I tried...:mad::frown:..

The latest e-mails were way over the line...:frown:


08-14-2009, 01:00 PM

It would appear theres a few newer HBC members here that don't really know you.

Hang in there.

We'll wait. Besides, We've seen your Grizzly pics, why should anyone doubt you. If I could become 25% the Hunter you are, I'd die a happy man.

Your reputation is Gold with the rest of us.

08-14-2009, 01:06 PM
I'm pretty shocked to learn that some idiots have sent SRUPP unpleasant emails.

I'm also a little shocked at some of the comments here..I assumed that people could understand the difference between a bit of "picture posting humour" and being outright rude and derogatory, but apparently they cannot.

No more of that shit, please.

The Dawg
08-14-2009, 01:07 PM
Wow...I cant believe some people are that hard up for pics of a sheep that they would take the time and effort to write you nasty emails.

The story was amazing and gave a great account of your hunt. Any pictures would be a bonus.

Thanks for taking the time and effort out of your busy schedule to write what you did.

And for those that took the time to write to him on a personal level to complain about not seeing pics...how bout you get off your asses and go shoot one your damn self if you are that hard up to see some horn porn?

Thanks Steven.

08-14-2009, 01:15 PM
Don't let em get to you Steve. Some people will attack out of jealousy? Good on you with your stone hunt and i hope to catch up with you next week back in the puddle and some conversations over our grizzly draw for Kwatna.



08-14-2009, 01:19 PM
I think it is really poor etiquette to start slagging a guy, just because he hasn't yet done what *you* want him to do.

He wrote a good story, why can't people be satisfied with that until he is good and ready to put up pictures?

Honestly, are people so short of attention span that they can't wait for a bit? So suspicious that they don't' think it's "real" until they have seen a picture, even though multiple people have posted that they have seen the ram?

08-14-2009, 01:22 PM
:frown: Im sorry 'folks" but I have been slagged, attacked personally, called a liar, and basically been called far too many names that I dont deserve..my personal e-mails today were the last straw..:frown:

I have had LOTS to do..I have some serious issues @ work to deal with..I worked 11 hours yesterday...and I love my wife and want to spend time with her too..I have resposibilities in regards to being the executor for my Moms estate and her home recently sold and I must deal with that.., there are responsibilities around our home that I must deal with..like any and all of you..

I made the time to write up the story, it is true each and every word...but soem just have to keep pushing the bounds of what is acceptable..and I do not deserve some of the shit that has been directed my way..I have also had to try and get the ram inspected and the cape taken care of..and arrange a trip for Tuesday to the Taxidermists in Kelowna..

I am sorry but I draw the line at being dishonest or having my reputation being attacked..

I tried to post photos and it didnt work for me...I have contacted Scott and he has sent up a disc with his photos...they havnt arrived..yet..

I have contacted a computer specialist to help me post Scotts photos..

I posted the story in anticipation that my "friends " would rejoice with me and what Scott and I accomplished..it has degraded into a name calling and basically calling me down and a liar...:mad:I dont need that nor do I deserve that..I have done no one on this site anything but good and been as helpful as I can...sorry the photos wernt posted in your timing I tried...:mad::frown:..

The latest e-mails were way over the line...:frown:

Dont let the DICKS!get to ya Steven,glad for you that you had a successful trip,sending a guy nasty e mails because you dont post a pic of your sheep is pretty f,in childish if you ask me .

08-14-2009, 01:24 PM
Congratulations on your Ram Steve!

08-14-2009, 01:32 PM
Steven,,i am sorry to hear that there is a couple of idiots who have emailed you, just goes to show you that some peoples kids have no respect.

Mods,,, i think if someone on this site verbally attacks another member, via emails they should have a little "time out" i mean its one thing to do it back and forth on threads or PM's but going out of their way to send an email to another member who is one of the good guy's and call that person names and whatever else they did is completely unexceptable.

Steven, keep up the good stories i thoroughly enjoy them. if you need anything and i can help out again, let me know. cheers.

08-14-2009, 01:38 PM
Just in from the Lake Steven.
Congrats on a accomplishment very well done.
Apparently there are two types of hunters on this site,the doers and the Ass hats that send garbage emails not understanding what you have accomplished.
Looking forward to seeing the ram when you get a chance to post it.I am busy tonight but home now for 8 days so will catch up with you one night soon.
Again congrats RB

08-14-2009, 01:41 PM
[quote=Stone Sheep Steve;495895]Patience is a vital trait for sheep hunters. Just think of this as a training session:lol:.

im fairly new to this site ,idont know srupp but after reading his story im impressed with his determination to fullfill his quest for a sheep
perhaps someone might read the quote above obviosly this guy has a lot of shit on his plate be happy with what youve got cause the story is great
if this man has the determination to try a hunt for so long im sure hes doing his best to try & post pitures srupp why dont you let us know what idiots are the problem but im sure you wont you sound like youve got morals i hope everything is ok at home & dont let a few a holes ruin your day GL

08-14-2009, 01:45 PM
People honestly had the gull to email and slam you over this ??
Thats pretty childish...
Ribbing and poking for pics is one thing (happens all the time) but anything beyond that is just ignorant.

Actions based off site events shouldnt be seen as any different than if they were directed to somebody on the public forum.

Pretty lightweight to seriously diss or call someone names behind a keyboard...

08-14-2009, 01:54 PM
:frown: Im sorry 'folks" but I have been slagged, attacked personally, called a liar, and basically been called far too many names that I dont deserve..my personal e-mails today were the last straw..:frown:

I have had LOTS to do..I have some serious issues @ work to deal with..I worked 11 hours yesterday...and I love my wife and want to spend time with her too..I have resposibilities in regards to being the executor for my Moms estate and her home recently sold and I must deal with that.., there are responsibilities around our home that I must deal with..like any and all of you..

I made the time to write up the story, it is true each and every word...but soem just have to keep pushing the bounds of what is acceptable..and I do not deserve some of the shit that has been directed my way..I have also had to try and get the ram inspected and the cape taken care of..and arrange a trip for Tuesday to the Taxidermists in Kelowna..

I am sorry but I draw the line at being dishonest or having my reputation being attacked..

I tried to post photos and it didnt work for me...I have contacted Scott and he has sent up a disc with his photos...they havnt arrived..yet..

I have contacted a computer specialist to help me post Scotts photos..

I posted the story in anticipation that my "friends " would rejoice with me and what Scott and I accomplished..it has degraded into a name calling and basically calling me down and a liar...:mad:I dont need that nor do I deserve that..I have done no one on this site anything but good and been as helpful as I can...sorry the photos wernt posted in your timing I tried...:mad::frown:..

The latest e-mails were way over the line...:frown:


Oh, so you mean ALL the reasons you had already stated at the start of your thread? I don't know you Steve, but you have a hell of alot more patience than I do. Personally if these a-holes did some of this shit to me on here, I wouldn't even post the damn pic's. E-mail them to friends and screw the rest! Un-fricken believable the nerve of some people. I hope you refer these ass wipes to the mods. Too bad these jerks weren't born with "idiot" stamped on their foreheads.....a ballpean hammer at birth and there would be more oxygen for the intelligent people. Again, congrat's and post the pic's when you damn well want too.

08-14-2009, 01:55 PM
I've really enjoyed all the sheep stories this year, thanks for a great write up Steven and to all the other guys posting sheep stories and pictures!
My dad and I went up the Prophet on horseback in the mid-70's and I got to tag along (at 15). Trip of a lifetime for me, dad made a great stalk on a nice full curl ram but couldn't see it when he cleared the ridge. Turned out it was really close and he was looking beyond where it was.... It bolted and he missed a running shot.:frown:
Steven, your story brought back some great memories of that trip that I haven't dug up for some time.
Congratulations on a successful hunt, thanks for posting!

08-14-2009, 02:06 PM
Steven congrats on what you have spent sssoooooo much time in accomplishing.

Dude if your getting emails that are in any way threatening, just report them to the RCMP and let them deal with it. Im sure Marc will deal with banning them from this site as well. Dont let these people get to you.

Looking forward to the pics when you have the opportunity to post them......

08-14-2009, 02:11 PM
WAY TO GO STEVEN, I'm so glad to hear that you have fullfilled a quest that has been long awaited. I can't imagine what you felt and the smile that you must of worn when you finally grasped the horns of an animal that has eluded you for years. I can't wait to see the pictures and I don't mined waiting, after all you've been waiting for a while to take them.


08-14-2009, 02:12 PM
Just in from Ministry of Enviroment..the ram was legal by having BOTH horns go above the bridge of the nose AND it was aged at 9 years of age and most importantly it is plugged, inspected and 'legal" paperwork is now complete,:lol: passed on all 3 points...

Part of my frustration is I am NOT that computer literate and I have spent far too much time trying to post photos..with Scotts disc the problems will be over with hopefully..

I have taken a new rookie "under my wing" again this year..and it has really depressed me to watch Kyle observe hunters devour one of their own..very depressing and something I cant explain to Kyle...although he did come with me last nite to retrieve the stone sheeps cape from the "salt pile" at a friends place...

The good natured ribbing is fine I have thick skin...hmmm we call it fat..

but the e-mails were unnacceptable...and will not be tolerated...

Oh well back to work..


08-14-2009, 02:16 PM
This is getting interesting. Steven, please post the user names of the dick heads that emailed you. Nice to know who the a-holes are..........

08-14-2009, 02:19 PM
Just in from Ministry of Enviroment..the ram was legal by having BOTH horns go above the bridge of the nose AND it was aged at 9 years of age and most importantly it is plugged, inspected and 'legal" paperwork is now complete,:lol: passed on all 3 points...


Congrats Steve....sounds like a "gooder"!

08-14-2009, 02:23 PM
Good thing the inspector got the age correct :-)

08-14-2009, 02:33 PM
Srupp; Don't get me wrong, I congradulate you on finally taking a Ram. However I for one have taken many and have first hand knowledge of the hardships it requires to be successful many times over. I have travelled the Muskawa, Kechieka and Gattho many times and have survived. The story was great and the fact your captain was able to run the river without incident is also, but its nothing special. What is special to a sheep hunter is the actual set of horns that you took. If you are unable to post them fine, I do remember though that some else in the early stages of this thread volunteered to help and you declined it. Hence the reason for my comment on being deprived as a child. Do I need to see your photo? (no) I have many of my own and never have I complained or called out my hunting partners as you did last year, that many seem to have forgot. Have a nice day. I'll look at your ram one day when you post it maybe, but I won't buy into the Srupp BS.:p

08-14-2009, 02:38 PM
lmao @ Greg....:lol: yes Greg :THANK YOU" for the one on one aging clinic @ your home the other day..this biologist just whizzed through it and concurred with 9 years of age as evidenced by annuli from BOTH horns...you were right ..again.....he aged both horns...



08-14-2009, 02:50 PM
willy442..no problems..I fully anticipated your response and said so days ago..I am not here for you or your approval..and your having taken many however DOES impress me because I know what it took to just get one..
I declined Scotts offer because I felt the photos without the background story was not the best way..a photo is just a photo..

Yes I did call out GEORGE Last year..he brought no money, no license, he was not a BC citizen and hence was not even legal to be hunting..he did not even bring any bullets,nor did he have a tag, he did not bring food, nor raingear nor a tent that would stand up to one night of rain....he bs'd his way in and tried to razzle dazzle us... he even tried to convince David to shoot illegal cariboo for "meat"...etc etc etc...
I made a mistake by inviting him and those are just some of the issues we delt with and I remember off the top of my head..

Willy442 no one asked you or anyone else to 'buy into anything " but thank you for not letting me down you are if anything consistant.cheers


08-14-2009, 03:10 PM
wtf is wrong with people,,if steven said he is going to post up the pictures, chances are pretty good he will, if he doesnt, then so be it, we have all seen pictures of animals taken by other hunters, so why all the people ragin about it, sure the good natured ribbing is funny, i think so anyways, but leave it alone. pictures are coming, i am sure. ;)
Willy, why on earth would you say it is nothing special when in fact it is, every successful hunt is special, i cherish all my hunts with friends and the going to and coming from is also a very good memory and in years to come when sitting around a campfire always make a good "REMEMBER WHEN" story. I have navigated many of rivers with my jetboat and one of the best trips was when an ol friend of mine , on the way to a spot said it doesnt even matter if we dont catch anything because the boat ride was so awesome, going into the shallows and seeing the bottom mere inches away was exhilarating to him.
to each their own.
cheers. D

08-14-2009, 03:13 PM
Willy442 no one asked you or anyone else to 'buy into anything " but thank you for not letting me down you are if anything consistant.cheers


08-14-2009, 03:25 PM
Steven i cant believe people would actually take the time to write you nasty e-mails and call you a liar, that is disgusting.
I would hope that these individuals take the same amount of time and send you e-mails apologizing for there childish name calling behavior.There is a huge difference between posting the humorous "hey where are the pictures" posts, and personally attacking a member for not posting a picture.I only know Srupp from his posts, and reputation on this site and i can tell you if he says he shot a sheep you can bet he shot a sheep, this guy has gone out of his way to help more members on this site, then most people will in a lifetime.Sorry to hear about this crap Steven, lookin forward to seeing your pictures when and IF (after this crap) you decide to share them.

08-14-2009, 03:31 PM
Ok Ok! let's be patient after all that's one of the greatest hunter qualities, while we sit patiently have a look at some steal and then maybe we'll see some bone.

08-14-2009, 03:34 PM
Don`t let them get to you Steven,it`s pure jelousy from the people that don`t have what it takes to do what you did.Again CONGRATS.

08-14-2009, 03:34 PM
This has to be one of the weirdest threads I have seen in a long long time. well may be ever. Great looking fish 280!!!!

08-14-2009, 03:36 PM
Ok Ok! let's be patient after all that's one of the greatest hunter qualities, while we sit patiently have a look at some steal and then maybe we'll see some bone.
http://i574.photobucket.com/albums/ss186/frederick280/lastscann7ss.jpghttp://i574.photobucket.com/albums/ss186/frederick280/lastscann8ss.jpghttp://i574.photobucket.com/albums/ss186/frederick280/lastscann6ss.jpghttp://i574.photobucket.com/albums/ss186/frederick280/lastscann5ss.jpghttp://i574.photobucket.com/albums/ss186/frederick280/lastscann9ss.jpghttp://i574.photobucket.com/albums/ss186/frederick280/lastscann10sss.jpgWhat did you go and post that for,i put my rod away for the yr ..guess i should go take it out;) nice fish!

08-14-2009, 03:36 PM
That was some good old fashioned sweat went into that hunt.Proud of you and forget about those other ass hats.Post `em when you damn well please(stole that line but it`s a good one.)

08-14-2009, 03:41 PM
Just thought I'd change it up a bit while we wait!

08-14-2009, 04:06 PM
Looks like Rip Rap in Bella Coola. Mighty fine fish.

08-14-2009, 04:09 PM
Just so you HBCer's know, I sent a pm apology to Srupp(not e-mailed). He replyed to me and its all cool. I was just ribbing..

08-14-2009, 04:11 PM

08-14-2009, 04:25 PM
Man,the rupster is milking this one for for all it's worth.What is this,three days with no pictures.

08-14-2009, 04:27 PM
Hey guys, what's the big deal? Steven will post the pics as soon as he can. His story was pretty incredible so savour the moment. It's kinda like foreplay......

Wild one
08-14-2009, 04:59 PM
Congrats steve on your sheep
To those who have no life and need to try and piss on your parade grow up. I would like to see the pics but understand if you choose not to post them.

08-14-2009, 04:59 PM
Sounds like one hell of a hunt! I dream of the day when I am able to do that! And people are just jealous *cough*and a-holes*cough* Pumped for the pics :D and have you eaten the meet yet? Never eaten sheep myself

08-14-2009, 05:34 PM
I'm surprised anybody would post a picture of a ram after last years fiasco.As I recall,a member posted a picture of a ram after inspection and being plugged,only to be informed the ram was illegal from select members on this site.He received threatening e-mails and eventually had the c/o arrive at his door after some felt it was there duty to inform the ministry.
I guess this fella was called out?

08-14-2009, 05:56 PM
Congrats on your sheep. Can't wait to get out and hunt for mine. Not so sure i would post a story or a pic after this thread but still think it's awsome you got yours.

08-14-2009, 06:31 PM
I'm surprised anybody would post a picture of a ram after last years fiasco.As I recall,a member posted a picture of a ram after inspection and being plugged,only to be informed the ram was illegal from select members on this site.He received threatening e-mails and eventually had the c/o arrive at his door after some felt it was there duty to inform the ministry.
I guess this fella was called out?

Not much different than the guy's from Saskatchewen shooting ducks on a pond and posting on you-tube. They also got caught. Break the law and pay the price. As a sportsman and hunter one should first off obey the law and second also encourage those around him to do the same.
I'm also aware of 5 border line Rams taken off of the highway this year, none of which have been posted.:-(

Stone Sheep Steve
08-14-2009, 06:40 PM
Not much different than the guy's from Saskatchewen shooting ducks on a pond and posting on you-tube. They also got caught. Break the law and pay the price. As a sportsman and hunter one should first off obey the law and second also encourage those around him to do the same.
I'm also aware of 5 border line Rams taken off of the highway this year, none of which have been posted.:-(

Borderline..... or short and underage???


08-14-2009, 06:49 PM
Borderline..... or short and underage???


Yet to be seen on one. The others I guess made it. The longest was 35.5 inches.

08-14-2009, 06:50 PM
[quote=willy442;496008]Srupp; Don't get me wrong, I congradulate you on finally taking a Ram. However I for one have taken many and have first hand knowledge of the hardships it requires to be successful many times over. I have travelled the Muskawa, Kechieka and Gattho many times and have survived. The story was great and the fact your captain was able to run the river without incident is also, but its nothing special. What is special to a sheep hunter is the actual set of horns that you took. If you are unable to post them fine, I do remember though that some else in the early stages of this thread volunteered to help and you declined it. Hence the reason for my comment on being deprived as a child. Do I need to see your photo? (no) I have many of my own and never have I complained or called out my hunting partners as you did last year, that many seem to have forgot. Have a nice day. I'll look at your ram one day when you post it maybe, but I won't buy into the Srupp BS.:p[/quo

Could you please post up some field pictures of your many rams ?I would be really intrested in seeing them.

08-14-2009, 07:04 PM
Srupp; Don't get me wrong, I congradulate you on finally taking a Ram. However I for one have taken many and have first hand knowledge of the hardships it requires to be successful many times over. I have travelled the Muskawa, Kechieka and Gattho many times and have survived. The story was great and the fact your captain was able to run the river without incident is also, but its nothing special. What is special to a sheep hunter is the actual set of horns that you took. If you are unable to post them fine, I do remember though that some else in the early stages of this thread volunteered to help and you declined it. Hence the reason for my comment on being deprived as a child. Do I need to see your photo? (no) I have many of my own and never have I complained or called out my hunting partners as you did last year, that many seem to have forgot. Have a nice day. I'll look at your ram one day when you post it maybe, but I won't buy into the Srupp BS.:p

Oh Oh, tell us about the time you were better than everyone......at everything:roll: Freaking typical, 442, have you ever tried not being a complete buzzkill?

08-14-2009, 07:05 PM
I have enjoyed the posts to date, not good on the last day or so, guess alot of HBCers are just jellus and board having not even been to the range yet. Hunting season is comming!

08-14-2009, 07:22 PM
Not much different than the guy's from Saskatchewen shooting ducks on a pond and posting on you-tube. They also got caught. Break the law and pay the price. As a sportsman and hunter one should first off obey the law and second also encourage those around him to do the same.
I'm also aware of 5 border line Rams taken off of the highway this year, none of which have been posted.:-(
Hardly similiar,did the guys in Saskatchewen have a lisc. & tags?and did they hunt legally?and furthermore,did they submit the animal for inspection?I believe the fella with the ram did all of the above.He made an honest error on a tough to identify animal and had he not posted the picture,would it not still be a trophy on his wall?

08-14-2009, 07:32 PM
Yet to be seen on one. The others I guess made it. The longest was 35.5 inches.
Holy Shat, you guys need a hobby or something!So the guy just spent a couple of weeks away and now he's getting gun butted cuz he doesn't posted pics fast enough for ya?Maybe he has more important things in his life right now than you! To tell ya the truth, if he didn't I wouldn't blame him after all the BS this thread's turn in to. K

08-14-2009, 07:40 PM
Exactly 30 posts on this thread by the OP and no time for a pic? Not sure I buy your argument there, f350. ;-)

08-14-2009, 07:53 PM
Hardly similiar,did the guys in Saskatchewen have a lisc. & tags?and did they hunt legally?and furthermore,did they submit the animal for inspection?I believe the fella with the ram did all of the above.He made an honest error on a tough to identify animal and had he not posted the picture,would it not still be a trophy on his wall?

I doubt it. It was still illegal any way you want to color it. The Ram was deemed to be confinscated long before the issue on here as I have stated before. There is no sitting on the fence IT IS LEGAL OR NOT LEGAL. Just because due to error you get away with an inspection won't make it grow to 8 or over the nose. The law states the minister can recall for inspection and did so. I really don't know why we are even having this discussion if you are a truely ethical hunter.:frown:

08-14-2009, 07:56 PM
[quote=willy442;496008]Srupp; Don't get me wrong, I congradulate you on finally taking a Ram. However I for one have taken many and have first hand knowledge of the hardships it requires to be successful many times over. I have travelled the Muskawa, Kechieka and Gattho many times and have survived. The story was great and the fact your captain was able to run the river without incident is also, but its nothing special. What is special to a sheep hunter is the actual set of horns that you took. If you are unable to post them fine, I do remember though that some else in the early stages of this thread volunteered to help and you declined it. Hence the reason for my comment on being deprived as a child. Do I need to see your photo? (no) I have many of my own and never have I complained or called out my hunting partners as you did last year, that many seem to have forgot. Have a nice day. I'll look at your ram one day when you post it maybe, but I won't buy into the Srupp BS.:p[/qu

Could you please post up some field pictures of your many rams ?I would be really intrested in seeing them.

Look back through the sheep threads, there are many posted.

08-14-2009, 08:04 PM
:frown: Im sorry 'folks" but I have some serious issues


Posting pics aside, this is apparent on a few levels!

08-14-2009, 08:21 PM
Good to hear you fulfilled your dream. Congrats! Now you need to get serious about getting yourself a monster muley. :)

BTW, If and when you post the pics, could you please make a new thread so I don't have to weed through the BS in this thread to find them. ;)

08-14-2009, 08:28 PM
People are sturcrazy, cabin feaver, tooooo long from stroking the rifle in the privacy of a tall dark forest. I'm included, plan on lining in the rifle tommorow if all goes well and the spent shot wont lite the bush on fire. We are just living off the dregs of the few that have to date ventured out.

08-14-2009, 08:30 PM
I doubt it. It was still illegal any way you want to color it. The Ram was deemed to be confinscated long before the issue on here as I have stated before. There is no sitting on the fence IT IS LEGAL OR NOT LEGAL. Just because due to error you get away with an inspection won't make it grow to 8 or over the nose. The law states the minister can recall for inspection and did so. I really don't know why we are even having this discussion if you are a truely ethical hunter.:frown:

Wow Willy, poeple do make mistakes you know.

08-14-2009, 08:30 PM
Good idea, Dana and I will enjoy seeing any photos Steven may choose to post....but, if not, I am happy for you, Steven, just the same and you deserve a good hunt, nice ram and then, IF, Dana leaves any Mulies for us old pharts, well, get one of them,too! :)

08-14-2009, 08:30 PM
I doubt it. It was still illegal any way you want to color it. The Ram was deemed to be confinscated long before the issue on here as I have stated before. There is no sitting on the fence IT IS LEGAL OR NOT LEGAL. Just because due to error you get away with an inspection won't make it grow to 8 or over the nose. The law states the minister can recall for inspection and did so. I really don't know why we are even having this discussion if you are a truely ethical hunter.:frown:I understand not everyone is going to see things the same way on a public forum.I don't understand how you feel you could question my ethics.We have never met and I have decided to take the high road rather than justify further replys.
Sorry Srupp if this took from your thread.