View Full Version : Identify This Bird!

08-09-2009, 10:10 PM
Today my mom was on the computer and found an article in the Times Colonist web site saying that a "Bird Watcher Finds Rare Hybrid". The bird watcher suggests that the bird is a Snow Goose and Canada Goose as it had a black head and white chin strap (Canada), but has a pink bill and pink legs and feet (Snow)!?!?

If it is this mix... What are our waterfowl on these days!!

:?:What do you guys think this is:?:

Sorry for the bad picture.

"Longshot junior"
http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/data/500/medium/1875841.jpg (http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/showphoto.php?photo=14935&size=big&cat=500)

08-10-2009, 05:11 AM
I think it's supper if it flies over the decoys.:biggrin: I saw a video not that long ago of what looked like white front goose and a Canada goose mix. Anything is possible I guess. It would be interesting to see a better picture of the beek.

08-10-2009, 07:52 AM
Its a goose...BANG! End of hybrid thread!

fowl language
08-10-2009, 09:39 AM
canada and domestic cross. see em every year. you can shoot them and they arent included in your bag limit....fowl

Ian F.
08-10-2009, 09:40 AM
I'd say domestic x Canada

Ian F.
08-10-2009, 09:40 AM

Looks like we hit enter about the same time..

08-10-2009, 12:32 PM
I was thinking maybe a specklebelly and domestic...

But Dale has prolly shot more geese then all of the rest of the forum put together so I think he may be on to somthing!


08-10-2009, 03:29 PM
I'd say Canada cross domestic. Maybe a Snow, Specklebelly. I read the article on this bird, supposedly a very rare occurance. I've seen highbred geese in the past and other waterfowl as well. I wonder if anyone knows if any the crosses that occur, can they can reproduce or are they sterile.

field marshal
08-10-2009, 03:44 PM
Giovanni, that is indeed a Canada domestic cross.
We've shot a dozen or more of them over the years they tend to be
fairly stupid when encountered. They are in fact delicious.
Field Marshal.

Ian F.
08-10-2009, 03:51 PM

More fat on them like a domestic?

We'd cull every barnyard we trapped when I was with the wildlife service, but never did eat one


field marshal
08-10-2009, 04:13 PM
Ian, they taste more like a domestic than the wild birds.
This is a little surprising as they hang out with wild birds, eating with them. I guess they can't stay away from the barnyard with all that easy
grain?? On Quamichan lake I've seen them fly right up to the barns for
their share of the pickings!!
Field Marshal.

08-10-2009, 04:46 PM
Yep looks like a domestic cross, the white gives it away, one of those big fat domestic greylags even, thats where the bit of speck looks come from. I dont know where my pictures are but I had a couple of speck/canada crosses. I knew this for a fact becuase they came with two real specks and would stand beside them all day in our field. I had video of them too I think. Family group.

08-10-2009, 06:09 PM
Killem before he breeds! K