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View Full Version : recurve accuracy?

bad arrow
08-09-2009, 08:58 PM
What kind of accuracy would be considered ethical before one should be hunting deer? is 6" groups at 25 yrds acceptable? because thats where I'm at. I'm curious what other guys are getting for accuracy with a simple recurve.

08-09-2009, 09:10 PM
:-P Hey Bad Arrow , At that distance you are a go . I suggest you start by hunting out of a treestand (if possible) as you get to mark out your max shot and also bring up a few practice arrows to re-establish your newly found archery confidence .
Cheers and good luck

bad arrow
08-09-2009, 09:19 PM
Hey thanks greybark, I have several tree stands and that is a heck of an idea.

08-09-2009, 09:33 PM
I am with greybark on this one. As long your 6" group at 25 is consistent and you do not try to shoot any further you should be just fine. In fact I would keep the shots a bit closer, something like 20 yards or closer still. As you quickly will find out hunting is very different for shooting at targets as you have to factor in the stress or exitement factor which makes accuracy suffer a bit.

Keep shooting and have fun.

bad arrow
08-09-2009, 09:48 PM
Thanks, between my son's and myself, we have a compound, recurve, and a Xbow, so I guess I get the recurve, I'm gonna try to get better, I was just wondering what other guys are getting for groups at the 25-30 yard range. I like the groups the Xbow gets lol.

08-10-2009, 06:49 PM
Ever try 3-d shooting? That gives me a much better idea than shooting paper. Plus it seems like more realistic terrain. Im comfortable with 4-6inch group @ 25, besides I set distance markers up around my stand and if the deer isnt with in them then I dont shoot. I dont shoot my recurve beyond 20 in the field, its just too far for me.

bad arrow
08-10-2009, 07:19 PM
Evolution, thats another real good idea, I forgot about all the tricks because its been so long since I've used my recurve. Also, 20 yds I think is my max too, I'm feeling confident at that distance now but want to be able to shoot out to 25 with confidence. No 3d shooting done here, would like to though.

The Hermit
08-10-2009, 11:54 PM
Two things... first, consider not shooting at any deer/elk that is looking at you cause at twenty yards and less they WILL move a significant amount causing a miss or worse a wound.

Second, screw on a judo point and take your bow for a walk in the woods and shoot at fifty stumps in an outing. This gives you practice judging range over uneven ground in hunting like conditions, is a lot of fun, and tends to give you a better sense of ability. I can hit four inches all day long on the flat ground at 20 - 25 yards but in the bush and guessing distance I suck.

The tree stand and a range finder to identify distances is the way to go. Good luck and have fun.

bad arrow
08-11-2009, 05:51 AM
I'm going to get some of the judo points you speak of today, then later this week I'm also going to hang a few stands and get to shooting out of them. thanks