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12-11-2005, 07:38 PM
I was just wondering how many people wore camo (fully covered)?

I bought a camo jacket at H&H, I may go back for pants (and I will be wearing my HBC hat once I have recieved it :-P ). Do you guys wear your camo all the time or just whenever?

12-11-2005, 07:46 PM
I usually just wear a jacket and jeans, and a camo hat. There are times when I'm up in the interior in the open country that I do wear camo. Whenever the mood strikes me.

12-11-2005, 07:54 PM
I go head to toe when I'm bow hunting. If on on the quad with a rifle or in the truck I wear whatever.

12-11-2005, 08:12 PM
Iam not sold on camo i ware it sometimes but i think its more of a gimick .site is an animals weakest sence

12-11-2005, 08:26 PM
I wear the fleece or polar fleece camo it is very quiet, and it feels nice wearing it. I think it gives me an advantage.

12-11-2005, 08:32 PM
I have just started to put camo on in the last few years,,the reason why i have is because someone give it to me. You see it is your movement that will give you away,,if you don't move and freeze,,the animal will look at you but sees nothing moving so they don't no your danger to them,,or don't no what you are. One year i had a tripple reed elk dieafram in my mouth calling in a big bull elk,,this elk just kept coming towardes me he was 30 feet from me when i got up from the crouch position and moved ,,he took off like a bullet. camo is an ok thing to were,,but i never have had much doing with it. hunter 1947.

12-11-2005, 08:34 PM
i usually just wear a camo jacket ,and hbc hat and jeans.I probably will get some camo pants.

12-11-2005, 09:09 PM
I wear a camo jacket and plain wool pants when rifle hunting but when it comes to bow hunting i figure wearing camo head to toe cant hurt and i need any advantage i can get even though i have yet to arrow anything.

12-11-2005, 09:15 PM
I usually wear head to toe camo

12-11-2005, 09:22 PM
It's humorous how many road hunters wear camo. How many big fat bushes do you see driving a PU truck or riding a quad.

I still like my old woolies, however most of the new fangled hunting clothing only comes in some sort of camo.

12-11-2005, 09:31 PM
I wear full camo. If I'm sitting on post for a while I wear a mesh covering my face too ( ya I'm that ugly) Skin shines in the sun. I always get my deer close, yet to shoot one even 75 yards away. Whenever I spot a deer just stop and try not to even blink. I blinked at a doe this year that was curious and real close, she didn't like that :)
So camo works for me and use the wind to your advantage as well.

12-11-2005, 09:36 PM
I always wear camo, especially in a tree stand. Gettin all geared up in my camo gets me stoked for the day.

12-11-2005, 10:02 PM
When I'm in the hood (Newton), I wear cammo; a hoody, drag ass jeans, and a doo-rag.
-in the bush I wear what ever the weather dictates, but I always wear a blaze orange vest. I tried the full cammo gear while hunting for moose outside of Hixon.
-I'm not a fan of having jerks on the opposite ridge spotting me with their rifle scopes, I have an aversion to firearms being pointed at me.
-I've walked up on animals wearing blaze, so I don't view wearing it as a liability. On the other hand my cheap brother was wearing a safety vest from his place of employment, the reflective strips weren't a wise choice.

12-11-2005, 10:39 PM
-I've walked up on animals wearing blaze, so I don't view wearing it as a liability. On the other hand my cheap brother was wearing a safety vest from his place of employment, the reflective strips weren't a wise choice.

I was thinking of wearing a safety vest when we go walking through the bush while we have camo on. The blaze/camo jackets are expensive.

12-11-2005, 10:50 PM
I'm usually head to to camo, but just cheap stuff. A XXL fleece hooded jacket I wear over whatever layers I need to keep warm, and a pair of US army surplus forest camo pants. Often I'll skip the camo pants though... I agree with hunter1947 - movement is a far bigger problem than how much you look like a bush (or not) - though I still like to look a little bushy. :D

12-11-2005, 11:01 PM
I was still hunting the other day and walked right up to a bedded doe, so close that I could have kicked her in the butt. She stood up and stared at me for at least 10 minutes while I kept my body still, but my head was moving and had no camo. I'm convinced that the camo at least breaks up your outline enough in heavy brush for a deer not to realize what you are. Interestingly, I was wearing zero cover scents, and was not using any of the fancy scent-lock clothes, heck I even showered using regular soap that morning. Makes me think maybe worrying about your scent might be over-rated. She never was bothered by me and walked off 5 yards and bedded back down.

12-11-2005, 11:01 PM
Probably about 50% of the time.

12-12-2005, 06:24 AM
I have just started to put camo on in the last few years,,the reason why i have is because someone give it to me. You see it is your movement that will give you away,,if you don't move and freeze,,the animal will look at you but sees nothing moving so they don't no your danger to them,,or don't no what you are. One year i had a tripple reed elk dieafram in my mouth calling in a big bull elk,,this elk just kept coming towardes me he was 30 feet from me when i got up from the crouch position and moved ,,he took off like a bullet. camo is an ok thing to were,,but i never have had much doing with it. hunter 1947. One more thing that i did not put in this staytment,,,,camo does help hide you as a person in the hunting field,,,if you do happen to move a small amount the animal won't pick your movement up as fast as if you had a red vest or other typ clouthing on. I always hunt into wind,,allways checking the wind,,i have a small bottle of down felt fethers in a bottle and i tie it with thred on the end of a stick to see whitch way the wind is going,,,but then that doesen't allways help,,,the wind is allways changing directions,,,,,but the thred it does help me out alot of times, hunter 1947.

12-12-2005, 06:30 AM
Sometimes but I tend to wear my wool alot more.

12-12-2005, 10:33 AM
Do you guys wear the blaze at all?

12-12-2005, 10:49 AM
I wear a blaze toque when I'm still hunting in an area where I'm worried about other people.

12-12-2005, 11:09 AM
i like to wear clothes that match the same colour as my p/u truck interior so when i'm road hunting and i see a deer, i can just slip out and shoot. if i was in camo it would look just too alarming.

12-12-2005, 12:18 PM
i like to wear clothes that match the same colour as my p/u truck interior so when i'm road hunting and i see a deer, i can just slip out and shoot. if i was in camo it would look just too alarming.

That a joke?

12-12-2005, 12:34 PM
ill be using my camo west , camo next year it is awesome and its the only one i found in pine tree head to toe, used to have blaze orange with branches all through it. the next camo i might buy would have to look like hemp. the land scape is changing peoples.

12-12-2005, 12:40 PM
It's humorous how many road hunters wear camo. How many big fat bushes do you see driving a PU truck or riding a quad.

I still like my old woolies, however most of the new fangled hunting clothing only comes in some sort of camo.

I wear camo jacket and grey wool pants, but when its really cold, camo pants over the woolies. I ride my quad to my favorite spot then hike in the rest of the way. so...
Just because you see a guy riding a quad or truck in full camo doesnt mean anything. Your seeing .001% of his activites.

Camo makes a big difference and is quite amazing how it will hide your outline.

12-12-2005, 12:52 PM
That a joke?

haha I hope so, it was funny :mrgreen:

12-12-2005, 01:13 PM
haha I hope so, it was funny :mrgreen:

Ya.....I didn't notice that post......I am havin' a good chuckle as well!! :lol:

12-12-2005, 01:36 PM
I thought the guy was serious.

12-12-2005, 01:37 PM
Yeah no kidding, scoffing at a guy driving to his favorite hunting spot in camo IS a little silly...you don't know where he's going or what he's doing.

12-12-2005, 01:48 PM
I wear camo jacket and grey wool pants, but when its really cold, camo pants over the woolies. I ride my quad to my favorite spot then hike in the rest of the way. so...
Just because you see a guy riding a quad or truck in full camo doesnt mean anything. Your seeing .001% of his activites.

Camo makes a big difference and is quite amazing how it will hide your outline.

I was refering to the guys that road hunt. You know the ones you see go back and forth and back and forth and back and forth . . . while your hunting the adjacent hillsides.

12-12-2005, 01:56 PM
All I did this year was road hunt with my neighbour, as soon as I pass the CORE crouse I am goint to be out walking around. I basically wear my camo whenever I go out with my rifle (to the range or hunting).

Does the type of camo really matter?

12-12-2005, 01:58 PM
road hunting is the best!, but you got to match that interior!! i used to have a chev with burgandy seats, that was some ugly hunting cloths i tell ya!

12-12-2005, 02:01 PM
lol neehama

12-12-2005, 03:29 PM
Camo jacket,pants,hat,Blaze thong,and fanny pack:razz: :razz:

12-12-2005, 03:37 PM
Blaze thong:grin: too funny

I usually am in full camo, gloves and facemask as well. My truck only gets me close to my hunting spots.

12-12-2005, 04:07 PM
wus up with road hunting? is walking around more noble or something?

12-12-2005, 04:10 PM
wus up with road hunting? is walking around more noble or something?

Just find it more enjoyable and I usually run into less pressure and therefore see more game.

12-12-2005, 04:14 PM
wus up with road hunting? is walking around more noble or something?

No, I'm just jealous cus I can't afford the gas (or the beer)

12-12-2005, 04:31 PM
road hunting is the best!, but you got to match that interior!! i used to have a chev with burgandy seats, that was some ugly hunting cloths i tell ya!

:mrgreen: picture Neehama saying that in a Rodney Dangerfield voice http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon14.gif

12-12-2005, 04:35 PM
I wear full camo on every hunt.

But I don't wear camo boot, camo gloves and camo underwear.:D

When I bow hunt I wear a leafy-suit including a face mask which makes me completly invisible to animals.

When I hunt on places where I know that there are other hunters I wear a hunter orange vest too. During firearm season and from my truck to the stand and back to the truck during bow season. A very close brush with fate some years back thaught me this important lesson, the arrow flew so close past my face that it actuall nicked the skin on the neck and then stuck in the tree behind me. Some hunters don't look they just shoot at what ever moves.:mad:

The camo I wear is ASAT and Predator by researched choice.

12-12-2005, 04:58 PM
I was still hunting the other day and walked right up to a bedded doe, so close that I could have kicked her in the butt. She stood up and stared at me for at least 10 minutes while I kept my body still, but my head was moving and had no camo. I'm convinced that the camo at least breaks up your outline enough in heavy brush for a deer not to realize what you are. Interestingly, I was wearing zero cover scents, and was not using any of the fancy scent-lock clothes, heck I even showered using regular soap that morning. Makes me think maybe worrying about your scent might be over-rated. She never was bothered by me and walked off 5 yards and bedded back down.

Good observation. Yes scent is highly overrated. You are right any old soap bar will do what matters is that the body is clean and so are the clothing. With what product you wash is not important.

As for camouflage it does help to break up the outline. That is why many of the modern camouflage patterns such as realtree and mossy oak don't work so well. A animal can see the outline, a dark blob that is not belonging there. Proper camouflage will let you get away with movement, what good is it to have a camouflage and a deer in front of you but being not able to move. Good camouflage lets you move a bit and still not being detected by the animal.

I never belived in camouflage that uses bits of bark, tree branches and such stuff. If that would be a good camouflage then animals would use it too. But in nature the best camouflage patterns are shades of light and dark with a brown base colour. In India where I researched tigers we always had a hard time seeing the tigers because they are perfect camouflaged and some of these tigers where only a few feet away from us, talk about a rush. It is exactly that what I found when I researched Camouflage what works so well with ASAT and Predator they camouflage like nature does it.

12-12-2005, 05:00 PM
Alrighty, I think I am going to pick up a camo/blaze vest at wallymart.

12-12-2005, 06:35 PM
Do you guys wear the blaze at all? I have never put the bright stuff on when hunting. You see i hunt allmost all the time in a remote area,,i get very nervice when i do see a nother hunter to this day,,if i do see a hunter i exit the area reall fast. The reason being is years back when you were allowed to hunt hump back rd ,,just off sooke rd,,me and 2 other buddies were hunting there back in 1965 and my other best buddy shot my other best friend,,,he died in my arms in a few minites,,his last words he said to me is im hit perty good waynehttp://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon13.gifthats why i like to hunt in remote areas buy myself were i don't run into any other hunter,,i still have shivers go up my back after 40 years hunting when i see a nother hunter hunting where i am hunting. hunter 1947.

12-12-2005, 06:43 PM
sorry to hear about your friend...thats a shame..

All in serous , when hunting the bush use you'r head guys and wear some bright color , so no one ever has to go through what hunter1947 did..

12-12-2005, 06:46 PM
Thats awful Wayne, can't even imagine.

On the other hand, if you identify your target first with binos this would never happen.

12-12-2005, 07:01 PM
Thats awful Wayne, can't even imagine.

On the other hand, if you identify your target first with binos this would never happen. You are so right elk hound,,,never put your gun on a hunter ,,,,,for scoping him or her out ,,,,use your bonoculars. Thats what happened to my friend back then ,,it all came out latter in court my other friend was scoping him out saying now if this was a deer i would have him down,,,,,if i had been there with my other friend that was scoping out my other friend i would have taken his gun away,,,,,,,,but i was 50 feet lower then him,,,i did not see what he was doing,,,,,,,,,,he thought the safty was on but http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon4.gifithttp://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon4.gif the gun was on fire and he pulled the triggerhttp://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon13.gifhunter 1947.

12-12-2005, 07:21 PM
Thats real bad. I was taught to carry bincos, and I have/will always. I just dont want to go into the bush and be fired at. So I am seriously thinking about getting that camo/blaze vest at wal-mart (if they have any left).

Also; id your target, and know what is behind it.

Bow Walker
12-12-2005, 07:48 PM
I wear the camo that I can afford. Namely BDU pants, over-jacket, goves and hat. I have recently shelled out for a brownish type camo jacket and gloves at Cdn Tire. I think it is Realtree or something.

But I believe that the BDU colors blend better in our environment than just about any other. Except, possibly, ASAT.

1947 - nothing against any of your buddies but...................I gotta say this...

Anybody dumb enough to pull the trigger when sighting on another person deserves to have to live with it the rest of his life (may it be long). I hope that it bothers him at least half as much as it bothers me!

Please tell us that this guy has been forbidden to own guns, hunt, or otherwise be out and about with anything resembling a lethal weapon!!?

12-12-2005, 07:58 PM
Please tell us that this guy has been forbidden to own guns, hunt, or otherwise be out and about with anything resembling a lethal weapon!!?

Yeah really.

12-12-2005, 08:01 PM
I wear the camo that I can afford. Namely BDU pants, over-jacket, goves and hat. I have recently shelled out for a brownish type camo jacket and gloves at Cdn Tire. I think it is Realtree or something.

But I believe that the BDU colors blend better in our environment than just about any other. Except, possibly, ASAT.

1947 - nothing against any of your buddies but...................I gotta say this...

Anybody dumb enough to pull the trigger when sighting on another person deserves to have to live with it the rest of his life (may it be long). I hope that it bothers him at least half as much as it bothers me!

Please tell us that this guy has been forbidden to own guns, hunt, or otherwise be out and about with anything resembling a lethal weapon!!? I have not seen him or talked to this old friend sence that time back in 65. I don't no if he is dead or alive????and i don't no were he is. hunter 1947.

12-12-2005, 09:04 PM
Well I dont blame you, how can you talk to someone who fired after scoping someone?

12-12-2005, 10:22 PM
I wear full camo. If I'm sitting on post for a while I wear a mesh covering my face too ( ya I'm that ugly) Skin shines in the sun. I always get my deer close, yet to shoot one even 75 yards away. Whenever I spot a deer just stop and try not to even blink. I blinked at a doe this year that was curious and real close, she didn't like that :)
So camo works for me and use the wind to your advantage as well. I have a hat which has mesh sewed inside the rim, lots of times I have deer walking right beside within a few feet so its a must definetly something to get use to but works really well, furthest deer shot in a few years been 50 feet I like them close.:)

12-12-2005, 10:23 PM
50 feet!!!

Thats crazy, what caliber do you use rock?

12-12-2005, 10:54 PM
I have never put the bright stuff on when hunting. You see i hunt allmost all the time in a remote area,,i get very nervice when i do see a nother hunter to this day,,if i do see a hunter i exit the area reall fast. The reason being is years back when you were allowed to hunt hump back rd ,,just off sooke rd,,me and 2 other buddies were hunting there back in 1965 and my other best buddy shot my other best friend,,,he died in my arms in a few minites,,his last words he said to me is im hit perty good waynehttp://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon13.gifthats why i like to hunt in remote areas buy myself were i don't run into any other hunter,,i still have shivers go up my back after 40 years hunting when i see a nother hunter hunting where i am hunting. hunter 1947.
I understand you only to well hunter1947. Back when I was shot at by a bowhunter, a traditional bowhunter and I only say this to show that there are slobs in any hunting camp, I was for a long time thinking to give up hunting.

But then I thought why should I give up because of somebody else even if that person almost killed me, missed by less than an inch, the arrow did draw blood on me.

When he realized what happend he started to bad mouth me, what I had to walk in the woods and stuff. Well after I got my composure back I took a very deep breath and after about teen minutes he was very sorry for what he did so sorry in fact that I had to give him a lift home with the broken bow wraped around his head. Never saw the guy again. I was told he moved out of the samll town we lived in once I was done telling everybody about him.

Mr. Dean
12-13-2005, 01:16 PM
Can you see me now?..........How about now???????

Yup. I use the cheapo stuff fron WallyWorld and CrappyTire. I find it warm and quiet. Then I go for the Farmer John style (bibs-n-jacket) raingear for the 'moist' days (plain ole forest green).

Nots sure if it gives me an advantage, but I can get up pretty close to game (20 yrds), if I'm not winded first.

If it aint broke, why fix it.

BTW: I find it easier if I'm wearing it when I leave camp, rather than changing into, after I arrive at the area I wish to work - On my quad (hehe).
Mr. Dean

12-13-2005, 05:15 PM
Well Im going out to look at the camo/blaze vests at wally world tomorrow.

12-13-2005, 06:08 PM
I wear camo sometimes. If I'm walking I wear camo coat and pants, and maybe a camo hat, but I'm pretty dedicated to my black cowboy hat. Road hunting or quading, I wear whatever, usually camo pants though. I will say that it works, because of the effect it had on my two quarter horse geldings. I went over to the fence to pet them once after a morning hunt, and they had a collective fit, snorting and carrying on about it. My face was uncovered, but I had camo coat and pants on, and they were pretty bewildered, couldn't figure out what was going on. They seem to have adjusted to it now, but the first time they saw camo was a real shocker. Amanda

12-13-2005, 06:32 PM
Your horses were scared of you wearing camo?

12-13-2005, 10:15 PM
I think Amanda is refering to the "SCARY FLOATING HEAD" syndrom. Your face looks right but where is the rest of you.

I love my camo but have noticed that if its going to be effective ya usually need 2 or 3 types/patterns.

BTW - welcome to the board Amanda. Its nice to have another female huntress around.

12-13-2005, 10:58 PM
So what kind of camo is good for the island?

12-13-2005, 11:26 PM
I usually wear head to toe camo

...as you can see in Firebird's Avatar, that 'yote is jumpin' over him...:lol:

12-14-2005, 04:18 PM
Yeah, ive been having a sneaky suspision about being scope out in the bush. All i want is i a blaze vest, i dont want to be shot at.

What would you do if someone was shooting at you (in the bush)? Would you return fire?

12-14-2005, 05:08 PM
Anyone know if your being shot at, if it is legal for fire back after warning them you are there?

Probably not, but if I had already yelled to let them know I was a human not a critter, and they was still shootin at me, I'd be happy to explain to the law enforcement community why I returned fire.

12-14-2005, 05:32 PM
paint baller you meet a lot of people when you are hunting, your life is more important than worrying if it is legal. i have red pants and jacket, and if someone was shooting at me they wouldn't be getting a second shot, if they are that stupid then they should surrender there guns to the RCMP.

12-14-2005, 05:37 PM
Yeah, what I should have said is "what would you do if someone was shooting at you? Would you return fire?"

12-14-2005, 05:51 PM
Yeah, what I should have said is "what would you do if someone was shooting at you? Would you return fire?" If someone was shooting at me and i did not get hit buy the bullet,,,,,,,,,, i would hit the ground and then yeal and if they contiued to shoot at me i would shoot a few shots at 12oc to let them no that i was there. hunter 1947.

12-14-2005, 05:57 PM
I have, in the distant past, returned fire twice, both times in Manitoba. The shooting stops pretty quick when it starts going the other way!! :-? Fred

12-14-2005, 06:25 PM
Fred were u wearing the blaze?

12-14-2005, 06:28 PM
I was up at shawnigan lake a few years back ,,i was hunting a remote area i thought but wrong. I drove my quad in an overgrown road ,,hard to get into,,then parked it got out whent in about a mile. I was sitting down on the edge of the timber waiting for daylight to come. Daylight came and i sat there for 1hr then i started to work my way along the timber line eadge when all of a sudden bullets started to hit the timber above me,,i hit the ground and started to yeal,,,the shooting stopped . I got up and started to look ,,there about 150 yards below me was this hunter with a bright ornge cap on. I yeald at him again,,then when he saw me he just stood there looking at me.. I walked down to him and said what he-l were you shooting at me for,,he said i saw a deer that was above you,,i then said you did not see me below the deer he said no i did not ,,i guess he did not see me because i was wearing camo gear and walking very slow. I asked him how did you get in hear ,,he said i came in an old road then at the end i saw a quad. I then said well when you saw that quad why did you not turn around and leave,,he said because he new there was lots of area in there to hunt. I then said to this young hunter that had just pased his hunter trainer course that when you see a nother hunters truck car or quad that you should just leave and go else were,,that is what an exsperinced hunter will do,,,there is someone there so don't go in there and ruin there hunt. Anyways he left and was all upset about the thing,,i contiued to hunt after i seen him leave. ,,thats a nother clouse call that i had,,so many hunts that i have been on over the 45 years hunting and all of a sudden i remeber a nother clouse call,,i proubly have a few more clouse ones ,,but can't think of them right now. hunter 1947.

12-14-2005, 06:32 PM
Would some ofthe members be intersted in a hunters orange toque with the HuntingBC.ca embroydered on it for hunting?


12-14-2005, 06:52 PM
Yeah marc that would be a good idea.

Hunter 1947; Some of ur trips sound exciting, alot of them are dangerous. I guess thats what happens when you have the "dumb" hunters out there with guns. "Shoot and ask questions later"

12-14-2005, 07:43 PM
Would some ofthe members be intersted in a hunters orange toque with the HuntingBC.ca embroydered on it for hunting?

Marc. YEShttp://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon10.gifhunter 1947.

12-15-2005, 09:53 AM
Fred were u wearing the blaze?

Hunter Orange wasn't required way back then. They should have stopped shooting when I raised a ruckus not shot closer!! Fred

12-15-2005, 10:45 AM
Hunter Orange wasn't required way back then. They should have stopped shooting when I raised a ruckus not shot closer!! Fred

Fred.....maybe they just didn't want you to get away?? :grin: ;-)

I too have been shot at once while hunting in MB.....while wearing a blaze orange jacket and hat. Up in the Interlake area of Manitoba I was walking into my hunting spot with my Dad at first light.......and then all of a sudden..<KABOOM>!! Bullet goes whizzing by my Dad and I within a few feet so we both hit the deck with my Dad yelling in the direction of the shot. It was barely legal shooting light, and even if it was....in the thick stuff where we hunt you would not be able to see a deer unless he was within' 20-30yrds. We could hear a hunter taking off through the bush and there were many a word hurled in his direction. Now for those that have not had the experience of hunting in blaze.....when you have it all over you from the waist up including your head and you are hunting country that is primarily loaded with deciduous trees and in early morning light.......it still sticks out like a sore thumb to the human eye. The deciduos trees in early light make it impossible to pick out the greyish body of a Manitoba whitetail as all you hear is a "cough"....and then see a white flag running off into the bush, but when you hear something coming through the bush......you can certainly see the blaze coming through unless....you are firing pot shots. So the blaze does not always help......intelligent hunters.....that helps!! ;-)

12-15-2005, 04:25 PM
Well still its beter to be safe then sorry. Isnt it required to wear the blaze while walking through a hunting zone?

12-15-2005, 04:44 PM
Well still its beter to be safe then sorry. Isnt it required to wear the blaze while walking through a hunting zone?

I dont think it is required in BC.

12-15-2005, 05:11 PM
Why wouldnt it be?

12-15-2005, 05:31 PM
Probly due to the Low number of hunters being shot and killed in B.C...And most of there time and effort go into Banning Handguns and gun registration laws, so they got no time to worry about the safety of a of a hunter...... Gezuusss ...

12-15-2005, 05:40 PM
I wonder if it's because predators can see in color and would be a dinner bell for a grizz or cougar?

12-15-2005, 07:34 PM
you guys might think it is another hunter shooting, but i would be 100% sure it is pot growers, its the second shot that you do not hear is what I'm worried about. pot growers are the worst. Ive came across so many plants in area 3. as soon as you see it then its time to back out, before the shooting starts. it wont matter to them what color you wear. so be careful out there, the fire fighters do not even like them.

12-15-2005, 08:00 PM
Stupid pot smoker's! :mad:

12-15-2005, 08:24 PM
Must be red neck farmers or kids growing pot outdoors for their own usage. All the smart ones grow it indoors where they can control the lighting,have a 100x more potent plant and harvest im guessing 4+ times a year?

I dont think i will ever wear blaze orange . I like to remain hidden from other hunters and quad riders.

Greendog 41
12-15-2005, 09:52 PM
Total answer to the ? right here

12-16-2005, 11:12 PM
Pot wasn't grown out of doors way back then when my incedents took place. 99.9% of the pot was imported. Fred

12-17-2005, 11:16 AM
I was up behind gorden river hunting in late sept this year,,,,,i was coming back down an old spur road there was a person coming out of the bush,,i saw him put a big black garbage bag in the back of his canopy,,,i stoped and said to him what was in the bag,,,he said just camping gear,,i stayed out in the bush last night he said to me. I saw the black plastic bag laying there inside his canopy,,,it did not look like camping stuff,,,it looked like a pill of pot to me,,it was all bushed out like a pillow,,,i did not ask to many more questions,,i just left. hunter 1947.

12-17-2005, 01:06 PM
I agree with you ruger#1, and i think region 3 is really bad for this.If you happen to stumble into one of these grows you better get out of there in a hurry.

12-17-2005, 01:51 PM
It's humorous how many road hunters wear camo. How many big fat bushes do you see driving a PU truck or riding a quad.

I still like my old woolies, however most of the new fangled hunting clothing only comes in some sort of camo.


So true!!

I laugh my ass off when I see guys in camo outting around on thier quad.:razz:

Some guys you can tell are not using the quad as transportation, they are hunting form it...vroom vroom...in camo!:razz:

12-17-2005, 05:28 PM
I agree with you ruger#1, and i think region 3 is really bad for this.If you happen to stumble into one of these grows you better get out of there in a hurry.

Why what are they going to do, there probly already stonned off the fumes:wink:

12-17-2005, 08:13 PM
I think as long as there is some breakup to the pattern one is fine.
Everything we wear is either polyester or wool.

12-20-2005, 06:39 PM
I understand you only to well hunter1947. Back when I was shot at by a bowhunter, a traditional bowhunter and I only say this to show that there are slobs in any hunting camp, I was for a long time thinking to give up hunting.

But then I thought why should I give up because of somebody else even if that person almost killed me, missed by less than an inch, the arrow did draw blood on me.

When he realized what happend he started to bad mouth me, what I had to walk in the woods and stuff. Well after I got my composure back I took a very deep breath and after about teen minutes he was very sorry for what he did so sorry in fact that I had to give him a lift home with the broken bow wraped around his head. Never saw the guy again. I was told he moved out of the samll town we lived in once I was done telling everybody about him. Hey huntwriter,,,you had god with you that dayhttp://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon14.gif. You were one lucky fellowhttp://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon7.gifthat day,,,you come so clouse to death,,,you must think of this every otherday. When your in the bush it is with you every minite,,,beleave me i hear you. hunter 1947.

12-22-2005, 08:42 AM
hunter1947- You are so right, I was very lucky that day and it sticks with you for ever. If nothing will teach someone this will. But it was not the first time in my life that I had such a close brush. One time I got hurt by a wild animal, I still do not know how I got away from that beast, but I remember that there was a moment where I sat there in absolute peace and ready to meet my maker. Then I got a surge and got somehow away. The right arm and some fingers needed to be reattached and 9 surgeeries and six weeks later I was ready to face the world again.

12-22-2005, 10:57 AM
The right arm and some fingers needed to be reattached and 9 surgeeries and six weeks later I was ready to face the world again.

Holy crap, that must be a story. They had to reatatch your right arm. OMG

12-22-2005, 06:17 PM
hunter1947- You are so right, I was very lucky that day and it sticks with you for ever. If nothing will teach someone this will. But it was not the first time in my life that I had such a close brush. One time I got hurt by a wild animal, I still do not know how I got away from that beast, but I remember that there was a moment where I sat there in absolute peace and ready to meet my maker. Then I got a surge and got somehow away. The right arm and some fingers needed to be reattached and 9 surgeeries and six weeks later I was ready to face the world again. Hey huntwriter You don't have to tell us what happened to you with this tearable incounter. But if you don't mind i would like to hear you out,,but this is up to you to decidehttp://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon5.gifhunter 1947.

01-13-2006, 06:45 PM
i look something like this :D when hunting
without the hunter orange and spear lol
talk to ya all later

01-13-2006, 07:48 PM
Nice. I got a vest like that for christmas!

01-14-2006, 08:46 AM
I used to wear a blaze jacket [moms orders], now I stick to a camo pattern or plaid or a natural colour like 'hunter green', it's movement of your hands and face that the animals usually pick up...or a flash of sunlight off your equipment, or your scent.

We found that in the early / late hours of the day blaze can appear to look lighter than everything else and that means that other hunters can pick up your movement....but cannot discern that they are seeing blaze hunting clothing. I believe it is always better if other hunters do not see you at all !!

moose hunter
01-14-2006, 03:40 PM
i have to wear orange cuz of moms orders to but i know of a guy that got shot wearing camo so i like to eb safe huntign with blaze orange is good in snow cuz animals cant see it

01-14-2006, 03:59 PM
I think most people wear the blaze for personal protection. If others can see you then they wouldnt/shouldnt be shooting at you. Its beter to be seen the not.

I wear my balze vest for personal protection.

01-14-2006, 04:01 PM
50 feet!!!

Thats crazy, what caliber do you use rock?
270 or 308 definitely in the neck if not my bow is great at those distances

01-14-2006, 04:52 PM
Sweet!! :)

01-14-2006, 05:07 PM
I think most people wear the blaze for personal protection. If others can see you then they wouldnt/shouldnt be shooting at you. Its beter to be seen the not.

I wear my balze vest for personal protection. I try to hunt in remote areas most of the time,,so i just wear normal colors wayne.

01-15-2006, 09:35 AM
I think most people wear the blaze for personal protection. If others can see you then they wouldnt/shouldnt be shooting at you. Its beter to be seen the not.

I wear my balze vest for personal protection.

Don't miss the point that I made....in the wrong light blaze orange just makes you look like a light patch...and usually a moving one...which makes you not only very visible to other hunters but also doesn't 'show your colours' !! Danger...warning...pay attention...

01-15-2006, 10:17 AM
Don't miss the point that I made....in the wrong light blaze orange just makes you look like a light patch...and usually a moving one...which makes you not only very visible to other hunters but also doesn't 'show your colours' !! Danger...warning...pay attention...

I agree with CanuckShooter on this one I can't count the amount of times I had someoen put their scope on me back east while out hunting. You almost felt like yyou were being hunted. If I saw another hunter I'd hunker down behind some evergreens and wait for the other hunter to pass.

We've got enough woods in BC that we can space ourselves out and make sure of our targets before pulling the trigger. I think people take more time to identify their targets in BC because of the fact that full camo is allowed.

Some hunter back east have the mentality that if it's not blaze orange then it must be an animal. I'd be curious to see what percentage of accidents for provinces with blaze orange to those without it.


01-15-2006, 10:50 AM
I cannot fathom the sheer stupidity required to point your gun at an unidentified moving object in the bush or to even think about pointing the gun with any distance of a human and shooting.

Thats what brains and binoculars are for. Sadly it seems many hunters don't know how to use either.

2 years ago hunting in region 7 we spotted a smaller 4 point muley buck... we stopped and I put the spotting scope on him through the window called the 4 points and then BOOM the little buck hit the ground like a sack of Sh*t... A hunter from across the field decided to dump it while we were right there...

= Big Time IDIOT!

I like Hunter1947's take... Go remote and spend the time to get into the places that the other hunters will not go. It's much nicer hunting.

Happy Hunting

01-16-2006, 06:03 PM
I cannot fathom the sheer stupidity required to point your gun at an unidentified moving object in the bush or to even think about pointing the gun with any distance of a human and shooting.

Thats what brains and binoculars are for. Sadly it seems many hunters don't know how to use either.

2 years ago hunting in region 7 we spotted a smaller 4 point muley buck... we stopped and I put the spotting scope on him through the window called the 4 points and then BOOM the little buck hit the ground like a sack of Sh*t... A hunter from across the field decided to dump it while we were right there...

= Big Time IDIOT!

I like Hunter1947's take... Go remote and spend the time to get into the places that the other hunters will not go. It's much nicer hunting.

Happy Hunting
Carl Hi there Bigwhiteys,,did this person see you people when he decided to take down this deer,,,,sometimes you don't see a nother hunter when this happens????????.then if he did see you and did this kind of thing,,,he this person is not much of a hunter :-? hunter 1947.

10-08-2006, 05:40 PM
When hunting in our area in the North Tompson, we can always tell when a hunter is up from the coast by their camo outfits. Pretty well no-one local wears it, they just wear wool etc. I've had a deer walk up to about 10 feet from me when I was wearing a bright yellow polar fleece jacket. I was still but the only thing she was suspicious about was that you could see my breath since it was cold out.

10-08-2006, 08:06 PM
It's humorous how many road hunters wear camo. How many big fat bushes do you see driving a PU truck or riding a quad.

I still like my old woolies, however most of the new fangled hunting clothing only comes in some sort of camo.

Has it ever occured to anyone the atv is means of transport?? I'm not stopping to change every time i wish to walk along a slash or wander off in the tree line to appease some crud spewing holyer than thou jerk who thinks his way is the only way.
Why do you assume that if you see someone in a truck or on a quad during hunting season that they are road hunters what ever that means, I'm damn sure that if ol ram steel had tag and 6x6 elk presented it self at the road side he'ld turn it down cause it was road hunting....yeah right, I wonder how do you get where your going o rightious one? is it on winged steed? Time to decide.... are you a hunter like each and every one of us?
or are you a god in your own little mind ?
Yes i wear head to toe camo in pickup as leave to go hunting I still have it on when i unload my quad i don't change to ride to where i'm going and i don't drive home naked.

Ps I don't like narrow minded people you do it your way i'll do it mine were doing the same damn thing (within the limits of the law) in the end anyway.

10-09-2006, 09:48 PM
Depends on the hunting your doing in a truck doesn't make sense, but in the bush on the ground changes everything. Most of the time I will wear it because I enjoy hunting in the bush rather than a vehicle and I admit movement means everything to deer but I think camo can give you that little extra advantage.

10-10-2006, 09:41 AM
You can where all the camo you want but if you don't cover your face you may as well not wear it.

Franko Manini
10-10-2006, 09:49 AM
I wear full camo since I need every possible advantage I can get. It's also handy when I am hunting areas where people walk their dogs, ride horses, etc. since I can just hunker down and they walk right by. Saves the bother of confrontations.

11-01-2006, 08:28 PM
If someone was shooting at me and i did not get hit buy the bullet,,,,,,,,,, i would hit the ground and then yeal and if they contiued to shoot at me i would shoot a few shots at 12oc to let them no that i was there. hunter 1947.

Well said hunter, being new to the sport this seems the best approach IMHO. I don't want to get shot, don't want to shoot nobody. My .02

11-01-2006, 08:49 PM
i got full camo---boots,jacket,shit,sweat shirt,sweat pants,gloves,fanny pack thing

11-01-2006, 09:11 PM
I wear timber green wool pants from WorkWear Word, a camo jacket with Yukon fleece lining and a camo hat. Also have the camo pants but their too damn warm if I'm hiking up & down hills.

Deer see their surroundings daily and know when things are out of place, wearing a bit of camo and keeping still doesn't hurt.

01-02-2007, 05:24 PM
This thread was a big surprise for me as I often wonder who the heck is buying all this camo? It appears all of you are as very few responders don't wear it. The only time I worry about concealment in terms of colour is waterfowl hunting and then I just make sure I cover my face and wear earth tones. Brown Jacket and brown waders.

I don't own anything cammo and stalk right up on animals. I wear lots of polar fleace and wool and generally buy clothes in greys, greens, browns and blacks anyways but don't give colour much thought short of not wearing stark white in dark backgrounds. If I am hunting in areas where I am likely to see other hunters I have a blaze orange hat I throw on.

I find that sound, then movement then scent give you away in that order colour is somewhere near the bottom of the list in my book. Perhaps I never see the animals that smell me so i should be further up the list but who knows. I can see bow hunters looking for any advantage that it affords but in my exerience the advantages don't justify my buying dedicated cammo clothes for hunting.

01-02-2007, 05:38 PM
In our hunting group of 8 we all wear camo. We all have pants and jackets with Gortex and a quiet shell like sadle cloth that doesn't let anything stick to it like burrs. I am not sure the color of camo maters to the animals as they are supposed to be color blind but the breakup pattern seams to work. I know we can spot a hunter in the bush very easy with solid colors on and the ones in camo are much harder to spot.

01-02-2007, 05:43 PM
Your face is your worst enemy.

01-02-2007, 10:48 PM
"Your face is your worst.......
Speak for your self, I have the biggest doe eyes ever!
Oh, to be young and single again

01-05-2007, 10:22 AM
All I did this year was road hunt with my neighbour, as soon as I pass the CORE crouse I am goint to be out walking around. I basically wear my camo whenever I go out with my rifle (to the range or hunting).

Does the type of camo really matter?

Camo at the range? What might you be hiding from there?

01-05-2007, 11:33 AM
Camo at the range? What might you be hiding from there?

Everyone else.

01-05-2007, 12:00 PM
Your face is your worst enemy.

No your wrong. My Dad always told me that my mouth was my worst enemy.:grin: Now I tell my Son the same thing.

I generally hunt where nodody else hunts so I'm not worried too much about other hunters. I used to wear a black fleece jacket, a blaze orange hat, and blue jeans when hunting. I've been spotted by deer and if I stood completly still without even blinking, they generally calmed down.

I always keep two of those cheap plastic poncos in my backpack. One is orange and the other is yellow. If it rains, I have one for me and a partner and if I think that other hunters are nearby I'll put one one. They roll up into very small packages in my backpack. I also carry a blaze orange hat for the same reason.

I started wearing camo this last hunting season. Mainly because I was looking for some new outdoor gear and I saw it on sale and figured why not? Almost everybody I know wears it so I thought what the heck, I'll give it a try.

I don't know if it helps or not, but when I got my deer this year I was standing in the open and my buck watched me for at least 5 minutes before he lowered his head and casually walked away. Someone mentioned that the deer see your body outline and that it's a foreign sight to deer. I agree with them and I always try to break my body outline with shrubs or trees. Of course, being my size, the shrubs and trees have to be pretty good size.

Overall I think it helps a bit. And I think the smell thing is mostly a marketing gimmick. After a couple of days in camp, I think we all smell like Sasquatches anyway. It's sound and movement that gives us away. John

01-29-2007, 10:48 AM
army pants, and camo jacket

03-17-2007, 11:40 PM
After reading every single reply on this post im wowed. So many reckless hunters out there.

As I'm studying for my core and firearms licences right now, I noticed that alot of hunters don't bother to follow the rules in the books and its very unfotunate to see this bring problems with injuries and even deaths. My 2c

And as for camo, I haven't started to hunt but I've already bought some camo gear and clothes for when the time comes :lol:

03-18-2007, 12:08 AM
i wear full camo with eather bow or gun, it works for me, had mule deer does walk right up to my spot where i was sitting, and shot a nice blacktail at 15 feet right in between the front legs with my bow when i called him into me, i was behind a small fir, and he walked right up to the tree on the other side, that was my first ever buck with a bow, its a nice two by two with brow tangs and a few other points sticking out by the right side brow, i'm thinking of getting it mounted as well, if a can figger out how to ad a photo i'll put one on,,

ps, if you got your camo from H&H in lake cowichan well it is no longer in open closed down now,,,

03-18-2007, 07:15 AM
I wear full camo all the time I think any advantage is a good one. I have the Browning Hydro fleece pants and jacket and I wear them for 2 reasons, one they are camo and most important they are waterproof, comfortable and very silent in the bush.

03-18-2007, 08:16 AM
well now camo definetly works espacialy with a mask i've had deer within 10 ft . ihave sat on a hill an watched hunters walking for miles .sometimes its like neon signs walking around espeacialy on really sunny days .Your face ,hands just shine so bright. But its also the clothes they refleck the sun . a buck on the hill can see your every move .And if i can see you the bucks are laughing themselves silly .

03-18-2007, 12:08 PM
I have 2 full sets of camo that i use while guiding and hunting for myself, It seems to me that the deer do not spook as easy if they have to study you for a while and i have had many encounters where the deer just look right thru me and keep on coming!!!! If my brother sees this post i will get him to post of a picture of my in my snow camo hunting muleys last season, i am only about 10 feet from him but alot of my friends dont even see me in the picture!


03-18-2007, 01:22 PM
Depends what I'm hunting. During big game season, I try to put on some type of blaze or all white clothing, toque, hat, jacket. Just because there's alot more guys out there. During the fur season, I wear camo, head to toe, including face mask.