View Full Version : Brambles 2009 Shop build

07-03-2009, 11:24 AM
Well since LEH's are taking their own sweet time getting drawn I'd figure I would share my spring/summer project with everyone.

I did most of it myself, I hired a friend of the family who is a retired contractor to give me a hand with the footings and foundation, and I hired another friend to give me a hand with the bulk of the framing.
I had another friend come in with his crew and bang off the shingles while I was bear hunting.

My brother and a couple HBC members assisted on a few occasions as well

All in all the money on the labour was well spent, saved me a bunch of time and got the building up. Footings and foundation were done working around my work schedual and the framing I took a weeks holidays and got er done.

Now I'm on to the floor which has alot of parts to it.
Under slab electrical conduit
Under slab Telecom conduit
Floor drains
In floor heating.

Can't hardly wait for the floor to be poured but it will be a while before I can bang off all the items on the list since I"m working on my days off and lately I've been working a lot.

I didn't cut any corners, I did stuff that wasn't required but IMO money well spent
All the sheathing is 1/2 plywood, about double the cost of OSB but I couldn't bring myself to use it. I didn't have to damp proof the foundation but I did, and I didn't have to put drain tile down but I did that too. Its all 2x6 on 16" centers and the trusses are sissor trusses that have a 2/12 pitch on the inside taking my 11 foot sidewalls to 13Feet. I wanted to keep my building height down as much as possible while still having enough room for a shop hoist.
Hope you enjoy.

Stay tuned for pictures

07-03-2009, 11:49 AM
The hole for the footings



Little Helper doing his thing.


Starting of footing framing


07-03-2009, 11:54 AM



07-03-2009, 11:55 AM



07-03-2009, 11:56 AM


07-03-2009, 11:57 AM




07-03-2009, 12:00 PM



As she sits now, won't be much visual progress for a while since I'm widdling my way through the list of stuff to do to get the floor in.


07-03-2009, 12:12 PM

I love building stuff. I'm not very good at it, but I enjoy doing it.:grin:

07-03-2009, 12:20 PM
Thats a nice shop, you'll be right happy with that when shes done :cool:

I suck at building stuff too.
We want to build a house soon and I have no idea where to start LOL

07-03-2009, 12:25 PM
Thats a nice shop, you'll be right happy with that when shes done :cool:

I suck at building stuff too.
We want to build a house soon and I have no idea where to start LOL

Making friends with carpenters is a good start.:biggrin: I built my own house, even hand dug the foundation (didn't have any money) so you can do it if you want to!:-D

Brambles, make sure the shop doesn't get cluttered up with vehicles. You will need your man space.:biggrin:

Stone Sheep Steve
07-03-2009, 12:32 PM
Brambles, make sure the shop doesn't get cluttered up with vehicles. You will need your man space.:biggrin:

You got that right. First things his wife is putting in there are Bramble's mounts and pillow:-D. Good thing he built it pretty cushy with in-floor heating.


07-03-2009, 01:15 PM
Very nice! I want one. What size is it? Looks pretty big. I would havce it full of junk in no time.

07-03-2009, 03:20 PM
Looks good Brambles . I see your kids scope eye is gone.

07-03-2009, 03:28 PM
Looks good Brambles . I see your kids scope eye is gone.

Nope, these pictures were pre-scope eye, he'll have that scar for his entire life.

The garage is 40 wide and 30 deep. I'll put the two project cars in there and have a clear bay for working on day to day stuff, should have lots of space on the back wall for benches, stereo, TV etc.
No mounts or hunting stuff will go in here, I will probably work on stocks in the shop but I'm reno'ing the house next year and will be building another "man room" in the basement with high ceilings for my hunting stuff to go in.

10-02-2009, 05:20 PM
We'll here is an update on the shop for those who care.

Doesn't look like much has been going on from the outside.

I hired a buddy to backfill the shop floor and roughly level it with his bobcat. I then handbomb'd 26 tons of Road Gravel to bring it up to the correct elevation and get a good solid rock hard base, compacted it all thoroughly of course.

I had to install Telecom conduit, electrical conduit and a intake and outflow to and from the floor Pit. Calm down electricians, the conduit was bedded in sand after the picture was taken. I wanted to lay the conduit in the trench to get an idea of how it was gonna lay.


Then Vapour Barrier went in followed by a crapload of 2.5" Blue SM R12 Foam.


On top of the Foam I stapled my Infloor heating coil, about 1200 feet of it.

On top of the Heating coil I suspended my rebar grid with concrete blocks, I did this so that the heating coil was under the rebar, better protected from any drilling or relief cuts.

The rebar is 12" grid and the front 2/3rds of the shop is doubled up to 6"x12" grid so where the cars park is skookum.


I'm a kind person so I got the conveyor truck for the Concete guys, we also used Plastisizer to help the concrete flow better without using too much water.



10-02-2009, 05:28 PM
I hummed and Hawwed on what type of finish I wanted to put on my garage floor.

I first wanted Epoxy, but with all the welding and grinding I didn't think that was the best option for me, perhaps later after the car's are restored I will turn it into more of a show garage than a work garage.

Then I was gonna Acid stain or Acrylic stain the floor. I then thought what colors I wanted, I was thinking grey and black. Then I smacked myself in the head and realized that is already the color of the concrete.

So I decided to put some really good High Gloss Sealer on the floor.

Overall I'm happy, I do wish the power trowel was ran for a little longer to get a more consistant surface but I'm no expert, maybe this is as good as it gets????

I painted some parking lines on first and then cleared overtop, we have them at work and it makes life A LOT easier.

I'm no concrete expert, not sure if I got my moneys worth, what do you figure? I paid $1120 total for the placing and power troweling.

This was today after the two coats of clear High Gloss sealer.




10-02-2009, 05:38 PM
Nice shop ,just wait till your boy and his freinds start playing hockey on that nice shiney floor..scuff marks. dents in the wifes car,rubber marks all over the walls:eek: may as well build him a couple nets right away:wink:

10-02-2009, 05:39 PM
Looks good. Always nice to have workshop so the guys like us that always have to be doing somthing can go in there and go at it.

10-02-2009, 05:59 PM
Hey Brambles the floor looks sweet.Nice finish on that concrete.It will be easy to clean blood off that flour.:lol:

10-02-2009, 06:02 PM
O ya I stopped in last week to bull shit with you but no one was home.

TIKA 300
10-02-2009, 07:07 PM
Love the floor looks great,but you know what i love more,the raised ceiling (vaulted trusses):wink: Sure great to have that extra height.....

10-02-2009, 07:19 PM
Nice shop ,just wait till your boy and his freinds start playing hockey on that nice shiney floor..scuff marks. dents in the wifes car,rubber marks all over the walls:eek: may as well build him a couple nets right away:wink:

I put a stop to that, no way in hell is the wifes car gonna be in MY shop8-) This shop is for my two Project cars, day to day maintenance of our day to day vehicles, and my numerous hobbies. The wife seems content with a book, go figure....I wish I was that easy to subdue.

As far as the kid playing hockey, I put a stop to that too. I have too many friends who's kids are in hockey. Ain't gonna do it. Way too much of a time commitment, time that can be better spent hunting and bonding IMO.

Of course Dad's (me) will probably put a few rubber marks of my own in the garage, but they won't be on the walls. Can you say BURNOUT:twisted: nothin like the smell of burnt rubber in the morning.

Garage doors are ordered and hopefully will be in by the time I go sheep hunting.

Stone Sheep Steve
10-03-2009, 03:52 AM
I put a stop to that, no way in hell is the wifes car gonna be in MY shop8-) This shop is for my two Project cars, day to day maintenance of our day to day vehicles, and my numerous hobbies. The wife seems content with a book, go figure....I wish I was that easy to subdue.

As far as the kid playing hockey, I put a stop to that too. I have too many friends who's kids are in hockey. Ain't gonna do it. Way too much of a time commitment, time that can be better spent hunting and bonding IMO.

Of course Dad's (me) will probably put a few rubber marks of my own in the garage, but they won't be on the walls. Can you say BURNOUT:twisted: nothin like the smell of burnt rubber in the morning.

Garage doors are ordered and hopefully will be in by the time I go sheep hunting.

My wife and I both agreed not to be hockey parents....very emphatically, in fact.
Somehow my wife forgot that entire conversation:roll:.

My advice is to get it in writing.

Every kid should still play ball hockey;)

Floor looks great.


10-04-2009, 07:37 AM
brambles,i have to tell ya......the money you payed for the finishing was well worth it.there is an art to it.i have seen a number of guys jack hammering and re-doin slabs.....not a fun job.
i'm sure you know this......the sealer will eventually wear and you will have to re-seal.
looks good and can't wait to see it totally finished!!