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View Full Version : hunting from a canoe

11-26-2005, 10:59 AM
just wondering if anybody hunts this way and if it would be a productive way to hunt. my in-laws have a cabin up at deka lake and i was up behind there on windy mountain road and it was crazy up there don't want to deal with that again. was thinking next year grabbing a canoe and going up the lake, looked on a map and the lake looks really long and narrow. any advice that could help would be welcomed thanks.

11-26-2005, 11:31 AM
what are you hunting for? I hunt from a canoe in the early season for moose. This slow moving creek winds through this chain of meadows. it is a very effective way of hunting but as soon as it starts getting cold and the water starts to ice up it gets very noisy. other than that it is a very quite way to hunt and you can cover a lot of ground.

11-26-2005, 01:20 PM
When hunting form a canoe, if you see game:

Point your canoe so it is broadside to the animal.

Stand up

With rifle pointing broadside...SHOOT!:mrgreen:

11-26-2005, 02:07 PM
gatehouse, thats just plain mean!! I use a 10 zodaic on the rivers will take more weight than ant tin boat or canoe for the size Steve

11-26-2005, 09:07 PM
To avoid legal hassle whrn boning out an animal, just leave the nuts attached to a portion of the hindquarters.

Leave some hide attached to it, as well.:grin:

11-28-2005, 07:27 AM
to answer triggers question i was thinking of hunting deer that way, i am new to hunting (second year) and just got my first deer earlier this month. i will probably be alone and don't want to deal with a moose by myself. i was wondering if hunting this way you would see animals all day long being a water source for them or would my best bet be early morning and last light and also how difficult is it taking a shot in a canoe? sorry for all the questions but i am new and have a limited pool of people to refer to as no one in my family hunts and friends are fairly new at it as well. thanks

11-28-2005, 07:57 AM
I'd sure like to see a list of rivers and lakes that could be accessed this way-away from the road hunters

11-28-2005, 10:36 AM
Newguy.....we have hunted moose using canoes on our fly in trips all the time. It is a way to work through a river system from a base camp. There is the odd time that we will stop and call from the canoe, but primarily we use it for transportation and hauling game. A small engine on the back can make life quite easy when battling upriver. To be honest......in my opinion I would not target the shores of a lake for deer hunting. If the canoe can get you away from other hunters and help you pack your game back, then by all means but I would tend to get out and use it to get you to an area. I have shot 2 moose from a canoe as I had called them out to the river, but generally we get up on land (along the river) to set up.

Shooting from a canoe is not too difficult, but you want to make sure you are not shooting sideways out of it if you have nothing to stabilize the canoe....way too easy to go flipping over. One tip I would recommend is if you are in the boat and have a shoulder strap on your gun.....use a cimbing clip (still gives you quick access to your gun as opposed to tying it with rope) or something to secure your shoulder strap to the struts across the canoe. Should you ever flip the canoe at least your gun is not heading to the bottom.

11-28-2005, 11:51 AM
Animals aren't afraid of boats for the most part. It's do-able, I would suggest practicing from your canoe.