View Full Version : Lytton

Wild one
05-05-2009, 09:20 AM
I was wondering how are things greening up and if any one is seeing any bears in lytton yet.

05-05-2009, 09:32 AM
Give it a couple weeks ,things are just starting to green up.

05-05-2009, 09:36 AM
I was there this past weekend and it is still very brown with a few small green patches here and there. The natives were not too friendly though.

05-05-2009, 10:17 AM
The natives were not too friendly though.Did you not get propositioned ?

Wild one
05-05-2009, 10:40 AM
I guess I will do my best to hold back for 2 weeks. Just wondering what you mean by the natives not being to friendly ?

05-05-2009, 11:17 AM
Did you not get propositioned ?

No proposition. I was told to get off the crown land because I had entered it using a main road that went through the reserve. According to this gentleman all land on the other side of reserves was out of bounds to hunters and available only to band members.

05-05-2009, 11:22 AM
Where did you go ,up the Botanie rd?

05-05-2009, 11:28 AM
A bit further up the highway but last weekend on the way home from 100 Mile saw a nice bear on the side of the highway north of Spences Bridge

05-05-2009, 12:03 PM
I caught some nice trout in Botanie Lake one time, and only realized later that it was on reserve land.

Farther up along the Murray Creek road is the only place I've ever found a bear carcass that may have been killed for the gall bladder.

The remains were about 8 months to a year old, nothing but the skeleton and black hair all over the place. The whole animal had basically been left to rot. The whole area around it still stank cadaverously of rotten meat. Kept the skull.

It's one of these:

I've only met one Native guy in the bush up there and that was near Boston Bar. He was hunting off a quad and I was hiking and we stopped and shot the shit for a while. Funny, I ran into him at the Boston Bar gas station about month later and he said he'd shot at a buck that season and accidently killed the doe with it too with the same shot.

05-05-2009, 02:17 PM
According to this gentleman all land on the other side of reserves was out of bounds to hunters and available only to band members.Thats creative. Did he keep a straight face ?

05-05-2009, 02:23 PM
Saw a nice big blackie on the far side of the river just south of Lilloet last weekend. They're out there.

05-05-2009, 04:00 PM
No proposition. I was told to get off the crown land because I had entered it using a main road that went through the reserve. According to this gentleman all land on the other side of reserves was out of bounds to hunters and available only to band members.

I call bullshit and would have told them to piss off.I know exactly where you were and how you got there, i have done it many times with absolutely no trouble.However having said that i would not drive back that way with any game in my truck, i would go around and hang a left at the damn and go back the highway, or hang a right and come out at spences bridge and come back that way.