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View Full Version : Pheasant In 2,4 Or 2,8

11-19-2005, 01:40 PM
Wondering if any one nows where i could try some wild pheasant hunting in the lowerfraser valley willing to tell info where i hunt the birds in the ok valley. Where i use to hunt the birds in richmond the farmers dont wont hunters to shoot pheasant any more not to many around. Willing to drive any where thanks SLYFOX.

11-20-2005, 08:21 PM
not to many pheasants in the valley either fox, we can thank the coyotes for that, they have also cleaned up on the red fox to. i will be going up to oliver next year to hunt pheasants and quail, as my parents live there.

11-20-2005, 11:27 PM

Ruger is right, there are not many if any wild pheasants left in the valley. There is a hunting club (Associated Wildlife Preserve) from the Delta area that is in the business of relasing pen-raised birds onto leased land for there members to hunt.

I looked into buying birds and starting my own buddies-only club so we could let our dogs work some cover and bust a few birds each season. I called Campbells Pheasantry (Aldergrove/Langley) and they sell roosters for $15 each. A little pricey if you ask me. But when your dog gets birdy and that big rooster explodes in a squawking ball of wings......15 bucks is definately worth it.

You could also try hunting the perimeter properties to where the released birds are being placed. They often sneak onto adjoining lands and offer those of us not rich enough to drop a 1000 bones for a club membership the opportunity to shoot a few birds.



11-21-2005, 08:16 AM
I used to live in aldergrove and worked on a farm in the bradner area of abotsford driving to work north of the hiway I would see a ringneck every now and then if you go just into the area were your alowd to shoot and talk to some of the farmers they most likely would let you hunt there.

11-21-2005, 05:34 PM
Thanks for the help guys hay Lapadat that 15 dollars to shoot pheasant sounds pretty good to me if you ever start that club i,d love to join.Ruger i,m always in oliver hunting birds no better place in bc if you ask me what time of the year are you going next year.

11-21-2005, 05:56 PM
Lapadat, I also would be interested in participating in your pheasant group if it happens. Could be a lot of fun.


11-21-2005, 06:12 PM
lap you need to get a hen and a cock pheasant, and an incubator, would be cheaper to raise your own birds. i do to have a couple of gsps that need to get out and flush birds. they go nuts when i take them to oliver.

11-24-2005, 07:59 PM
Lapadat, Membership in Associated is $550 not $1000. I was a member for the last few years. I joined only for the pheasants as I shot lots of ducks in Burns Bog. It seemed like alot of money to me in the beginning but for the opportunity to shoot at 1500 or so release birds it wasn't so bad. Its a lot better now as I just moved to Oliver and there is no shortage here.

Ruger#1 , I believe I met and had coffee with your Dad yesterday.

11-24-2005, 11:57 PM
Bogman, If you were talking to a very interesting and fine Gentleman by the name of Ron, then it probably was Ruger's dad! :cool: Fred