View Full Version : Lures for Belize???

04-13-2009, 01:49 PM
I'm heading down to Belize in a couple of weeks for a month holiday and I was just wondering if anyone on the site has fished there before and what they would recommend to bring for tackle??? I will be inland on the rivers, as well as on a few islands off the coast. Unfortunately, I won't be bringing a fly rod so I will only be spincasting and such. Thanks in advance

04-13-2009, 02:04 PM
I think when spin casting they use a lot of bait, at least from television shows I have watched. They use some sort of local shrimp or prawn (unsure whether live or dead), and they cast it out and sort of jig it or reel it slowly. You should check the regulations to make sure this is legal in the area you are fishing, or hire a local guide. I am sure they can be found cheap down there. Enjoy your trip you lucky bugger.

04-14-2009, 07:54 AM
When I went down there a couple years ago we used livebait fish caught near shore, this was for snapper barracuda etc. They say that the walleye jigs and such work also. I never fished the rivers but if you can find a guide service down there they will tell you what you should bring. Everything fishing related down there is expensive so make sure you bring it with you.
Have fun and man am I jealous, loved it down there.

Spirit's Master
04-17-2009, 05:37 PM
If you're going to do flats fishing for bones you can use small jigs with a bit of maribou tied on. Various colours mostly in natural hues work the best (tan, olive, white, but pink is good too). Size 4-6 is your best bet.

Bones and Permit like live crab and shrimp on a bare hook again size 4-6.

Tarpon will eat almost anything. Most guides will cast-net a few mullet as live bait for you in the morning or you can use any hardbait.

My parents have lived in Belize for 15 years and I've fished there 4 times. Caught my first Permit last time (not easy, but what a fight).

Good luck and be very, very patient and move slow when you're stalking on the flats. Listen to your guide, he'll put you on the fish.

04-17-2009, 06:26 PM
The secret lure is a 1 oz chrome Kastmaster lure with white bucktail,hard to find in Canada but available on Ebay .:razz:

04-18-2009, 03:14 PM
Thanks for all your help guys!! Much appreciated