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View Full Version : The great Bear race

04-03-2009, 09:03 PM
All right all you bear hunters out there I guess the race is on...

I've seen (I hope that's the right use of the word) several posts on spring bear and spring bear hunts... who will be the first to post of their success?!?!?

I'm hitting the range again this Sunday to make sure the new scope is truly sighted in...then it's game on!!!!

Not to make it a contest but I have yet to take my first big game, how sweet would it be if my first was also the season fisrt for the forum?

Man it will be hard to sit at my desk in the office tomorrow...

Good luck and happy hunting to all that make it out this weekend!!

04-03-2009, 09:41 PM
The snowpack is still building in some parts due to this long winter.

But eventually it'll warm up and the Bears will be out looking for tender green grass.

But, it shouldn't really be a race. Bears have a weird habit of shrinking after you shoot them and walk up to them. So make sure you think its a real good size before you pull the trigger.

Look for width between the ears:twisted:, fat low slung tummy, and a huge head.

Good luck, hope you get one.

04-03-2009, 09:49 PM
x2.....great advice BearSniper!

Man looks like you have a heck of a bear in your Avator!! I'm going to have to search some of your posts to see if i can find the story!

04-04-2009, 07:59 AM
I think bears are the hardest animal to correctly judge size on. These days I look for small ears, less daylight beteen the belly and ground and a waddling gait when not concerned.

You might be okay to start hunting on the sunshine coast but here in the central interior it's still going to be a while. :mrgreen:

Good luck with your hunt.

04-04-2009, 08:38 AM
The snowpack is still building in some parts due to this long winter.

But eventually it'll warm up and the Bears will be out looking for tender green grass.

But, it shouldn't really be a race. Bears have a weird habit of shrinking after you shoot them and walk up to them. So make sure you think its a real good size before you pull the trigger.

Look for width between the ears:twisted:, fat low slung tummy, and a huge head.

Good luck, hope you get one.Very well put!
That is the first thought I had,if we create a race,the first few posts will be questionable bears.
Note to cndnmike:if you pull up last years thread on bears,you will see some questionable bears,2 yr. olds,and some monsters,this should give you some comparisons.
If you can pick a bear up with virtually one hand and throw him in the truck,you will wish you had passed on the shot.
Good luck on a monster.

Bow Walker
04-04-2009, 08:56 AM
I'm not looking for a 'monster' myself, I'm looking for a nice little meat bear. I've never eaten bear so this will be a first for me. My scope should arrive from Grouse River Outfitters by next Wed. (hopefully) then it's mount up and go sight-in.

:idea: I will "bear" in mind the notes about head-size and the space between the ears though. As for a low-slung beer belly - well it's a little early in the season for those attributes to show.

cdnmike has obviously visited the thread about the proper use of the word 'seen'.:smile:

04-04-2009, 09:02 AM
Good advise guys, and I appreciate your comments re; "shouldn't be a race - size judgement etc" - just to quantify my position - the reason I have yet to take an animal is because I am careful when sizing etc. perhaps overly so in some cases as I'm out there looking for table fare - not wall hangers.

That being said I passed on taking the shot on several bears last spring and then again in the fall as I was leary on their size/age, couldn't be sure that there were no cubs in the area(fall), and passed on one absolute monster Boar just because I could not get a comfortable bead on him (the sun's glare in the scope was making it difficult to get the 100% kill shot lined up)...

My post was just because I'm very excited about getting out this year. With any luck I will get a second crack at the monster I saw last year...

Oh and I have nothing against a wall hanger hunter - just not my overall goal - just so we are clear and don't send this thread down that road...:rolleyes:

04-04-2009, 09:07 AM
Sounds like you have your priorities straight,which should produce a fine bruin.
Good luck.

04-04-2009, 09:07 AM
Living where you do shouldn't make it hard to find some good sized bears. IIRC the first spring bear contest winner took his from the SS coast. 7'2"!!!

The Hermit
04-04-2009, 09:10 AM
Well a big rug would be nice but a medium sized three year old bear will taste just fine and from my point of view having it live a couple fewer years translates into more deer!

04-04-2009, 09:24 AM
The snowpack is still building in some parts due to this long winter.

But eventually it'll warm up and the Bears will be out looking for tender green grass.

Tell me about it - Offroad and I were out doing a little scouting last Sunday (we had to go and dig an old guy's jeep out of the snow) and there was still a good deal of rotten snow mid way up - I'm 6'4" and was sinking up to my knees in some spots (offroad was sinking up to his waist...Just joking buddy)

I'm thinking the May long weekend is going to be excellent - unless we we get some real warm days in between...

06-05-2009, 11:52 AM
Bet ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-05-2009, 12:47 PM
Bet ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did you mean to say BEAT YA.... jerk!! LOL - for the record I shoulda gone down that trail, but I'm not bitter...JERK!

Oh well my turn tonight hopefully!

06-05-2009, 12:50 PM
oh ya...and where is your story and pics offroad??