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02-09-2009, 12:16 PM
Well, yesterday, a few of us decided to head out and fish the Liloette River, needless to say, the ride up Harisson Lake had something left to be desired. Rather choppy on the back half, and I may need to have a few fillings repaired from all the jostling arround, even with the suspension seats in my boat, is was rough.
The fly-fishing was good, and quite a few trout were landed and gently released back into the waters. It was no cake walk, but there were a few to be had, all in all, a great day on the river!
Heres where it got to be a real interesting day, we were well set into the rather choppy ride back accross Harrison Lk. when my buddy Dave asks whats up ahead of us in the water?
Well we dont have to go much further and this is what we come up on


Now, this in itself is no big suprise, as I have seen deer swim many times before, often what seem impossible distances. They do however move quite good in the water. This little girl on the otherhand, was spent. In the past, the deer I have come up on, move quite fast to get away from you, and motor along quite well.
This little doe on the otherhand, turned, not away as I would have expected, instead she turns and comes swiming right for my boat! Now, as I said, deer move quite well in the water, but this girl was a lost cause, barely able to "doggy" or should I say "deer" paddle, and listing in the water on her side as you can see in the above pic.
Being about 1 1/2 kms to either beach we decided to help her out. I was a bit nervous about bringing a live deer into my boat, so I had my buddies ready with some rope to hobble the deer, but in the end it wasn't needed, as she had NO energy left over from her big swim.


After a quick shot to the beach we unloaded the little girl


After a little bit of drying off, and rubbing down to get some feelings back into her little cold body, we decided to bring her up the bank into the bushes in a dry spot out of the wind for her to hopefully get back on her feet and grow up to birth a few bucks for the area!


I would have liked to make sure she was able to get up and walk away under her own power, but I thought that the stress of us big fellas hanging arround her for the time that we did was enough for this little girl.
I can only hope she makes it cause she was in rough shape!
Needless to say, we jumped back in the boat and left with our fingers crossed, but the best part was to follow.
We didn't even get more than another km down the lake, when it went glass calm, perhaps the calmest ride I have had on the lake in recent history. I like to think it was Karma. ;)

02-09-2009, 12:21 PM
When was the last time a group or tree huggers did that. Well done you guys, that's a great stroy with a fantastic ending.

02-09-2009, 12:23 PM
Fantastic Guys !

Sure hope the little one makes it ! Im sure you gave her a much better chance then had she been left to get to shore on her own !


02-09-2009, 12:25 PM
Thanks for the pics aswell. Great story. Hopefully the little one will be safe and finish the winter okay.

Lone Ranger
02-09-2009, 12:37 PM
Wow, thats a pretty cool deal. Yeah, I've seen deer swim as well but she's pretty small the the water in Harrison Lk is awfully cold this time of the year! Thanks for the pics.

Maybe send it in to the local paper for some good exposure for outdoor enthusiasts! They tend to love printing mushy stuff like that. LR

02-09-2009, 12:38 PM
Nice work, hope she makes it!

02-09-2009, 12:39 PM
Quite possibly the BEST story I've read on HBC in my 2 years here. :D

02-09-2009, 12:44 PM
That's awsome. A once in a thousand lifetimes experience. Nice work guys.


02-09-2009, 12:46 PM
Way to go you guys.Just shows that hunters have much respect for nature as well.Good job.....

02-09-2009, 12:47 PM
Awesome guys!! Its a great story and you should think about sending it in to the paper like was previously mentioned.
Karma is a wonderful thing :)

02-09-2009, 01:12 PM
Very Cool guys

02-09-2009, 01:22 PM
Good for you guys. I wouldn't however get the media involved. Some do gooders would no doubt bring up harassing wildlife or such. Clearly not the case here, the poor little girl was in trouble. Again, good on you I hope she makes it.

02-09-2009, 01:23 PM
Indeed get that in the Paper !
Be sure to refer to yourselves as "Hunters" though ;)

Well done fellas ! :smile:

Rock Doctor
02-09-2009, 02:17 PM
How very human of you:smile:
Way to go SHACK, lol


02-09-2009, 02:23 PM
Good for you guys, great story!

02-09-2009, 02:34 PM
Real down to earth human effort of kindness and caring for another creature in time of desperation---that is a heart warming story and a great thing to do.
Jel---you did a wonderful thing for mother nature. Yah!

02-09-2009, 02:38 PM
Well done! Quite a feel good story.

02-09-2009, 02:46 PM
Nice work guys.... we're all proud of you! Damn right it was Karma!

Bow Walker
02-09-2009, 03:45 PM
Karma - as has been said many times - can be a b***h. But you guys deserve a pat on the back.

Sure hope you put her on the right side of the lake!?!

02-09-2009, 03:55 PM
very cool! Good Job guys

02-09-2009, 05:09 PM
Sure hope you put her on the right side of the lake!?!

I thought that too, :shock::shock: she should be good thought, the worst of this years winter should be over? I hope!!!

02-09-2009, 05:26 PM
Well done guys ,you did good warming this little fawn up ,hope she makes it..

02-09-2009, 05:30 PM
More, than lifted my spirits for today. Wasn't turning out to be a very good day, Thanks for saving the deer, and me.

02-09-2009, 05:33 PM
Nice job guys.Excellent pictures and story.

02-09-2009, 05:53 PM
Wow good for you guys......

02-09-2009, 07:12 PM
Well, yesterday, a few of us decided to head out and fish the Liloette River, needless to say, the ride up Harisson Lake had something left to be desired. Rather choppy on the back half, and I may need to have a few fillings repaired from all the jostling arround, even with the suspension seats in my boat, is was rough.
The fly-fishing was good, and quite a few trout were landed and gently released back into the waters. It was no cake walk, but there were a few to be had, all in all, a great day on the river!
Heres where it got to be a real interesting day, we were well set into the rather choppy ride back accross Harrison Lk. when my buddy Dave asks whats up ahead of us in the water?
Well we dont have to go much further and this is what we come up on

Now, this in itself is no big suprise, as I have seen deer swim many times before, often what seem impossible distances. They do however move quite good in the water. This little girl on the otherhand, was spent. In the past, the deer I have come up on, move quite fast to get away from you, and motor along quite well.
This little doe on the otherhand, turned, not away as I would have expected, instead she turns and comes swiming right for my boat! Now, as I said, deer move quite well in the water, but this girl was a lost cause, barely able to "doggy" or should I say "deer" paddle, and listing in the water on her side as you can see in the above pic.
Being about 1 1/2 kms to either beach we decided to help her out. I was a bit nervous about bringing a live deer into my boat, so I had my buddies ready with some rope to hobble the deer, but in the end it wasn't needed, as she had NO energy left over from her big swim.

After a quick shot to the beach we unloaded the little girl

After a little bit of drying off, and rubbing down to get some feelings back into her little cold body, we decided to bring her up the bank into the bushes in a dry spot out of the wind for her to hopefully get back on her feet and grow up to birth a few bucks for the area!

I would have liked to make sure she was able to get up and walk away under her own power, but I thought that the stress of us big fellas hanging arround her for the time that we did was enough for this little girl.
I can only hope she makes it cause she was in rough shape!
Needless to say, we jumped back in the boat and left with our fingers crossed, but the best part was to follow.
We didn't even get more than another km down the lake, when it went glass calm, perhaps the calmest ride I have had on the lake in recent history. I like to think it was Karma. ;)

Great story Shack and congratulations on a animal rescue job well done. You have a PM please answer me as soon as possible. Thanks.

Gun Babe
02-09-2009, 07:13 PM
I cannot explain the feelings your story and pictures have given me....Thank you, not only for sharing the story, but for showing such care and compassion .....awesome !

02-09-2009, 07:20 PM
That was a great read. Good job guys. Thank you for that. Amazing.

Mr. Friendly
02-09-2009, 08:00 PM
I cannot explain the feelings your story and pictures have given me....Thank you, not only for sharing the story, but for showing such care and compassion .....awesome !
that is EXACTLY how I feel! thank you for sharing this. it's definitely a great uplift since the thread about the winter kills that are being found. :smile: you deserve great kudos. if you're ever in the Vancouver westend, let me know...I'll buy you a coffee! :biggrin:

02-09-2009, 10:26 PM
Very cool guys and way to go, man just a little one, looks like this years fawn possibly. Sound like it wouldn't have made it if it weren't for guys like you.
Good job!

02-09-2009, 11:12 PM
Well thanks for the kind words, Im sure most would do the same. Im not one for interfearing with natures course, but in this instance, well, we just could not let the little thing suffer out there any longer.
Funny how we are able to look an animal in the eyes, and pull the trigger, but to watch something suffer, well thats just not for me.
I do hope it makes it, and I will be stopping in at the beach we dropped her at next weekend to see if she expired, or had the strength to survive.

Lone Ranger
02-09-2009, 11:25 PM
Sure hope you put her on the right side of the lake!?!

Well, the way I look at it is that she was originally on one side of the lake so she's from there. Something looked interesting enough to make her go for a 3 km swim so there's something on that side of the lake too.. I don't think that really mattered, all that matters is that she's safe and warm. LR

02-10-2009, 07:16 PM
good job.well done.

02-10-2009, 07:40 PM
The Deer gods shall reward you with a story for all time to share

Great job guys

02-10-2009, 10:34 PM
thats awesome guys.nice work.i saved a moose calf with my dad awhile back now in region 5-01 from bashing its head in an old horse corall.felt good.

02-10-2009, 10:36 PM
Nice job guys. Happy ending for sure.

02-10-2009, 11:50 PM
Just a typical day in the woods for a group of hunters. Put it in the paper--great work guys!

02-11-2009, 08:29 AM
Awesome story guys!

I believe that story should be told in the media. "A Group of Hunters and Fishermen Save a Deer from Drowning in Harrison Lake..." I don't think anyone would call that harassing wildlife.

Great job guys.
