View Full Version : kamloops lake rutt

10-28-2005, 07:16 AM
Does anyone know when the rutt in kamloops lake area starts or has started??? Im leavin on Nov 3 to head there and thought it was maybe too early!!

10-28-2005, 08:26 AM
I saw a big Buck yesterday near Penticton going with his antlers back on his neck and his nose going out straight in a different than usual angel.Looked to me like a Buck well into the Rutt.

10-28-2005, 05:44 PM
I also was curious about when the ruts usally over

10-28-2005, 07:19 PM
Usually peaks around the middle of Nov with the week leading up to and after being the best for chance of seeing the more wiley bigger bucks out and about......
Inclimate weather also seems to help get things moving too

10-28-2005, 08:55 PM
Saw a buck entertaining 3 "ladies", heading North, just past the toll booth on the Coq., this Tuesday.
Spent all day yesterday around Tunkwa Lake, driving the 4100 road, from Dominic Lake towards Savona, saw nothing.
Wednesday we spent the day in the Bonaparte Hills area, on the Northeast side of Bonaparte Lake, if there are Mule deer anywhere on this planet, this is where they would be; once again nothing, except for a calf moose.
So I guess the rut has started up high North of Kamloops, the rest should follow soon.

10-28-2005, 10:52 PM
Having lived in and hunted this area (Kamloops), my experience is that Nov 3 is around near the start of the rut. A week later and beyond should be better. Several years ago, I took a buck that was trailing several ladies on Nov 10. The woods don't have the estrus/rut smell yet - when you've hit a pocket you know it!! Mid-elevations are looking good right now. Food there, lots of re-growth on greenery and fresh sign at that level (as of today). I was at about 4500' today and found tons of sign with the re-growth. Frost at night is coming down to around the 1500' level and on the valley floor the other night. Snow on the alpine at the moment. Agree that farther north of Kamloops around Clearwater (big bucks in that area), rut will happen earlier and have heard same from others.

Good luck!

10-29-2005, 06:33 PM
Sounds like to me that i should maybe wait a little longer than goin on nov3?????

10-29-2005, 11:04 PM
My humble opinion is if you really want to hunt the rut - wait a week, at least. Any differing thoughts out there? Snow is in the forecase this week down to mid-elevations (2700' +/-). This should start to push the deer off the high country too.

10-30-2005, 12:57 AM
I was just east of Lytton on the TCH on Thursday. Whilst heading back west I could see new snow on the peaks of the mountains to the west of the ridge on the other side of the Fraser from Lytton. Fred

11-01-2005, 03:32 PM
From my experience the Peek Rut around the Kamloops area seems to be around Nov 10 thru Nov 20 depending a little on the weather

11-01-2005, 03:56 PM
man you guys all have too much time on your hand if you can pick and choose to hunt the rut.

Hunt every day you can and you will capitalize on a good deer.just be choosie.
I hunt every moment of any day I get the chance.
If you do the same you will be rewarded.
Oh and the rut starts in the first 2 weeks of november usually