View Full Version : Grizzly poacher Charged

02-06-2009, 08:56 PM
OnMay5 2006 North van res Craig Fernand Voisin shot and killed a large male grizzlyin mu 3-33 along the Hurley River near goldbridge,there was no open season in this area.Voisin entered a guilty plea on two counts ,he was fined 115$ plus a payment to the habitat conservation trust fundof 5,900$ and another 115$ and1,900$to the HCTF for unlawfull possesion of dead wildlife and ONLY got prohibited from hunting for 3 yrs w.t f.Taken from the Lillooet news paper.What a loser.

02-06-2009, 08:58 PM
WTF !!!

I agree.

3 yrs is nothin'

02-06-2009, 08:58 PM
3 years of no poaching. What a load of b.s.

02-06-2009, 09:01 PM
if your a poacher it doesn't matter if they take your license for three years.

02-06-2009, 09:06 PM
Yup, he should have got a ten year hunting suspention and then ten more years of no firearms and or bows.So the next time he feels the need to poach he can try taking on a G-bear with a pocket Knife !

02-06-2009, 09:10 PM
this guy desrves to be punished , of that there is no dought ,but he did say that he mistook this grizzly for a black bear.there is no excuse for this! in his defence, upon realising his terrible error he imediately called the co which was the right thing to do, he was not an experienced hunter, but because he had held a hunting liscence for 3 years they rightly classed him experienced enough to know better..but he wasnt a blatent poacher so lets not lynch him just yet ahh

6 K
02-06-2009, 09:10 PM
quick pair to the back of the head for all poachers should be the min.

02-06-2009, 09:32 PM
...upon realising his terrible error he imediately called the co
Nice to hear the rest of it.......if true I'd agree. The guy f'ud up and made ammends for it...3 Years is fitting IMO.

Alot of folks would have simply walked away......

02-06-2009, 09:35 PM
He f***ed up, and then manned up, and then paid up.

He won't f*** up again.

Thx for posting the other side of things, Roebuck.

02-06-2009, 09:53 PM
Yup, like my old NCO used to say, three sides to every story, my side, your side, and the truth. If the guy made a mistake at least he didn't try and run from it and didn't "shoot, shovel, and shut up" like I hear so many popping off about doing in here (see the thread about wolves behind Mission for a perfect example). He' s paying a rather stiff penalty and being suspended too boot. I think it's fair. It always amazes me that some arsehole can break into my house, steal my stuff, terrorise my family, get his ass caught fencing my property, get arrested and be out in the morning before I go to work. All with a criminal record of multiple offences and nothing happens to him. Probation, one day in jail, two hundred dollar fine (which will never be paid) yet someone shoots an animal, turns himself in and gets hammered with thousands of dollars in fines and forfeitures. I'm not saying that they shouldn't get fined but comparatively our justice system and politicians put a higher value on protecting our wildlife than it does protecting us. Kick the shit out of the guy that turns himself in for screwing up but let the other guys off the hook. Gee.... wonder why so many talk about "shoot ,shovel and shut up"?:shock:That's my rant and I'm sticking to it.... :smile:

02-06-2009, 09:58 PM
That's my rant and I'm sticking to it.... :smile:
A well warranted rant nonetheless.........;)

02-06-2009, 10:00 PM
This has happened before. First I've heard of such steep fines though.
Maybe things are tightening up, or maybe because it is a Grizzly Bear, there was extra pressure to set an example.

but comparatively our justice system and politicians put a higher value on protecting our wildlife than it does protecting us.Tells you where the 'squeaky wheel' is.

02-06-2009, 11:43 PM
this guy desrves to be punished , of that there is no dought ,but he did say that he mistook this grizzly for a black bear.there is no excuse for this! in his defence, upon realising his terrible error he imediately called the co which was the right thing to do, he was not an experienced hunter, but because he had held a hunting liscence for 3 years they rightly classed him experienced enough to know better..but he wasnt a blatent poacher so lets not lynch him just yet ahh
There was no mention of him turning himself in,in the article,this is what was written .Voisi removed the hide,head and paws from this bear with intentions of unlwfully maintaining possession of these parts.

The rest of the bear carcass was left at the kill site. Members of the COS recovered hair bone and claw evidence fromthe area between the kill site and the road that demonstrated that he never did succeed in getting the parts he intended to keep back to the vehicle.

02-07-2009, 01:27 AM
The plot thickens........:|

02-07-2009, 08:18 AM
It always amazes me that some arsehole can break into my house, steal my stuff, terrorise my family, get his ass caught fencing my property, get arrested and be out in the morning before I go to work. All with a criminal record of multiple offences and nothing happens to him. Probation, one day in jail, two hundred dollar fine (which will never be paid) yet someone shoots an animal, turns himself in and gets hammered with thousands of dollars in fines and forfeitures. I'm not saying that they shouldn't get fined but comparatively our justice system and politicians put a higher value on protecting our wildlife than it does protecting us.

As long as it's your stuff being taken it's one thing. When it a game animal or anything else the crown claims well... Until they are the "victim" they can't see the harm in it.

02-07-2009, 08:45 AM
i hate poachers, but i do have to agree with wolverine

Big Lew
02-07-2009, 08:56 AM
Yup, like my old NCO used to say, three sides to every story, my side, your side, and the truth. If the guy made a mistake at least he didn't try and run from it and didn't "shoot, shovel, and shut up" like I hear so many popping off about doing in here (see the thread about wolves behind Mission for a perfect example). He' s paying a rather stiff penalty and being suspended too boot. I think it's fair. It always amazes me that some arsehole can break into my house, steal my stuff, terrorise my family, get his ass caught fencing my property, get arrested and be out in the morning before I go to work. All with a criminal record of multiple offences and nothing happens to him. Probation, one day in jail, two hundred dollar fine (which will never be paid) yet someone shoots an animal, turns himself in and gets hammered with thousands of dollars in fines and forfeitures. I'm not saying that they shouldn't get fined but comparatively our justice system and politicians put a higher value on protecting our wildlife than it does protecting us. Kick the shit out of the guy that turns himself in for screwing up but let the other guys off the hook. Gee.... wonder why so many talk about "shoot ,shovel and shut up"?:shock:That's my rant and I'm sticking to it.... :smile:

Well, you stole my rant! Couldn't say it better!

02-07-2009, 09:23 AM
My memory is a little hazy on this but I seem to recall him shooting a moose to bait in the bear, and bragging about it at the local bar?

I don't recall this guy being an angel who "just made a mistake"

02-07-2009, 09:26 AM
There was no mention of him turning himself in,in the article,this is what was written .Voisi removed the hide,head and paws from this bear with intentions of unlwfully maintaining possession of these parts.

The rest of the bear carcass was left at the kill site. Members of the COS recovered hair bone and claw evidence fromthe area between the kill site and the road that demonstrated that he never did succeed in getting the parts he intended to keep back to the vehicle.

Thought so. The large administrative penalties usually only come into play when someone doesn't turn themselves in. His name wouldn't be published with a voluntary ticket that didn't end up in court. He got CAUGHT, he didn't turn himself in, and when he got caught, he took it to court.

The facts speak for themselves if you know the way the Wildlife Act is enforced.

02-07-2009, 09:46 AM
I cant be 100% this was the same crime, but the case i read about was on the herly pass around the same time, i read about it on the ministries website ,it was a apeal hearing, it gave both the co's report and the guilty plea and statement from the offender. if this was the same case we have to remember that newspapers dont always print the truth especially when it comes to wildlife[especially bears]

02-07-2009, 11:52 AM
this guy desrves to be punished , of that there is no dought ,but he did say that he mistook this grizzly for a black bear.there is no excuse for this! in his defence, upon realising his terrible error he imediately called the co which was the right thing to do, he was not an experienced hunter, but because he had held a hunting liscence for 3 years they rightly classed him experienced enough to know better..but he wasnt a blatent poacher so lets not lynch him just yet ahh

Wonder when he realized he had made a mistake,which i highly doubt,before or after he skinned it out :roll:The guys a poacher plain and simple in my books anyway.

02-07-2009, 01:14 PM
Sorry, I was led to believe that he had called the CO's himself. If that's not the case, he deserved what he got and should have banned him for life. That said, I still stand by my first post. The disparity between the Wildlife Act and the Criminal Code and the way punishment is meted out is still there. Many times in the past when guys have turned themselves in and there's no investigation involved by CO's they kick the crap out of him/her and the penalties are grossly larger than that handed out to those that break into hour homes and vehicles, sell dope to kids etc.etc. Example: First offence for Cultivation - $1100.00, probation for 2 yrs., forfeiture of grow equipment. Our Courts are completely out of control and it's time for some reform. Possibly we need to start electing our judges with a review process in place that at any time they can be hauled up on the carpet if their performance is not meeting public standards. That goes all the way to the top too. Supreme Court of Canada.... screw it.. Justices need to be elected not appointed and for a specific period of time. Not for life. Ah.... I could go on and on but I'm sure you all get my point. I just get really pissed off with the whole system.

Have a good day everyone.

H Wally
02-07-2009, 07:33 PM
Hmmmmmm. Well, I pretty much agree with Wolverine on this one.

I would hope that someone doing this intentionally would have his PAL and CORE revoked, his firearms seized, and a 10 yr prohibition on owning or using firearms or bows. Heck, maybe put a prohibition on a poacher accompanying others on hunting trips as well.