View Full Version : N.Rockies, Nonda creek comments wanted

01-28-2009, 10:54 AM
I have this idea to go and explore Nothern part of BC, N-W of Ft.Nelson. I want "do-it -yourself" trip in August-September.My primary interest moose and elk. Not planning for caribou ,but off course it would be nice to spot some. Transportation truck+ATV. So due to access difficulties I m thinking to go Alaska HWY and try one of travel corridors either side of HWY. I m kinda undecided which one tou .West Toad and Yadhe seems good ,but I guess those areas are better left for sheep hunting.Nonda creek seems attractive,as it travel along the river and takes up to alpine. I wonder if anyone hunted there recently and could advise on general conditions,hunting pressure ?
Thanks in advance.

01-28-2009, 11:03 AM
My primary interest moose and elk. Not planning for caribou ,but off course it would be nice to spot some.

What's priority... Moose or Elk? Caribou will be everywhere.

West Toad and Yadhe seems good ,but I guess those areas are better left for sheep hunting.

You won't make it far enough down the West Toad corridor to get into any Elk. Yedhe you can go for a loooong ways, and there is always Moose lake on that side. Not much for Elk on the Yedhe side though. Also a fair bit of pressure.

Nonda creek seems attractive,as it travel along the river and takes up to alpine.

Somebody actually took a Bull Caribou off the tower road this year... Right up top apparently and a good bull to boot. This road see's a fair amount of pressure every year, with that said there is Moose and Elk along here for sure... Good fishing on the toad above and below the bridge. There are also several older burns right along the AK highway that are quite popular for guys to pull over and day hike for Elk.

If Moose is your Game have a look at the access corridors across the Liard, closer to the yukon...


01-28-2009, 11:19 AM
Thanks Carl.
From what I see moose is more widely available. Therefore if "combo" is difficult I would concentrate on Elk first and than move onto moose areas. From what I have found on internet Liard HWY is moose area ,but lot of hush bushes ,muskeg and etc,which make it difficult to spot anything. Google show lot of various roads . I guess that place is not motorized vechicle restricted area,so probably ATV would be handy to access deeper into bushes ?

01-28-2009, 11:34 AM
From what I see moose is more widely available. Therefore if "combo" is difficult I would concentrate on Elk first and than move onto moose areas.

There is an any bull Moose season in the region from Aug 15th to 31st.... I would hit that first and get a nice meat bull and then go back south for Elk once it was open.

From what I have found on internet Liard HWY is moose area ,but lot of hush bushes ,muskeg and etc,which make it difficult to spot anything.

Yes, definitely Moose, Grizz and Caribou if you can get onto the plateau. You don't really have to pound the bush but a small boat, canoe, zodiac, aluminum or something similar would make life easier and the fishing is awesome.


01-28-2009, 11:50 AM
So, what I hear it may be not that brilliant idea to try "combo" hunt around Nonda .But instead go to two separate areas where chances better for either moose or elk ?

01-28-2009, 11:53 AM
Yeah.Thanks. I will carry either small rubber boat or 12ft aluminium.

01-28-2009, 11:54 AM
Thanks Carl.
From what I see moose is more widely available. Therefore if "combo" is difficult I would concentrate on Elk first and than move onto moose areas. From what I have found on internet Liard HWY is moose area ,but lot of hush bushes ,muskeg and etc,which make it difficult to spot anything. Google show lot of various roads . I guess that place is not motorized vechicle restricted area,so probably ATV would be handy to access deeper into bushes ?

Better check on the vehicle restrictions because there is a Liard River corrridor that has restrictions.

01-28-2009, 12:01 PM
Better check on the vehicle restrictions because there is a Liard River corrridor that has restrictions.

An elevation restriction to 4500' I believe...? I had a bear draw in the area and contacted CO's about the particulars.

So, what I hear it may be not that brilliant idea to try "combo" hunt around Nonda .But instead go to two separate areas where chances better for either moose or elk ?

You'll find both on that corridor as well as other hunters but I think you'd be really missing out on the northern BC "tour" if you didn't go that extra few hours north. It's always been an area I have enjoyed going back to.


01-28-2009, 12:12 PM
Quote;You'll find both on that corridor as well as other hunters but I think you'd be really missing out on the northern BC "tour" if you didn't go that extra few hours north. It's always been an area I have enjoyed going back to.Unquote

Yeah ,true. Also there is some chance for caribou.

01-28-2009, 12:21 PM
Sneg -

Start your hunt on August 24th. Hunt north of Liard River bridge. Shoot any bull moose. Then go to MacDonald Creek and hike up the river until you see a caribou or go outside the 1 mile line and sit there for a couple days and shoot the 'bou. (also before end of August).

Then go to Toad River / Racing River / Tetsa River and finish off your hunt for elk at the beginning of September.

If for some reason you bag your moose, your 'bou, before September 1st. Have a sheep tag and drive up to the Nonda tower and you might get lucky shooting a ram too.

Make sure you put in for a LEH grizzly tag!! Lots of grizzlies and a good chance at harvesting one at that time of year.

So there you go. A doable combo hunt.

01-28-2009, 12:31 PM
Sneg -

Start your hunt on August 24th. Hunt north of Liard River bridge. Shoot any bull moose. Then go to MacDonald Creek and hike up the river until you see a caribou or go outside the 1 mile line and sit there for a couple days and shoot the 'bou. (also before end of August).

Then go to Toad River / Racing River / Tetsa River and finish off your hunt for elk at the beginning of September.

If for some reason you bag your moose, your 'bou, before September 1st. Have a sheep tag and drive up to the Nonda tower and you might get lucky shooting a ram too.

Make sure you put in for a LEH grizzly tag!! Lots of grizzlies and a good chance at harvesting one at that time of year.

So there you go. A doable combo hunt.

Great advice.. Can i tag along to. :wink:

01-28-2009, 12:32 PM
BCrams,thanks for advise,appreciated.Sounds almost like a plan. I guess in McDonald cr , Toad/Racing there is no use for small boat. Shall try and see if can cross with truck.

01-28-2009, 12:37 PM
i think even if double combo won't work the trip itself to that part would make nice experience.

01-28-2009, 12:43 PM
BCrams,thanks for advise,appreciated.Sounds almost like a plan. I guess in McDonald cr , Toad/Racing there is no use for small boat. Shall try and see if can cross with truck.

MacDonald .... sure you might be able to drive across if the water is low and hunt the 'bou on the washouts on the way to the Wokpash trailhead. Hike up MacDonald instead.

You won't be driving across the Racing / Toad.

01-28-2009, 12:47 PM
i think even if double combo won't work the trip itself to that part would make nice experience.

Sounds like a fun trip however the hunting goes, its just nice to get out and see the world. Especially the BC north.

01-28-2009, 12:49 PM
Maximize your experience and seeing the country:

3-4 days for moose - if you don't get your moose, pull out and head for caribou

3-4 days for caribou - if you don't get your 'bou, pull out and head for elk

3-4 days for elk - if you don't get your elk, pull out and head home!

Additional side trips contingent on your success. Example: fishing, looking for sheep, soaking at the hot springs

Add your 2 days driving time from home up and back. Its a productive 2 week vacation.

01-28-2009, 01:27 PM
I was up Nonda for a look-see a few years ago. We couldn't find a camp spot all the way to the old foundation. :frown:

Some braniacs were camped right on the moose lick with 3 trucks and campers. :mad:

01-28-2009, 01:50 PM
Quote:Maximize your experience and seeing the country:

3-4 days for moose - if you don't get your moose, pull out and head for caribou

3-4 days for caribou - if you don't get your 'bou, pull out and head for elk

3-4 days for elk - if you don't get your elk, pull out and head home! -Unquote
This is sound advise.However without knowing the country 3-4 days seems little bit short.Typically I need a couple days to find good spot to hunt. Specially if it involves long hikes.

01-28-2009, 01:53 PM
Quote:I was up Nonda for a look-see a few years ago. We couldn't find a camp spot all the way to the old foundation. :frown: Unquote

I guess place was busy for reason.Was it hunting season?

01-28-2009, 02:01 PM
I too been up Nonda, tooooo damn busy for me to ever go back, like any where, the further you go back off the beaten path the better, but good luck with that for moose.
There are some nice area's around Toad for Elk, them old burns are NICE !

01-28-2009, 02:06 PM
Thanks CT.From what I have seen on internet that country should be reasonably good for hiking. I mean bush not too thick and you do need to know some secret trails to get away from road. Am I wrong ?

01-28-2009, 03:05 PM
Pettitot is one place for moose that needs a checkmark - doubt there's any elk. Buddy wants to go something fierce.

01-28-2009, 03:54 PM
I was up Nonda for a look-see a few years ago. We couldn't find a camp spot all the way to the old foundation. :frown:

Some braniacs were camped right on the moose lick with 3 trucks and campers. :mad:

The ultimate camp hunters (not road hunters).:biggrin:

On our trip up there, we camped just off the road a little ways above the bridge over the creek. Was a nice 5pt elk that would come out towards evening, lucky for him it was 6pt season. Lots of bous way up on the ridge to the west across the creek. It was easy to spot them after it snowed one night. Bous migrating west just north of the tower. Ewes and lambs but no rams. -15c and wind howling up by the tower. The snow made sheep spotting easier. Gbear sign all over. The moose hunters had already left, no other campers at the time. Awesome country.

01-28-2009, 07:58 PM
Hey Sneg, here's a tip you likely won't get from a bunch of people "in the know" about that area:roll:....its not so much where you go but when. Go as late as you can for moose,sheep,caribou and elk you are likely to see very few people and lots of game....the weather will be cold up high but all of the animals will head down towards the highway as the snow piles up. Take a bow...I have seen at least 5 legal six point elk on the road...there's just few hunters around and no bowhunters. If you want to go for a long hike and sweat your bag off to see little.....go early....want to see lots of game and few hunters.....go as late as possible.

01-29-2009, 08:37 AM
Thanks for advice.It makes sense.I guess there should be balance as how late to go.I hear roads can be all snowed down and unpassable,which would limit hunting to mere HWY . Still have to keep my distance from HWY. I do have good snow chains and stuff, but no sleds or snowmobile to move around. I m not looking for extreme nor looking for easy hunt,but reasonably challenging and more important successfull. Concerned areas 7-50;7-53 and 7-54, later two have Elk till Sept.10 and bou till Sept.30. that Sept.10 probably would be my limitation on how late I can go. Unless I figure out where to get all game in 7-50,which would allow to go as late as end of Sept (prime time for moose and elk). Thanks for pointer re bow.

01-29-2009, 08:57 AM
Hey Sneg, here's a tip you likely won't get from a bunch of people "in the know" about that area:roll:....its not so much where you go but when.

I'd say where you go plays a big part... Heck the locals manage to harvest every year and early season too! Elk, Moose, Sheep. Some of them must know something you don't.

I guess there should be balance as how late to go.I hear roads can be all snowed down and unpassable,which would limit hunting to mere HWY .

You should be good through most of Sept. If the 10th is the latest you can go you'll be fine.


01-29-2009, 09:23 AM
Early season hunt has own benefits: game is less wary and little more abudant. But without knowing exact location it mostly chances. While later in season game move more,less pressure, so there is more chance to connect if you know general area.

01-29-2009, 09:24 AM
Take your bow along with you for a quick mule/white tail hunt on your way back down south. Take the hwy. from Fort St. John to Chetwynd that goes through hudson hope. Glass some of the hill sides and power lines and you will definetly see some great deer during that time of year. When I lived up there I was able to get my deer with the bow in the early season and I am not a very good bow hunter.

01-29-2009, 09:28 AM
The moose on my avitar pic was taken Aug.18th. I lived up there for 4 years and each year I took my moose in the early season, the latest being August 19th and the smallest being a 40". Early season is good if you know where to go.

01-29-2009, 10:23 AM
thanks for comments. i hear ya , need to know where to go.this what i m trying to figure out.Hopefully with few pointers I would be able to put together successful game plan.

01-29-2009, 04:45 PM
Here's some pics of the Nonda area

Off the top by the tower



Carbou cross the top of the snow covered ridge on the right

01-29-2009, 05:51 PM
holy stuff , it is beauty. thanks goatdancer

01-29-2009, 06:05 PM
The tower at the top of Nonda is great place to hang all your wet gear and let it dry off in the wind, while you glass up all the critters:D

01-29-2009, 08:58 PM
Just thought I'd let you know, those pics were taken Sept. 9, 2004. It was really cold up at the tower and the wind was howling. When we were there 5 years earlier, the weather was nicer in Oct. Be prepared for everything.

01-29-2009, 09:07 PM
Goat Dancer
Thanks for sharing those pic's brings back memories, think of how it must have been before the Hwy and the crowds in there eh?

We saw some good rams in those surrounding hill s and some times a guy does get lucky .

Good luck to ya Sneg, lots of the info here and your PM are based on good sheep habitat.


01-29-2009, 09:08 PM
that was my next question about date.nice.seems good place to go.

01-29-2009, 11:14 PM
those are nice pics, makes a guy want to head up and nose around.

01-30-2009, 12:21 AM
those are nice pics, makes a guy want to head up and nose around.

Nonda is a great little sight seeing spot, you can glass some resident sheep (ewes,lambs and even some rams) who seem to be in the same spot every year, some caribou, moose, elk and all kinds of other hunters.

We were up at the tower when I was a kid on an exploratory trip and we decided it would be fun to roll rocks down the hill and into the bush below.

We unknowingly rolled our rocks onto and around a Grizzly kill and he was pissed something fierce... He came storming out of the bushes, stood on two legs trying to smell/see us better and then put all four to the ground and was coming uphill fast! My uncle made us kids run ahead and he stayed behind to try and ward off the bear... Which obviously dropped his charge and went back to eating...

After that we stopped and had a hot dog roast at the gravel pit.

good times!


01-30-2009, 01:22 AM
Some monster moose in the nonda i went up there 2 years in a row for the opener for sheep.Saw 60 inch moose on both trips and cariboo every were.

01-30-2009, 08:17 AM
you guys make me wanna go rigth now.thanks for shared info. from what i found only Nonda has somehow clear access to the Alpine.All other corridors you need to hike quite a bit from the road to get to Alpine. Isn't it ?

01-30-2009, 08:49 AM
a guy in the office has a really nice 37inch 9yr old ram he glassed off the nonda road ~10 yrs back. Oct.

01-30-2009, 10:09 AM
you guys make me wanna go rigth now.thanks for shared info. from what i found only Nonda has somehow clear access to the Alpine.All other corridors you need to hike quite a bit from the road to get to Alpine. Isn't it ?

Nope. Stone Mountain Park gives you better access to the alpine.

The Nonda tower is just a knob connected by a ridge. You still have to hump your ass down into the 8 mile and up again if you want to hunt. Its not as cut and dry as it appears from those who are posting about it. If no one really said anything, you'd drive up there and as soon as you got to the top - you're most likely to be mentally deflated at what you will see and what you will have to go through to really hunt there 8)

You have more information than most guys have when they hit that country for the first time. No need to pull a Jelvis on here....you just have to go up and do some exploring based on the info presented so far. Keep in mind, success as far as harvesting animals is never a guarantee ........ consider it a successful hunt if you make it up there whether you shoot something or not.

01-30-2009, 10:57 AM
quote:Keep in mind, success as far as harvesting animals is never a guarantee ........ consider it a successful hunt if you make it up there whether you shoot something or not.unquote
hear what you are saying. I feel that got good advise from most of you to connect. (well I was overconfident before .lol) Seems it is incredible place to explore anyway.

01-30-2009, 11:04 AM
If no one really said anything, you'd drive up there and as soon as you got to the top - you're most likely to be mentally deflated at what you will see and what you will have to go through to really hunt there :cool:

lol.... "mentally deflated" Hanglider? Parasail anybody...? Yeah, it's a long ways looking from the tower in any direction, aside from the mountain the knob is sort of attached too... You've got some up's and down's either way. It was on one of those brushy knobs we got run off by the G. bear.


01-30-2009, 10:24 PM
"quote:Keep in mind, success as far as harvesting animals is never a guarantee ........ consider it a successful hunt if you make it up there whether you shoot something or not.unquote
hear what you are saying. I feel that got good advise from most of you to connect. "

\Good advice for sight-seeing or getting lucky. Find somebody else to go, pay about $1100 all in each and fly in....you'll never regret it in the long run.

Dad and son
01-30-2009, 11:44 PM
I have hunted the area between Fort Nelson and Muncho lake for the past 3years. This past year my son got a 52 inch moose and a caribou. I also shot a caribou. I guess to give you some information I need to know what type of hunting you want to do. Pick up, quadding or hiking. That will help all of us suggest where you should go.

01-31-2009, 05:23 PM
Dad and son, I m coming with truck,ATV and small boat (either inflatable or alumin). Idea to get moose and elk,caribou is bonus. Driving around on ATV where possible, or floating on boat or pounding bush - all good for me.I do not mind hiking .But obviously if successful it would be difficult to haul all meat from too far. Couple hours hike from road or ATV trail seems reasonable.
kgriz .Fly in or hire horses probably would be more resultive,but at this moment it is likely second choice.

01-31-2009, 06:04 PM
You're getting some good information, more than many have gotten in the past. Good luck and post pics !

01-31-2009, 07:09 PM
Yes! Nonda is a beautifull place to spend some time hunting,but be prepaired for a lot of other eyes glassing for game,as it is one of the only roads one can drive to alpine in the northern Rockies.Put in your time poking around up there between Stone Mt. and the Liard river and you will have great success. Six years in a row from 99 to 04, I hunted up there and came back with two full curl rams, one 54" moose,one six point elk and a nice meat bull caribou. You can find a moose anywhere,stick around the toad river foothills for elk,get some topo's and hike up the many washes off the highway for a big bou and you may also find the majestic stone ram in them there sheepy mountains. Best of luck up in gods country.

01-31-2009, 08:59 PM
How is the weather up that way come mid Oct.?

It could be nice one day and snowing like crazy the next. Expect it all and you won't be disappointed. Word of caution. Don't drive the Alaska Hwy at night when it's snowing hard. There are no shoulders on the road.

01-31-2009, 09:58 PM
It can get ugly around the second week of Oct. But stll quit possible to get back off the highway,alot of the bigger rams are taken the last couple of days of the season,they can start to get pushed down out of thier hidey holes from snow.You can bet that there has been more than a few legal rams stalked from the highway far enough back to be out of the closed area.

Dad and son
02-04-2009, 09:25 PM
Here are my comments on the Nonda Creek tower road. I have been on several of the truck and atv roads in the area and this road is one of my least favorite. That is because the road is a very well travelled gravel road with limited visibility on each side. The diesel generator for the microwave tower at the top needs fuel and I have seen the fuel truck on the road several times. There are also lots of hunters who drive on this road. I have not noticed any trails leading off this road. I did come face to face with a cow moose at about 30 m on this road. I would say this is a very good route for someone who is a sheep hunter because you can walk from the road up unto several mountains. If you are a moose or caribou hunter this is not the place to go. Of interest a local outfitter told me that a hunter was killed by a grizzly on this road a few years ago.
Of interest I am heading up there in mid august like I have the past 3 years. My regular hunting partner cannot come so I am looking for a couple of guys who want to join me and help cover the cost. I have all the equipment, quad, trailer etc. If any of you HBC'ers are interested, just let me know.

02-04-2009, 10:16 PM
If you didn;t notice any trails leading off of this road you didn't look very hard..........what do you think the horse corral is for 3/4 of the way to the top???:-P There is a well-used horse trail leading from it around the right side of the tower mnt. and into the country behind.

02-04-2009, 10:18 PM
Oh yeah...and 280, your post is the smartest one one this thread.....you're probably one of the few that replied that didn't have some sort of agenda of pushing people one way or another away from your own spots!:razz:

02-05-2009, 08:56 AM
Thanks for tips ,Gents. I m inclined not to put all my eggs into Nonda basket,but definatly will see place by myself.