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12-23-2008, 12:27 PM
Sometimes you get lucky!


“If I can’t get you a better ram than that I will take you sheep hunting every year for the rest of your life for nothing!,” Clay Lancaster said looking at the dall ram on my trophy room wall.. . Clay who along with his family runs Nahanni Butte Outfitters in the Northwest Territories is recognized as one of Canada’s top sheep outfitters

“Your stone rams are great but you really need to upgrade your dall sheep,: Clay continued. “ I have an opening August 1 to the 10th why don’t you come up and we will get you a ram.”
One thing you have to understand about Clay is that he is a sheep hunter’s sheep hunter and after listening him describe the rams in his area I knew I had to go.

Now if you are going to be a serious sheep hunter it helps to have an understanding wife. I looked hopefully at Wanda, who over the course of 35 years had heard it all before. “You might as well call Jon R (my sheep hunting partner) he will want to go too,” she said.

I immediately got on the phone to Jon R and after filling him in with the details he said “Tell Clay my deposit cheque will be in the mail tomorrow.” That was it! In an hour we had our plans for a back pack Dall sheep hunt completed

Soon it was the end of July and Jon R and I were on our way to Clay’s base camp at Nahanni Butte.

The day dawned sunny and bright. Clay said “Rich the weather looks great so we will probably fly you and Jon out to your spike camp after lunch as you can’t hunt today anyway. You can't hunt the same day you fly, so just take it easy and get your packs ready.”

The weather can change suddenly in the NWT and the Lancaster’s monitor the satellite weather photos constantly.

Less than two hours later Clay came rushing into our cabin and said “we are in for a serious weather change so get your gear. We need to hurry before the rain shuts us down.”

Jon R and I scrambled around and quickly finished arranging our packs then went to the supply house to sort out 10 days of freeze dry food. We just had time to weigh ourselves and packs (no more than 600 lbs including the both of us and our packs) when Clay came in and said “lets go the pilot just landed and is ready.
I was pleasantly surprised to see my old friend Barry Scott at the controls. After a quick hello Barry said, “Rich the weather is deteriorating quickly back there and I may not be able to get you in today so let’s get airborne before it closes in completely.”

As we flew further into the mountains the storm front gathered momentum and we began hitting rain. Barry was about to turn back when he suddenly spotted a hole in the clouds and ducked down into the basin we were to hunt.

As we approached I could see Jake Wiebe and Tryel Webster our guides setting up our camp. As soon as we landed Barry said,” no time to talk guys get on the ground I’m outta here.”

We just finished setting up our two man tents when the wind picked up bringing with it a combination of rain and fog. “Might as well get in the tent boys” Jake said “looks like this could last awhile” Last awhile it did. It rained constantly for the next 48 hrs with fog so thick you couldn’t see a hundred yards. No sheep hunting for us until the weather cleared. Rain and being confined to a small back pack tent is the plague of sheep hunters, but if you aren’t prepared to handle it you might as well stay home. Reading books, making small talking, and sleeping help while away the time. There comes a point, however, when you just can’t stand it any longer and put on your rain gear, leave the tent and sit or walk around in the rain just to relieve the boredom.
Our plan was as soon as the weather cleared we would pack up and hunt our way to the pick up spot some 15 miles to the north.

However, it was early on the third day of waiting out the storm when Jake woke us from a sound sleep with good news. “Rich the weather is clearing get dressed but don’t get out of the tent there’s a bunch of rams lying above us across the basin.” He said “They are looking right at us so stay inside and stay quiet.” After waiting out the storm our excitement was barely containable, but we knew from experience to follow Jake’s advice. up.” An hour later the rain had stopped but a fog bank still kept visibility to a minimum.

http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/data/500/medium/nahannie_004.jpg (http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/showphoto.php?photo=12062&size=big&cat=recent&limit=recent)
Jake and Tyrel are just the kind of guys you want as sheep guides. Tough and knowledgeable they weren’t going to make any mistakes on these rams. “Speaking quietly Jake said, “Rich the biggest ram in the bunch is the prettiest ram I have ever seen so we are going to be extra careful and make sure we get him. Don’t miss!” As it was my turn to have first choice I could hardly wait for the fog to lift and have a look. An hour later I the fog cleared and through the spotting scope I could see what Jake meant. The biggest ram had beautiful flaring horns that turned into his cheeks and flared out well above his nose. Certainly the most outstanding looking ram I had ever seen. There was no way I was going to miss this shot.

Time passed slowly as the rams remained bedded chewing their cuds. After what seemed an eternity the rams got up and started moving down hill towards our side of the basin. Jake said,” you know what guys we might just get lucky? The best grass is in the bottom of the basin right below us and I think the rams are heading for it. Let’s get ready in case they do. Jon R and I looked at each other. Could it be this easy? Could we be that lucky? We continued to watch the rams as they grazed contentedly working their way ever closer to the bottom of the basin. There were six rams in total and in addition to the ram I had my eye was another old full curl broomed ram that was also a shooter. After sizing him up Tyrel advised Jon R that this was a shooter and he should consider taking him. Jon R agreed and the stage was set all; we needed now was for the rams to continue on course.

A half hour later they fed below the crest of the hill and were now directly below us. Jake wasted no time once the rams were out of sight. “Let’s go”, He said, “stay low and keep behind me and Tyrel.” We carefully made our way down the hill staying in a small depression. Suddenly Jake dropped to the ground. We did the same. In a low whisper Jake said, “The rams are below us about three hundred yards and this is as close as we are going to get.” Peeking over the lip of the depression we could see the rams strung out feeding below us. Jake fished out his range finder and took a reading. Turning slowly to Jon and me he said quietly, “the range is 327 yards are you guys ok with that?” We both pushed our packs into position.

We agreed to shoot on the count of three. I concentrated on not looking at the wide flaring horns on my ram. Just as I pulled the trigger my ram took a step forward blowing my shot. The rams were on the run instantly and quickly out of sight below the hill. We ran quickly down hill about 50 yards. The rams came back into view on the other side of the basin running straight away uphill. “425 yards”, Jake yelled as he checked his range finder. I sat down and found the ram in my scope and knew the shot was true. The ram slowed and stared to fall over just as Jon R shot. A loud TWACHK sounded across the basin as his bullet struck the back of the right horn as my ram fell over backwards from my shot.
Tyrell now turned his attention to Jon’s ram. The ram had stopped and turned broadside looking down the hill at my ram. “487 yards; too far,” he yelled. But Jon R was now settled in with a good rest and at the sound of his shot our sheep hunt was over.

“WOW” you guys can shoot,” Tyrel yelled as we shook hands and clapped each other on the back.

We made our way down to the rams and I couldn’t believe I had gotten a ram of this beauty. We thanked Jake and Tyrel for staying cool and keeping things under control when for a moment it looked like we had blown the chance. ‘I thought you had missed the big ram and thought he was getting away. I guess I should have known better,” Jon R said as we examined the bullet hole in the horn of my ram

After taking pictures and caping the rams out we were having a late breakfast when the weather again began to deteriorate. Jake turned to me and said, “Rich unless we want to sit out another rain storm my guess is I should radio Barry and get us out of here. This weather is closing in again.” Jon and I agreed and soon we could hear Barry coming up the valley. He took Jon R and I and our rams out first. Six hours after taking our rams we were back at base camp celebrating where we discovered that some of the other hunters had still not left base camp and wouldn’t for another two days. Sometimes you get lucky!

ps i hope this isn't too long I just love to hunt sheep

12-23-2008, 12:37 PM
Great story. Awesome rams. Congratulations.

12-23-2008, 12:45 PM
beauty rams.... with the weather you had you sure did get lucky!!!

12-23-2008, 12:55 PM
Good story Rich.

Never heard Barry use any of them big words like 'deteriorated' before. :razz:

12-23-2008, 12:58 PM
Helluva story and awesome pics!!!! :razz:

12-23-2008, 12:59 PM
Great rams, better story. Thanks for sharing! :D

12-23-2008, 03:33 PM
Very nice wright up ,I am trying to figure out what is the best ,the wright up or the two Rams.

I guess I would say the Rams ,very nice indeed ,way to go on connecting with these two Rams ,thanks for your story as for the pic http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon14.gif http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon14.gif.

12-23-2008, 04:10 PM
Did you get them scored yet?

12-23-2008, 04:14 PM
Great rams, great story!:razz:

But why did your buddy shoot your ram in the horn? :)

12-23-2008, 05:25 PM
Hunting stories can never be too long, great story.:cool:

12-23-2008, 05:37 PM
Great Story, Great pic's with good people by the looks of things. This hunt is one that I have wanted for many many years. It still looks as far out of touch as ever and probably never but Good on you guys and your success. Stories like that is what most of us just dream about.
Thanks for sharing!!

12-23-2008, 06:15 PM
Stories like that is what most of us just dream about.
Thanks for sharing!!


And setting goals. What inspiration. Thanks for sharing.

325 wsm
12-23-2008, 07:26 PM
nice job on the story...thanks for sharing it.....congrats

12-24-2008, 09:44 AM
you know the old saying sometimes you shoot where you look!

Great rams, great story!:razz:

But why did your buddy shoot your ram in the horn? :)

12-24-2008, 10:01 AM
Great story and pics...thanks bridger for sharing. Like to see the Dall ram stuff!

12-24-2008, 10:25 AM
that's very great thank you for sharing

The Hermit
12-24-2008, 10:45 AM
Enough to make me want to go!! Best story of the year! Awesome pretty ram!! Congratulations!

12-24-2008, 10:38 PM
Great story, congrats on the rams...maybe one day i'll get my chance.Thanks for sharing

12-24-2008, 11:12 PM
love to here that dreams come true. great rams good story to

12-24-2008, 11:23 PM
didnt cam lancaster die in a plane crash this hunting season

12-24-2008, 11:28 PM
unfortunately yes. cam was clay's twin brother and had a zest for life and sheep hunting that was contagious.
A really great guy. I was fortunate to have known and hunted with him

didnt cam lancaster die in a plane crash this hunting season

12-25-2008, 12:26 AM
Congrats on the beauty rams :)

That would make a good story in a hunting mag.. Especially with the pics. Have you considered sending it in?

12-25-2008, 01:00 AM
You tell a story like a pro Rich.

12-25-2008, 01:18 AM
Can't say much about those Rams...words escape me ! :shock:

Great Story too ! :smile:

12-25-2008, 04:25 AM
Awesome write-up.
I hope one day I can tell stories like that.
What kind of rifles and rounds do you guys shoot?

12-25-2008, 06:39 AM
those are gorgeous rams, that one of yours is the sexiest ram I've ever seen. Having that in the scope would be to surreal.
Who you going to have it mounted by.

12-25-2008, 09:41 AM
No such thing as "to long of a story".Thanks for sharing.You guys had an awesome hunt.I've always said I'd rather be lucky that good.

12-25-2008, 12:48 PM
That is as good as a story gets, congrats to both of you.
Those are some amazing dalls, I can only hope to be able to hunt those one day.
I didnt know Cam at all but sure enjoyed the parts he appeared in the lancaster videos and its a nice read about him here as well.