View Full Version : Region 2: First time hunting trip Dec 13th and 14th

12-15-2008, 12:17 PM
Well, my buddy and I got our hunter's #'s pretty much 3/4's of the way through the season and the first available weekend we could get out was this last weekend. As our options were limited we choose East Harrison to loose our hunting virginity. We both come from family with no hunting background so we are both starting new family traditions; but that also means we have 0 experience hunting.

Day one we went up Bear Creek FSR up until about 8" of snow. We got out and hiked into the trees and searched everywhere for deer sign but didn't see much, I'm assuming most of the deer retreat to the snowline at this point? Super cold up there this weekend with all the wind!!!

Day 2, we drove up the Bear Mtn. FSR just past the old mining shed parked the truck and hiked the trail till the road ended. We would hike for 20 minutes, sit wait, listen, glass the thick stuff. We saw LOTS of deer tracks, half eaten ferns, but no deer, not even doe's.

Are we doing this right? Lol. Anyone know, once you get to the end of the road on Bear Mtn, is this a decent spot? Anyone treked much farther than where the trail ends?



12-15-2008, 12:21 PM
Although i am not from that area nor hunt there I can tell you that :
fresh snow + deer tracks = deer in the area .... sounds like you were doing something right , someone that also hunts that area can chime in ....

12-15-2008, 12:29 PM
Non the less, I'm in no way frusterated, I didn't expect to connect on my first time out. The trip was AMAZING and that area is beautiful, we sure do live in a brilliant part of the world. Getting out and hiking with a close friend can't really be beat and we had an awesome time.

12-15-2008, 12:35 PM
Sounds like a decent plan, if there are tracks the deer are there.....

One question though - WIND??? Were you hunting into the wind or was the wind at your back??? If the deer got your scent they may have left....

Keep at it, sooner or later you will score..

12-15-2008, 01:09 PM
The Blacktails in that area can be tough to find, if you found track you were close. Too late now for hunting, but it's a great time to start some research for next fall!! Blacktails as a rule don't venture that far over the course of the season.

12-15-2008, 01:40 PM
Sounds like a decent plan, if there are tracks the deer are there.....

One question though - WIND??? Were you hunting into the wind or was the wind at your back??? If the deer got your scent they may have left....

Keep at it, sooner or later you will score..

Ya, we were experimenting a little with wind. Everytime we sat and waited for any period of time we would make sure the wind in our favor. The Bear Mtn. FSR is basically a constant set of switchbacks so at some point the wind was against us, but we were pushing up the hill and making sure we weren't walking by any deer so scent shouldn't have played too much a role. Do you guys used ferns that have definatley been nibbled on or pushed around as deer sign? What is the deal with snow? Do the deer retreat, or do they just hit the thick stuff and hunker down? We were trying to play things as logically as possible, and used this slogan WWMD (What would McGiver Do). :)

Totally aside, but when do bears typically go into hibernation?

12-15-2008, 01:40 PM
i have travelled up there many times and have only actually seen 3 does at seperate times in the past few years. do as much scouting as you can if you choose that area for next fall, read magazines and watch hunting videoes to pick up any pointers you can. good luck guys!

12-15-2008, 02:02 PM
It was a forced choice to go to Harrison because it was the only open region. I have a spot that I'm going to a bunch of scouting at this winter close to Merrit, I've heard it easier to hunt Muley's... hope that's a true statement altough bush whaking through thick and steep stuff to me is really enjoyable and what I thought hunting would be like. Im not against road hunting but I love to hike.

12-15-2008, 04:06 PM
Harrison has good deer numbers your hunting in the right area just keep looking and you will find deer i was up in the same area not more then 10 km from were your talking about on the 8 and 9 of dec and me and a friend got 2 nice bucks.

12-15-2008, 04:18 PM
were you on grey pick up truck ? chevy ? I went there on Sat.,have not seen any deer. i think strong wind is the main reason. typically when blow like that deer is hiding in low lying areas,thick bush. away from open and away from trees.have you seen how trees falling down , broken by wind ? i did not venture on Sun. ,figure out it would be waste of time. i think you doing rigth thing.make some marks in map for next year.good luck.
i have seen a bunch of grouse to my surprise,too bad I did take any grouse gun with me.

12-15-2008, 05:13 PM
Deer this time of the year are getting hard to see ,they seam to find places to hold up and not move to far and when they do it is at most times during dark hours ,your are doing the right thing but its getting a Little late as the rut has came to an end in most areas.

TIKA 300
12-15-2008, 09:14 PM
Well, my buddy and I got our hunter's #'s pretty much 3/4's of the way through the season and the first available weekend we could get out was this last weekend. As our options were limited we choose East Harrison to loose our hunting virginity. We both come from family with no hunting background so we are both starting new family traditions; but that also means we have 0 experience hunting.

Day one we went up Bear Creek FSR up until about 8" of snow. We got out and hiked into the trees and searched everywhere for deer sign but didn't see much, I'm assuming most of the deer retreat to the snowline at this point? Super cold up there this weekend with all the wind!!!

Day 2, we drove up the Bear Mtn. FSR just past the old mining shed parked the truck and hiked the trail till the road ended. We would hike for 20 minutes, sit wait, listen, glass the thick stuff. We saw LOTS of deer tracks, half eaten ferns, but no deer, not even doe's.

Are we doing this right? Lol. Anyone know, once you get to the end of the road on Bear Mtn, is this a decent spot? Anyone treked much farther than where the trail ends?



Just spent the day up there and seen 2 does in the exact same spot as on dec 6th.(in the THICK THICK jungle)

What i've seen tells me this is a popular bedding area for these deer,so next year i will be changing tactics on approach,time of arrival etc.

I need to spend more time there myself and see if i can pick up some more of a pattern,but not until next season now.

12-16-2008, 09:19 AM
Thanks for all the tips guys, glad to know we were doing somethings right and I'm really looking forward to next season...

12-16-2008, 05:23 PM
were you on grey pick up truck ? chevy ?

Yup, that was us (grey GMC quad cab) . Did we look like noobies or something? hahaha...

What were you driving?

12-17-2008, 09:02 AM
Yeah, you did.LOL. I went back and read your tracks. Just reminded myself in earlier years. Good going. Get bigger freezer for next year,you'll need it. I m driving Dodge Dakota Sport,green color.

12-17-2008, 02:25 PM
Never hunted that area but hunting is all the same no mater where you go. Put in your time, by that i mean all year around , learn where your game winter and summer from there you'll put together their migration routes. You'll find that their patterens don't change much from year to year. It's all a matter of how bad you want that big one GOOD LUCK!