View Full Version : Poachers/ No CO!!

12-10-2008, 06:42 PM
Well I have been off of work the past 3 weeks ..I spent as much time as I could in one of my 5 tree stand locations and on the hills looking for a mule with my bow! The rut was fun but couldnt get close to anything worth shooting! Last Sunday night..I'm in my stand...I left video camera and cell phone at home as I was sick of packing everything in and up my tree! Around 3pm I see a dark grey 06/07 dodge diesel 4 door/short box drive onto our neighbours field! I'm thinking "if these guys are bow hunting...they haven't got a hope! lol " They turned off there truck and glassed the field infront of me, there where 2 small bucks bedded down enjoying the quiet afternoon! I really didnt pay much attention to the pick up as they where about 500yards away and not doing anything wrong! To my suprise they start up the truck...drive at 50mph across the field...come skidding to a hault and a guy jumps out of the truck..they where behind a small rise so I couldnt see the entire truck..just the roof! All of a sudden I hear a BANG!! I get out of my stand as fast as I can and start running across the field! I see 2 guys grab this little 2pt by the leggs and lift hin into the back of the truck..I'm a good 3ooyds away and start yelling at them!! Called em every name I could think of....never seen guys move so fast!! This is the first time I've witnessed such a disgrace!! I didnt get the plate number as everything was happening so fast! I grabbed my gear and ran to my house and called 911 since it was Sunday pm! Told them I needed to report a poached deer to police and CO's! Lumby RCMP got back to me ASAP and started looking for the dodge! I have talked to a few buddies and we have a good idea of WHO"s truck it is but cant prove it!! Gave the RCMP a few names but they have come up empty!! Its now Wed night and I still havent got a call back from our local CO's!! What a friggin joke!! The 911 dispatcher told me she had contacted them and they would call me back!! I plan on calling them again on Thurs. but I'm so pissed off...not sure if I'm madder at the CO's or the ***holes in the pick up!! So Lumby is a small enough town that I think I will come across these guys again...I asked my neighbor if he had given anyone else permission to hunt..he said NO!! If anyone has heard or seen anything in the Lumby/lavington/vernon area..please PM me so I can pass on the info to the RCMP...they have left the file open! They didnt have time to gut the deer...so they must have had a place to go or to hide it!! I have a few other stories to pass on in the next couple of days!! My 2nd to last afternoon of hunting turned out pretty good!! Pics and story in the next day or two!! Cheers!

12-10-2008, 07:27 PM
What you describe is known as the classic "SHOOT and SCOOP", a few weeks ago, I was driving between Ft St John and Dawson Creek mid day heavy traffic, on comming pick up slams on brakes , passenger exits truck, stands on the pavement on the Alaska Hwy, with a rifle, shoots a mule buck deer in field about 30 meters inside fence on private property, as I pass by I start to slow down, the driver and the passenger exit the truck, run into the field, grab buck by the antlers and run back to pic up, dragging the deer, by the time I turned around , I had to wait for several cars and heavy trucks before being able to make U turn, they had the buck tossed in the truck and were on thier way, I followed but they were doing over 140 klmh and roads were wet slushy, I backed off, not worth getting in accident or killing some one , the truck was muddy and all I know for sure was color, and make, the plates were covered with mud, what a way to hunt huh?? unreal how much nerve these @ss holes have!!!
my estimate it took these jerks less than 4 minutes to stop, shoot, scoop/drag deer and pull deer through barbed wire fence, load in back of pickup and be on thier way, they were like a military DRILL TEAM !, this is something they have done many times to be so efficient at thier crimes!!

12-10-2008, 08:04 PM
what a way to hunt huh You mean poach of course!!

12-10-2008, 08:12 PM
You mean poach of course!!

correction noted! lol OK,

They were sure they were hunting !

I am dam sure they were poaching !

12-10-2008, 08:20 PM
I say no bag limit on yotes and poachers alike!

12-10-2008, 08:27 PM
I say no bag limit on yotes and poachers alike!

how does FMJ fit in that equation?

12-10-2008, 08:27 PM

Sometimes it takes a while for the COs to get back to you. Doesn't mean they're not working on it, especially if they got your info from the RCMP. Hope they get the SOBs.

12-10-2008, 08:31 PM
What you describe is known as the classic "SHOOT and SCOOP", a few weeks ago, I was driving between Ft St John and Dawson Creek mid day heavy traffic, on comming pick up slams on brakes , passenger exits truck, stands on the pavement on the Alaska Hwy, with a rifle, shoots a mule buck deer in field about 30 meters inside fence on private property,........

I've seen this happen quite a bit up in the Peace. Poaching in the Peace is pretty rampant as far as tresspassing on private property and shooting deer.

12-10-2008, 08:47 PM
DEER SEASON in reg 7B is worst part of the year for BAD Image associated with hunters as a group, I still cant understand why DEER hunting brings out such behavior?, thousands of square klms of hunting area, tens of thousands of deer, and its CHAOS for land owners and the same for the CO's

12-10-2008, 08:52 PM
Not having seen this myself, lends me to ask, does this only happen in hunting season? Poachers shouldn't care what the date is?

12-10-2008, 08:53 PM
DEER SEASON in reg 7B is worst part of the year for BAD Image associated with hunters as a group, I still cant understand why DEER hunting brings out such behavior?, thousands of square klms of hunting area, tens of thousands of deer, and its CHAOS for land owners and the same for the CO's

Yep... I've been hunting the area for quite a while and every single year we deal with it. Locks shot off gates, fences torn down, shooting after dark, guys ignoring the 1 muley every 2 years rule. Seen it all... Gongshow but still some damn good deer huntin!


12-10-2008, 09:13 PM
Not having seen this myself, lends me to ask, does this only happen in hunting season? Poachers shouldn't care what the date is?

cant explain why DEER season brings out the worst, but it seems how it is, just ask CO's about deer season up here, they just roll thier eyes and say something like "here We go again",,,,CHAOS

12-10-2008, 10:26 PM
The CO's ive delt with work very hard with little or no support, I had Somebody call me in two years ago in the spring. had a bear in the back of my truck and they somehow mistook it for a deer. Didnt mind getting called in as at least it tells me ppl are vigilant, but the thing is the CO didnt showup at my door until two months later. Showed him my cancelled tag and the hide and I was good to go. Bottom line is we need more CO's or atleast a large force of auxillary officers with real authority during hunting season. I am sure there are a lot of retirees that would love to do it for atleast some of the season.

12-10-2008, 11:22 PM
The CO's ive delt with work very hard with little or no support, I had Somebody call me in two years ago in the spring. had a bear in the back of my truck and they somehow mistook it for a deer. Didnt mind getting called in as at least it tells me ppl are vigilant, but the thing is the CO didnt showup at my door until two months later. Showed him my cancelled tag and the hide and I was good to go. Bottom line is we need more CO's or atleast a large force of auxillary officers with real authority during hunting season. I am sure there are a lot of retirees that would love to do it for atleast some of the season.

More funding is the key, i'd rather see more seasonals trying to get full-time then retiree's personally.

12-11-2008, 02:15 AM
You got a lot of balls chasing after these guys after they shot this deer ,its a scary situation when guns are involved.
would of a spotting scope come in handy in a situation as of this to take the plate number ????.

12-11-2008, 04:10 AM
You got a lot of balls chasing after these guys after they shot this deer ,its a scary situation when guns are involved.
would of a spotting scope come in handy in a situation as of this to take the plate number ????.
I was just thinking that,you could have got shot or beat up.!I bet they are pretty nervous now though,hope they get nailed.

12-11-2008, 04:39 PM
It was one of those act first....think later..my wife said the same thing...spotting scope was at home with camera/cell phone...never use it in my tree stands anyway...if I cant see it in my bino's its toooo far away for the bow anyway! lol Called again today...left another message...I'm done...I'll find the guys my self...I have a few buddies keepin a look out for the pick up as well!! If they live in Lumby...we'll find the truck...then I'll call the RCMP AFTER we take care of business....:-o I wish they would have driven close to my stand...easy to find a dodge with a carbon arrow hald burried in the hood!!:-P

12-11-2008, 04:51 PM
We all know how you feel, but get the plate number, and let the cops handle it.
No sense gettin' messed up, or charged because of these idiots' behaviour.
Good luck finding them.

12-11-2008, 04:57 PM
cant explain why DEER season brings out the worst, but it seems how it is, just ask CO's about deer season up here, they just roll thier eyes and say something like "here We go again",,,,CHAOS

Becuase moose and elk are hard to shoot and scoop:smile:

12-11-2008, 05:07 PM
Well it doesnt allways go down that way. I know of one event very similar where a bow hunter was sitting in a tree stand hunting moose. He had a cow in the meadow he was watching and was thinking this cow made perfect bait......he waited and waited ever hopefull :p and then he heard a truck coming along the road, the vehicle stopped two chaps got out and one of them dumps the cow in her tracks, in the 4 foot high thick brush she was standing in. :mad:

They then proceeded to run around in the swamp/meadow trying to find the downed cow...animals arent the only things that dont often look up.:p All of this took place less than 100 yards from the tree stand. Anyway their nerves get the better of them and they bolt away probably intending to kill the next animal saw. Of course from the tree stand it was very easy to mark the exact location of the cow.

The bow hunter went home called the local CO. Who being available was more than happy to come out and have a look see. So using a knife and metal detector it was real real easy and fast finding the bullet still in the poor cow. This little chunk of copper and lead combined with a licence plate number, (did I mention that humans dont often look up in the woods) :p plus a description resulted in a visit being made that night to said poachers home and a gun seizure, a short forensic investigation and then a while later a visit to the court house. a short visit..:p:p:p........

12-11-2008, 06:02 PM
We all know how you feel, but get the plate number, and let the cops handle it.
No sense gettin' messed up, or charged because of these idiots' behaviour.
Good luck finding them.

That's the truth. Assault could get your guns and bows confiscated. It's not worth it.

12-11-2008, 09:23 PM
There well always be poachers and thieves out to take what they did not earn. Lazy no good bum's, may they all rot in hell

12-11-2008, 11:23 PM
This happened mid november on obvious private land.three hunters put up a camp in behind ours about three in the morning, they left early shot a deer and brought it back to camp to clean. This is suspect right a way . They proceed to tell us how they shot a deer and a ranch hand chased them down to tell them they were poaching and was calling the co`s. We kept them there until the co`s showed up . See for yourself in the video.
PS Im not a racist I own a color tv.lol

12-12-2008, 12:59 PM
Ya I think you guys are right...I'm just a good old redneck who's temper gets the best of em once in a while... I will be lookin for that dodge all weekend!!


12-12-2008, 10:00 PM
Ya I think you guys are right...I'm just a good old redneck who's temper gets the best of em once in a while... I will be lookin for that dodge all weekend!!


keep an eye on the local transmission shops ! lmao

12-12-2008, 10:06 PM
Ya I think you guys are right...I'm just a good old redneck who's temper gets the best of em once in a while... I will be lookin for that dodge all weekend!!

Just out of curiosity , you havent been a Lumby area redneck very long have you ?

oscar makonka
12-13-2008, 11:26 AM
I'd have to say from what I've seen in nearly 40 years of hunting is that a large inordinate amount of 'hunters' will break laws if they think nobody will find out. I've witnessed game wardens themselves and others of influence and positions of power in conservation organizations blatently break laws and poach, on one occasion within 24hrs after speaking in public and pontificating about hunter image and how any member of said organization caught poaching would not be tolerated in that society, gets charged with poaching and convicted. An extermely high percentage of 'hunters' are total hypocrits.

It's no wonder the hunting community is held in such low esteem by the non hunting public, we continually prove to them what a bunch of idiots we tend to be.

12-13-2008, 12:00 PM
Sorry, I have to disagree with you in regards to your theory that there is an inordinately high number of regulation/law breakers amongst hunters.

I'm guessing the percentage of people breaking the rules will be comparable to any other group; whether it be the general public breaking, let's say, traffic laws. Sports figures breaking rules to gain an advantage over the competition.

I'm not condoning these activities, rather I'm just making a point that there are turds in every group and see no reason that true "Hunters" should be grouped in with poachers. Two entirely different groups. and yes there are a few turds in the Hunter group, but they will eventually be moved into the poacher group.

12-13-2008, 12:30 PM
keep an eye on the local transmission shops ! lmao

LMAO. That was pretty good.

(hey, we actually agree on something...holy crap!)

12-13-2008, 12:38 PM
LMAO. That was pretty good.

(hey, we actually agree on something...holy crap!)

probably quite a bit, have a good day,,,

12-13-2008, 12:44 PM
I hope so...I'm on a last-ditch Blacktail hunt in the Squamish area......just came down the mountain to thaw out my Cojones, then back up for nightfall.
Here's hoping........didnt get back to Mulie hunt, so this is it. (Until I go for Wolfies, that is.)
**Crossed Fingers**

12-13-2008, 12:54 PM
I hope so...I'm on a last-ditch Blacktail hunt in the Squamish area......just came down the mountain to thaw out my Cojones, then back up for nightfall.
Here's hoping........didnt get back to Mulie hunt, so this is it. (Until I go for Wolfies, that is.)
**Crossed Fingers**

hahaha! minus -31 C here this morning,and with NW wind chill factored in made it minus -46C, Cojones are frozen to the seat of my pick-up, no pain no gain, lol

12-13-2008, 01:02 PM
I hope so...I'm on a last-ditch Blacktail hunt in the Squamish area......just came down the mountain to thaw out my Cojones, then back up for nightfall.
Here's hoping........didnt get back to Mulie hunt, so this is it. (Until I go for Wolfies, that is.)
**Crossed Fingers**

just 2 cents worth of info, the BIG MOON last few days, around here deer and elk been feeding big time from 9 pm to 2 am, if there is any sign, tracks movement from last night in the area your hunting, I would be there midday!

12-20-2008, 10:57 PM
i have one of the trucks you described in your post.theres probably a half dozen of those in th valley from kelowna to Arrow lakethat ive seen;plus a lot more with modifications and such(larger tires ,lift, and othr id-able features).unless your really sure of your poachers :making a target of a certain vehicle or the persons in that vehicle doesnt sound like a good idea for us or our us as sportsmen.i agree those kind of jerks should be dealt w according to Lumby law ,police or CO law or your law.just hope you dont get the wrong guy!