View Full Version : Road conditions - Careful!

12-07-2008, 08:39 PM
Just a note of caution to anyone who is heading out in the Okanagan for the last few days of bow in region 8 or rifle over in region 3 - watch the roads! I came across a couple of unfortunate fellows this morning who had just crashed their truck after hitting some glare ice that just looked like water on the road. It was a skating rink, and snuck up on them without warning!

Fortunately they had turned on some flashlights and flagged me down so that I didn't plow into them. I helped them phone for the cops and a wrecker, and made sure they weren't going into shock.

Kinda sucked - they had a nice old 70's Chevy that was basically totalled. The transfer case was sitting in the middle of the road.

Just a reminder to everyone to slow down and remember to take your chains with you - mine came in handy on the way back down the ice today!

12-07-2008, 08:43 PM
bring a cell phone too! I locked my keys in my vehicle when I was putting my chains on the other morning! The car was still running! Had to wait 2 hours until help arrived.

12-07-2008, 08:45 PM
Nearly all the bush roads around here are glare ice! I nearly had a head on collision with a quad the other day, Both of us only doing 5 mph but both out of control :eek:. Careful stepping out of the truck as skates are better suited for the currant conditions. Try walking in the remaining snow, the crunch is so loud ya need hearing protection. Im hunting below the snowline!
BTW there is one heck of a good second rut going on right now, more rut action than all of november! :lol:

12-07-2008, 08:52 PM
Nearly all the bush roads around here are glare ice! I nearly had a head on collision with a quad the other day, Both of us only doing 5 mph but both out of control :eek:. Careful stepping out of the truck as skates are better suited for the currant conditions. Try walking in the remaining snow, the crunch is so loud ya need hearing protection. Im hunting below the snowline!
BTW there is one heck of a good second rut going on right now, more rut action than all of november! :lol:

i hate those slow motion accidents

12-07-2008, 08:58 PM
and anyone headed up to 7B, looking for elk watch the roads also, the thermometer has been up and down like a yoyo the last few days,, snow, rain, snow, rain, about 4 inches new snow, minus 15 tonite, and tons of CRITTERS walking the highways licking salt,,, the good news is,,,,,,

New Snow + temperatures in minus teens = lotsa hungry ELK )


12-07-2008, 10:26 PM
:-(headed out to Ashcroft this morning, went out to pass a semi and wooow! truck went sideways but recovered thankfully. I almost crapped my pants, another guy was not so lucky coming back to Kamloops. He hit the bank hard,Damn!!!! Other wise the bush was quiet today unlike yesterday. We checked out some new area and found a few good bucks running hard. the guns being putaway for another year, now what?????:sad: