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12-01-2008, 08:05 PM
I have a question ... when two partners are hunting (grizz, moose, deer, whatever) and one shoots and hits (but the animal doesn't go down) and the partner (backing up) then shoots and the animal goes down ... who has the responsibility of cutting their tag?

12-01-2008, 08:09 PM
IMHO The first shooter is responsible. Animals don't always "bang flop", so first hit takes the animal.

12-01-2008, 08:09 PM
Who ever loses the paper. scissers, rock contest after its dead lol.

12-01-2008, 08:11 PM
If two hunters both shoot the same animal I'm sure a Mutual agreement could be reached:wink:
Probably doesn't matter as long as SOMEONE cuts thier tag ! :-D

12-01-2008, 08:13 PM
The hunter with the biggest gun of course

12-01-2008, 08:18 PM
IMHO The first shooter is responsible. Animals don't always "bang flop", so first hit takes the animal.
Yeah , I would have to agree , the first shooter must have shot with the intention of hitting his target and therefore filling his tag .
that his partner "finished it" off wouldnt count

12-01-2008, 08:19 PM
X2 on the biggest gun hahah thats why I hunt with a 50 BMG haha

12-01-2008, 08:23 PM
If it's a huge buck, 180 class, typical with thick horns, bases the size of coffee cups, i could see the bigger of the 2 hunters cutting his tag! Wouldn't matter who fired first!

12-01-2008, 09:59 PM
If they both have tags, in reality it doesn't matter. Unless someone does the CSI and proves which shooter made the kill.

remember though, there is no provision in the Regs for a 'back-up' to legally shoot if he does not have a species tag.

12-01-2008, 10:10 PM
remember though, there is no provision in the Regs for a 'back-up' to legally shoot if he does not have a species tag.

You got that right bud. There seems to be confusion about this with some folks I've talked to. ..

12-01-2008, 10:35 PM
All depends......who's truck you are in and how far to walk home ?

Mr. Dean
12-02-2008, 12:24 AM
If it's a huge buck, 180 class, typical with thick horns, bases the size of coffee cups, i could see the bigger of the 2 hunters cutting his tag! Wouldn't matter who fired first!

Everyone's a Trophy Hunter at heart.... :-D

Grizzly Squirrel
12-02-2008, 04:04 AM
...the first shooter must have shot with the intention of hitting his target and therefore filling his tag.

What he said.

12-02-2008, 05:23 AM
This has only happened to me one time over my hunting days and my partner followed up with a shot and the elk went down ,I shot first and put the bullet in the boiler room the elk was standing dead and my partner put a another into this elk.

I cut my tag and I clammed the elk.
You should always make it clear to your hunting partner that if you are with him on a hunt and you shoot and hit the animal first that if he backs you up and also puts a bullet into the animal that you tag it and its your animal.
I have not came across this very often but those that are hunting together should make it clear before you go out together on a hunt.

12-02-2008, 05:38 AM
Have`nt we been here about 20 times before?

12-02-2008, 05:39 AM
x2 to that

This has only happened to me one time over my hunting days and my partner followed up with a shot and the elk went down ,I shot first and put the bullet in the boiler room the elk was standing dead and my partner put a another into this elk.

I cut my tag and I clammed the elk.
You should always make it clear to your hunting partner that if you are with him on a hunt and you shoot and hit the animal first that if he backs you up and also puts a bullet into the animal that you tag it and its your animal.
I have not came across this very often but those that are hunting together should make it clear before you go out together on a hunt.

12-02-2008, 09:28 AM
Have`nt we been here about 20 times before?

Prolly...but it's about hunting partner ethics and all us old buggers talking about it provides an educuation / heads-up for some fellows that don't know any better.

12-02-2008, 10:21 AM
Prolly...but it's about hunting partner ethics and all us old buggers talking about it provides an educuation / heads-up for some fellows that don't know any better.

True .Well said.But tagging goes to the first shot,thats how we always rolled.

12-02-2008, 11:13 AM
in our camp tag goes to first shooter.

Old Boar
12-02-2008, 01:26 PM
And now for a little humour (though the Bull Moose didn't think it was funny)....

Opening Day Shared LEH Bull Moose Hunt - I'm slowly drifting down a snow covered and partially overgrown logging road. My partner is out front by 15-20 yds. We are both scanning into the timber on both sides.

Bingo, there's our Bill Moose up slope, lying in his bed looking right at me, big paddles are motionless. I get the Parker Hale .308 Norma Magnum up to the shoulder and draw a bead. That Bull is dead in his bed, right!

Wrong, I'm concerned about the 'big bang' startling the heck out of my partner, so I "psst, psst, psst" and signal with my right hand thumb in ear to simulate a paddle. The .308 is still pointed at the Moose.

So what does my partner do but quickly walk back, step in front of me, put up his .338...and the Bull Moose slowly rises to standing. The .338 goes off. The Moose goes up in the air...and comes down horizontally on his side with all four feet pointed at us as he falls through the air.

Down, the Bull is just out of our site. My partner heads up slope, I unload my gun (4 rounds) and follow.

Well, what do you think happens?

That Bull Moose got up and lit out. My partner on seeing the Bull rise goes to chamber another .338 round. Guess what, he'd only had one round in the dang clip.

[my guess is that the .338 round clipped his brisket and nervous shock led to the high faluting leap and free fall]

Mr. Moose is perambulating through the timber and over deadfalls at...well Full Moose Speed. There is a very light spray of blood that stops as I trail him off into the countryside, hoping desparately to catch him standing looking back.

My partner can't catch up to me so it's this older human going after Bull Moose in Moose country. Long story short that Moose didn't stop or slow down for miles....

Next time I'll shoot first and if my partner falls over in shock I'll help him to his feet after the game is down.

12-02-2008, 02:43 PM
If you have to argue over it, you should both cut your tags.....

12-02-2008, 03:01 PM
Whoever makes the first fatal shot in my opinion.
Jaguar XK140 (http://www.ford-wiki.com/wiki/Jaguar_XK140)

12-02-2008, 03:57 PM
I think it dosen't matter who shoots first as long as the animal is killed quick and is stopped before it goes to far.For me it is about having meat in the freezer and you can split the animal with your partner. What would the Conservation officer have to say?

12-02-2008, 07:13 PM
CO's call that party hunting....And illegal.

Some CO's won't get to uptight if you both have a tag, but there are exceptions.

12-02-2008, 07:30 PM
Should have decided that between yourselves before you decided to "backup" you buddy...You don't need to go on the internet to settle a common sense thing.. If you have to ask, don't friggin shoot!!!!

12-02-2008, 08:11 PM
LOL ... too funny EastKoot! ... a little assumptive I think.
I hunt alone. Was reading a post on here talking about two guys shooting at the same animal, both hitting, etc. and the harvesting of the animal. Curious to know how that plays out regarding tags, regs, etc. when two "parties" are involved ...

rides bike to work
07-19-2013, 01:10 PM
On one trip I made it clear to my partner that i would take my own animals and I didn't want a follow up shot so we spot a couple white does which we're open I spotted them so we both set up and I say I'm taking the one on the right ready boom whack it hunches up and starts walking slowly then boom from his gun I say did you hit the other one he says no I just put yours down. We walk out and it has one hole right through the lungs heart and another one right through the rear quarter wasting lots of meat. Thanks a lot buddy . I tagged him.
his new hunting partner told me a story about putting his rifle up on a big four point black tail just to have him step right in front of him blowing the opportunity. No one cut a tag.

It better to hunt alone.

then radio for help with the pack out

07-19-2013, 01:15 PM
I say...careful what you ask, you might get an answer...

07-19-2013, 02:43 PM
If im with my little brother;its my buck. If I'm with my big brother; its his buck. If we're all with dad;its his buck to do what he wants with. Respect the elders. Who's tag to punch? who cares. as long as it gets done.

The Silent Stalker
07-19-2013, 03:10 PM
It better to hunt alone.

then radio for help with the pack out[/QUOTE]


07-19-2013, 03:11 PM
When in doubt we go first shot (lots of shared moose hunts), but if there's an obvious shot that would have been fatal we'd give the antler to that guy. finishing off on the ground or standing dead when lunged doesn't count. we do multiple person set ups for calling in so this scenario has come up a few times, never any real argument.

guy who gets the horns obviously cuts his tags.

07-19-2013, 03:12 PM
Who ever spots the animal at least 2 micro seconds before the other guy. Some questions are unreal

07-19-2013, 03:13 PM
It would be whoever fired the shot that killed the animal. You have to cut your tag on an animal you have killed, not on one that you have wounded.

07-19-2013, 03:55 PM
Don't road Hunt and there will be no issue

07-19-2013, 10:02 PM
if there is an issue try finding new hunting partners..mine r awesome..no issues.....all bout meat..lol

07-19-2013, 10:07 PM
My hunting partner does, so I can keep hunting at home!:mrgreen:

07-19-2013, 10:52 PM
I have a question ... when two partners are hunting (grizz, moose, deer, whatever) and one shoots and hits (but the animal doesn't go down) and the partner (backing up) then shoots and the animal goes down ... who has the responsibility of cutting their tag?

If anyone takes a shot at my animal they can expect a punch in the nose - simple really!!

If I'm too "kaak sleg" to shoot properly - then I must to be left alone to finish what I started!

07-20-2013, 03:49 AM
If I hit it and it starts to take off, I expect the person I'm with to give me a hand. Rather have a recovered animal than lose a wounded one.

07-20-2013, 06:59 AM
I dont hunt with people who shoot at "my" animal. I am a big boy . If I didnt think I could kill an animal on my own I wouldnt hunt. The person who spots the animal calls whether he wants it or not. The other person puts his rifle away.

07-20-2013, 05:04 PM
Decided before the shot, usually before the animal is sighted. If you can't trust your partner it's time for a divorce.

Sofa King
07-20-2013, 05:46 PM
Yeah , I would have to agree , the first shooter must have shot with the intention of hitting his target and therefore filling his tag .
that his partner "finished it" off wouldnt count

not true.
the first hunter served up a big FAIL.
whatever his intent, he couldn't get the job done and needed bailed out.
what if the second shooter didn't shoot?
the first shooter has nothing.

if you are out hunting and a buck comes running over a hill, and you raise your gun and shoot him dead.
then, as you are cleaning him, you notice another bullet wound on him.
then, eventually another hunter comes over the hill, and as you are just finished loading the buck into your truck, he announces that that's his buck as he shot it first.
would you hand it over to him?
I wouldn't.

he who kills the animal, claims the animal.

07-20-2013, 06:19 PM
My opinion too many people think about having a back up shooter. If you are hunting with your partner why would you be hunting side by side if your not road hunting. If your hunting side by side and haven't chosen a designated shooter are you expecting to see two legal animals at the same time and shoot them at the same time? Nothing wrong with hunting close together but even if your a couple hundreds yards a part you stand a better chance at spotting more game. If your hunting side by side and have chosen a designated shooter than the partner should be spotting for the shooter. Letting him know exactly where he hit the animal and watching the animal so he can help his partner relocate him for a follow up shot if needed. Ranging the second shot can be very helpful. Even a perfectly hit perfectly dead animal can travel a ways. We can sit here for days behind our computers talking about "What if scenario's.." Or you could simply discuss with your partner about who shoots first.

07-20-2013, 10:07 PM
My opinion too many people think about having a back up shooter. If you are hunting with your partner why would you be hunting side by side if your not road hunting.

Not at all, this situation came up for me when I was still hunting with my partner. Each of us were working a different direction in the timber above a cut. I hear him shoot and the wounded deer happens to run my way. So I put it down. His shot was likely lethal however I simply killed it sooner so it suffered less. We resolved who would cut the tag simply by thinking through what was the most advantageous result for us both. For me its about a lot more than bragging rights or dick wagging.

If I hit it and it starts to take off, I expect the person I'm with to give me a hand. Rather have a recovered animal than lose a wounded one.


07-20-2013, 10:16 PM
Thread dredged up from years ago! OK, I'll play :)

Ive taken out many new hunters and to them I always say " I dont want to shoot your animal, but if you shoot and wound it, I'm gonna put it down fast if I feel it's heading out"

Thankfully, all the new hunters have taken good shots and I never pulled the trigger.

If I feel a buddy has made a bad hit, for sure I will try to end it, although that has never happened either.

Of something bad goes down, then END IT and deal with the egos later. I'd way rather have a buddy flatten something I made a bad hit on, than puff up my chest and declare that "nobody shoots my animal but me!"

Use good judgement. Not all animals are bang flops. But an ass shot needs a follow up, no matter who does it.