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11-27-2008, 05:01 PM
No, it's not about kissing!! I have noticed lots of pictures that have the tongue sticking out of the animal and I don't think it's right to pose with a trophy that's got it's tongue hanging out. It doesn't take but a few seconds to shove it back into the mouth before you take a picture. Am I alone on this or ????

11-27-2008, 05:07 PM
Completely agree. There aren't alot of hunters in my circle of family or friends so I like to clean them up as best possible for photo's. And I think it looks way better!! Not too tuff to cut it off if it wont stay in...

11-27-2008, 05:07 PM
Never having downed an animal myself, perhaps I have no right to comment... However....

I agree - to me it just seems a little disrespectfull / degrading to the animal to not pose them respectfully - that being said I think the majority of posted pics on this site are respectfull (although we could see less tongue).

I have seen other photos on other sites that have made me want to go over and kick the poster in the berries...

11-27-2008, 05:08 PM
hi eastkoot,,,
all of the magazines are with you on that one, in order for your picture to be published they say no lolling tongues.
i do hate seeing the tongue hanging out personally, but i also have a few pictures of the lolling tongue.
i dont know if its right or wrong, but i think the picture looks a little more respectable with the tongue in its mouth and not lolling out.
just my opinion....cheers.........ddog

11-27-2008, 05:08 PM
No your not alone on this

11-27-2008, 05:08 PM
I always tuck it back in the animal or cut it off make your trophy of a life time look alot better!!! Also if you remove any branches grass and blod your pictures will tur out alot more appealing then the classic box of the truck pics from the 80's

I learned how to take quality picture while guiding for the last 5 years and let me tell you it makes the expirence last alot longer when you have classy pictures after the hunt

Stone Sheep Steve
11-27-2008, 05:13 PM
Hack it off. It always seems to fall back out when you're not looking.

Hardly any blood.

In the day of digital.....quickly check your pics to make sure "nothing" has fallen out:wink:.


11-27-2008, 05:22 PM
Hack it off. It always seems to fall back out when you're not looking.


Yeah SSS. Next time yer posing with one of yer region 11 bucks, either hack it off, or do up yer fly! :shock:

11-27-2008, 05:23 PM
Stick the tongue in, clean the animal up as good as possible and move it if it's in a blood splattered area. Take some time with your photo's, there going to last a lot longer than the meat! Take lots of pics, different angles, change the back ground if you can, and start snapping. If you want people to look at your pics and there not real hunters there's no bigger turn off than the tongue hanging out or blood and guts all over. If your animal looks like it's been in a fatal truck deer crash, not every one's going to like the photo's adorning your walls!

11-27-2008, 05:24 PM
Well, are you looking for high art or a picture of your deer? It doesn't bother me too much one way or the other. I can understand why the hunt mags who's business is trophy hunting have high standards. But for the inerWeb, whatever. ..

11-27-2008, 05:24 PM
Hack it off nothing !
Tuck it back in, wipe off all blood possible, move out of the pool if you have to but don't hack it off .....Cause thats just wasting good eating tongue, MOOSE ELK AND DEER, just like beef.
It does make a more respectable pic. Although tons of my pics have the darn thing hanging out.

11-27-2008, 05:30 PM
I agree with you. In order to preserve a trophy esthetically for prosperity it should be presented in a respectful and pleasing manner. Besides the tongue hanging out the mouth I do not like to see pictures of blood stained animals and animals hanging on a pole with a noose around the neck, or hunters sitting astride on the animal (often right next to the gut pile) yanking the animals head backward.

With a little forethought and care a trophy can be quickly prepared to look esthetically pleasing and will offend no one. In this age and times where hunting is under public scrutiny it is worth to make a little effort. Especially if the picture is to be posted on a publicly accessible forum such as this where everybody can view and download the images.

When I got into outdoor writing I had to learn how to take pictures of my “trophies”, how to lay them out, how to pose next to it and what to include in the picture. These days editors are very strict on what pictures they publish and quite rightly so.

11-27-2008, 06:23 PM
I agree with you. In order to preserve a trophy esthetically for prosperity it should be presented in a respectful and pleasing manner. Besides the tongue hanging out the mouth I do not like to see pictures of blood stained animals and animals hanging on a pole with a noose around the neck, or hunters sitting astride on the animal (often right next to the gut pile) yanking the animals head backward.

With a little forethought and care a trophy can be quickly prepared to look esthetically pleasing and will offend no one. In this age and times where hunting is under public scrutiny it is worth to make a little effort. Especially if the picture is to be posted on a publicly accessible forum such as this where everybody can view and download the images.

When I got into outdoor writing I had to learn how to take pictures of my “trophies”, how to lay them out, how to pose next to it and what to include in the picture. These days editors are very strict on what pictures they publish and quite rightly so.

I can understand the gut pile and maybe the tongue, but blood stains? Should we start packing shampoo and blowdryers around? Turn on your local news for the evening and see what they are feeding the general public. Remember this is hunting and it is what it is. There is always the option of a camera for those that want to be in national geographic.

11-27-2008, 06:36 PM
I thinking some of you are watching to much Tv.

11-27-2008, 07:02 PM
Yeah, be careful of other peoples sentiments. Take good pictures and show respect....
Just before winching him out of the bog by the neck,
slicing the neck top-to-botom to retrieve the tongue,
going in to the elbows to fetch the heart,
chainsawing into quarters,
axe-chopping the skull plate for the antlers,
and finally beating the sinew out of a steak to make Schnitzel.
Show some respect. huh ?

11-27-2008, 07:20 PM
I don't go out of my way to "dress" up a Picture, that's ridiculous.

You already blew a bullet through it's chest or stuck a broadhead through it's lungs........Now we must not disrespect the animal by not having a pristine image of it to "share" with the world ? HOGWASH !!!!
If that's what you wanted then just take the dam picture of it...........leave your rifle at home ! :rolleyes:

Hunting is what it is....sometimes it's not pretty but certainly we can all accept that.

If I do not get a pic put into some magazine because I didn't wash off the blood, brush it's teeth, stich it's mouth closed, hide my offending rifle behind a tree, or wipe it's ars then tough titty for me I suppose.

I hunt for Myself first and foremost and take pictures of my achievement for myself and to share with others who accept Hunting...all of it, good and bad....I do not hunt and or take pics with the goal of getting recognition in some Magazine nor for the "approval" of others.

When the day comes that I must "hide" all evidence of death from a DEAD animal I'm standing beside so others will better accept what I've done is the day I hang up my knife.

11-27-2008, 07:27 PM
I can understand the gut pile and maybe the tongue, but blood stains? Should we start packing shampoo and blowdryers around? Turn on your local news for the evening and see what they are feeding the general public. Remember this is hunting and it is what it is. There is always the option of a camera for those that want to be in national geographic.

I am not talking about the odd bloodstain or the bullet/arrow entry/exit wound, although I learned to cover that up cleverly too. I am talking about some of the pictures I have seen where the animal was covered in blood, like it had been rolled over a few times in the gut pile or its head and mouth are covered with blood and still tripping out of the mouth.

You do not need soap or shampoo. Lol. A normal old rag will do just fine to wipe the worst of it off. Of course, if you keep the pictures for yourself then it makes no difference what they look like. However, if blood and guts pictures are made public we might just as well send them to PETA and other extreme organization by mail. It would save them the time to visit hunting forums like this and download the pictures for their website and anti hunting brochures they hand out in schools and shopping malls.

You’re right about the TV, be that the news or movies, blood and guts are all over the screen. But that is human guts and blood so it doesn’t matter. If they would show on TV animals the same way they show human killings the station would be flooded with angry letters.

As a whole we have become a very weird society. Killing people in the most gruesome manner imaginable have become box-office hits and popular video games. Killing animals on the other hand or showing animals in distress, like beached wales for example, are considered very upsetting. So upsetting that TV stations see the need to put a warning up, “The scenes you’re about to see my may be distressing to some viewers.” You don’t see such disclaimers when they show a drive-by-shooting in slow motion. Crazy world!

Gr8 white hunter
11-27-2008, 07:37 PM
cut it out and eat it

11-27-2008, 07:37 PM
i tend to agree with Will. people who don,t hunt won,t care whether tongue is out or in,they don,t like looking at dead animals at all.this site is about hunting and hunting ain,t all pretty.

11-27-2008, 07:43 PM
"I must say this post is ridiculous" first off you sound like my wife an animal activist "well not really she's just sensitive". I'm sure who ever posted this must not want us to hunt any animal period. Although you are intitled to your own opinion that's as far as I would take it. First off after you kill your animal do you really think with the adrenaline pumping, and the excitement of the hunt that you have busted your a$$ off for, that you really give a s**t about a tongue hanging out, not likely. In response to cutting the tongue off thats more rude and disrespectful then leaving the natural animal in tacked and the beauty intact as well.

Here's my first deer and I'm proud of it, it's beautiful as it lays no regrets.


11-27-2008, 07:54 PM
I thinking some of you are watching to much Tv.

Yep I agree with that statement ...

pretty certain that Kohler on WILDTV just a segment on this very subject that aired a few months ago

i just find it Ironic that the very subject comes up shortly after the segment

11-27-2008, 08:02 PM
Will, the pic of your huge buck is incredible, thats what i was trying to say, you could show that photo to most any one and they see a record book buck, take the same buck, have his tongue hanging out, blood covered snow and a 338 hole through it's face and the same people are going to cringe! A picture lasts forever, when we have friends over i like to show some my hunting pics, there's lots of photos i wish i had taken a bit more time with, you can never go back in time except with your photo's, what better way to relive a good hunting trip! My son laughed at me a few years ago, he shot a small buck and before i would take the pics, i asked him to stick the tongue in, then i asked him to clean the face up abit, he said You have to be God Dam kidding me! Now, when he looks back at the photos, he thanks me.

11-27-2008, 08:19 PM
So now hunting ethics have come down to hiding the tongue or not? What the hell does that have to do with respecting an animal? You killed the SOB. The animal is DEAD people!!!

I for one, do take the time to clean up the animal because I like nice pics. Not because I am respecting the animal or because I have higher ethics than those that don't clean up the animal. I just like taking nice pics is all. Plain and simple. I have had numerous photos in hunting mags but I don't take nice pics for that goal. I take nice pics so that I can open my photo albums and enjoy my own pics. It doesn't matter if it is a monster buck or a spike. I like to take nice pics. With that in mind though, I have a ton of photos in my albums from my childhood where my ol' man just snapped a quick pic. Many have the tongue hanging out or the gut pile in the background or bloody hands holding the rack, what have ya. Those pics are just as precious to me as any of my clean pics. It is the memory. The image brings you back to the day. That my friends is what it is all about. Memories with family and friends, of hard earned success and of good times spent in the great outdoors.

11-27-2008, 08:23 PM
M. Dean,
I do understand the desire to have "Nice" pics....my point is that I will not "clean up" any Hunting picture I take. They are what they are and I accept them for that. Thanks for the compliments to Mr Banana rack...that pic certainly shows his "best" angle;-) but he fell a tad shy of the "Record Books" but who am I to complain about that:smile:

Back to the topic:

PETA and the like do not give a Hooey about how "Clean" your Pics are....it's the simple fact that you Killed an animal they detest. Some are even horrified that you may even Eat it.

Hunters as a whole have slowly been forced to "hide" or "clean up" our "Sport?" for sometime. We are asked to not "display" our animals when transporting them as some may be offended. Now we must Hide all evidence of the kill in our pics......Give an inch they take a mile.

Noone that truly despises hunting will ever accept it, whether you Clean up your pics or not, they simply want to END hunting.
That's a Fact ! Don't kid ourselves of anything less.

Be Proud ! Hunt Proud ! We have nothing to be ashamed of folks !

338 winmag
11-27-2008, 08:24 PM

next time i shoot a few wolves im going to prop them up in lawn chairs sitting around the campfire sipping a couple beers :biggrin:

Stone Sheep Steve
11-27-2008, 08:31 PM
I did make one exception.
http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/data/500/Battle_Scarred_Bruin_005.jpg (http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/showphoto.php?photo=7842&ppuser=1509)


11-27-2008, 08:33 PM
Tongues out!

11-27-2008, 08:33 PM
But Dana, some are trying to raise hunting to a higher level, maybe even P.C. status. Some are trying to pass it off as a holy experience, for the exalted regal beast.
Some have a little less red-neck back-woods attitiude about hunting than others.
Thats all OK. But it is what it is, like you say.

11-27-2008, 08:34 PM
I must say as a hunter I enjoyed those pics of yours tongue or no tongue be proud of what you harvested. For all those pita activists eat your heart out.


next time i shoot a few wolves im going to prop them up in lawn chairs sitting around the campfire sipping a couple beers :biggrin:

11-27-2008, 08:40 PM
I don't buy that. Those that piss and moan about every little thing from tongue out to shot placement to whathaveya are just showing their true colours. They are just flat ass JEALOUS! Most of them sit behind a computer throwing stones and they don't have what it takes to get r done themselves. Be it they don't have the time, the skill or the knowhow. So, all they know to do is beat down their fellow hunter in any way they can.

11-27-2008, 08:46 PM
I don't mind a little tongue, from time to time....:wink:

11-27-2008, 08:50 PM
personally I always try to tuck the tongue in when I can, it just makes for a nicer pic...of course that doesn't always happen


On the other hand, sometimes gory IS the best way



11-27-2008, 08:53 PM
oh my god what is holding that piece of deer?

11-27-2008, 08:54 PM
Oh and nice to see you finally got a picture with your tongue in Bartell

11-27-2008, 08:55 PM
oh my god what is holding that piece of deer?
SamSquantch !

11-27-2008, 08:59 PM
A good picture says a Thousand words!!! What did the Big Guy shoot that critter with? Sure Good shot placement!!!

11-27-2008, 09:03 PM
A good picture says a Thousand words!!! What did the Big Guy shoot that critter with? Sure Good shot placement!!!

Barnes bullet no doubt :mrgreen:

11-27-2008, 09:09 PM
wow bartell, that's some fairly viewer discretion warning worthy stuff. is that FD or the Gate displaying half of something? I'm still not sure who is who based on avatars

11-27-2008, 09:11 PM
btw tongue in if time permits , otherwise save the photo's for those who can stomach lifes little realities

11-27-2008, 09:40 PM
PETA and the like do not give a Hooey about how "Clean" your Pics are....it's the simple fact that you Killed an animal they detest. Some are even horrified that you may even Eat it.

While it is true that animal right organizations don’t care one way or other it is also true that they like to horrify people and that is best done with blood and guts. It’s called shock value.

Hunters as a whole have slowly been forced to "hide" or "clean up" our "Sport?" for sometime. We are asked to not "display" our animals when transporting them as some may be offended. Now we must Hide all evidence of the kill in our pics......Give an inch they take a mile.Hunters have forced themselves to “clean” up at the very moment they went public on the Internet for all to see.
Like I said in a previous post, I really don’t care what a hunter does after he shot an animal. For all I care he can stick a cigarette in the mouth of a deer if that is what makes him happy. But if a hunter goes public he should respect the public and not add fuel to the fire.

Noone that truly despises hunting will ever accept it, whether you Clean up your pics or not, they simply want to END hunting.
That's a Fact ! Don't kid ourselves of anything less.

Be Proud ! Hunt Proud ! We have nothing to be ashamed of folks ! It’s not only about the anti hunters. We never will change their mind. It’s about the non-hunting public. The 90% of the people that have no opinion about hunting one way or another but they could get in the corner of the animal rights if they are “disgusted”. If these people see a dead animal cleaned up they will say nothing but if they see a “distressing” picture or a guy pulling into Tim Horton’s with a deer hanging off the truck bed all dirty and bloody then they get upset and turn against hunting. That's the people I care about and I care about the opinion they have of hunting and hunters, because it is their vote that count more on the ballot box then that of the hunters and antis combined. Hunters make less than 1% of the population and antis make less than 2% of the population.:wink:

It has absolutly nothing to do with "proud" or "ashamed". It has to do with smart propaganda. I have many non-hunters visiting my house and nobody ever was “offended” by the mounts on my office wall, because they look lifelike and “pretty” and so do the pictures that are destined to become public accessible. I make a living of hunting and promoting hunting in public and to be taken seriously I have to present my case seriously and clean. It's that simple really and just my opinion.

11-27-2008, 09:50 PM
I much prefer to see a real picture then a staged Picture, it makes no difference if it has the toungue out or heads crooked etc .
a picture is a moment in time that has been frozen so that it can be enjoyed over again or can help relay an experiance to stage it somehow alter it.

11-27-2008, 09:53 PM
"I don't buy that. Those that piss and moan about every little thing from tongue out to shot placement to whathaveya are just showing their true colours. They are just flat ass JEALOUS! Most of them sit behind a computer throwing stones and they don't have what it takes to get r done themselves. Be it they don't have the time, the skill or the knowhow. So, all they know to do is beat down their fellow hunter in any way they can."

Have to agree.
I've noticed a trend of late, the pointing out, or the implication that an animal was gut shot.
WTF, do you really have to rain on everyone's parade? Even if it was gut shot
the Hunter didn't give up and killed the beast.
As far as pictures I've taken, I've never worried about the tongue, we are just
happy to have had a kill.

11-27-2008, 09:57 PM
Most of my Bears' tongues stayed in.

Hmmmm never really thought about it, I suppose its more of a deer thing

11-27-2008, 10:04 PM
Sorry I asked. Probably seen more blood, guts and tongues than most on here.. I just asked for your opinion, not your opinion of me for asking!!!

11-27-2008, 10:09 PM
Nice elk btw kinda jealous, least he bled out pretty good. Good job looks like it was really good eating. Come on no tongue though...lol

11-27-2008, 11:25 PM
While it is true that animal right organizations don’t care one way or other it is also true that they like to horrify people and that is best done with blood and guts. It’s called shock value.
Thanks for the lesson on shock value but I hardly think a Pic of Grandpa with his dead deer that may or may not have a tongue hanging out or god forbid a spot of blood on it's hide will do much to sway anyone's oppinion on hunting.....Plenty of slaughterhouse pics and Newfies clubbing seals to death to show if thier agenda for the day is shock value. It's not about Hunters or how they do it nor why they do it....it's about the single belief of some that animals should not be used for sporting purposes period..........No badly posed hunting pic will change thier minds of that.

Hunters have forced themselves to “clean” up at the very moment they went public on the Internet for all to see.
Actually long before the internet became commonplace hunter regs began suggesting that hunters not "display" thier trophies while transporting game etc. Public perception of hunting has been on a downward spiral long before the internet.

But if a hunter goes public he should respect the public and not add fuel to the fire.
I as a Hunter am also part of the Public, however in the minority I may be....I refuse to hide my Legal activities and certainly will not "doctor" up my pics to be more suitable for those that may or may not approve of it.
But that's my choice isn't it.

It has to do with smart propaganda....
Yes and no but by "hiding" our animals, covering up and manipulating our photos etc. who exactly are we pleasing and why ?
And yes when you go to an effort to wash off blood or hide your animals from the public etc. you are in fact "covering up" or hiding something...right ?

Why ? to better sell your hunting and activities to those that may or may not approve of it, right ?

Your Own words........

I make a living of hunting and promoting hunting in public and to be taken seriously I have to present my case seriously and clean.
Some of us Hunt because it's in our blood. Hunting is one of the last No BS, Pure and honest things a Man can do in this world. Far too many Folks have simply lost thier ties with the earth and the creatures we share it with. I take the Killing of an animal very seriously and accept the responsibilities of doing so. I make no appologies for it and certainly expect no forgiveness for it. I will never hide what I do nor manipulate my photos to suit anyone.

With that I'm done on this topic Have a nice Day ! :smile:

11-27-2008, 11:42 PM
I have had numerous photos in hunting mags but I don't take nice pics for that goal.

And Bill Clinton never had "sex" with Monica !!!

11-27-2008, 11:47 PM
Well, I figure i'm gonna jump in. "A dead animal is a dead animal".!
When one goes about dressing up the picture, then in my opinion, you are giving in to "all the antis". Be proud of what you shoot, snap the pic and move on in life. Its all been said in the previous comments, by the way great thread.:razz:

11-27-2008, 11:48 PM
And Bill Clinton never had "sex" with Monica !!!
He didn't wash that stain of her blouse either........:lol:

Okay now I'm done with this! ;)

11-28-2008, 12:10 AM
Some of us Hunt because it's in our blood.

It’s in my blood too. In fact I was surrounded by hunters and hunted for as long as I can think. When I retired as an animal behaviorist I made my childhood dream of hunting for a living come true. In order to do this job right you got to have hunting in the blood.

11-28-2008, 12:18 AM
It was her dress Will, not her blouse!!! Tongue or no tongue it was the dress...
6.Monica walks into the Oval Office one morning. President Clinton looks up and says, "you know, I've liked that dress since I first spotted it."http://www.liveindia.com/clinton/clinton1.gifhttp://www.liveindia.com/clinton/monika-ani.gif

cmc destroyer
11-28-2008, 07:53 AM
No tongue. It makes the animal look degraded and dumb.
I try to keep the ears up a bit too.

If nothing else , it keeps the hunter from looking like a redneck hick
that has no respect for the animal whos' life he just ended.

No offence redneck hicks.

11-28-2008, 08:04 AM
I always put the tongue back into the animals mouth ,the island deer I shoot this week had its tongue sticking out ,I pushed it back in before taking pic ,no East K your not alone on your statement.

11-28-2008, 09:01 AM
The pic's i take are for me ! If other's are to squeamish to enjoy them don't look! I agree with bcbob

11-28-2008, 09:35 AM
Nothing wrong with putting tongue back , wiping blood stains and placing animal better to get nicer picture. There is place for nice trophy pictures and there is place for real life pictures. Probably, like pictures of everything else :war, terrorist attacks and etc.Some for public display and some are not , b/c too graphic. It is at individual discretion how,what and when to post own pictures. I think sometimes people too worry about somebody's possible perception. What is next ? Put some lipstick and bikini to close deer private parts?

11-28-2008, 10:06 AM
I don't buy that. Those that piss and moan about every little thing from tongue out to shot placement to whathaveya are just showing their true colours. They are just flat ass JEALOUS! Most of them sit behind a computer throwing stones and they don't have what it takes to get r done themselves. Be it they don't have the time, the skill or the knowhow. So, all they know to do is beat down their fellow hunter in any way they can.

Jealousy eh?? Geez this with the exception of a few posts is a quality thread where hunters are discussing the esthetics of hunting pictures. I think it is educational for some to hear.

But the squeaky wheel has to roll again! Your flap about skill and knowhow is a total loss and hijack to this thread. Nobody is running one another down, guys are simply stating their opinon of post kill pictures. There is some good content on here I think some of us need to hear.

Out of respect to this thread I would even touch the "I have had numerous photos in hunting mags but I don't take nice pics for that goal.' comment......:roll:

Keep showing YOUR true colours!

338 winmag
11-28-2008, 11:29 AM
This thread reminds me of one of those WWF events where wrestlers keep entering the ring and beating the tar out of each other :smile: .

bad arrow
11-28-2008, 11:40 AM
We try to clean em up as best we can, push there tongue in, then take a few pics in the field.

11-28-2008, 11:45 AM
This thread reminds me of one of those WWF events where wrestlers keep entering the ring and beating the tar out of each other :smile: .
And the audience loves it.
Bloody tongues and all.

11-28-2008, 12:02 PM
I send my pics to my elderly mother in law and small grandchildren along with other family pics taken over the year in photo albums for Christmas presents.

There's nothing wrong with tucking the tongue in and wiping a bit of blood off to make the critter look a little more dignified and presentable.

11-28-2008, 12:06 PM
As per above, I like to clean up as much blood as I can and get the tongue tucked away. It makes for a better photo.

11-28-2008, 12:43 PM
I like "as they drop" photos. Nothing wrong with them at all.

But I also share many of my photos with family and friends who are not hunters. A quick clean up job, tuck in the tongue, arrange your animal as best you can, smile nice and you have a pic to share with all.

:biggrin: Besides, these people are often at my dinner table so I like them to have a positive 1st impression of the steak they are about to eat.

11-28-2008, 12:54 PM
Does anyone go out of thier way to take pics with the tongue hanging out?:shock:

11-28-2008, 01:03 PM
Does anyone go out of thier way to take pics with the tongue hanging out?:shock:Don't hijack, the topic is wildlife animal photos.

11-28-2008, 01:10 PM
Does anyone go out of thier way to take pics with the tongue hanging out?:shock:

No but I have noticed that some people when they concentrate, involuntarily stick their tongues out the side of their mouth, they just can't help it !!!!!!!

11-28-2008, 01:24 PM
I don't buy that. Those that piss and moan about every little thing from tongue out to shot placement to whathaveya are just showing their true colours. They are just flat ass JEALOUS! Most of them sit behind a computer throwing stones and they don't have what it takes to get r done themselves. Be it they don't have the time, the skill or the knowhow. So, all they know to do is beat down their fellow hunter in any way they can.

Well, when we post our pictures and don't get our egos stroked enough, we don't pack them up and run over to www.yankeebullshit.net (http://www.yankeebullshit.net) where a whole new crop of hunters will give us what we need. We stay here and talk about it, maybe try again, maybe learn something that will help us do better.

More than I can say for the wimps that can't handle the heat on HBC and have to make cyber-friends from a foreign country that don't know any better. :roll:

11-28-2008, 01:28 PM
Keep it civill folks....

Mr. Dean
11-28-2008, 04:22 PM
I don't buy that. Those that piss and moan about every little thing from tongue out to shot placement to whathaveya are just showing their true colours. They are just flat ass JEALOUS! Most of them sit behind a computer throwing stones and they don't have what it takes to get r done themselves. Be it they don't have the time, the skill or the knowhow. So, all they know to do is beat down their fellow hunter in any way they can.

:roll: :roll:
This post I do not 'get'. Oh well, it's not that important....

I do try to get good field pic's. I feel better about passing them around for others to see. I know of a few that would turn and run otherwise. These people have become to appreciate my pics and are willing to view em. IMO this brings a non understanding person a little closer to understanding what it is that we do - Little kids included. :wink:

What other people do is their bussiness. Matters little to me.

11-28-2008, 04:33 PM
No, it's not about kissing!! I have noticed lots of pictures that have the tongue sticking out of the animal and I don't think it's right to pose with a trophy that's got it's tongue hanging out. It doesn't take but a few seconds to shove it back into the mouth before you take a picture. Am I alone on this or ????

I suppose you have to shoot something first????? :idea:

Took a guy out last year and he got his first deer - he wanted to take a picture of the gutpile! Thought it was cool. Who am I to judge?

He hasn't been exposed to the world of 'hunters' and 'trophies' yet.

Memories of the hunt seemed more important??

Personally I don't care. Dead's dead.

11-28-2008, 04:37 PM
Does anyone go out of thier way to take pics with the tongue hanging out?:shock:

yes, it seems all the pics I have on my lt have tongues sticking out.

Don't pass go? Don't collect $200?:roll:

11-28-2008, 04:47 PM
I Just Can't stay away from this.......it's a sickness:???:

Personally I don't care. Dead's dead.
Exactly. 8)

The point is that it shouldn't matter one way or the other...nothing wrong with fixing up your pics if that's important to you...just do it for the right reasons. Not some trumped up belief that your Expertly posed and detailed pic of you with a Dead animal is somehow gonna change the nonhunting public's perception of Hunting. :roll:

So push in the tongues, hide the guts, comb it's hair and brush it's teeth ot whatever it is you want to do........just don't call anyone else a Hillbilly redneck or backwood Hick because they accept Hunting for what it is and don't bother to " dress up" thier Realistic pics of what Hunting is.

There's nothing wrong with either....deal with it.

11-28-2008, 04:52 PM
I Just Can't stay away from this.......it's a sickness:???:

Exactly. 8)

The point is that it shouldn't matter one way or the other...nothing wrong with fixing up your pics if that's important to you...just do it for the right reasons. Not some trumped up belief that your Expertly posed and detailed pic of you with a Dead animal is somehow gonna change the nonhunting public's perception of Hunting. :roll:

So push in the tongues, hide the guts, comb it's hair and brush it's teeth ot whatever it is you want to do........just don't call anyone else a Hillbilly redneck or backwood Hick because they accept Hunting for what it is and don't bother to " dress up" thier Realistic pics of what Hunting is.

There's nothing wrong with either....deal with it.

I didn't even think about that.

While were at it:

Make sure you've showered
that you clothes don't stink
hair's brushed (no cow licks)
makeup's on for those of you that wear it (yes you T.B.)
camo's perfectly pressed
and for crying out look make sure your shoes are tied before you take the picture.

Don't forget to smile.

Otherwise don't bother.

11-28-2008, 04:52 PM
I always try and clean up mine and other's animals as much as possible, wipe blood, tongue in, tie mouth closed, natural body position etc. I've gone so far as to be called a Picture Nazi.
First, I like nice, clean pictures because it lets me and others appreciate the animal for what it is with no distractions. Similar to what Dana said about "Nice pictures" and the memories they stimulate.
Second, contrary to what others might think, I believe it does show some respect to the animal (Sitting on the animal is also one of my pet pieves. Dare I say that I hate it!).
Third, we live in a world where most people are fairly ignorant of our sport because they are disconnected (not their own fault, that's just the way it is). These people pass judgement based on a limited experience and if their only experience with hunting is what they believe to be a unpleasant picture, that can sway their vote. Even if they don't totally understand it I would like to have their support rather than it go to the anti's.

11-28-2008, 05:41 PM
I think you have a valid point and I for one was very disapointed my picture that was taken with my deer this year had the tongue out. Once I saw the picture I thought - amature. Pissed me off that I had not thought of it before the picture was taken, however I still wanted to show what I got, so what you see is what I got.

11-28-2008, 05:49 PM
I tend to agree. The tongue hanging out is a little gastly. :eek:Mind you I didn't have the good sense to cut it off my whitetail before I took pics. Will do for next time... maybe I will get it mounted.:biggrin:

11-28-2008, 05:55 PM
I think you have a valid point and I for one was very disapointed my picture that was taken with my deer this year had the tongue out. Once I saw the picture I thought - amature. Pissed me off that I had not thought of it before the picture was taken, however I still wanted to show what I got, so what you see is what I got.

Shit,not a big deal.You are taking field shots,a guys pumped.Next time you will set it up the way you want it to be seen later.I just say CONGRAT`S YOU HAVE JUST WON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lot of guys wish they had a tongue /buck photo.:biggrin:

11-28-2008, 06:00 PM
Ok, I'll bite again, as several members seem to have a problem with me.:twisted: It seems when you're successful, there are many wanting to knock ya down a notch. Seems they can't hide their Jealousy no matter how hard they try.:mrgreen:

If you people haven't noticed, (many other members of this site have) that this fall in particular the ETHICS POLICE have been out in full force on this site. And since the concept of Ethics has even been brought up in this thread, that is where my comments were dirrected at. Those that are high moral ethictians on this site are the ones that will jump all over a fellow hunter for whatever reason they can find. Tongue out, blood, shot far back, what have ya. And yes, I firmly believe they slam fellow hunters because they are lousy hunters themselves and they can't handle others having success.

And when it comes to my pics, you boys don't deserve to see them. And yes, believe it or not, I have hundreds of pics in photo albums that only me and my family enjoy. And yes, I take the time to take nice pics on each and every animal, regardless of size. Be it a doe or a 200 incher. It is all about the memory of the hunt for me. If you boys haven't got that yet, then you never will. But keep flinging your flaming arrows. I do have thick skin and can handle them. :mrgreen:

11-28-2008, 06:01 PM
But I do poke the tongue in now(when I think of it) and minimize the blood for my faint hearted freinds,espesially after they just ate a roast of the deer I shot,I like to show them photo`s after dinner,I get more leftovers that way.

Stone Sheep Steve
11-28-2008, 06:17 PM
Being of a "slightly scientific nature :roll:, I posed this question to my two kids(okay the sample size is a wee bit small:roll:). Boy is 9 and is "okay" with hunting(will devour any game put in front of him)....girl is 6 and is a hunting freak:cool:.

I asked them both what they thought of the pictures posted(giving no sign of personal preference) and my son waaaaaay preferred the tongues not visible. Daughter said she loves to see tongues hanging out and blood.....lots of blood (yes, I know I'm going to have my hands full later on:frown:)...so my conclusion to this gigantic scientific study is that we are all born one way or the other. We'll never see how the other side sees it....get used to it.

Live and let live...but I'll always reach for my knife before my camera!


11-28-2008, 06:30 PM
. Those that are high moral ethictians on this site are the ones that will jump all over a fellow hunter for whatever reason they can find. :mrgreen:

So you must be a moral ethictian for calling down a member for shooting a smaller deer the other day? No?

11-28-2008, 06:59 PM
That member admited his thread was a joke did he not? And did you not see all the smiley faces I posted in my replies??? What are those smileys for if people ignore them and take you seriously instead??? :tongue: In the orginal thread did you miss my first response that gave a hearty congrats to the guy and he replied back with Thanks???? Hmmm, maybe some of you overzealous types should actually learn to read eh??? :smile:

11-28-2008, 07:03 PM
So you must be a moral ethictian for calling down a member for shooting a smaller deer the other day? No?
Na, Dana is just Dana. A bit full of himself and likes to stir the pot. Harmless really. Just don't pay any attention, because that is what he craves.:-)

11-28-2008, 07:05 PM
I can't help but laugh reading this post. When did we all start wearing miniskirts and thongs. And, no, im not speaking of the variety of sandals. I don't hunt for trophies...I hunt for meat. Simple as that. I grew up hunting with my dad and this is what he taught me. Of course we keep antlers to remember the hunts and times spent in the field, but the purpose of hunting should never be foremost for sport in my opinion. I realize that some may have a different view, which you are entitled to, of course. But honestly, asthetic? clean? Who the hell uses these words to describe a hunt? Any of you guys who take this much care during a hunt, (and probably spray potpourri scent on your ass after crap in the woods) have a future hunting partner in myself! Send me a line, I'd never turn down a freshly baked cake when I get back to camp at night. It might be the next best thing to hunting with Martha Stewart. Just dont try and spoon me, or ill leave your tongue hanging as well. :D

338 winmag
11-28-2008, 07:29 PM
I can't help but laugh reading this post. When did we all start wearing miniskirts and thongs. And, no, im not speaking of the variety of sandals. I don't hunt for trophies...I hunt for meat. Simple as that. I grew up hunting with my dad and this is what he taught me. Of course we keep antlers to remember the hunts and times spent in the field, but the purpose of hunting should never be foremost for sport in my opinion. I realize that some may have a different view, which you are entitled to, of course. But honestly, asthetic? clean? Who the hell uses these words to describe a hunt? Any of you guys who take this much care during a hunt, (and probably spray potpourri scent on your ass after crap in the woods) have a future hunting partner in myself! Send me a line, I'd never turn down a freshly baked cake when I get back to camp at night. It might be the next best thing to hunting with Martha Stewart. Just dont try and spoon me, or ill leave your tongue hanging as well. :D

crap in the woods :shock: , come on now , we are talking about a bunch of fashion models here :tongue:

11-28-2008, 07:35 PM
So I thought this was a great picture, but, I guess I should have tucked his tongue back in and brought out the Q-tips and cleaned out his nose. A shovel would have been nice to clean up those blood stains in the snow also?


11-28-2008, 07:38 PM
Oh Fer Crhrist Sake..I think this whole thing started out as DO YOU PUT THE TOUNGE IN BEFORE YOU TAKE A PICTURE.
Yes,if you think of it,.If you don`t,oh well.Next time you might.

Jesus Christ you guys,Lay off each other.We are all we`ve got here.

Like Red Green Says.Keep yer stick on the ice,we`re all in this together.

11-28-2008, 08:06 PM
Some people have added the "Now You Want Us To Clean Up The Animal"before pictures just so have some thing to bitch and whine about! Nobody said you half to clean "YOUR" animal up, i don't care if you chain saw the dam thing into 12 pieces and take your pics, i like a good pic, i don't care about YOUR pics! Nail it's tongue to a god dam tree and take pics, i don't care, nobody cares about YOUR pics, were talking about how we like OUR pics! Take YOUR pics any way you like, I'll take mine any way i like, thank you! And Yes I'm done, Thank You!

11-28-2008, 08:07 PM
Well said sawmill

11-28-2008, 08:09 PM
And you too Mr Dean, ya feel better now? :lol:

11-28-2008, 09:02 PM
I always wondered where Loraine Bobbit ended up.
Now I know.........:shock:

Yeh and "dont come home from drinkin,with lovin on yur mind"

but I'd rather hunt with a "nasty girl" than a "girlee man" lol

11-28-2008, 09:14 PM
Dean, just to clarify (if your frustration was a response to my post), I was only speaking of some of the posts in this topic being comical; not all of them. I understand where you're coming from, and I'm in no way implying one method of pictur-taking is more righteous than another. Personally I could give a hoot what the pics look like. :p But if some do like to take nice pics, there's definately nothing wrong with that imo!

I won't mention names, but I just found some other comments in this thread 'as a whole' to be somewhat excessive. That's all. I was just crackin' jokes, it's my sarcastic nature! I hope I didn't truly offend anyone.

11-28-2008, 10:01 PM
I hope I didn't truly offend anyone.
It's the Internet.......if your not offending someone then your not typing enough:lol:

11-28-2008, 10:27 PM
like the women say, the more tongue the better! Personally the thing is dead, cut it up and hang it!

Mr. Dean
11-29-2008, 12:47 AM
From our Guidelines:

15. No bloody shot up animals, organs or intrails in the forums or gallery. When taking pictures of your animals please try and pull it away from the gut pile before you start taking pictures

11-29-2008, 09:26 AM
well in all honesty the bear was in the process of being butchered and edible portion stripped so by definition it did fulfill the criteria as there was no organs or entrails , no bloody shot up animal (like pictures of wound tracts commonly shown) and no gut pile.

11-29-2008, 01:05 PM
For anyone interested, go to www.huntingadventures.net (http://www.huntingadventures.net) and bring up the Hunting Photography 101 article. Jim Hackiewizc, an African PH and outfitter discusses these exact issues and gives a well illustrated and short discussion on 10 things that are do's and don'ts of dead game photography.

11-29-2008, 01:34 PM
Great thread. It is great to hear peoples opinion on this issue (can we call it an issue?). Apparently we can based on how strongly people feel about this. As they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So with that in mind, if you want to take a picture of the gut pile beside your booner - fill your boots. It is your trophy and your pics. Now if you send it off to Big Buck better take the time to tuck in the tongue.

I am on the team of tuck the tongue and wipe his/her mouth before taking the pic. Having said that when I take a picture of anything I try and consider how best to present the subject. When I am showing the pic to my non-hunting friends, which I do from time to time, I believe the less blood the better.

There is nothing wrong with taking a photo of the dead critter by the gut pile with its tongue out and a few holes throughout its torso. However if you are showing it off to non-hunting types it is kind of similar to driving through town with the carcass strapped to the hood of your car. Don't get me wrong, I think we SHOULD still have that right but driving through downtown with the bloodied critter tied to the roof gains little sympathy from those on the fence as to whether hunting is good/bad.

So, in the end - each to his own. Clean up or leave the fricking thing hanging - your call. If you want it published in a hunting mag better take the time to get some quality pics.

Here is a link to one of my field photos that involved some staging making it appropriate for print. All in all, it did not take more than 5 or 10 minutes to get things set up.


Quick tip a buddy taught me years ago - carry some fishing line and a quick loop around the snout of the animal keeps everything tucked in nicely and blood from dripping out. Although this pic did not require that.

11-29-2008, 09:40 PM
I have not seen a comparison on this thread yet so here goes.....I thought of these pictures immediately upon reading this ( sorry they're not hunting).
Whether you like to take good pictures for yourself others or not, its hard to argue that crappy pictures are as good as thought out ones for any reason other than humor I suppose. This is the same fish...not held out or anything cheesy, just cleaned up....it, the site, and me. Hardly a comparison no matter how you slice it!

11-29-2008, 09:48 PM
upper Nechako?

bad arrow
11-29-2008, 09:53 PM
Hey, I can still see that fishs tongue.

11-29-2008, 10:05 PM
I smell that I'm being baited.........yes upper Nechako......I hooked him badly in the gills, quickly cleaned him up for the pic....and sent him on his merry way....swearing at how stupid the regs can tend to be.:rolleyes: seeing as he surely died soon thereafter. The regs were unclear way back then where the nechako release area started and ended so I let him go of course, just to be safe.

11-29-2008, 10:39 PM
nice char, my dad caught one out of the "devil's punchbowl" which is basically a small pond in the old canyon between the Dam & Nechako/Cheslatta. I cant remember how big it was but seems to me it was in the 12-15 lb range!

11-29-2008, 10:46 PM
I didn't have a scale but I've caught quite a few in the 20-29lb range and he was quite a bit bigger than them; he was skinny though due to his tumble down the falls and then living in the fast water; if he would have been his true healthy size like his head he would have went over 40lb. My point though was I was so glad I got this second pic, it does him ( prob. her actually) way more justice. I have a pic of a brutally bloody 23 lb coho that I could have cared less because I didn't know much about salmon fishing at the time and didn't realize how big he was, and now that I realize how big that was I just shake my head at the picture even though the "memory" is the same.

11-30-2008, 07:47 AM
I shove the tongue in when I snap pics.(if I remember) The people at work like to look at my pics and they are all non-hunters so I just think it looks better when showing the animals to others. I myself don't care if the pic of a deer has a tongue hanging out but I think being a hunter tends to de-sensitize you to gore anyways as you are field dressing etc. Someone who doesn't hunt and looks at the pics may have a different view though.

11-30-2008, 09:52 AM
Preferably I'd shove it back in but sometimes that just ain't possible so off it comes. I feel the pics look way better without the tongue hanging out.

David Heitsman
11-30-2008, 11:25 PM
I'm with Mr. Dean here.

If I can't tidy the trophy up and manouver him to the best back ground then I'll always regret it when I look at the albums or worse yet when my non-hunting friends (the vast majority) look at the picture and cringe. I also believe in showing respect for my prey's demise.
PC'ness... I guess so.

I took a goat in the lungs across this canyon a few years ago and he bled out his nose with his head and neck down in a dip. When I could get to him he was soaked from his nostrils to his shoulder. There's not much that can remove blood from the white pelage. I took a few pics of the carnage but I rarely show anyone. Of the dozen plus animals I have on TrophyPhotos.com site, I think it's the only one that shows any blood.

I'm not sure how many here in BC realize the privilidge we have of hunting freely and what a thin thread it actually exists by. We may be less than a generation away from full hunting bans in our province and if my taking a moment to dress up my kill pre-photo can somehow delay this, then for me, it is time well spent.

I've lamented here before about the lack of control over the pics posted
as they readily become marketing fodder for our detractors.

My African and New Zealand PH's were the best at explaining and demonstrating proper field photography and my friends have often thought I was posing with live animals. They were that realistic, even when most were shot with a .375.