View Full Version : Reg 2 last weekend of Nov. from abby.

11-24-2008, 10:39 AM

Taking my nine year old out this weekend.
Have not been finding any decent sign even in all of my ole favorite spots.

Trying to find my and his first deer.

If anyone has tagged out and is willing to share a tip or two, I would really appreciate it. I dont want a trophy, just a meat buck. These deer critters are much more elusive than bears or so it would seem.

I have often seen sign in the past couple years, even animals, but now that i have company it seems real tough. He is very excited and I would like to share the experience with him.

We will have a blast camping if nothing else.
Thanks in advance.

11-24-2008, 10:51 AM
Go up the Harrison, that would be your best bet. It seems like I have heard of a lot of bucks coming out of there in the last few weeks.

humble hunter
11-24-2008, 11:05 AM
Welcome to blacktail hunting. There have been no deer in any of my usual haunts as well. The best day I have had this season was thursday seeing 5 does. I also passed on a small spike the other day and I may be regretting it. I can't get a read on the rut this year as I keep seeing single and double does with no bucks following. Alot of poeple say it happens early but last year I got one on nov 15th and one on nov 25 and they were both rutted out. I helped a buddy chasing a particular buck right untill he missed it on the 15th of december. The snow has hit the high country pretty hard now so I think alot of the deer will be moving down. Should be getting better now. Keep at it!

11-24-2008, 11:08 AM

These deer critters are much more elusive than bears or so it would seem.

In Reg 2 they are for sure. There's also the Skagit valley, a little closer to home. They are out there but can be tough to find if your not familiar with Blacktails.

Don't despair, just enjoy the time afield with the young un. It will happen soon enough.

Blk Arrow
11-24-2008, 11:20 AM
I left this morning at 6:00am for a morning bow hunt. I was back at 6:25am. Got my wallet out of my other pants and tried again!! I heard a buck grunt down the hill from me, shortly after I setup. It was like walking on corn flakes so I didn't go looking for him. Other than that I saw no deer and very little sign. I'll try going back when it is raining.

The more time you spent in the woods the better your odds are. You will also gain more knowledge . Good Luck :)

11-24-2008, 11:35 AM
Anyone had much success on mount woodside in agassiz?

11-24-2008, 06:11 PM
Once got a spike from woodside 2yrs ago my brotherinlaw went there last Saturday and said there was more hunters than deer up there.

11-24-2008, 06:16 PM
I saw a nice puffed up Buck with two does that simply stood there and watched the hound and I as i took her out for her walk . I would say that the bucks are preoccupied right now:razz:

11-24-2008, 06:42 PM
Was up in the Skagit valley on the weekend not much for sign too many people on the roads. Hiked up high didnt find much sign did hear some weird sounds up there and am sure there was no one around where I was seen dozens of trucks on the road from way up high.The only living creatures I seen besides the road hunters were the ravens and squirrels

11-26-2008, 10:00 PM
Thanks for the input so far and I will update after the weekend.

fingers crossed-- time is running out

12-14-2008, 02:48 PM
There's a lot of Blacktails out there... But you gotta get out of the truck, off the trails, and onto the tracks. We were up in the Skagit valley yesterday, and the road was being pounded by "truck hunters." There were a few bootprints on some of the trails, but no one bushwhacks. Find some tracks and figure them out... Not even a 100 yards away from where all other hunters are walking past them on trails, the blacktails are feeding and bedding peacefully. We saw a lot of does, and whacked a nice 3x3(yes, the one back one is broken, and the other a little small, but it measures as a legal point.) blacktail. Didn't see another drag mark coming out of the woods on the way back out, or hear another shot. Don't be lazy, and crawl under the thick stuff. The big and smart deer all do, so you should try it too.

TIKA 300
12-15-2008, 07:55 AM
Have been pounding an area on the east side of Harrison the past 3 seasons and now have a small area pinned down.Was out on the 6th of dec and spotted 2 deer,but they were like bullets and gone.Like said pound the bush,this area has a spot the deer move thru that you cant see from anywhere unless your in the tree line standing on it.Ive never seen this much deer activity (rubs,beds,trails,crap)on the coast in comparison to region 3.

Heading out again now for the last day of the season.... Brrrrrr !!!!!!

12-15-2008, 09:05 AM
Just got back from the east side of Harrison with no luck:( We POUNDED the bush, found deer sign, waited for 20 minutes, hiked to the snow line, stop in the thicket waited for movment....didn't even see a doe!

mr eagle
12-15-2008, 05:20 PM
In my experience region 2 is a tough yet rewarding hunt. Roadhunting is no good at all, you need to scout some good areas, keep'em a secret, and quietly pound the bush as Redthorn suggests. I hunt some popular areas, but have never seen anyone in the bush where I hunt.