View Full Version : What a day!

11-15-2008, 07:02 PM
Well I spent the afternoon/evening hunting with my roommate, who is keen on starting to hunt. We drove way out to an area that looked pretty remote on google earth. Well we were not seeing much sign on the roads and had picked out a couple nice side roads to hike. We found a nice beach side campsite and hung out there for a while. While messin around on the beach, the shoulder strap on my 303 gave way and smashed on a bunch of rocks! :shock: Crap!! Well we checked everything out, and other than a big dent in the scope tube everything seemed ok. Shot 10 rounds to make sure it was sighted in.. and we were good to go. When I fired off the first shot to check the zero we spooked a deer that was no more than 20 yards from us! SHIT.. oh well at least there are deer around!

We then hiked a few roads and saw a pile of grouse. Didnt bag any grouse, but came close.

On the way back home a mulie doe crossed the road. I rolled to a stop and noticed a buck in the bushes! well i slunk out of the van, loaded the rifle and waited for him to turn broadside so i could count points.. after waiting about 2 mins he finally turned... 1 point, 2 points, 3 points ..... SHIT! its too dark! I couldn't make out the full rack (from 15 yards!!!) so I had to let him go!.

Damn! some really close calls and some absolute Clusterf*&ks, overall it was a great day in the bush.

Going camping there tomorrow :wink:

11-15-2008, 08:00 PM
sounds like a good day, better luck next time haha.....bring that defender of urs for them grouse

11-15-2008, 09:13 PM
I did find us some whitetails though :wink: But the road in really tests the minivan's off-road abilities.

I wish I could bring a camera along...

11-15-2008, 09:16 PM
At least you got out and had some excitement!! Makes for a better day.

11-16-2008, 08:16 AM
Getting out is # one on my list ,getting something is second best.