View Full Version : How Can It Be Better ????

09-22-2005, 06:26 PM
So my son ( willyq ) and I and 2 other gents are heading to the kootenays for what is supposed to be a great hunt in bow season for any elk, any white tail and mulie bucks. Drive forever, move camp twice,see zero elk and white tail that take off behind fences at 100 yards. not happy at this point folks !! Decide collectively " to hell with this , let's head home and hunt region 7 " Everybody agrees and away we go. It should be noted this is the first hunt I have had with my son in a LOOOOOOOOOONG time.
Get part way home and aforementioned son says "why don't we pick up Michael ( my grandson ) on the way to camp" Just keeps getting better !!
We roll into Quesnel, have showers etc., re-supply and away we go. This is Wednesday. Hunt diligently Thurday and Friday, see lots of game, I missed a beauty 3x4 at 40 yards uphill, my fault nobody elses.
while we are there we see the lynx that WillyQ has already posted pictures of.
Saturday the rest of the family , Daughter in law, My wife, and grandaughter come out for the nite and to hunt . My grandson is so excited that when the visitors arrive all he can say is " MOM , GRAMMA, ALEX, come and see the CRAPPER."( we do make sure the necessities are taken care of at every camp)
So in this camp we have 3 generations of both male and female enjoying the entire hunting experience. To me it doesn't get any better.
Oh yeah , for the entire trip of over 3100 k's Chris and I got 1 muley buck but I wouldn't change any of the trip ( first half with my son and second half with entire family) for anything.
Still gonna nail a moose later but that will be a different story. MIKE

09-22-2005, 07:02 PM
Sound's like a family reunion with some wild animals thrown in for good measure. Cool to hear, thank for sharing.

09-22-2005, 07:31 PM
;-) I`m glad things worked out for you . Sharing your hunt camp with your kin is special and becomes more important as time moves on . Good luck to all of your Clan.

REMEMBER -- Keep Your Fingertab On --

09-22-2005, 09:26 PM
Sounds like the kind of camp I love being part of oldtimer ... yes it doesn't get any better. :)

I had the pleasure of meeting your son last fall and look forward to getting the chance to meet and possibly hunt together ... I'm sure your company would only sweeten the experience.

Best of luck to the clan ... may there be many more.

09-22-2005, 10:00 PM
Mike, I am always impressed by the way your family does things together, was absoultly great seeing 4 generations out at the 3-D shoot in Q-town. Definatly a good thing.
