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View Full Version : Region 7A: Blackwater FSR

Flingin' Sticks
11-14-2008, 11:18 AM
Hey Guys and gals

Looking to throw together a really, really quick hunt this afternoon, and was wondering if any of you guys have hit this place up this year? I've hunted it in the past, and it's usually a S***show, but I have found deer.

Call me lazy for using this as my scouting if you will, but unfortunately this is how my season has progressed (no time to hunt/scout), and I want to try and put something on the ground while I've got a chance. This isn't how I usually like to do my hunting, but with a week left, I'll do what I've got to do.


11-14-2008, 11:30 AM
Ya gotta be kidding! Hunt the Blackwater? Try the 1500 road off the Pelican --you pprobably know you can drive 50 miles on it--but watch those trucks! Blackwater? Ptui!

11-14-2008, 12:13 PM
Try the cut block right across the road from baldy hues. Me and my two buddies have taken more deer out of that block than any other area. The biggest being a 150 with a body like an elk. it's close and has some awesome ridges. I haven't been there for 3 years now so it may be grown up a bit but there are some new cuts just towards the town side that will definetly have deer. That area is kick ass even though it is close to town. If you don't hunt it this year, check it out in the preseason next year. November and later in October were great in these blocks though. The other road I know is good is the high-profit. It takes off from the
?tako? road just before the blackwater river. Awsome down there for deer, elk and moose. Some huge deer have been taken down there. Good luck. Let me know if you find anything.

11-14-2008, 12:24 PM
Try the cut block right across the road from baldy hues. Me and my two buddies have taken more deer out of that block than any other area. The biggest being a 150 with a body like an elk. it's close and has some awesome ridges. I haven't been there for 3 years now so it may be grown up a bit but there are some new cuts just towards the town side that will definetly have deer. That area is kick ass even though it is close to town. If you don't hunt it this year, check it out in the preseason next year. November and later in October were great in these blocks though. The other road I know is good is the high-profit. It takes off from the
?tako? road just before the blackwater river. Awsome down there for deer, elk and moose. Some huge deer have been taken down there. Good luck. Let me know if you find anything.

The blocks by baldy hughs are also within 2000m of private land so you can take a doe right now as well.