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11-03-2008, 08:53 PM
for all those successful in harvesting an elk this year, I have been making a little supply of tasty recipes to share for your pleasures

Elk in a Whiskey Sauce

2 tb Butter
1/4 c Finely chopped shallots
5 Cranberries,crushed
1/4 c Scotch whiskey
3/4 c Orange juice
2 tbsp Lemon juice
2 tbsp Red currant jelly
1 tsp Dijon mustard
2 tsp Cornstarch
2 tbsp Water
4 elk steaks
Combine 1 tbsp. butter, shallots and berries in a sauce pan. Cook over med. heat until shallots soften. Add Scotch whiskey and heat until just boiling. Stir in orange juice, lemon juice, jelly and mustard. Heat until boiling. Combine cornstarch with water. Stir into sauce; cook until thickened and set aside. In a frying pan melt the remaining 1 tbsp. butter and saute the steaks. Do not overcook. Serve immediately with sauce.

Elk Roast in Gin (yes I like to cook a lot with alcohol :))

1 Caribou roast
Strips of bacon

1 med Onion chopped
6 Peppercorns
2 cloves Garlic minced
1 med Parsnip; diced
2 Ribs celery; chopped
1 c Cider Vinegar
1 c Beef bouillon
1 c Gin
Combine all the marinade ingredients except the gin. Bring to a boil and simmer about 5 minutes, remove from the heat, add gin and cool. Place roast in marinade to cover. Let stand refrigerated for 48 hours or more. Remove from the marinade; place on a roasting rack in a large roasting pan and drape with bacon. Roast uncovered in a preheated 350 degree F. oven for 15 min per pound. Remove the bacon for the last 30 minutes of cooking and baste roast with the strained marinade and pan drippings. Remove the roast and let sit 5-10 min before carving. With a little butter and flour make a gravy from the pan drippings and balance of the marinade. The gin is juniper flavored alcohol and juniper is a traditional game flavoring. The gin works quite well if you don't have any whole juniper berries available

Curried Elk

1 lb Caribou meat
1 lg Onion, chopped
1 Inch ginger root;
finely chopped Garlic minced
1 tsp Pepper to taste
1 tsp Cumin powder
1 tsp Tumeric
1/2 tsp Salt or to taste
2 tbsp Mustard oil
1/2 c Water or broth
Heat oil in a pan and add the tumeric, then the remainder of the spices except for the garlic, and mix well. Cut the meat into bite-sized pieces and add, frying until it becomes brown. Add the garlic, then the water. Simmer gently until the meat is tender and the sauce has thickened somewhat, about 30 or more minutes.