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10-29-2008, 08:03 PM
Anyone ever had a grizz enter camp when all were present?
7 guys, mid-day,fire and all, and this big boar came out not
50 meters away!
Reg 6 opening day, Hallelujah!
Waiting for photos. ( Courtesy of the newb who went for camera
rather than weapon!).


10-29-2008, 08:16 PM
Sheesh, no story and no pics.

10-29-2008, 08:23 PM
newb had it right, step back and photo the mayhem when the banging starts .

10-29-2008, 08:37 PM
Each time a bear does this and is not harmed or scared in a very serious fashion, then that bear becomes more dangerous, a bear entering a camp occupied by people , daylight or darkness, with a camp fire burning, indicates this bear is VERY DANGEROUS !! Unless it happens to be a lost cub, any mature bear entering an occupied camp is Conditioned to finding REWARDS, food scraps. meat trimmings, and because it has lost FEAR of humans , it will continue to become more attached to human activity, in the last few weeks before 'den-up' bears take more risks, wanting as much to eat as possible, dont get in his way, and dont trust him!!! ,,,,
and chances are HE WILL BE BACK!

10-29-2008, 08:40 PM
Sounds like it may have not survived with six guys and weapons.

10-29-2008, 09:09 PM
Bang, Bang, Bang

10-29-2008, 09:35 PM
Bang, Bang, Bang

Thats what I figure, "It was coming right at us!" :twisted:

10-29-2008, 09:39 PM
Anyone ever had a grizz enter camp when all were present?
7 guys, mid-day,fire and all, and this big boar came out not
50 meters away!
Reg 6 opening day, Hallelujah!
Waiting for photos. ( Courtesy of the newb who went for camera
rather than weapon!).

When you say Hallelujah, does that mean you guys had a grizz draw? Cause let me tell you, Hallelujah would not be the words coming out of my mouth!! HOLY FU&*^%$ SH*T a FU*&%#* Grizz, get the FU!@&$% guns!!! As poop is nearing my path of least resistance!!! And I might add I may even probably spill my drink too!!!:eek: Moosin

10-29-2008, 09:40 PM
Need pictures!
That's exactly what I did, camera, not rifle. Fortunately it was the Yukon and one of the guys had a grizz tag. He was a repeat offender so...Bang Bang Bang!

http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/data/500/medium/Image0282.jpg (http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/showphoto.php?photo=4174&size=big&cat=500&ppuser=3044)

http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/data/500/medium/Image0290.jpg (http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/showphoto.php?photo=8675&size=big&cat=500&ppuser=3044)

10-29-2008, 09:57 PM

Nice Grizz

Well, you had to do what you had do.

Good thing for the tag

10-30-2008, 04:06 AM
Better him than you!

10-30-2008, 05:29 AM
My other hunting partners that where 30kl away from us this year in the EK had a grizz come into there camp and try and steal there WTD they had hanging up not far from there camp.

They had to pack up there wall tent and camp and move up to our camp.
Once a bear knows that there is food there you have to ether shoot it if it is a black bear ,but in this case they could not shoot it because it was a grizz and they had no tag.

10-30-2008, 05:57 AM
Not good H1947. Tough to sleep when you might get a 700lb friend coming in late at night.

10-30-2008, 06:57 AM
Not good H1947. Tough to sleep when you might get a 700lb friend coming in late at night.

They kept the fire burning all night and slept in the front seat of the truck :sad:.

10-30-2008, 07:19 AM
We have had that happen once in my 38 years of hunting....

Very early 80's we were hunting south of Vanderhoof, I had met up with my parent and we had a camp that we had brushed out over the years. Nice level spot with a small pond two hundred yards behind camp....

Third day (or so) we had a moose hanging and all was good. My Dad and I were sitting around the campfire having a few tall ones when we hear this noise coming from the pond area. I was just dusk and we could make out a large animal moving back and forth. Soon we spotted two more fair sized animals trailing behind...

Spot light out and it turned out to be a big sow and two two year old cubs!! We stoked up the fire, yelled, even shot a warning shot ff to no avail.... the three of them kept doing a half cirlce of the camp, back and forth, the cubs making a strange sound from deep in their throats...

Finally we fired up the trucks, turned all lights on and the faded back into the bush, to the edge of darkness, but kept up their watch.... by now it is darker than, well you know! i finally moved my truck by the moose quaters and with Dad standing guard, i cut the ropes and threw the quarters into my camper. We alway have a very clean camp so the lawn chairs went on top of the quarters and we were out of there!

Saw a CO the next day and reported their actions.... never did hear anymore about them, but at that time there was a huge number of griz in the area, not so many now that we see or see sign of....

Haven't thought about them for awhile, just writing this raises the hair on the back of my neck..... I know it would have gotten very "interesting" if we would have stayed any longer....


10-30-2008, 07:47 AM
We had a Grizz come into our camp on the last day of our hunt up north a chew on the corners of the ducks unlimited cabin. Good thing it was to warm to hang meat and our elk were hanging at the butchers.

10-30-2008, 08:16 AM
I have a grizz rug on my wall that came into one of my dads camps... It was pulling caribou meat off the racks... My dad ran out from the cook shack and smacked it with the cabin broom... (3 year old boar) The hunters couldn't believe he did it, so they offered to pay him $500 if he'd do it again....

The bear came back so he went out and smacked it with the broom again... The bear turned around and ran right over one hunter trying to get away from my dad and then they eventually shot it as it kept coming back to the meat racks.

Lot's of good Grizz stories from up there...


10-30-2008, 12:48 PM
Good story boys, hope I never have one to tell.

10-30-2008, 01:00 PM
On a trip in the Bowron Lakes a few years ago, we had a big black bear come out of the bush literally feet away from 5 of us chatting by the fire over morning coffee? This was the first time one of the guys had ever been on a camping trip, a real true city boy and he was facinated to see deer on the road on the way up, this almost gave him a heart attack. The scary thing was the bear didn't make a sound, he just appeared out of the bush. That got the blood going, I can only imagine how much more interesting things may have been had it been a Griz:o The next night on another lake we had something walk around our tent doing some very heavy, noticable breathing, made for a long night.

10-30-2008, 02:29 PM
I have a grizz rug on my wall that came into one of my dads camps... It was pulling caribou meat off the racks... My dad ran out from the cook shack and smacked it with the cabin broom... (3 year old boar) The hunters couldn't believe he did it, so they offered to pay him $500 if he'd do it again....

The bear came back so he went out and smacked it with the broom again... The bear turned around and ran right over one hunter trying to get away from my dad and then they eventually shot it as it kept coming back to the meat racks.

Lot's of good Grizz stories from up there...


Did they give him the 500 bucks? :wink:

10-30-2008, 04:17 PM
I have a grizz rug on my wall that came into one of my dads camps... It was pulling caribou meat off the racks... My dad ran out from the cook shack and smacked it with the cabin broom... (3 year old boar) The hunters couldn't believe he did it, so they offered to pay him $500 if he'd do it again....

The bear came back so he went out and smacked it with the broom again... The bear turned around and ran right over one hunter trying to get away from my dad and then they eventually shot it as it kept coming back to the meat racks.

Lot's of good Grizz stories from up there...


:shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock:: shock:......was your Dad high on something????:-P

Old Boar
10-30-2008, 04:19 PM
Some bear stories are funny...though they could be very sad indeed....

Anyway, some 33 years ago I took my 2 1/2 year old son up to Alice Lake Provincial Park (north of Squamish) where a group of friends had reserved the group Campsite for the B.C. long weekend.

It was Friday night and only two couples had arrived, one with their two children - just the eight of us in camp. With the three children in their sleeping bags, we five adults chatted around the fire. Because a young woman had recently been mauled in the Yukon, we talked about bears and camping...having never had a bear in the Group Campsite in previous years, just raccoons and skunks.

We reveiwed the rules - no food, soap, deodorants etc. in a tent and best if menstrating women slept in a secure spot (camper, trailer). Take pots and pans into the tent so some noise might be made etc.

As usual, I took my bush axe and frying pan into the tent, checked on my sleeping son and climbed into my bag on the cot.

Sometime after I was sound asleep, I was partially awakened by the sound of pots and pans. Apparently, I asked what was up, was told there was a bear and said, "That sounds ominous!"

Still half asleep, I dutifully sat up on my cot and taking the axe in one hand BANGED on the frying pan in the other. Even half awake, I could feel that I was denting the heavy aluminum frying pan with blow after blow. So, I quit.

With no more voices or sounds, I was dead asleep in seconds. You see I thought those banging the pans were nervous nellies.

Around dawn I got up to get started on the day. 2 1/2 year old was still sound asleep (the noise had not awakened him). First task, wash up and put in the contact lenses.

Having done that I immediately noticed that my nicely laid out table, cloth with inverted plates, cups etc. was soiled with needles, dirt and the cooler was upside down on the end of the table with large holes from canine teeth.

On closer examination, I could see the bears paw prints on the table.

When I had banged the frying pan not 15 feet from the bear standing on the table it must have lit out for parts unknown...there was no evidence of where it landed.

Needless to say we never, ever again left any food or other ordorous items out overnight or when we were out of camp during the day when camped at Alice Lake.

10-30-2008, 04:26 PM
Needless to say we never, ever again left any food or other ordorous items out overnight or when we were out of camp during the day when camped at Alice Lake.

Was there this september and i totally agree with you. Every night we had a racoon visit out camp. grabbed a stick and tried chasing him away but eh didn't even flinch. Grabbed all teh food and put it in the van and next morning there were paw prints all over the van and the liscence plate was all bent and had bite marks all over it.

10-30-2008, 04:45 PM
I have on more than one occasion had grizzlies in camp. I will keep them brief because the last story is the most interesting. Once on a goat trip, griz came running in at dusk, all we had was moonlight across the lake for light, as fast as we could pull the guns was all the time we had. The grizzly had a bad day.

The second one was a few years later hunting caribou up north. My dad and I killed two bulls in seperate locations. Packed them back to camp. Over the next 4 days the grizzlies took all the meat. The last night we were sitting around the fire and my dad said "go get some caribou to cook on the fire", I responded "I told you all the meat is gone, he said, no there is another 300 pounds, you are 150 pounds and I am a 150 pounds". He thought that was pretty funny. Long story short the grizzlies (two 3 year olds) came in that early evening and we had a 10 foot stand off with both of them, no shittin', but we both had one bullet left from a gun fight we had with one of the caribou bulls, we had packed extremely light, both of those bears would have bit it if we had more ammo. They gradually meandered away, we quickly rolled up the tent and moved out of there breaking our sent in the coulees as best we could. We went back the next morning as it had snowed and there was tracks all over our camp. They came back in the dark. We got off that mountain that day.

A year later we were moose and goat hunting and in the middle of the night I heard a cow moose making a hell of a ruckus. I woke my dad up as we were bivvying under a tarp. He woke up to hear her hooves come barrelling over the hill and into our camp on the other side of the fly. Grizzly was hot on her ass and they were having it out. I yelled to load the guns and turn your headlamps on. The cow busted out but the bear stayed on the other side of the tarp woofin' and snappin' but I could not see it because our tarp was in the way. My buddy shone his headlamp out one end and my dad out the other and I waited for the bear to expose itself. He never did thank god but we got up and built a fire and drank coffee until morning.

Ok, sorry to drag it on but this story I find the best. My ex father in law new a old trapper on the Tuchodi. In the middle of the night his dog started to growl in the cabin so he loaded up his gun and opened the cabin door. The biggest black bear he said he ever saw was standing in the doorway. He up and drew and killed it on the porch. It was the middle of the night so he left it on the porch to deal with in the morning. When he woke up in the morning he got up and opened the door to remove the big black bear but it was already got. Good old mr. Griz did the honors.

My camps are always crystal clean, I just think if you spend enough time in the woods, things like this will happen. I guess that is why I sleep with one eye open and one ear cocked.

10-30-2008, 07:48 PM
The only 2 pics taken are in the gallery, not the best but for us good enough.
After the first 3-4 seconds of awe/disbelief/reality, prob less though, the majority grabs guns off of nearby quads and decided PDQ to let a salvo go over its head into the trees(no background worries there).
As quick as we ran upto the main road some 100' it popped out and headed up the hill, we fired one more to give him the idea.
That afternoon we set up the electric fence, slept clothed for the week(tents btw) and pretty much kept one eye open. It was even more concerning after we took a moose.
The thing about this bear is that it was spotted by another hunter 1/2 hour or so earlier, he passed our camp and came back in like 5 mins asking if any had a grizz draw.
Hes the 7th guy. Were all hmmmmm close bear. Some 10 mins or so later we hear a p/u locks up his brakes before our camp and as he goes by stops and tells us a grizz just crossed the road heading down. Hence the disbelief.
Over 130 guestimated years of collective hunting, first time for all. But the consencus was, second time, no more bear.
All in all, great time, great trip!

Stone Sheep Steve
10-30-2008, 09:07 PM
Here you go bushape.

Keep the stories coming!!

http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/data/500/RSCN0017.JPG (http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/showphoto.php?photo=11048&limit=recent)


10-30-2008, 11:06 PM
wow some very intresting storys, makes you realy think, there is alwese something looking for meat as much as us,, cool pic, good thinking grabing the camera, made your heart thump a lot, hoping the other's grab guns,, wow,, well ever one came home in once pice,, no bear bites,,, sometimes to close to call,,,, happy hunting,,,good stuff guys,,,

Scottish Warrior
10-30-2008, 11:41 PM
On a trip in the Bowron Lakes a few years ago, we had a big black bear come out of the bush literally feet away from 5 of us chatting by the fire over morning coffee? This was the first time one of the guys had ever been on a camping trip, a real true city boy and he was facinated to see deer on the road on the way up, this almost gave him a heart attack. The scary thing was the bear didn't make a sound, he just appeared out of the bush. That got the blood going, I can only imagine how much more interesting things may have been had it been a Griz:o The next night on another lake we had something walk around our tent doing some very heavy, noticable breathing, made for a long night.

Been around the Bowron Chain a few times; have had two mid night encounters with Blackies. Scary but I was unlikely in any real danger. Lots of them in the park.