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View Full Version : Who are these guys?

10-28-2008, 07:16 AM
Just got back from a great hunt in 6-4, South of Francois Lake by Burns Lake. No moose, but a good time as always.
Happened to check out the FS site at Berel lake where some - I hate to use the term "Hunters" had just pulled out.
Whomever these idiots are, they left behind the head, legs and skin of their moose, right in camp. Shot the hell out of the place, and left garbage everywhere. Burned camp chairs, burned plastics, chopped/cut every piece of wood in sight.
Leaving the carcass behind like that will obviously attract a bear and make the site useless to anyone else for some time.

I just had to write this rant to express my disgust with these guys. If you know who they are, I hope this sheds some light on their lack of consideration and ethics.
People like this are the exact type of Yahoo's that give hunting a bad reputation. I only hope that kharma plays a part and that their next camp gets ripped to shreds by a bear.

10-28-2008, 07:44 AM
Sad to see, but happens too often. We had a group of guys that hunted south of Vanderhoof at the same time as us every year.... they were a large, loose group of friends(?) that took the hunting as a job and had all top end radio gear to get the guys with LEH's to where the animals were found....

Once the animal was shot (up badly) they would usually have enough guys there to take it whole back to camp.... animal was then skinned etc with the heads, hides, legs and bone (at times they boned the animal out) strewn all over a 1/2 acre area and left for the next group to clean up. Went on for years and if anyone approached them, you were told to leave....

they were reported several times by several groups, but they kept showing up every year and doing the same thing!

10-28-2008, 07:58 AM
drop a couple boxes of screws in that spot flats suck! maybe they will get the hint, couple days later walk around with a magnent

10-28-2008, 09:13 AM
Cedarstrip, the rules for FS campsites are very clear, these guys are in violation and could be charged.
A generic spot in the wilderness, where someone happens to camp has no such rules. But if it is an obvious camp spot used by others, common curtousy says it should be cleaned up.
We used to do our butchering at an improvised moose camp, left everything where it fell. But the sites were certainly nothing to attract other campers. One was fine the first day, then was dubbed Atlantis after three days of rain.

10-28-2008, 09:28 AM
The Borel lake camp site, just isn't used in hunting season, that spot is used basically year round. Great spot to take the kids out fishing. I have personnaly used that particular spot on numerous occassions. This a really sad to hear how that group left the camp site in, It is in an area with lots of Grizzly around, so that group is setting the next people to use it, up for an unexspected visitor.

10-28-2008, 08:06 PM
Ya it sucks

I've come across it too, at least they coul drag it into the bush

I have a pic I'll try to post


10-28-2008, 09:11 PM
there not hunters there weekend drunks with guns, that should have there guns taken away and not be aload in the woods, it happens all over, we have cleaned up a spot where we hunt before so we could use the spot, told the CO, and he seamed to know who was there before and was going to check it out, this was a couple of years a go in the gang ranch area,, we hauled out the crap and left it as no one had been there, cleaning up sometimes helps as the next hunter might also keep it clean we hope,,, remember there not hunter's drunks with gun's,,,,,!!!

10-29-2008, 03:56 AM
It takes a few like these to make a bad name for others that would not even think of doing something like this.

These people that did this need to be taught a lesson on how to clean up after them selfs.

10-29-2008, 04:03 AM
Note. It looks like the hoof has been removed from the leg. Whats that all about. Ashtray?

10-29-2008, 06:56 AM
are mad because they got a moose and you didnt

10-29-2008, 07:13 AM
are mad because they got a moose and you didnt

Why would you even post a useless reply like that? The obvious point of the post was that he was disgusted with how the site was left. Were you one of them?

10-29-2008, 07:19 AM
Where is the photographs of the said infraction and did you call RAPP?
As was mentioned , these idiots are setting the next group up for some possible seriously nasty visitors who may or mynot arive in the day light hours.
As for "they are mad because they got a moose and you didnt"comment well lets see you go and camp in hose conditions and see what you come up with.
Slobs are what they are ansd always will be.

10-29-2008, 09:43 AM
are mad because they got a moose and you didnt
They could have had the courtesy to dump the remains somewhere else where camps are not around ,this kind of thing will attract bears ...

10-29-2008, 09:52 AM
I've found, in the past, that burn piles make excellent hide & bone dumps, because what the critters don't eat, the fire takes care of. Came across a real mess at Spukune Lake this year. Slobs left garbage all over the place. Got some good pictures to use for my CORE course Ethics session.

10-29-2008, 11:17 AM
Ya it sucks

I've come across it too, at least they coul drag it into the bush

I have a pic I'll try to post


that looks like a leg I saw up the Coq on the side of a FS road, not in a camp.
Someone likes moose toes?

10-29-2008, 02:01 PM
are mad because they got a moose and you didnt

Your trying to be funny right? He is mad cause these guys that left the site all messed up are idiots and non-hunters see this crap and just assume all hunters are like that...

10-31-2008, 12:29 PM
Thanks everyone for seeing my point.
I hunt for the pure pleasure of it. The great outdoors, the commraderie, the good wholesome food it provides and the challenge.
The fact that I didn't get anything did not take anything away from an otherwise great trip.
Unfortunately, I did not get any pictures of the idiots aftermath, but a C.O. was working the area pretty hard and I'm hopefull he came across it.
I just wanted to put this out there in case anyone happened to run into whomever this was.

If we can't find out who it was, let it rest.

10-31-2008, 12:37 PM
I doubt it, its because the other knobs were pigs and he wasn't..