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10-26-2008, 01:26 PM
I usually lurk here, but I would like your thoughts on quads.
I'm begining to question the usefulness of my quad lately;
Driving 4-6hrs with quad and trailer = gas $ and hard on truck.
Insurance for quad (manditory)
Wearing helmet (I believe to be manditory)
Riding cloths, and gloves. (I find my hunting cloths have different requirments)
Quad is not much better in snow than a truck.
I only see game when I walk, besides I think I can get my rifle out of my truck faster than I can my quad.
Even retieval is in question, as I think back on my succesful hunts. The quad probably only saved me dragging a couple hundred feet, and my truck could have been brought in to help.

Do I need to suck it up, or does anyone else feel the same?

10-26-2008, 01:27 PM
buy a toyota
better all around than a quad:biggrin:

10-26-2008, 02:10 PM
I also walk into where i hunt Quads well if you like to road hunt and drive into area,s pissing other hunters off who spent an hour or 2 walking in and setting up that is after said quadder drives around your truck.Well keep it if not dump it and go back to real hunting to many lazy hunters out there nowaday,s.Sorry my rant for the day

10-26-2008, 02:11 PM
buy a toyota
better all around than a quad:biggrin:

X2 on that bigmike.,,,toyota pick up, 2 seats, heater, wipers, packs a whole moose/elk and all your hunting gear and a canoe/car top boat, lov those 'yota's , this is my "quad"

10-26-2008, 02:48 PM
X2 on that bigmike.,,,toyota pick up, 2 seats, heater, wipers, packs a whole moose/elk and all your hunting gear and a canoe/car top boat, lov those 'yota's , this is my "quad"
right on brother....at least somebody see's the light:smile:

10-26-2008, 02:48 PM
X2 on that bigmike.,,,toyota pick up, 2 seats, heater, wipers, packs a whole moose/elk and all your hunting gear and a canoe/car top boat, lov those 'yota's , this is my "quad"

and its on propane, about 1000 klms per fill up (150 ltrs) no packing along gery cans of stinky gasoline1

10-26-2008, 03:24 PM
buy a toyota
better all around than a quad:biggrin:

I picked up a 92 4runner this summer as a project for a hunting buggy. It's great all round the only disadvantages I would say would be the 3L v6 is a hog on fuel, I wanted the power but should've found a 22R. And I should've got a truck, the bed is so much easier to clean teh blood out of.

I've never been a quad/dirtbike guy but this year I found one huge advantage to trailering a quad in. If a quad breaks down you can still get warm and home with your truck. Where if my 4runner breaks down, there's a possibility I'll be cold and stuck in the bush for a day or so. I'm a certified tech. so I can say sometimes you just can't perform certain repairs in the bush.
I have a tote with all the fluids, belts, basic hand tools, electrical diagnostic tools and an extra battery. But I still would like that insurance out there that an extra vehicle ie: quad could give me.

The other thing I hate is how cold I get sitting on a quad. That 4runner pumps the heat! My 4runner has definitely proven itself this fall.

10-26-2008, 03:57 PM
I personally would say Suck it up, but that's just my option!You can Hunt on your Quad, Hunt in your truck, walk from your house to your Hunting area, you can buy a boat and Hunt from it, you can dirt bike and Hunt, or just a bicycle and Hunt, No matter how you hunt, someone won't like it, So Go Hunting any way you Can!!!

10-26-2008, 04:23 PM
and its on propane, about 1000 klms per fill up (150 ltrs) no packing along gery cans of stinky gasoline1

Did you lose much power with the propane conversion?

10-26-2008, 04:35 PM
I also walk into where i hunt Quads well if you like to road hunt and drive into area,s pissing other hunters off who spent an hour or 2 walking in and setting up that is after said quadder drives around your truck.Well keep it if not dump it and go back to real hunting to many lazy hunters out there nowaday,s.Sorry my rant for the day

X2 -I agree. Get a Samurai, or Tracker or Jeep, or even short box 4x4.

10-26-2008, 04:41 PM
Did you lose much power with the propane conversion?

I have propane on my ol' 72 Blazer, who cares about power loss when you start with 300 HP to begin with. Generally you lose about 10% power and mileage with propane, but the cost of fuel is cheaper so who cares, and it's injection so it makes sense when replacing a carburetor, my Chevy will run at any angle and you don't have to worry about jetting at altitude.

10-26-2008, 05:11 PM
Did you lose much power with the propane conversion?
you will with a stock 22r but its really easy to build a blow through turbo system with the propane mixer setup.....it works really well:smile:

10-26-2008, 05:37 PM
I picked up a 92 4runner this summer as a project for a hunting buggy. It's great all round the only disadvantages I would say would be the 3L v6 is a hog on fuel, I wanted the power but should've found a 22R. And I should've got a truck, the bed is so much easier to clean teh blood out of.

I've never been a quad/dirtbike guy but this year I found one huge advantage to trailering a quad in. If a quad breaks down you can still get warm and home with your truck. Where if my 4runner breaks down, there's a possibility I'll be cold and stuck in the bush for a day or so. I'm a certified tech. so I can say sometimes you just can't perform certain repairs in the bush.
I have a tote with all the fluids, belts, basic hand tools, electrical diagnostic tools and an extra battery. But I still would like that insurance out there that an extra vehicle ie: quad could give me.

The other thing I hate is how cold I get sitting on a quad. That 4runner pumps the heat! My 4runner has definitely proven itself this fall.

broken parts mean you skimpped when building:biggrin: always build so your weakest link is the easiest fix

10-26-2008, 06:39 PM
I also walk into where i hunt Quads well if you like to road hunt and drive into area,s pissing other hunters off who spent an hour or 2 walking in and setting up that is after said quadder drives around your truck.Well keep it if not dump it and go back to real hunting to many lazy hunters out there nowaday,s.Sorry my rant for the day

Thats just a dickhead thing to do it has nothing to do with the guy being on an ATV. Chances are if dickhead is in a truck road hunting he just drives by you as well.

I use my ATV 100% of the time during hunting season to get into my spots. I park and walk no different than if I was using my truck. I access trailheads etc.. I can't get my truck into some of the spots I hunt but my ATV has no problem. My truck is a family vehicle so I can't beat the hell out of it getting into a spot like some of you guys:smile:. That is exactly why I bought an ATV...

Last week my wife and I drive the ATV into an area that has a road that is a dead end with a nice big cut block on the end. The plan is to glass the morning and then explore the timber at the top. We get in an hour before first light. I park the ATV on the side of the road about 3 km's from the cut. Not a long walk but its still a walk so we load up the packs and spotting scope and start walking. You guessed it just as we are approaching the spot we want to sit and glass we here the putt,putt,putt of an ATV. Its basically first light that magic couple of minutes. This dickhead drives right past us on the side of the road and completly ignores us and drives into the block. There is no way he didn't see us he just didn't care...

This guy drove past a bright yellow ATV and then had no problems driving right past two people getting into posistion at first light. It was a total dickhead move but it has nothing to do with the fact he ways on an ATV. If said Dickhead was driving a truck I am sure he would do the same. He ruined our morning hunt we had to walk back to the ATV and head to another spot even though we arrived first. We heard a rifle shot halfway back and we are pretty sure the dickhead got a buck...

Dickheads will be dickheads but I get tired of all the guys on here complaing about the lazy ATV hunters I see way more guys road hunting in trucks than I do on ATV's in my neck of the woods. Besides have you ever been on an ATV in the AM when its -10 out it pretty much guaurantees you are walking:shock::biggrin:...

For me the ATV is my main mode of transport. Dickheads are everywhere and I am glad I am not one of them. If the situation had been reveresed and I arrived to find a truck or ATV parked I would have realized that someone else was first and moved on to a diffrent area...

10-26-2008, 06:39 PM
you know its all a matter of opinion tbh i have had toyotas ive had big reds and quads even dirt bikes and you know ive hunted from horses and to be honest my feet work best i see more i dont get stuck and its healthier not to mention how detrimental quads and such are on the enviroment -- because theres always some shit tard that wants or needs to take it into the alpine for some unkown reason thays just one mans opinion take it for what its worth but remember one thing if your out hunting its dosent matter what your drivin its better than not being out there:)

10-26-2008, 06:49 PM
I usually lurk here, but I would like your thoughts on quads.
I'm begining to question the usefulness of my quad lately;
Driving 4-6hrs with quad and trailer = gas $ and hard on truck.
Insurance for quad (manditory)
Wearing helmet (I believe to be manditory)
Riding cloths, and gloves. (I find my hunting cloths have different requirments)
Quad is not much better in snow than a truck.
I only see game when I walk, besides I think I can get my rifle out of my truck faster than I can my quad.
Even retieval is in question, as I think back on my succesful hunts. The quad probably only saved me dragging a couple hundred feet, and my truck could have been brought in to help.

Do I need to suck it up, or does anyone else feel the same?

You need to find or go hunting with a couple of experienced quad hunters if you think that they are less usefull than a truck.

I hunt in both shotgun & rifle area, I use a safari sling on both guns, one is always in a gun scabarded. I use the little elastic thingys that hold shells on the stock and always leave my breach open. I'm off in seconds and loaded, then stuff dies. I never wear a helmet at the speeds I'm traveling not too worried. Insurance... I don't buy that either not mandatory depending who you ask.

10-26-2008, 06:58 PM
I get the feeling that people who slag Atv's don't have one.It's not about the mode of transportation ,it's about getting outdoors and having some fun.Anyone who has hunted should know that walking is the best way to get game,but not all can or well walk.It's a personal choice not right or wrong.
PS You guys who drive Toyota whatever need to move on.Look at the big picture,but man,you can't beat the 22r

10-26-2008, 07:02 PM
I think it is a question of cost vs. benefits I suppose.
I met an old timer who told me he used to do a lot of hunting back in the day. We talked about areas that he used to visit and such. I asked him why he didn't hunt anymore.
"Have you tried beef" was his answer.
I will agree that pound for pound beef is a steal compared to the deer I sometimes will bring home.

I'm not saying that the experience is not worth it, but it does leave me scratching my head sometimes.
I seem to be spending to much of my time bringing up my "stuff" Keeping track of my "stuff" and packing all my "stuff"
Most times I go into the mountains, I am struck by how little a person actualy needs to sustain himself.

10-26-2008, 07:25 PM
I usually lurk here, but I would like your thoughts on quads.
I'm begining to question the usefulness of my quad lately;
Driving 4-6hrs with quad and trailer = gas $ and hard on truck.
Insurance for quad (manditory)
Wearing helmet (I believe to be manditory)
Riding cloths, and gloves. (I find my hunting cloths have different requirments)
Quad is not much better in snow than a truck.
I only see game when I walk, besides I think I can get my rifle out of my truck faster than I can my quad.
Even retieval is in question, as I think back on my succesful hunts. The quad probably only saved me dragging a couple hundred feet, and my truck could have been brought in to help.

Do I need to suck it up, or does anyone else feel the same?

Tell me where you live and I'll come over an take the thing off yer hands { for free of course} then you don't have to worry any more, it would be a get help for me here to get around all the locked gates and get way up the mountains where I used to hunt.:)

10-26-2008, 07:39 PM
Did you lose much power with the propane conversion?

my toyo' is a 22RE - 5 spd, warn hubs,I didnt really see much differance in power when I convertd it to propane only, engine only had 50,000 kms on it its now got about 120 klms and dont use oil, I use 245-75x16 tires or other set of 31x10x15 inch mudd tires, the 22R just dont have the guts for 33 inch mudders, but it does great with the tires I am using, good little trucks, tough and dependable,gets me deep in the bush, then I walk/hike stalk my critters,,

10-26-2008, 07:59 PM
I have hunted with hiking hunters for years, and quit frankly find it very enjoyable. we have been very sucessful in areas that others have not. the chase of the hunt trying to sneak up on to a ridge or to the end of a cut block with out being seen, is awsome. my father-in-law and brother-in-law are from Quesnel and have used quads for years. they would tell you that hunting from them is just as sucessful as walking. now my position on quads is, they are great to get to those areas that road hunters can not therefore opening up some great opportunities. when we hunted up north, we always drove to a place near by and walked. now the areas are grown up and the shortage of fires and logging have left those areas very hard to hunt. the last time I was up there, we tried branching out and found restrictions in the roads because of my full size truck. but quads carried on from there, when I got back to my computer and looked up where these guys were travelling, holly man the old clearings and swamps in those areas was unbelievable. wish I had aquad then. so it all depends on what style of hunting you like and definitly how far you want to go.

10-26-2008, 08:12 PM
some guys are buying those 4wd SUZUKI import trucks-600 cc's I believe-you get a cab,pickup bed and put on good tires they should be a good alternative to a quad -for about $6000

The Hermit
10-26-2008, 08:15 PM
Tell me where you live and I'll come over an take the thing off yer hands { for free of course} then you don't have to worry any more, it would be a get help for me here to get around all the locked gates and get way up the mountains where I used to hunt.:)

EXACTLY why I bought a quad this year. This is not to say I haven't road hunted from it a couple times, mostly exploring a new area and having fun on the quad though. the one big thing the quad has over the truck for road hunting is that when standing I can see over most of the broom and salad better. I used it today to cart in my tree stand and stuff into an area that is not accessible by truck.

10-26-2008, 08:30 PM
I get the feeling that people who slag Atv's don't have one.It's not about the mode of transportation ,it's about getting outdoors and having some fun.Anyone who has hunted should know that walking is the best way to get game,but not all can or well walk.It's a personal choice not right or wrong.
PS You guys who drive Toyota whatever need to move on.Look at the big picture,but man,you can't beat the 22r

I have had since the biggining Big Reds, Honda 350cc 4x4, a Grizzly, a Kodiak, a Polaris 6x6, 2 argo's, and a bunch of other ATV type aborishions I prefer to FORGET!,I have done all the moving on I ever plan to do, and I have come to depend on toyota 4x4 pic ups, mine the last 7 years, hauled out these 6 elk mine, a lot deer for myself, about 6 or 8 elk for my buddies, at least 20 moose combined, my own moose every year, several for friends and much more, I will never go back to a quad, sorry! each to his own!! I was up in the Bucking Horse, and Sikkani area this weekend, saw lots of game, saw a few hunting camps, all the quads were parked and the guys standing around the fire, it was "minus 21 degrees" this morning when I drove out to check some bison pastures, not a quad track anywhere on the cut lines,or roads, about 2 inches of tracking snow and minus- 20, nobody riding quads last few mornings up there!

TIKA 300
10-26-2008, 08:43 PM
I prefer to walk,BUT when we were @ the parsnip in 07,some of the best swamps were a ways back(5-6 miles,probably more),and those roads ARE inaccessable to trucks,so in came the quads.
We had bull draws,so i couldnt see hauling a mature bull that distance on our backs ... :cry::cry:

Had 3 Toyotas(one was a brand new 95 Taco,which was 1 of the 1st sold in BC)than a 86,and 87.Incredible machines,but still didnt top my 88 samurai... Got it stuck a few times,get out lift a corner yourself and kick under the tire what was needed ... :-P

10-26-2008, 08:44 PM
I also have both and at times use both. I actually have a Toyota that my Dad bought off Elkdom years ago. I believe it really depends on where you live and the type of area you hunt. When it comes to hunting elk there is no such thing as " road hunting ". Yes, i know that a few are taken each year off roads...but that is the exception...not the rule. Where I do the majority of my elk hunting the Toyota would never get there. Lots of muskeg, narrow bridges across washed out trails, and just generally a nasty area to access. Sure you get cold riding in the late fall, but once you get walking and calling those bad boys then you warm up quick. If i lived in the LML and only used it for hunting then I probably could not justify the expense. Up here in God's country though, we just open the garage door and ride off into the mountains:-P.

10-26-2008, 09:14 PM
I also have both and at times use both. I actually have a Toyota that my Dad bought off Elkdom years ago. I believe it really depends on where you live and the type of area you hunt. When it comes to hunting elk there is no such thing as " road hunting ". Yes, i know that a few are taken each year off roads...but that is the exception...not the rule. Where I do the majority of my elk hunting the Toyota would never get there. Lots of muskeg, narrow bridges across washed out trails, and just generally a nasty area to access. Sure you get cold riding in the late fall, but once you get walking and calling those bad boys then you warm up quick. If i lived in the LML and only used it for hunting then I probably could not justify the expense. Up here in God's country though, we just open the garage door and ride off into the mountains:-P.

I dont argue quads are great machines!, used properly, in the right locations, in remote otherwise inaccessable areas, but the hunters I talked to up north today didnt expect minus 20 weather moving into the foot hills,they were unprepared, damm lucky they were not 60/80 klms back where the snow was deep, summer clothes and no idea how severe the weather is suddenly at this time of year up north! Lots of game moving and they were sitting around camps, keeping warm by a big fire, the last few days of elk and moose season!! I spent the 2 nights in sleeping bag on a tarp on the ground beside my Toyota!! lol, and I tell you when you crawl out in the morning minus -21C, wakes you up fast! lol
( too lazy to set up tent)( not tough,just stupid)

10-26-2008, 09:18 PM
Elkdom,I can see that you know how to hunt.I am pushing 60 and have lost count on how many animals.The point is, it's not important.It's enjoying the outdoors.
Now a tough hunter would have walked to those bison pastures....lol .
Lunatic brings up a good point.Elk hunting is not road hunting it's an art.Those that are good at it. My hat goes off to them.

10-26-2008, 09:35 PM
Elkdom,I can see that you know how to hunt.I am pushing 60 and have lost count on how many animals.The point is, it's not important.It's enjoying the outdoors.
Now a tough hunter would have walked to those bison pastures....lol .
Lunatic brings up a good point.Elk hunting is not road hunting it's an art.Those that are good at it. My hat goes off to them.

NO problem Frango! I am VERY dry behind my ears also! lol, and I really have nothing against quads,ATV's, I went up to check out a particular area where I
usually find big bull moose this time of year, also do some scouting for friend with bison tag in Dec, saw lots of elk, moose and bison, couple of wolves(no chance of shot) about 600 yds across swamp, saw a couple of legal bull moose, but not huge racks, and I dont need the meat so I didnt shoot the smaller legal ones, my elk tag is cancelled from earlier this season so the trip was pretty much a "lookee- lou" for me, but I love the foothills in fall, and it is good camping weather 'NO MOSQUITOS' lol and even less 'HUNTERS' lol

10-26-2008, 09:42 PM
Riding a quad in the winter or the cold is really not that different then riding a snowmobile. I'm sure that those that do use there snowmobiles do so when the weather can be quite bad and enjoy it. So the cold to me is a mute point. As long as you dress appropriately and are prepared for the conditions there really shouldn't be a problem. When I ride in the cold or snow my machine is equiped with heated hand grips and thumb warmer. A windsheild to block the wind and a heated vest to keep the chill of and of course the proper clothing and footwear.
As for where a quad can go compared to a toyota or suzuki there is no comparision. I cannot attest to the capabilities of a toyota as I've never owned one but I have seen them perform in some extreme 4x4 conditions. As for the zuk. did own one of those. Fun and capable, yes, but there is no way they or a Toyota can go where a quad can. Just like a quad can't go where an Argo can. If you think they can do it better then take a little trip up to Pink Mountain and we''ll see how far down a seismic line you'll get. Won't be far. I'll be sure to stop and say hello as I drive by on a Quad. Might even swing back to the camp to get some recovery gear for you.:biggrin:

10-26-2008, 09:57 PM
Riding a quad in the winter or the cold is really not that different then riding a snowmobile. I'm sure that those that do use there snowmobiles do so when the weather can be quite bad and enjoy it. So the cold to me is a mute point. As long as you dress appropriately and are prepared for the conditions there really shouldn't be a problem. When I ride in the cold or snow my machine is equiped with heated hand grips and thumb warmer. A windsheild to block the wind and a heated vest to keep the chill of and of course the proper clothing and footwear.
As for where a quad can go compared to a toyota or suzuki there is no comparision. I cannot attest to the capabilities of a toyota as I've never owned one but I have seen them perform in some extreme 4x4 conditions. As for the zuk. did own one of those. Fun and capable, yes, but there is no way they or a Toyota can go where a quad can. Just like a quad can't go where an Argo can. If you think they can do it better then take a little trip up to Pink Mountain and we''ll see how far down a seismic line you'll get. Won't be far. I'll be sure to stop and say hello as I drive by on a Quad. Might even swing back to the camp to get some recovery gear for you.:biggrin:

I hunted "dink mountain" before there was cut lines ! and before there was quads, as for anything else you think you might know, I also have probably done that many times also ! so keep riding your quad, you wont see me unless I am already on the highway with my 6x6 already on the roof of my toyota heading home and you'll be wondering if your gonna get one??

10-27-2008, 07:46 AM
And AWAY we go ! .....lol....I love it !:mrgreen:

10-27-2008, 08:21 AM
I hunted "dink mountain" before there was cut lines ! and before there was quads, as for anything else you think you might know, I also have probably done that many times also ! so keep riding your quad, you wont see me unless I am already on the highway with my 6x6 already on the roof of my toyota heading home and you'll be wondering if your gonna get one??

A little country music please:http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon12.gif

Oh Lord it's hard to be humble
When you're perfect in every way
You can't wait to go hunting with me
'cause I see bigger bulls every day
You know you want to be me
I must be a helluva man!
Oh Lord it's hard to be humble
I just don't think that I can.

10-27-2008, 08:57 AM
Well the one thing we can all agree on is it will be the folks, and its not just hunters, but all the folks with Quads and or tricked up trucks trying to prove how far they can get compared to the next guy that is gonna result in easy on the spot tickets for any one found on a motorized vehicle off of a road right of way....and I would have to agree that I will welcome the day.....have seen to many alpine meadows and back country areas ripped up by the those that are menatlly ill equiped. (just a rant thats almost related)

10-27-2008, 09:18 AM
I hunted "dink mountain" before there was cut lines ! and before there was quads, as for anything else you think you might know, I also have probably done that many times also ! so keep riding your quad, you wont see me unless I am already on the highway with my 6x6 already on the roof of my toyota heading home and you'll be wondering if your gonna get one??

You don't know me and I don't know you. From the size of the chip on your shoulder I wouldn't want to. You wouldn't think there be room for a chip though seeing as how big your head must be with all the "knowledge" you must have about ,well, everything. As for the 6x6 on the roof of a toyota, come on an old fella like you? The only 6x6 you could get up there, after a little steel work to strengthen the yot, is a Polaris! Wouldn't be a bad idea though at least you could use it too pull your ego around.

10-27-2008, 10:47 AM
You don't know me and I don't know you. From the size of the chip on your shoulder I wouldn't want to. You wouldn't think there be room for a chip though seeing as how big your head must be with all the "knowledge" you must have about ,well, everything. As for the 6x6 on the roof of a toyota, come on an old fella like you? The only 6x6 you could get up there, after a little steel work to strengthen the yot, is a Polaris! Wouldn't be a bad idea though at least you could use it too pull your ego around.

It used to be "fun" huntin 'dink mountain' when you ,,,,,,,,
didnt need a quad! because people could "HUNT"
you could buy "two" resident moose tags per year for region 7
you could buy "five" black bear resident tags per year!
you could slam down $20 bucks and buy a GRIZZ tag anytime you felt like it! and a hunters' "pride" was reflected by the way he condcted himself in the outdoors, taking time to listen and appreciate nature, view hundreds of big game animals every year! harvest what you needed with respect! leave where you camped and no one knew you had been there , other than maybe a small fire ring made of stones! so you see, having hunted BC for over 40 years I do see a big differance in the places I hunt now, from then! as for "EGO" again your mistaken! I have Experience, I now do things buy nature, habit , while I pass up a 6x6 elk, I dont shoot the first I see ,or moose or deer or bear, I dont need to ask for directions, or help, but I do manage to help out many "newbies" each season! unless they are smart ASSESS , then I just shake my head and try not to laugh at thier obvious ignorance!

10-27-2008, 01:54 PM
broken parts mean you skimpped when building:biggrin: always build so your weakest link is the easiest fix

Everyone knows, shit just happens on the roads.

Two years ago A buddy of mine spent a saturday in his driveway replacing his ball joints on his zr2. Sunday he went out and nailed a bear. The right front end got ripped all apart. Would you blame it on cheap ball joints?:roll:

This is one of the reasons I'd like a quad. Unload the quad and go get some help.

10-27-2008, 03:01 PM
Why does this topic always end up in a pissing match between ATV guys and truck guys? Are they both not 4x4 vehicles used to transport you to the area you want to hunt? Who cares if you use a tricked out Toyota or an ATV they are both equally capable and neither one is better than the other...

10-27-2008, 03:14 PM
Why does this topic always end up in a pissing match between ATV guys and truck guys? Are they both not 4x4 vehicles used to transport you to the area you want to hunt? Who cares if you use a tricked out Toyota or an ATV they are both equally capable and neither one is better than the other...
true....but one is much better:tongue:hahaha

10-27-2008, 03:17 PM
true....but one is much better:tongue:hahaha

I was actually watching some of you crazy 4x4 truck guys this summer. Some of the stuff they where doing with the trucks was intense! To crazy for me and my stock F-150:biggrin:...

10-27-2008, 03:21 PM
heres a couple vids:mrgreen:



10-27-2008, 03:39 PM
Yup that's some serious stuff no way I would do it....

I imagine those are not your typical hunting trucks though!