View Full Version : Hunting Camo

10-23-2008, 02:36 PM
I just dropped by my local hunting/fishing shop and saw the price tags for some of the hunting wear....:eek: shocked lol
does camo-wear actually help in hunting? or is it a fad?
i also noticed basically everyone wears camo in the pics on this site.

10-23-2008, 02:37 PM
I find it works best for truck hunting.

10-23-2008, 02:44 PM
I wear it in the back yard in the bushes and drink beer so the wife cant find me

10-23-2008, 03:12 PM
I wear it in the back yard in the bushes and drink beer so the wife cant find me

Now that's funny!!!:razz:

Iron Glove
10-23-2008, 03:24 PM
I find it works best for truck hunting.

Exactly. :smile:
I have camo seat covers so when I wear my camo in the truck the deer think no-one is driving and they come closer. :smile:

I read an interesting article that says the intent of camo is not necessarily to "blend" into the environment but more to just break up your outline. Also read that most animals we hunt are pretty well colour blind so the colours of your camo really don't matter that much.

But it does look really neat.

Edward Teach
10-23-2008, 03:31 PM
I wear it in the back yard in the bushes and drink beer so the wife cant find me

This guy could use some...


10-23-2008, 03:59 PM
As an avid predator hunter I'll say yes *some* camo works amazing. 3D camo works great in most early season conditions and good winter camo works incredible.

Something most people dont realize about camo is the small tight leaf type patterns are nowhere near as effective at breaking up your outline as most would think. You step back 50 yards and it may as well be a dark green pair of coveralls. The bigger type patters with large branches or broken lines (Predator Camo is my favourite style)seem to do the best outside that close and personal zone. Otherwise at 150 yards... as you sneak along the edge of a cut you just look like a dark human shape moving suspicously dangerous.

The tight leaf type patterns are best for fooling hunters into a purchase.

10-23-2008, 04:15 PM
This guy could use some...


Wow, That's freaking hilarious!!

10-23-2008, 04:29 PM
Just picked up some Remington brand camo at Wally World - insulated pants and 3-way jacket in Real Tree pattern for under $170. Thought it was a pretty good deal. My main reason for buying it was to have something to get blood 'n' guts on without pissing off the g/f, she hates it when I wreck the 'goin-to-town-duds' :razz:

Anyone have any experience with this stuff? Is it junk? Are they gonna have to pry my gun from my cold, dead hands???

10-23-2008, 04:47 PM
Biggest thing I like about my gear is the fact its all waterproof and quiet. The point of it being camo is ... well.... doesnt matter that much to me really. Around here the best hunting can be had in some nasty weather. Now I can be out all day and stay pretty comfy and DRY.

10-23-2008, 08:14 PM
Just picked up some Remington brand camo at Wally World - insulated pants and 3-way jacket in Real Tree pattern for under $170. Thought it was a pretty good deal. My main reason for buying it was to have something to get blood 'n' guts on without pissing off the g/f, she hates it when I wreck the 'goin-to-town-duds' :razz:

Anyone have any experience with this stuff? Is it junk? Are they gonna have to pry my gun from my cold, dead hands???

I bought a jacket last year. Cheap enough but to nosiy for me, might as well be wearing bells around my neck. I wasnt impressed:mad: But the doe and the buck that I shot didnt seem to mind. :smile:

10-23-2008, 08:34 PM
I bought a jacket last year. Cheap enough but to nosiy for me, might as well be wearing bells around my neck. I wasnt impressed:mad: But the doe and the buck that I shot didnt seem to mind. :smile:

I think I'll take that as good news, thanks :cool:

10-23-2008, 08:53 PM
As an avid predator hunter I'll say yes *some* camo works amazing. 3D camo works great in most early season conditions and good winter camo works incredible.

Something most people dont realize about camo is the small tight leaf type patterns are nowhere near as effective at breaking up your outline as most would think. You step back 50 yards and it may as well be a dark green pair of coveralls. The bigger type patters with large branches or broken lines (Predator Camo is my favourite style)seem to do the best outside that close and personal zone. Otherwise at 150 yards... as you sneak along the edge of a cut you just look like a dark human shape moving suspicously dangerous.

The tight leaf type patterns are best for fooling hunters into a purchase.

Good post. I bought Predator Camo last year after all my Mossy Oak stuff got stolen out of my truck. I love the Predator Deception (I bought both the Green and Brown stuff) pattern. I have walked up to so many deer last year and this year it isn't funny. They don't have a clue what you are. The stuff works and IMO breaks up your outline the best of any camo. It is not expensive either. Check them out http://www.predatorcamo.com/.

10-24-2008, 01:06 AM
wow the prices actually aren't that bad
i think i'll pick some up for next year, what kind of colours would you recommend for Island hunting?

10-24-2008, 05:22 AM
Just picked up some Remington brand camo at Wally World - insulated pants and 3-way jacket in Real Tree pattern for under $170. Thought it was a pretty good deal.

I have the jacket and it's great for cold, dry (below zero) weather. You can't be in heavy rain all day or it'll soak through and you gotta take it off immediately if you are sweating cause it doesn't breathe.

I like the http://www.asatcamo.com/ stuff, cool article on there about how they analyzed deer eyes and then studied all animal predators and eventually copied the tiger cause it's natural camo allows it to move while hunting. Plus they have the 1 year guarantee that if you don't see more animals they'll take it back.

I agree with others in that it's far more important to move slow in some cover while watching the wind then to have the coolest camo though.

10-24-2008, 01:19 PM
This shows how camo works..


Mr. Dean
10-24-2008, 01:43 PM
I wear it. As been stated, I look upon it as 'specialized' clothing thats tailered for hunting.... Lots of quiet covered pockets.... some cool, others warm and dry, and comfortable to hike in.

Derp like his done up in pink. :lol:

10-24-2008, 04:19 PM
I am a big believer in camo and hunting wear. I use Browning Mossy Oak Break Up. Like mentioned earlier hunting stuff (the good stuff - Browning, Raven Wear, etc) has all the gizmos for hunting guys. I have noticed that when I have worn good camo I really have fooled the deer. Having said that if they wind you the camo is useless anyway. When I arrowed my mule deer a few years back I was all camoed up including a Primos face cover. When I stood up to shoot the deer he completely stopped and stood there allowing me a clear shot at 20 yards. Without camo I am convinced he would have bailed as has happened to me in the past without the stuff.

10-24-2008, 08:31 PM
I think it depends on what your hunting, some criters cant see you if your standing still. once you move, camo or not, then they know something is there (talking about deer in general)

10-24-2008, 10:48 PM
The Remington stuff is supposed to be waterproof and breathable. I have the jacket and the bibs and they seem to perform as advertised. We don't get the rain that the coast and island get so I can't attest to how well it would work there. I also have a Rivers West jacket which is absolutely waterproof but it doesn't breath so you sweat really bad with any type of exertion.