View Full Version : Gang Ranch or Clearwater

10-22-2008, 04:45 PM
Need some help here guys leaving 3rd week of nov Im after a decent buck. Ive been to the ranch, lots of bucks but no real shooters. Never been to clearwater but hear good things if you work hard.

10-22-2008, 04:52 PM
Was up just past Clearwater on Oct 1st, and did get one 2 pointer. Not near as many deer as last year, but lots of wolf droppings. Last year we saw 10 to 15 does and fawns per day, This year, 8 total in 4 days. Plus the one buck that stopped right where I was shooting. Son saw one buck in the fog, but no shot. I have hunted there since 1945, so am familiar with the area. DP

10-22-2008, 04:58 PM
I don't know alot about Clearwater but from what people have been saying about the gang the last few years, things don't sound very good.

10-22-2008, 05:22 PM
plenty of deer hide out in Gang ranch but there are many new gates put up in the area as the Ranch is not allowing hunting without special permission and to get that it is very difficult. I only know about the Gang because Peter used to live on it and had talked with some Ranch hands when he was there last year looking for a buck to bring home.

I know nothing about Clearwater area.

Mr. Dean
10-22-2008, 05:26 PM
PM Dana.

Then post here what he said! :lol: :wink:

10-22-2008, 05:42 PM
Dino already PM'd me this summer trolling for info on Clearwater. Started out innocent enough asking about high country hunting in the south Chilcotin and then came the direct and to the point question of where to find a big buck in Clearwater. I have no use for trolling. Fishermen are better suited to trolling the waters looking for trout instead of on the internet looking for big bucks.

Honest and direct answer to the question of the thread. Both areas hold big bucks but in both areas big bucks are very hard to find. I hunt both areas and I hunt them pretty much the same, still-hunting the heavy timber.

10-22-2008, 05:47 PM

10-22-2008, 06:28 PM
Hey Dana, when we were talking in the summer I did mention the clearwater area to you and what I heard, but make no mistake about it I did not know you lived in birch island only minutes away from Clearwater and some of your favorite hunting area of 3-40 . I found that out later by some of your many friends on here that you have also disrespected and p oed. My decision is clear now and it is clearwater,and as far as fishing for help your right, I am always looking for advise to help me out, so is almost everyone else regardless of where they live. I appoligise to everyone else for airing this laundry but My skin is not that thick right now and I dont take any disrespect from anybody.Ever!

10-22-2008, 07:34 PM
If anybody is to blame for putting Clearwater on the map as a very good muledeer destination it is Dana,we have seen post after post about the bucks up there ,as well as detailed goggle earth maps etc.In fact he could be the tourism manager for this quaint but boring town,the local merchants love him and the local hunters despise him.If you have a gold mine ,dont keep telling people about all the nuggets you are taking out of it,and follow the chinese proverb ''silence is golden''.:smile:

10-22-2008, 07:45 PM
Hey Dana, when we were talking in the summer I did mention the clearwater area to you and what I heard, but make no mistake about it I did not know you lived in birch island only minutes away from Clearwater and some of your favorite hunting area of 3-40 . I found that out later by some of your many friends on here that you have also disrespected and p oed. My decision is clear now and it is clearwater,and as far as fishing for help your right, I am always looking for advise to help me out, so is almost everyone else regardless of where they live. I appoligise to everyone else for airing this laundry but My skin is not that thick right now and I dont take any disrespect from anybody.Ever!

Dont let him get to you. If you feed him he will keep coming back.......:eek:

10-22-2008, 08:10 PM
Vancouver Island was hammering Clearwater/Little Fort and Gang Ranch before Dana was actively posting his threads on Huntshoot and Monstermulies.com. I think that word of so and so having good hunts spreads like wild fire through the Van Isld hunting community more than the mainland rumours have. I know in Nov 4 out of 5 groups I talk to around the Fort are usually from the Island. You'd think that being on an Island people would like to spread out across this big province but they group up even more once they take that ferry ride. Safety in numbers I guess....:-P

There are many other places to hunt that have far less activity with good sized bucks. Horsely/likely, Quesnel and Lillooet come tio mind.;)

10-22-2008, 08:17 PM
Dino. There are good mule deer spots throughout southern B.C. One of the best experiences that you can hope for is finding your own little honey hole. These "honey holes" exist in every region, be it 3, 4, 5 or 8. Some people seem to think that Clearwater is a slam dunk for large bucks due mostly to Dana's posts. Trust me large bucks exist in many other locales. Go find your own spot and take great pleasure in that. One's own find will last longer than a freezer full of meat and will be more satisfying than a rack on the wall.

To directly answer your question on Clearwater or the Gang one needs to honestly evaluate their own hunting abilities:
Gang Ranch = large deer herd and relatively open terrain. Easy to see many deer and possibly a few smallish bucks. Unfortunately this area recieves heavy hunting pressure, and has camps all over the place in November. Good chance of getting a young buck, but the older bucks are either non-existent or very wise.

Clearwater = Smaller overall deer herd, but good genetics and a decent amount of mature bucks. Very unlikely that most hunters could duplicate Dana's track record. Most guys would walk away from the area that he hunts, not thinking it possible to get a buck in timber that thick. Average sight distance of less than thirty metres is not what most of us think of as mule deer habitat.

Good luck on your pending hunt. A spiker in your own locale is more of a trophy to me than a 200" buck out of somewhere that you did not find through your own mapwork / research.

Dana, why the abscence? Some of us enjoy reading your posts and appreciate your passion, even if we ourselves are not so free with information.

10-22-2008, 08:23 PM
For what it's worth Dino. The area above the Gang Ranch and to the SW to Black Dome Mountain will not see any big bucks until Anvil, Taseko and the other mountains to the south and east of Taseko Lake have seen a copious amount of snow. I would imagine the same big snow scenerio exists for the Clearwater area as well.

10-22-2008, 08:25 PM
Bart, good info, good advice! Many on this board should learn a thing from this. Too many people trying to chase the famous glory spots!

10-22-2008, 08:31 PM
bigbuck behind everytree in clearwater bring bullets!

Fleee to clearwater PLEASE, take the heat away from the good spots

Mr. Dean
10-22-2008, 08:32 PM
Damn,,,, I wasn't meaning to start a war or nothin'. :neutral:

10-22-2008, 08:33 PM
Yeah good advice Bart, You wouldnt happen to be Bart Lancaster would you?If so I just finished watching one of your videos where you go goat hunting with the 30/30 great video.:shock:

10-22-2008, 08:36 PM
Clearwater is loaded with big bucks. There is group of 30 of us heading up there for two weeks at the end of November there will be lot's of us but that should help find the deer we have quads, bikes, 4x4s chains, winches and good hiking boots. Al we need is a little luck.

Welle probbaly meet ya up there then :)

We have maybe a bit larger group going at around that time but will be first stoppin in at the gang ranch area to check it out !

God luck everyone :)


10-22-2008, 08:37 PM
Excellent post blackbart.

10-22-2008, 08:41 PM
Look- Dana lives on Birch Island Lost Creek Road. Just stake it out and follow him. As far as the area goes, it's huge and there's lots of room so spread out. As for those that are coming up in their fancy quads answer me this. How is it that most of the quads I've seen this year (I don't own one by the way) have been in the back of pickups. What's with that? Too cold or too soft?

Mr. Dean
10-22-2008, 08:42 PM
I can't comment on the gang. But the mountains around Clearwater are as blackbart posted. Only FisherDude could knock one off the road.

I think the Ilanders like it because it reminds them of home. :smile:

10-22-2008, 08:43 PM
Hey Dana, when we were talking in the summer I did mention the clearwater area to you and what I heard, but make no mistake about it I did not know you lived in birch island only minutes away from Clearwater and some of your favorite hunting area of 3-40 . I found that out later by some of your many friends on here that you have also disrespected and p oed. My decision is clear now and it is clearwater,and as far as fishing for help your right, I am always looking for advise to help me out, so is almost everyone else regardless of where they live. I appoligise to everyone else for airing this laundry but My skin is not that thick right now and I dont take any disrespect from anybody.Ever!

Come on now, you expect me to believe you didn't know I was from Clearwater? *****!!!! Your a fishermen. I gave you some good info regarding the South Chilcotin. You should have listened to it. Instead, you decided that info wasn't enough, so you figured you'd fish for more. Admit it. If you show up in Clearwater, best of luck to ya. Hope you have a good hunt. I'm not one of those guys that is a NIMBY hunter. But I will not give any local info to those that don't deserve it. Fishermen can continue to fish but I'm not biting. :)

10-22-2008, 08:53 PM
I think I've seen just as many Islandeers in the Gang area as I have in Clearwater. When you live on an Island with small deer, of course you are going to want to hunt the big deer of the Interior. ;)

10-22-2008, 08:55 PM
Excellent post Blackbart and I agree with you whole heartedly.

I got to know Dana over time and he had invited me to hunt with him for 3 years before I committed and accepted his invitation for the first time 4 years ago now. I already knew he was a bonafide trophy mule deer hunter like myself and we shared the same goals.

I also had pride in hunting my own areas and doing my own research. Until I met Dana - all my bucks were taken as a result of my own research, scouting and hunting hard without a single soul dropping a hint to me where to go.

A few years ago, I finally joined him and his friends. I also respected (still do) and kept quiet on the area he loves to hunt. Believe me, I've also contributed to the hunts my own knowledge and help (we all have contributed as a team from the last few years hunting there).

In the last couple years, there have been many people like Dino who are "chasing the glory" of the chance to harvest a big buck. There will always be people like that.

Those individuals will be sadly mistaken if they think they can show up in the infamous Region 3 and whack one. The shear volume and number of hunters that visit the region is very high. The ratio of big bucks taken for the number of hunters is very low.

I would have much more respect for individual hunters who do their own research and discover a hunting spot and take nice mule deer bucks.

10-22-2008, 08:58 PM
I think I've seen just as many Islandeers in the Gang area as I have in Clearwater. When you live on an Island with small deer, of course you are going to want to hunt the big deer of the Interior. ;)

lol ...

They were behind every tree and no deer hanging from camps ... yet in one day down there I was able to get onto 6 different 4 point bucks by noon before jumping a big one to track the rest of the day.

10-22-2008, 08:58 PM
wow I didn't know Dana was from Clearwater - learn something new everyday :)

10-22-2008, 09:07 PM
LOL Dana could give most of you clowns GPS co-oridnates for his spots and you will still have no success.He nows deers habits and habitat like no one else.Tight lines LOL

10-22-2008, 09:11 PM
lol ...

They were behind every tree and no deer hanging from camps ... yet in one day down there I was able to get onto 6 different 4 point bucks by noon before jumping a big one to track the rest of the day.

I was sitting behind the glass one year in Churn. By the first hour, I already saw 4 different 4 points running from the many hunters that were combing the hillsides. Each buck would have been pretty easy to stalk in and kill as they all dived into small aspen pockets and the hunters they escaped from had no clue they were even there. They were all rats so I passed on the idea of stalking any of them. As I was glassin I heard a twig snap behind me and I turned as saw a hunter creepin along. He was rather shocked to see me sitting there and had a puzzled look on his face. He had never seen a spotter before. The guy was decked out in the latest camo and had a nice looking rifle and all the gear imaginable, but no binos. I asked him where he was from and if he had seen any deer. Told me he was with a large group from the Island and they had been there for a week but no one had seen a 4 point yet. When I told him I had already seen 4 different 4 points that morning he almost fell over. I pointed down to an aspen patch and said, there is one right in there right now. He just snuck in there eluding a guy with a big orange toque. Then he said, my buddy is hiking that ridges and he has a orange toque. He got out his 2 way radio and called his buddy to see if he had seen the buck. His buddy answered back that he hadn't seen a think. To which the guy walked away from me and I heard him mumbling the word liar.

10-22-2008, 09:18 PM
Good to see ya back Dana, good luck this season.

10-22-2008, 09:25 PM
Dont sell everbody short.There are lots and lots of good hunters from the Lower mainland and the Island that never have or will post up a picture on the internet.Dana has the advantage that he has the hunting in his backyard and is in the bush at least 90 days during the hunting season.Also Dana is a self professed trophy muledeer hunter where the majority of guys are meat hunters and are happy with any buck.I dont find muledeer hunting in the rut very difficult,I am much more impressed with the early season muledeer that are taken in the Alpine.

10-22-2008, 09:25 PM
Good to see ya back Dana, good luck this season.

I'm not back. Just was checkin PM's when I noticed Dino's thread and figured I'd have a little fun. I'm sure he already thought I was an asshole when I didn't return his PM regarding Clearwater. I guess now, I've confirmed it in his mind.:tongue:

10-22-2008, 09:26 PM
I'm not back. Just was checkin PM's when I noticed Dino's thread and figured I'd have a little fun. I'm sure he already thought I was an asshole when I didn't return his PM regarding Clearwater. I guess now, I've confirmed it in his mind.:tongue:

OK, my mistake. I still hope you have a good season though8-)

10-22-2008, 09:26 PM
Dont sell everbody short.There are lots and lots of good hunters from the Lower mainland and the Island that never have or will post up a picture on the internet.Dana has the advantage that he has the hunting in his backyard and is in the bush at least 90 days during the hunting season.Also Dana is a self professed trophy muledeer hunter where the majority of guys are meat hunters and are happy with any buck.I dont find muledeer hunting in the rut very difficult,I am much more impressed with the early season muledeer that are taken in the Alpine.

And yet you were the first one to try to kiss my ass when I killed MNT. :p

10-22-2008, 09:31 PM
And yet you were the first one to try to kiss my ass when I killed MNT. :p

I cant remeber that.But I will make you a gentlemens bet,that I will take a bigger net muley this year then you do.:roll:

10-22-2008, 09:38 PM
You probably will as I'm willing to bet I eat tag soup this year. My season has already been my best season ever and I haven't killed a thing. :cool:

10-22-2008, 09:53 PM
Dino, The problem with the gang the last few years is,there hasnt been enough snow to push the big bucks down.I would make my discion where to hunt based on the snow conditions on the dates you are going to hunt.The biggest bucks we have taken have always been in pretty deep snow and were with only with a few does.Alot of times the big boys arent chasing the does ,the does are going into the timber after the buck.If I was you I would look at the Quesnel lake area very carefully.

10-22-2008, 09:59 PM
No one can take anything away from Dana's passion for hunting or his ability to take big game year after year. I've always been impressed with the criiters he posts on this site for all of us to see and I've really appreciated the knowledge he has to offer on hunting. Coming from an inexperienced Van-island deer hunter this probably isn't worth much, eh Dana. Having said this however, I've also come to realize that I think one of the only things that Dana's better at than hunting is getting under other people's skin....if you let him!:-P

Happy hunting boys!

10-22-2008, 10:04 PM
I've put this November aside for a big buck this year. It's been several years since I went all out but I'm off for 4 weeks so I'm going to follow the migration out of the Quesnel Highlands hoping to see many big bucks. I expect to eat my tag also (hope I'm wrong:twisted:).

10-22-2008, 10:27 PM
I've put this November aside for a big buck this year. It's been several years since I went all out but I'm off for 4 weeks so I'm going to follow the migration out of the Quesnel Highlands hoping to see many big bucks. I expect to eat my tag also (hope I'm wrong:twisted:).

Now that is one of BC's best kept secrets!!

I hit the migration bang on one year and saw many bucks including a couple that made my gut wrench to pass up hoping for better.

10-22-2008, 10:52 PM
Its not just my mind Dana, and for the record I was hunting the chilcotin alpine long before this site was even here,as for your info for the area all we did was talk about how we hunted the same ground and had the same thoughts about the genetics there. I dont lie and I did not know where you lived then. you flatter yourself to much. I think you are an excellent hunter. that is now the only thing I respect about you. As for Blackbart I agree with you on almost everything you had to say but what you dont know about me is that I have lots of honey holes that have produced dozens and dozens of bucks,this is not my first year hunting, I think if you watch some of my videos you would see that.I am at a level now where I want to shoot a trophy and I just ask for help from some of the guys that are already at the next level or above like dana so I can move to the next level.I live in a city with 2 million other people and getting out to the bush puts us all here at a disadvantage.I work hard when I hunt every chance I get and I am not afraid to ask questions at the risk of sounding inexperienced or dumb.
BC rams you say youve hunted with dana. Knowing what you do for a living I would pay your way if you ever want to go on a hunt with me.Just to pick your brain. And so would alot of other guys.
for the rest of you guys out there I am not a cheater I have worked hard to get where I am but sometimes you just got to ask the teacher for help.

10-23-2008, 05:06 AM
I would go to Clearwater and give it a shot.

It is always nice to look over new country and learn where game is and where it is not ,go for it ,go to Clearwater.

10-23-2008, 06:13 AM
I can't comment on the gang. But the mountains around Clearwater are as blackbart posted. Only FisherDude could knock one off the road.

I think the Ilanders like it because it reminds them of home. :smile:

Thanks for the vote of confidence Mr D. 99.9% of hunters don't know how to road hunt, yet they don't ask me for advice on the best CDs to play or what XM satellite stations to tune into when road hunting. Nor do they ask about the appropriate setting on the heated leather seats so that one doesn't become complacent while driving, not noticing deer, while their ass overheats.

That's okay, I'll just keep my road hunting secrets to myself. :frown:

10-23-2008, 07:13 AM
Thanks for the vote of confidence Mr D. 99.9% of hunters don't know how to road hunt, yet they don't ask me for advice on the best CDs to play or what XM satellite stations to tune into when road hunting. Nor do they ask about the appropriate setting on the heated leather seats so that one doesn't become complacent while driving, not noticing deer, while their ass overheats.

That's okay, I'll just keep my road hunting secrets to myself. :frown:

Hey Fishy,Is it my imagination or has your hunting success rate gone way down hill since you bought that noisy chev diesel.:p

10-23-2008, 07:31 AM
IMO too many people concentrate on the GANG RANCH and Churn creek. There are way better areas than both of these and these areas are less than an hours drive from the gang. Try getting into country that no one else gets into and you will find bigger and better deer, although there is sometimes fewer deer. If i didnt still have a reg 3 muley tag to fill i would head down to the fraser to a little spot i know of and i know i could pull out a monster if given the time in there!

10-23-2008, 07:41 AM
Deer are smart. Past history and success by hunters within the Gang Ranch has carried over to this generation of hunters.

The problem is, over time, bucks have gradually gravitated to other holes where virtually no hunters go these days.

The lack of heavy early season snowfalls also contribute to fewer 'migratory' bucks showing up until well after the hunting season is over.

10-23-2008, 08:44 AM
is that I have lots of honey holes that have produced dozens and dozens of bucks,this is not my first year hunting,

Sounds like you have some good spots, you just have to stop shooting the smaller bucks. If you keep shooting 160 class bucks they will never get bigger.

Every place in the is province that has mule deer has some monsters. Find the out of the way spots and pass on the deer most guy would get mounted.


10-23-2008, 08:53 AM
We used to hunt the "Ranch" back in the 80's and 90's and it was good hunting, not great, but good. It was always weather dependent. If we did not see a lot of snow in the hills behind Van or through the Fraser Canyon, we new it would be a hard hunt, so we usually went back past Big Creek and moved until we found them.

Went back to the old haunts a couple of years ago and could not put up with the crowds. Left after three days and hunted around home. I have heard that it is a gong show there.

There is lots of good places to hunt and all hold a trophy or two, just need to put in your time and use your past experience.


Mr. Dean
10-23-2008, 12:04 PM
Thanks for the vote of confidence Mr D. 99.9% of hunters don't know how to road hunt,

This I believe!

I see more than a 'few' where I go that get frustrated with the lack of critter sightings and start chattin' me up. I sadly don't know how to Road Hunt (except for Grouse) either (proven FACT) and offer them up my style, in every possible detail that the length of conversation allows....

You should send me some detailed pointers; something that I can laminate and pass on to people. :wink:

I understand both players dilemmas (dino and Dana) - I have in the past offered up 'hot-spots' to others with explicit ways of what works and what doesn't. 100% of them always chosen the "what doesn't" approach. The only reason being (that I can tell) that it's easier to access.

That's fine... it's their decision. But, over time and because of these fella's insistence on relentlessly trying the easy approach, (even knowing that I'm in there trying also) the deer bug out and the area is spoiled - If deer can't rest, they'll find a new place to bed (only my theory, but IMO it makes sense).

I call this a lesson learned - I can't begin adding up what this area has costed me in both time and expenses, not only to find, but to get it 'figured' out; HUGE efforts on both parts.

WTS, I sucked it up and accepted it for what it was, without pointing fingers and bitching on and on about it; I bought a new pair of boots and began exploring new areas, starting from scratch (ground zero) all over again, leaving the old one for the other guys. In my short hunting career, this exact scenario has happened twice. It's beginning to take on the feel that I'm out there for them, as the 'moves' are on for #3.

IMO there's some good advice in this thread for the guy that truly 'wants' it and I'm listening very closely to ALL of it (thanks!). I concur, if ya wannit, you need to find it. That or buy a guide, as his services will come cheaper than that of you trying it on your own.

Personally, I live for the adventure so a G/O is outta the question and so is asking others for "The Spot". I will however pass on every tidbit of knowledge that I gain as this is what I see serves best in forming a hunter. Be it a fellow that wants a spiker for the freezer OR something for the wall. Others may think differently and that's alright too; there's a place for everyone in this game.

Knowing how a critter 'thinks' is much better serving than knowing where one is IMO. I think dino knows/thinks this too. I really can't fault him, for the lack of better terms, "fishing". I see it all the time on here; I think it's a sign of frustration (?). WTS, my best advice to him would be ta get out there and start hunting.... Pick a mountain and GO! Then post some pics, tell us the story and PLEASE pass on any pertinent details of HOW you did it. DON'T GIVE UP! - Hopefully some encourging words will ease up some of this frustration you're feeling, Bud.

And when you do connect, for my benefit,,,, PLEASE don't tell me "turn left here, go past 3 spurs, take another left at the witches tree then look for the trail where the ground-hog shits at 10:30 each day..." All this will do is take years of enjoyment out of my adventures OR make the list of places I can't go because someone told me about it (which is getting pretty sizable), thus shedding years off of my adventures. Either way it's a catch 22 for me - I just wanna learn from ya. :smile:

Again, I think there's some good advice in this thread. Advice that could prove true for either Cleawater or Gang. The only way to find out though,,, is to GO!

BTW. Good Luck!
You seem to be a hardcore hunter and I'm sure that it's just around the corner. :mrgreen:

I'm-a-rootin' for ya.

10-23-2008, 12:16 PM
Hey Fishy,Is it my imagination or has your hunting success rate gone way down hill since you bought that noisy chev diesel.:p

Hell no BHF, you haven't been keeping up, have you? I'm down to one deer tag left and 6 weeks of season - I think I should partner up with a Tundra driver so that I can make this season last! :razz:

10-24-2008, 08:34 PM
I understand that this buck was caught in a farmers fence near Clearwater just recently.. He was weak and dehydrated. After some rehydration and rest he was released back into wild near there. http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/data/500/medium/Whitetail_Hospital.jpg (http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/showphoto.php?photo=10997&size=big&cat=500)

11-25-2008, 05:57 PM
Hey Dana, when we were talking in the summer I did mention the clearwater area to you and what I heard, but make no mistake about it I did not know you lived in birch island only minutes away from Clearwater and some of your favorite hunting area of 3-40 . I found that out later by some of your many friends on here that you have also disrespected and p oed. My decision is clear now and it is clearwater,and as far as fishing for help your right, I am always looking for advise to help me out, so is almost everyone else regardless of where they live. I appoligise to everyone else for airing this laundry but My skin is not that thick right now and I dont take any disrespect from anybody.Ever!


So dino, your skin isn't very thick yet you chose to stir it up with the Clearwater boys by claiming your Gang buck was from Clearwater. Looks to me that you were more than just joking around. You had an agenda to stir, which I've been told by the mods on this site, breaks the rules. Not unlike me calling your buck a rat. ;) Really, whos the rat? Dana is always the bad guy but what about dino. If you are going to stir, maybe get some tough skin and lighten up so you can handle those that will stir back. Cowboy up and stop your crying. :tongue:

Mr. Dean
11-25-2008, 06:23 PM
..... I kinda saw the humour in dino's dead deer thread.

Like,,, it's not rocket science. Everyone knows that the big boys hole-up in Clearwater. dino's buck slightly surpasses status of dink. Clearly it didn't come from there (CW). It's obvious. :lol:

11-25-2008, 06:25 PM
You had an agenda to stir...

Just like you.:roll: