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View Full Version : Little Bro's first deer on his first hunt!!!

Flingin' Sticks
10-14-2008, 11:37 AM
Before I went back home to 100 mile for the long weekend to see my family, I called up my youngest brother and told him to pick up his Jr. licence and we'd see if we could tag him out on a little buck on my tag. only problem is that he turned 14 later that weekend, so I only had about 36 hrs to try and get him onto something....not exactly an easy task.

So we head out the first night I got home (saturday) around the Lone Butte area and got absolutely skunked!!! most exciting thing to happen was getting stopped by a CO. that night I ended up until about 2AM waiting to pick up my other brother from the Greyhound, so I was thinking that the morning hunt may not even happen.

6:30 rolls around and of course, my little brother pokes his head into my room and politely tells me to get my @ss out of bed to go hunting....damn good choice.

to wrap it out, he did amazing when the little two pt walked out of the bush at about 30 yards, and like that put his first deer on the ground...a day before He turned 14!!! He's in the process of taking his CORE through school, so I think that I just got another lifelong hunting partner out of the deal.

I'll try to post up a couple of pics later when they are sent to me. I didn't have my camera with me.

10-14-2008, 11:47 AM
way to go little bro :) - lookin forward to pictures Flingin :)

10-14-2008, 12:20 PM
Good going there little bro ,will be looking forwards to the pic.