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View Full Version : The Wife(tm) scores a doe!

10-14-2008, 11:01 AM
So, after what has to be the worst season we've ever had of hunting, The Wife(tm) decided that she'd had enough of this not-shooting-anything thing. So, this morning, we headed into the MU she has a whitetail doe LEH in. She setup on this nice bench area, and I headed off down the road about a kilometer and started a long slow walk back towards her.

I saw a pile of cow elk milling around in several openings, and so I spent a good hour trying to find a bull in their midst. No bull. No surprise.

Eventually, I finished making my way along the bench and past The Wife(tm)'s position about 150 yards down-mountain from her. I then turned around and headed back to the truck, still moving very very slow. You'd think I should be expecting the shot, given the area, and the fact that The Wife(tm) was going to shoot the first whitetail bigger than a fawn that stuck it's head out. But, I wasn't - and so when the gun went off about 150 yards up-mountain from me, I jumped bigtime, and my heart did a backflip in my chest.

I stopped moving and sat tight, waiting for the call on the radio. I didn't have to wait long - "deer down" The Wife(tm) says, "deer down". Sweet! Tenderoloins for supper tomorrow night!!!! (they're better eatin if you give em 24 hours for the rigor to get out of em).

I headed over, and sure enough, there was The Wife(tm) standing over a nice fat little doe. Not quite the matriarch of the valley, but she'd definitely had a couple of years or so to put some meat on her bones (as my achin back can attest!). A few photos, and some quick field dressing (I am amazed at how fast/clean I'm getting at that job - 5 minutes flat, and hardly a fleck of blood on my clothes), and a 1/2 kilometer drag back to the truck, and that was that.

Ballistic performance - the ole' 168 grain Nosler Ballistic Tip had knocked it clean over when it hit, and the deer had staggered to it's feet and only gone about 20 yards before it went down for good. During the post-mortem, it had done exactly what I'd figured it would do at the lower velocities I'm running them at (impact in this case would have been approx 2600FPS); lots of expansion, plenty of shrapnel through the vitals (they were all pretty much jello), and enough bullet/bullet parts left to complete a clean pass through and leave an exit hole I could put 4 fingers in. Had blood trailing become necessary, that would not have been a problem - a blind man could have followed the blood trail she left. Didn't mess up the meat too bad either; typical bloodshot around the holes, but nothing too radical (I've seen my 303 do just as bad or worse). Unlike my experience with the non-expansion of the 180 Sierra's and the apparently poor expansion of the Hornady Interbond's last year - I am totally happy with how these performed.

Anyhoo, before someone whines about no pic's, here's a pic. :)


10-14-2008, 11:06 AM
Wow! Those whitetail does sure are pretty! So your wife has a Doug fir, and a whitey!! How bout you brotherjack? She's ahead by two, time for some catch up!! Awesome!!:-P Moosin

10-14-2008, 11:14 AM
Much bigger smile today then the last picture you posted of her. Nice going you two.

10-14-2008, 11:17 AM
Good score on the deer your wife got brother http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon14.gif.

She looks a lot happier in this photo.

This doe will be a good eater ,congrats to your wife on getting the job done http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon14.gif.

10-14-2008, 11:19 AM
Congrats.....Will be excellent eating (maybe not as flavourable, but definitely more tender than the Doug Fir)...Probably weighs as much, if not more than your average 2 or 3 point buck......Can't eat antler anyhows....

Now its your turn Jack.....No matter what you get for a buck, it will score more than her deer:smile::smile:

10-14-2008, 11:28 AM
Congratz on the doe! Hardwork pays OFF! now just something I would like to add, When you find some cow elk feeding hangin out in meadows, MOST times any Substantial Bull Elk will be lingering in the thicker bush NEARBY, at this time you may make some contact (draw out a Bull) by using some cow TALK! HOOTCHEE MOMMA (lost cow setting) just a couple cow mews over a few minutes, then wait see if BIG GUY shows himself! worked for me several times over last few years! good luck!

10-14-2008, 11:28 AM
Now its your turn Jack.....No matter what you get for a buck, it will score more than her deer:smile::smile:

I've got a doe LEH too, so maybe not! :) Though, I am trying to hold out for a buck. I have a vague idea where one on par with what The Wife(tm) shot last year is hanging out, I just haven't seen him since shooting season started. :(

10-14-2008, 11:43 AM
When you find some cow elk feeding hangin out in meadows, MOST times any Substantial Bull Elk will be lingering in the thicker bush NEARBY, at this time you may make some contact (draw out a Bull) by using some cow TALK! HOOTCHEE MOMMA (lost cow setting) just a couple cow mews over a few minutes, then wait see if BIG GUY shows himself! worked for me several times over last few years! good luck!

Yeah, I dug around in my fanny pack looking for the spare elk call I usually pack with me - I was gonna try just that. Somehow I managed to get off without this morning. :( Oh well, I got a real good look at them, and plenty of time to observe - pretty sure there was no bull.

Side note - what on earth do you guys do with a hoochie mamma that makes elk come to you? I've only once ever seen/had an elk come over and see me because I honked a hoochie mamma at him. The other hundred times or so, they either ignore the call alltogether, bugle at it but don't come close (and run like hell if I try to go after them), or circle around downwind in the thick timber till they get my scent and then bail out before I ever even get to lay eyes on them. I just don't get it - everyone says it works, but it's never worked for me, particularly.

10-14-2008, 12:06 PM
Congratulations to you and your wife. I tried to fill my doe tag in 8-09 and, despite good tips from an HBC member, I came up short, so I feel your pain!

10-14-2008, 12:13 PM
Just wondering if we can have an update on the injured sappling from the other day? Gonna survive or will it have to be tagged? :razz:

10-14-2008, 12:18 PM
Nice looking doe there, she will be good eatin!

Stone Sheep Steve
10-14-2008, 12:25 PM
That's as "flat" as a "flatop" gets;).

Good work!

Enjoy those tenderloins!:cool:

Congrats to the missus!


10-14-2008, 02:11 PM
Congrats! One the first. It's great to hear you finally found a rifle that shoots for you both.

Bow Walker
10-14-2008, 06:44 PM
Congratulations to the (tm) ! I always enjoy reading of you and your (tm)...

10-14-2008, 09:35 PM
or circle around downwind in the thick timber till they get my scent and then bail out before I ever even get to lay eyes on them. I just don't get it - everyone says it works, but it's never worked for me, particularly.

Well BJ if your call made them circle you to get your scent the call actually did work and it was your setup that was wrong. Always use elk calls in locations where the elk have to expose themselves to you in order to circle downwind of you.
Alternatively, in very heavy cover, blow your elk call then get yourself 100 to 200 yards downwind in a hurry and find a hidey hole and wait for him.

10-14-2008, 11:33 PM
Yeah, I dug around in my fanny pack looking for the spare elk call I usually pack with me - I was gonna try just that. Somehow I managed to get off without this morning. :( Oh well, I got a real good look at them, and plenty of time to observe - pretty sure there was no bull.

Side note - what on earth do you guys do with a hoochie mamma that makes elk come to you? I've only once ever seen/had an elk come over and see me because I honked a hoochie mamma at him. The other hundred times or so, they either ignore the call alltogether, bugle at it but don't come close (and run like hell if I try to go after them), or circle around downwind in the thick timber till they get my scent and then bail out before I ever even get to lay eyes on them. I just don't get it - everyone says it works, but it's never worked for me, particularly.
Yeh you gotta use the wind to your advantage, if the bull heads your way,or tries to circle you, then you have to move, move fast, and dont worry about breakin twigs or making some noise, "so does an elk when it moves most of the time in the undergrowth". try head through the bush as to set bull up for you to get a veiw of him! and hootchee momma works, check the adjustment for sounds! practice with a TAPED example! its gonna work! for you! it works for us! lol good luck! TRY TO SOUND S E X Y !! your married arn't ya???

10-15-2008, 05:55 AM
Congrats on the doe,fine eatin there.I`v got a doe tag as well but I think I`ll chase mulies for a while yet,my buddy got a nice 4x4 Monday eve so I went out and helped him load it and hang it in my shop.We`ll be butchering Sat. morning I guess.