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View Full Version : what do you guys use?????????

Sikanni Stalker
09-07-2005, 09:45 PM
I am going up this hill on a solo hunt. Do you guys bring a stove and if so what type or do you do fires. i am thnking that if a fire doesn't bust you, then what you are cooking will.I thought I would bring a coleman hiking stove (oil) for tea and maybe soup and jerkey.what do you guys eat up there? I will be on the hill for three days. Taking everything with me.


Tarp Man
09-07-2005, 10:04 PM
Tim, I use one pot meals. Lipton sidekicks are a good choice for flavor and as a base to add jerky, sausage, etc to. One package is a good meal for a hunter. I cook over a single burner Primus tank top stove. It's quiet, the tanks last for about 10 meals and they pack small. For trips longer than 3 days I use my Primus Omnifuel, burning white gas. The stove is heavier, but I can monitor my fuel use better with the white gas tank than a isopropane/butane tank. See if you can pack your stove, matches or lighter and eating tools into your pot to save space. I also use plain leather work gloves as pot holders and eat out of the pot. I carry a cheap insulated plastic mug for drinks, and storing hot chocolate and oatmeal packages. So far it works well as a system. Good luck for your time and watch for yoggies. We saw a whole bunch when I was up in your neck of the woods during the any bull season.
-Tarp Man