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View Full Version : Introducing daughters to hunting...

09-28-2008, 02:35 PM
I've read several threads of sons going out with "Dad" and hunting, thanks to you all!
What about daughters? With 3, I've got my work cut out for me.
If it were not too much to ask, how many go out and hunt with daughters?
I'd like to think I've made an effort to introduce them, but perhaps there is something else I could try? Some others' stories may help.
I know it is a matter of "just getting them out", but I think I might be missing some other hints or secrets.
Thanks in advance.

Stone Sheep Steve
09-28-2008, 02:51 PM
I've read several threads of sons going out with "Dad" and hunting, thanks to you all!
What about daughters? With 3, I've got my work cut out for me.
If it were not too much to ask, how many go out and hunt with daughters?
I'd like to think I've made an effort to introduce them, but perhaps there is something else I could try? Some others' stories may help.
I know it is a matter of "just getting them out", but I think I might be missing some other hints or secrets.
Thanks in advance.

My daughter is soon to be 6 and my son is 9 . Hopefully, my son will want to hunt when he's older. He likes it (a bit) but LOVES the meat.
My daughter will be the big hunter in the familly...without a doubt. Not only does she want to know what we're eating but what part of the animal it is. How many kids wake uip in the morning and pop in their Dad's hunting videos?? Heck of a caller as well.
Wish I could have taken her on my elk hunt this year. She would have had a blast(wife said NO WAY).


09-28-2008, 03:08 PM
My daughter(14) has been out several times with me...Her school work isn't quite up to par so I limit her to weekend trips. My son(16) on the other hand is an honours student and he goes for a week moose hunting.They both enjoy hunting,she has yet to fire a big gun but my son already shot his first moose two years ago...



09-28-2008, 03:11 PM
I 1st introduce my daughter to quading,then shed hunting.. I put her into my back pack and off we go..make it enjoyable for the child and the want to go with dad will follow. Do what they want to do , go where they want, stop when they say stop, eat when they are hungry.. Let her be around when dad skins the deer ask for there help.. this summer i brought the .22 out for my daughters 1st go around. Loves it. Hvae fun with the kids thats what its all about. duke

09-28-2008, 03:15 PM
I have 2 daughters all grown up now with kids of their own. I was a single parent for a number of years with them and they both knew how to shoot gut and indentify track. I did not even give it a second thought that they were girls and this may be foriegn territory for them. My youngest daughters husband just got into hunting and she is showing him a few things that must have stuck with her when I took her out with me.

09-28-2008, 03:24 PM
I've taken both my girls out looking for grouse. They are 3 and 5. both seem to enjoy it.

09-28-2008, 03:34 PM
The gender shouldn't make a difference, take them on a grouse day out and work up from there. The ones that get the bug will let you know.
My daughter turns 10 in Nov and has already informed me the I'm taking her hunting, while her big brother stays home with Mom!!

09-28-2008, 03:36 PM
My daughter used to come out with me quite a bit.

Was with me when we got a bear once and helped gut and skin it as slick as her mom does. A very good hand butchering at home too. We did two deer together one time when my wife was away.

Started her with an air rifle at around four, then the .22 and she was shooting the 6.5x55 Mauser and 243 at 12.

Got her PAL and is a pretty good shot, but never got around to taking the CORE before she moved out and got married.

09-28-2008, 03:38 PM
I have 2 daughters,20 and 16.The youngest one has her hunting licience.She hasn't shot anything yet,but loves to get out there.She did catch her biggest spring this year @ 33 lbs.

09-28-2008, 04:25 PM
My oldest got her hunting liscence when she was I think 16 :) Shes been out several times and enjoys it !

Of my othr three girls Im sure my youngest will want to do so as well ! They see how much its a part of your life and how much you enjoy it so that sparks their interest . What they do after being introduced is dependent on their personalities !


09-28-2008, 06:11 PM
My youngest daughter loved to come out with me from the age of 8 but the oldest had little interest. I brought her along every chnace I got and she loved being out with her brother and I. She shot several grouse over the years but is now involved in University and her career.


09-28-2008, 08:59 PM
Heading out with my 12 yr. old daughter for opening on any buck Reg. 8. for a few days hoping to find something with some bone, and a few grouse for a primer along the way.
good luck to all

09-28-2008, 09:34 PM
My daugher who is now 18 has been on several hunts with me. We ALWAYS do our annual 4 day bear hunt. She has took her first 40 inch moose at 12 with a 300 WM.
Called it in to 30 yards and made a great shot. Keep your girls involved in all aspects of hunting, including the preperation, unpack,meat cutting. My daughter sees it as part of her lifestayle now and can't go with out it, to the point of driving me crazy every year about when is the next hunt and when we're leaving.
Good luck to you and your daughters.

09-29-2008, 03:39 PM
My daughter is 19 and has gone hunting and exploring with me many times. She loves the outdoors and is looking at taking outdoors oriented courses at college. We are going deer hunting tomorrow for three days and she asked me if we were going hunting on my days off. I feel blessed.

09-29-2008, 03:52 PM
If you want kids of any age to love hunting or for that matter fishing the way tothe heart is a layed back time and a picnic.I dont mean some half assed can of beans, I mean french bread, coldcuts, potatoe salad, pickles, smoked salmon,and when it is cooler spiced hot apple cider.Make the day a joy and you will have hunting partners for life.

09-29-2008, 04:03 PM
My Daughter Jordyn turned 5 today(I turned 36, we share the same B day:)). She was with me when she was almost 3 when I got a spring bear and that fall she was there when we got a buck. We are loading up our trailer today and heading to reg8 tom. for a 5 day hunting trip. My wife and son(2yrs old) are also coming. Rob

09-29-2008, 06:00 PM
My daughter is 10 and came on her first trip this spring for bear she had a great time. She asked to come this fall so this Thanksgiving weekend I am going to take her out camping and hunting for 4 days...

09-29-2008, 06:51 PM
I have taken my daughter along since she was 5 with road hunt / picnic's so she enjoyed the day and was with me on several succesful hunts.


She is now 14 and has her own licence & tags and is leaning toward x-bows. I'm in full support.


I'm very proud of her. I think the bumper sticker aluded to in another thread "girls hunt too" is in order...

09-29-2008, 07:05 PM
Loving it.....showing my gals this thread. The middle girl (13) has been showing the most interest.
She's doing alot of thinking about this "killing stuff".
Enjoys plinking with the .22 and pellet gun, is a wicked shot on chunks of 2x4 the size of chickens.
So, next comes "the" transition.......wish me luck!
I do have to say though, throughout this thread, there has been a consistent point of "just being out there". Success in the hunt is one thing, but being out there enjoying the wilderness and the company of Dad or whomever it may be, is the important thing.

Big Blaze
09-29-2008, 08:01 PM
I gotta say guys this is an awsome thread. I recently had a duaghter(shes only 5 months old) and i cant wait until the time comes when we can go out together, weather its quading, fishing, or hunting. Awsome post, it gives me and im sure others with young children some awsome thoughts of times to come out in the bush...cheers!!

09-29-2008, 09:47 PM
Got this 2x3 immature moose on Saturday and as it was bit of a pack back to the truck so we decided to go grab a quad from our work as it was only 40 minutes back to town. On the way back my hunting buddy picked up his 5 year old daughter to 'help'. She was very intrigued by the whole process and seemed to enjoy everything about it. She is definitely a hunteress in the making!

09-29-2008, 10:03 PM
Nice to see other dad's out there with their daughters.
I have girls that love to quad, camp, fish and shoot. They haven't gone on a hunt yet, but they are very good at finding sign. At 9 years old they knew the difference between moose, deer and bear droppings and being so short, they can see the faintest deer prints in the soil. We'll do some grouse hunting this fall, but wait till next year for a deer.

humble hunter
09-29-2008, 10:24 PM
The challenge is not taking your daughter that wants to hunt it is what to do with the one that doesn't. I have twin 9 year olds, one is right into hunting and the other is a girly girl. I am catching myself always wanting to do things with jenna (the future hunter) and not with Kendra (the girly girl). I have to find something that we can do that is special to her. Luckily ( i think) my wife is very good at reminding me about this. These are important years in their lives and who they will turn out to be in future will depend on their relationship with their dad.

09-29-2008, 10:31 PM
The challenge is not taking your daughter that wants to hunt it is what to do with the one that doesn't. I have twin 9 year olds, one is right into hunting and the other is a girly girl. I am catching myself always wanting to do things with jenna (the future hunter) and not with Kendra (the girly girl). I have to find something that we can do that is special to her. Luckily ( i think) my wife is very good at reminding me about this. These are important years in their lives and who they will turn out to be in future will depend on their relationship with their dad.

:) SHes gonna be just fine :) Shes got a Dad that cares ! !! Well done . All my respect !


Its amazin all the bad stuff talked about Dads ! Well heres some real Dads ! Thank you all for puttin your kids first !

Mr. Dean
09-30-2008, 12:26 AM
You guy's w/ kids are blessed!

Me,,,, I offer to take out kids of my friends and all I see is parents trying to 'protect' their offspring, from a person that has shared years worth of meals from each others tables.

Kinda rubs me a little..... Enjoy all that you can give! You're a lucky bunch. :mrgreen:

09-30-2008, 01:37 AM
I can't wait to take my 4yr old out for some grouse this year. I am an urban problem wildlife consultant and she proudly declares herself "Daddy's trapping partner and fishing partner". She can't wait until she can have her own rifle...she wants a pink one with princesses on it. I can't wait to get her one.

The Hermit
09-30-2008, 05:53 AM
When she was about 5 or 6 years old I made the mistake of taking my daughter out to the forest pre-dawn to walk into a spot and wait for the sunrise. She saw some old pair of running shoes hanging from a tree branch and got all freaked out... scared of the dark and strangeness of it all... Blair Witch kind of weird for her.

A memory I will never forget... I had a skinned deer hanging on the deck one year when she was about 6. The house had gone kinda quiet so I went looking for her and found her on the deck standing with her whole torso "inside" the body cavity of the deer! When I asked her what she was doing she replied "I just wanted to see what the inside of a deer is like". LOL

She is a girl's girl, bright, cute, professional singer/dancer/actor, with a degree in psych/biology and full time job in public health, heading into an MBA this spring. So hunting doesn't fit her current self image but I'm still holding some hope!

In the last couple years she has shown some interest in archery and shooting sports. She is a good shot and has taken the PPC program, and took to the recurve pretty quick too. Proud dad :redface:and last weekend I finally got her to join me on a "hunting" (quading) trip. I think she really enjoyed it.




09-30-2008, 07:55 AM
-Quote Hermit---Proud dad :redface:and last weekend I finally got her to join me on a "hunting" (quading) trip. I think she really enjoyed it.


When I saw you 2 up there, she looked like she was enjoying herself. I was going to ask you how long she has been hunting with you, but now I don't have too. Buy her her own quad and she'll come more often:D

09-30-2008, 08:48 AM
Great thread, got a newborn girl and want to do it right from the get-go, I want her out there showing the boys how it's done!

Rock Doctor
09-30-2008, 09:04 AM
I take my Daughters out as often as I can (which is quite often). 5yrs old, 3yrs old and 1yr old. All of them seem very enthusiastic about the outdoors, hunting and fishing. My wife encourages them to go out with me whenever I go, but I think she does it as much to get a break for herself as much as anything. Moose, Elk, Bear, Fishing, it doesn't seem to matter to them, as long as they get to go.


09-30-2008, 10:18 AM
Great thread, got a newborn girl and want to do it right from the get-go, I want her out there showing the boys how it's done!


My daughter is three and loves it on the forest service roads.
I'm going for what you said, She can show the boys how its done.


09-30-2008, 07:43 PM
-Quote Hermit---Proud dad :redface:and last weekend I finally got her to join me on a "hunting" (quading) trip. I think she really enjoyed it.

When I saw you 2 up there, she looked like she was enjoying herself. I was going to ask you how long she has been hunting with you, but now I don't have too. Buy her her own quad and she'll come more often:D

She's most likely a better shot than the old man too :lol: LOL!!

10-01-2008, 04:32 PM
She's most likely a better shot than the old man too :lol: LOL!!

Too funny - This is my first year hunting, but I have been shooting for years now - I remember taking the wife up the hill to do a little skeet shooting with the guys and damn if she didn't take us all to school on the first time she ever fired a gun.

I've got a 5 year old and a 3 year old daughter, and although this is my first year out looking to fill the freezer, I would like to get them involved.

As I was heading out the door on my last bear hunt with Offroad, 5 year old stops me and tells me she has something to say.

Pointing at the scope "Now daddy, when you see the bear you have to look at it very good through this thing, and then you shoot it right here" pointing to the side of her rib cage... Now how the heck does she know that????

I guess she HAS been paying attention when we watch wild TV...

Although I've been nervous about the reaction I will get when I bring home my first game, the fact that both daughters burst into tears when I didn't pull the trigger on the last bear we saw tells me I will be ok - oh why where they both crying?

"Daddy - we wanted sausage!!!"

10-02-2008, 01:30 PM
Just got back from Cowichan Lake on a scouting/hunting trip with my daughter. We put lots of k's on the Tracker looking around Cowichan and Haddon mains. LOTS of elk sign on Cowichan main, but didn't see any elk or deer. Saw a big Blacky though.

She organized the camper, cooked, cleaned up, and made the campfire without me asking and without complaint. She doesn't mind getting dirty, the rain, nor is she afraid of bears and other critters. I think I'll take her more often.:smile:

10-02-2008, 02:25 PM
Our 11 year old granddaughter lives with us, and my husband and I take her hunting all the time. She has had her own 22/shotgun for 3 years and got a 223 this year. She wrote her CORE last year, and passed with flying colors to the surprise of the instructor, and was the only one of the 3 of us who got a draw this year - Elk cow or calf and a whitetail doe! We started her with ground squirrels and grouse, and now she helps gut and skin and has to clean her own birds. She is right into it! Good spotter too. We just made it fun, stopped when she needed to and ate when she was hungry. Made sure she was warm at all times, since a child that is cold will not enjoy being out in the cold and wet. Her favorite thing was driving through mud puddles full blast in the jeep.

10-03-2008, 07:52 AM
Well back one day early from our Father / Daughter mini hunting trip to Reg, 8 for opening on any Buck. My girl is 12, she wanted to watch dad shoot a deer first then one day maybe her. She wanted to shoot grouse though. Well we had a great time! The bush was like walking on corn flakes so we resorted to checking areas and log outs with our Quad, so hot out hardly any deer movement, first game, a blue grouse, DONE! Next up can we have a wiener roast dad for our hot dogs! You bet, this is fun dad! As evening came we wanted to be checking out some new log out areas. There a doe ....and with her a small buck, after some questions to the daughter, are you sure you want me to shhot it? It's "shoot it dad I want ya to " and bingo ! we had our first buck together. I'll never forget the words after the shot "You got him dad! Way to go! " With dark approaching I had to work fast, luck was on our side as 2 locals helped me pull the deer to the road to put on the quad, they even held a leg while I dressed the critter. Thanks to you gentlemen! We found our ATV trail off the log out by dark and took the little buck off the mountain. Back to a day a grouse hunting for yesterday, Rain, not to many birds out but we managed to get a couple, had to beet the bush. She kept saying .... "this is fun dad". On the drive home I asked well would you do it again? Answer .... you bet, when can we go? It appears she's hooked !
I'll try to get the pics down loaded and ask some one to post for me.
Get out their gents, it was all smiles, laughs, safety, learning, and best of all some great memories. We'll be going again, now to get the other daughter hooked !

10-03-2008, 11:05 AM
Wildtv is definitely a bonus for getting kids interested....If at all possible in your area get them with you for turkey or elk...all of the gadgets are sure to get them interested. My daughter is 2 1/2 and she already rips off a pretty good bugle. I suggest using a bicycle tire type kids stroller as well...I use it for turkey and elk especially...when you get an answer, just throw a camo net over them and they can be right in the action. My son (5) helps me call turkeys since he was 2 and my daughter can be relied on for a pretty good hoochie mama call!

10-05-2008, 09:29 AM
posted for Curly Top


10-05-2008, 10:54 AM
Thanks Newhunterette for posting my girls hunting pic. As said smiles all day long, her favorite was hunting grouse and chasing them chickens, that grin says it all!
I'm just a little proud. The camera batteries went dead after this picture so no pics of her with grouse. Dang !!

10-05-2008, 07:08 PM
A young lady who I refer to as one of my "deputy daughters" took her CORE with her husband 2 weeks ago, and showed up at my door this morning with her first deer. One very proud young lady, one very proud deputy dad.
A friend of mine bought his daughters up to hunt and shoot, and one of them is past Cdn Champ at long range 22.
The "macho" thing is taqking quite a hit with all of the ladies showing us that they can do it just as well as we can. (in some cases, better.)

10-07-2008, 05:30 PM
I absolutely love this thread

as most of ya know I have 2 daughters and 1 son

oldest daughter (Azshia) is 20 and has been hunting with me since we both did our CORE when she was 16

(Breanne) is 17 and refuses to hunt but she loves outdoors and fishing and is a great shot with the .22 at targets

love it that Dad's are enjoying time with their daughters and giving them equal opportunity out there in the woods

Y'ALL ROCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!

10-08-2008, 04:12 PM
I never got to go hunting with my father (he passed away when I was 3) but my grandfather taught me how to shoot. I got my husband into hunting and now have a daughter myself. We hope she will enjoy the outdoors as much as we do. My husband calls me the redneck city girl.:-o

10-08-2008, 05:09 PM
I would teach them hunting the same as if I was teaching my boy.

They the young gals should be treated the same way as young boys.

10-08-2008, 07:53 PM
I've had my daughter in a back pack hunting deer when 4-5 months old and also in a buggy for elk. She's held up her first 2 grouse at just over a year and 4 months and liked to play with the moose antlers from a bull we took later on that fall. She had a blast reeling in her own fish ice-fishing when 2 1/2 yrs old (several trips) and was able to rip off short bugles for the first time after watching an elk video .... she can rip a good scream now at 3 yrs.

Little by little with exposure and hopefully she will grow into it! She loves 'grandpa's' quad too ...