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View Full Version : Grizz tag filled

09-02-2005, 07:54 PM
Palmer and I just returned from a very successful trip to the north. We both took moose and caribou, and i filled my leh grizzly tag. My moose was 43" and palmers was 55". Both were taken a long hike from any road. The grizz wasn't a huge one, about 6'5''. I took the first shot at 300 yds and the last one at 50 yds and it never stopped in between. I have difficulty with the pics, there are a few in my photo gallery. I'll try get some more up. Good luck to those jsut heading out.

09-02-2005, 08:41 PM
LT here ya go


09-02-2005, 08:43 PM
btw nice animals!!!!


ex bc guide
09-02-2005, 08:46 PM
congrats on your hunt good looking animals.

09-02-2005, 09:22 PM
LT did the grizz charge in your direction after the first shot? How many shots were fired and what calibre rifle?

Thanks, Marc.

09-02-2005, 09:35 PM
Very successful hunt I must say. I had a very good preview of those pics 2 days ago and stared at them for hours.

09-02-2005, 09:53 PM
nice moose and bear. Well done!

09-02-2005, 10:30 PM
It took a total of five shots to drop the bear, all the time it was moving towards us. The very last shot was only at 10 yds with a .338. i emptied 4 shots from my 7mm. I never hit it all that good, 3 shots in the shoulder but a little low, one in the neck and the final one thru the heart They are one tough animal.

09-02-2005, 10:45 PM
thats to close for comfert, nice pics LT. glad your still here to take them.

09-02-2005, 11:45 PM
Good job. I bet the haulin' was fun. Blew my knee cartilege on a bull moose near Valemount a couple years ago. Guess it was his way of getting back at me. Anyway, nice harvest.

Saw a beauty black bear today while checking out a deer spot for opening day. Those bears do melt into the understory pretty quick, don't they? :mad:


09-03-2005, 11:53 AM
awesome!! how was the weather? no problems with the heat?

09-03-2005, 02:25 PM
It was pretty warm and we had a lot of blow flies around the meet but it wasn't to bad. It took 2 of us about 20 hrs total to pack out the moose. Good thing it was downhill. All the big animals were way off the road, so it's hard work but it pays off in the end.

09-03-2005, 02:56 PM
Just out of curiosity how many animals did you pass up before you took your bull? Where are the pictures of palmers moose?


09-03-2005, 06:21 PM
We saw 5 moose on the plateau we were on, 2 cows 2 bulls and one unknown. We were actually sheep hunting and I just passed up a ram cause I wasn't 100% sure it was legal. We watched this bull for a couple hours and he wasn't going anywhere so once the sheep were gone we decided to get the moose. After dropping my bull I spotted a bull that I bet was 60-70". It made 43" look like a baby. I'll try send you Palmers moose pics.