View Full Version : Fall bear hunting for dummies

09-02-2008, 08:58 AM
What are the best tips you can provide for a fall bear hunt? On my way for my first bear hunt on Thursday. I've heard a few tips... find the berries find the bear, south facing slopes?, green patches... Any other top secret tips? More importantly, is there an easier way To determine the sex of a bear, rather than tackling him and and lifting his hind leg for proof? Cubs are an obvious sign, but why does Jim Shockey huff at the bears?

09-02-2008, 09:01 AM
What are the best tips you can provide for a fall bear hunt? On my way for my first bear hunt on Thursday. I've heard a few tips... find the berries find the bear, south facing slopes?, green patches... Any other top secret tips? More importantly, is there an easier way To determine the sex of a bear before to going up to the bear and lifting its hind leg for proof? Cubs are an obvious sign, but why does Jim Shockey huff at the bears?
Jim Huffs at the bears because he spends WAY too much time in the woods by himself !!

09-02-2008, 09:05 AM
Bears will head to salmon streams and berry bushes in the fall, but the best advice is probably to go deer hunting, and shootand if you see a nice bear, shoot him.:p

09-02-2008, 09:11 AM
Bears will head to salmon streams and berry bushes in the fall, but the best advice is probably to go deer hunting, and shootand if you see a nice bear, shoot him.:p

That's the plan!

09-02-2008, 09:18 AM
Great advice..the bears REALLY start concentrating on the berries once the first frost hits em..concentrates the sugars...

we were out bear hunting yesterday..bears still up fairly high blue stained scat indicates on the blueberries..not yet on the rosehips..

LOTS of berries comming along soon...salmon are also a great bet when they are in the streams locally..HORSEFLY river has a couple of PIG bears as evidenced by 6 1/2 inch front tracks...

black bears will be eating all day IF its cool out if not early and ESPECIALLY late..



09-02-2008, 09:49 AM
Try to stay away from the bears that are eating on the salmon streams. I shot one up pemberton way a few years back that was gorging on salmon and every package of meat I opened smelled like cod liver oil. Bears, like all animals seem to take on the taste of what they are eating and i just could not bring myself to eat red meat that smelled and tasted like fish.:sad:

09-03-2008, 06:59 AM
We were in the high country over the weekend (4900-6400 ft.) and saw three bear that we spent time deciding if we wanted to take them (we were youth deer hunting!). All were very large and good looking animals.... all were in the berry patches out in the wide open.....

Good luck!
