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View Full Version : 100 Mile Moose

08-12-2008, 12:24 PM
Now that I've posted a couple of times it seems that the questions are just starting to flow out...

Here goes another one:

Having spent some time wandering the sticks and rivers around 100 Mile and seeing multiple moose multiple times (and some monsters at that), it strikes me somewhat odd that there isn't any GOS (spike or WHY) for moose in Region 5. I am aware of some LEH opportunities but that is it.
Does anyone have a rationale or opinion for this?

Another naive question I suspect but I am loving the learning curve of the new hunter. I hope to be able to offer advice at some point as my hunting experience increases.

thanks very much


Flingin' Sticks
08-12-2008, 12:30 PM
ah yes, the region five spike-fork gos. We actually had one about five years ago for exactly one season. I had a bull draw at the time so I didn't take advantage of it, but my father in law did manage to drop one. After that season though, we lost it for some strange reason with no consultation. Word on the street at the time was (and I stress that I can't confirm it, but it does sound plausable) that too many non legal animals were being shot and left, and the native communites took exception to this petitioned for a stop to the season. personally, I don't think that this was ever a problem (non-legal animals being shot and left) and that certain groups didn't want to see the season at all, but I don't know this for sure.

Personally I think that it would be a good thing, both for hunter numbers and wildlife mangement to either open up a spike-fork season in region five again,or jack up the number of LEH authorizations for that area, considering that many, many animals are hit and killed on highways nowadays around 100 Mile.

Just my 2 cents

08-12-2008, 12:54 PM
I hunt 5-13 lots, and see lots of moose!! Tons of moose!! Not sure why there is no GOS for spikers, but I guess the biologists must have made the decision based on STRONG science!! Moosin

08-12-2008, 12:57 PM
The rationale I got was based on a lack of first nations consultations and the shot and left argument.

Personally I think there are too many LEH's here for the moose that are out there. Despite the pressure they do get hit on the highway.