View Full Version : Range Finder Suggestions

Iron Glove
08-12-2008, 08:58 AM
I'm getting old, eyesight poor and I never could estimate distance worth a damn so thought I'd try a Range Finder.
Any suggestions on models and where to buy? In Vancouver but prepared to order on line if its a really good deal.
I'm mainly a 100 to 200 yard deer hunter, not into long shots (too crappy of a shooter !!). Wear glasses so something easy on glasses would be nice.
Price range maybe $300 - $400 tops ??

08-12-2008, 09:10 AM
I got a Leupold RXII on Ebay. Much cheaper than local retail. Check out our sponsors, you maybe surprised.

As to which one. I'm sure that will evident soon!!

The 'Hummer'
08-12-2008, 09:10 AM
As with vehicles or brands of any product, if you talk to ten people, you'll get eleven opinions. A few years ago, and primarily to use in conjunction with bow hunting I bought a Bushnell scout, 750 I believe it was. This year I gave that one to my son and picked up the Bushnell Scout 1000 with ARC. I paid $331.00, it works well, has the ARC feature, in addition to other features, which it handy for archery and seems to fall in the price range you've mentioned. Pretty user friendly as well.

08-12-2008, 09:27 AM
The Range Finders are like Binocluars some fit your eyes better than others so go into a store that has differant brands and look through them all and then pick out the best one for the money you want. Most brands are all good so its just a mater of choice along with the price. I have the Leica 1200 and love it.

08-12-2008, 11:14 AM
I also have the LEICA 1200..and love it..

I have found it is much more than an aid.it is HELPING me in my ability to more accuratly judge distances..up untill now I have said"yup that LOOKS like 221 yards" based on what I had always done and thought was 100 yards..well I find my estimates were off..what I was thinking was 100 yards was in actuality only 60-70 yards so this unit is helping me stop lying..errrr I mean more closely judge correct distances..


08-12-2008, 12:52 PM
Bushnell Scout 1000 is the best model for your needs @ $250 after mail in $50 rebate

08-12-2008, 02:11 PM
I have been studying this subject for over a year trying to make up my mind on what brand to purchase. All of the good reviews from many different sources have been strongly in favor of the Leica 1200. Pricey but it works very well and ranges on game with better results out to 800 yards.

Iron Glove
08-12-2008, 02:27 PM
Bushnell Scout 1000 is the best model for your needs @ $250 after mail in $50 rebate

From where ?
I can get the 1000 ARC for $311.64 to my door on EBay ??

08-12-2008, 02:51 PM
Another vote for Bushnell 1000 ARC..........l stayed with my old 800 pro (bushnell)for years cause it worked so well and until the arc feature came along, couldn't justify upgrading to anything that could do alot better then what my old unit could. Most rangefinders are good units regardless of the brand ......find one that fits you and your pocket book and your good to go.

08-13-2008, 10:09 PM
Leica (1200) makes the smallest, lightest rangefinder and is user freindly, Leupold makes a decent rangefinder with a few add ons if it is raining or foggy. Bushnell? ummm, Fore!!!! But for the range you are looking at using I would say just about anything will do ya.

Iron Glove
08-14-2008, 10:19 AM
Thanks for all the suggstions - its been very helpful.
I found a Leica 1200 crf on Ebay but its allegedly "new" but no box, no instructions, no accessories. :roll: Started at @ $50 but has been bid up to @ $450 now. Good price but I'm a bit leery.
Looks like a Bushnell Scout 1000 ARC - can get delivered to the door from EBay for $311.

Night Hawk 3
08-14-2008, 11:25 AM
For what it's worth, give Omineca source for sports a call... we just picked up two Leica 1200s the other day from them: the best price we could find, they they gave us another $30 each off, and then they paid for expedited shipping as well - Now that's hard to beat. (+ no eBay B.S.)

Ordered Friday mid-morning and arrived Monday afternoon.

The service was awesome and the Leica is a really nice unit.

There are a yards and meters versions, I got the yards version but sort-of wish I had got the meters version.

08-21-2008, 07:24 AM
I have the leica 900 and I love it about 400 bucks....