View Full Version : Inflatable boat

08-10-2008, 05:28 PM
My family is thinking of purchasing an inflatable boat with an outboard motor for some casual fishing and crabbing. The main reason why we have to go inflatable is because we don't have storage space to get a normal boat (living in a townhouse with the garage full of cars sucks).

We hope to keep the whole package under $1500 or so. Buying new is preferred but with the price constraint, might have to go used? Local shops or south of the border? Something that'll hold ~4-6 persons would be ideal. Any ideas?

08-10-2008, 05:44 PM
Check Craigslist Brian, I just bought my first tub!! A 16' Lund, but there a few to be had of what you seek.

08-10-2008, 05:51 PM
Check Craigslist Brian, I just bought my first tub!! A 16' Lund, but there a few to be had of what you seek.

A boat??????You could have bought my cannon

08-10-2008, 06:07 PM
Westmarine in Vancouver sells a green 13 foot sport boat that according to the catalog targets 'sportsman' for about that price.

We picked one up last year for the same reason you mentioned - appartment living and no space. We tried to find a used one but after seeing some ugly boats we found most people still want new boat prices for their old junk.

I can pack the wife, two young kids and a long weekends worth of camping gear pretty run an easy 30km/h from Vancouver up the sunshine coast.

Even with the inflatable keel these things are still basically a flat boat so you do need to slow down in ugly water but we have come back around point atkinson with six to seven foot following seas with no problem (the kids sleep through it).

The biggest problem you will have is where to rinse the outboard after a saltwater use.

If you go to Westmarine - ask for Alan, he is the most honest and understated retail guy I have ever done buisness with. If you mention my name you might confuse him - he has sold me more than one boat...

08-10-2008, 06:31 PM
Check Craigslist Brian, I just bought my first tub!! A 16' Lund, but there a few to be had of what you seek.

I have been checking craigslist, just aren't sure what is right for me and what isn't.. :redface:

Thanks DavidGordon, I will definitely check in with the shop you mentioned.

08-10-2008, 08:45 PM
I would look at the Seattle Craigslist lots of well priced Inflatables and what have you there.

08-10-2008, 10:43 PM
A boat??????You could have bought my cannon

Yes this but this is "OUR" boat :wink::wink:

08-10-2008, 10:58 PM
For new i would look south or the border!!! I have a couple friends who have pick up inflatables for great prices from the US.

08-11-2008, 10:47 AM
For new i would look south or the border!!! I have a couple friends who have pick up inflatables for great prices from the US.

Any suggestions on US shops? Definitely wouldn't mind buying in the States if the price is right.

08-11-2008, 11:20 AM
Any suggestions on US shops? Definitely wouldn't mind buying in the States if the price is right.

Sorry not sure where they got them but one of my friends has purchased a few online and even after shipping they were around half price. Good Luck

08-11-2008, 11:35 AM
Half price?? Is it any wonder why people flock to the US to buy stuff nowadays? :biggrin:

08-11-2008, 11:57 AM
This might do the trick:


Just need a 4hp outboard now.

BTW, do I need to take the boater exam online if/when I get the boat?

08-11-2008, 11:57 AM
Half price?? Is it any wonder why people flock to the US to buy stuff nowadays? :biggrin:

I do know that it took him a while to find a deal like that but they are out there. You just need to do lots of searching and i am geussing you have lots of time to look until sept. rolls around!

08-11-2008, 12:43 PM
This might do the trick:


Just need a 4hp outboard now.

BTW, do I need to take the boater exam online if/when I get the boat?

Anything under 16ft you require a license however 2009 every water craft operator will require a license.

Go to crappy tire and get one, they'll be cheap there.

08-11-2008, 02:09 PM
Should I go gas or electric as far as motors go? I see some electric trolling motors in Cambodian Tire website that are pretty cheap... thoughts?

08-11-2008, 03:36 PM
I would go with gas, electric is good if just trolling, but with 4or 5 people in a boat, going from point a to point b battery life is not going to long. A 9.9 on my Zodiac will get up on step with 2 adults and 2 teanagers.

08-11-2008, 04:11 PM
I would go with gas, electric is good if just trolling, but with 4or 5 people in a boat, going from point a to point b battery life is not going to long. A 9.9 on my Zodiac will get up on step with 2 adults and 2 teanagers.

Hmm I see. I guess most gas-operated brands are similar? How much does a 4hp usually cost? (I say 4hp because that's the max output that boat recommends apparently)

08-11-2008, 11:24 PM
I am kind of in the same situation as you rishu, I want a boat but I don't want a pain in the ass. I have been looking at zodiac style rigid hull boats, you can find those used on craigslist for less than 1500 for a smaller or an older one. I've been told you can get a zodiac and a 9.9hp motor for around 3k.