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View Full Version : Columbia River

07-25-2008, 11:01 PM
Anyone flyfishing the columbia right now .Can't figure out which fly to use could use some help thanks in advance

07-26-2008, 09:35 AM
Not sure what part of the Columbia you are fishing. However, the lower reaches, in BC, those from the Hugh Keenlyside Dam, south to the US border, is extremely flashy, for flyfishing this time of the year. There is an over abundance of moths feeding the fish, when ever the fish are hungry.

Use a small caddis fly, or similar pattern, keep it high and dry in the back eddies. I have much better success spinning with a ghost minnow, or other similar small rapalla type silver lure. Almost forgot, you gotta be out as the sun rises or sets also, not much activity during the heat of the day. But there is always some.

Good Luck, stay safe and enjoy.